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Everything posted by MutoManiac

  1. Choose magnetic, you get more elements/status effects that way.
  2. In circuit as well. They should make eximus drop riven slivers, credits, endo, mods, etc.
  3. I watched the whole thing and claimed the first one as soon as it was ready. I didn’t know we could get 2. Just checked my inventory and I was pleasantly surprised, I got 2. Phew!
  4. Thank you for the recap, lots of good stuff. Glad to hear the news on your health.
  5. Hi DE, I'm sure this has been reported a million times, but here it is again. See images below. When in razorwing, Titania vacuums up loot that does not disappear. It hangs around looking gigantic and I have to switch out of razorwing (sometimes even that doesn't work) which makes you vulnerable at higher levels. If you could fix it, that would be great. Thank you.
  6. Isn't it that way because people might have multiple accounts? As long as they don't interact, you can have more than one account.
  7. I guess I don’t know how to use Rhino who dies constantly so I never pick him. Let me clarify, I do great with him and he seems unstoppable until something kills me out of the blue. I haven’t figured out what does it, but is annoying enough that it’s an easy skip for me. I do just find in SPC up to levels 1000+ with Loki, Ash, Stalker, Khora, Protea, Nova, Zephyr, Titania, Revenant and of course Wukong. This is in a squad of course since solo takes too long. I think any frame is viable if you know how to play them well. For the Jackal, I have no idea why people don’t go into void mode when he shoots his lasers. If you do, you can stay put and it becomes a quick easy round.
  8. And someone should know what a side objective is, rather than thinking it’s just another resource to gather right? Some people are just perfect, I don’t know how you can stand to be in the presence of us flawed humans.
  9. If you want Samaris standing to be easier, an old trick is to fly in archwing to temple of profit. If you get about 150 meters away, you’ll get spawns and they don’t move, so they are easy to scan. If you get too close they move. You can get about 15 scans, fly far enough away to reset, come back and rinse and repeat.
  10. Oh, I know there are other good games, but mostly they are garbage. The issue is that after 4-10 hours, you are done and there really is no reason to play them again. One of the big reasons I play WF is because there is tons to do and they keep adding more stuff. I’m glad you found something you like, have fun.
  11. The reason there is a lot to do is because you are supposed to only engage with the parts you like. If you have OCD and need to complete everything every day, then that’s unfortunate. And you can’t really say a game is bad if you engaged with it for 3000 hours. If a game is bad, I know within the first 10 mins. Take a break and play other games which are mostly garbage in comparison and then you might reconsider coming back. GL
  12. It usually happens when a new update releases. Happened to me with Zariman and with Duviri.
  13. IMO his signature weapons are fantastic. The ammo nerf though, made the Akarius almost unusable and used to be only viable using Primed Sure Footed or it would land you on your ass almost every time. It has homing rockets and crazy AOE damage. Before I got PSF, I used to jump first and then shoot or it would knock you down. The Acceltra is still one of the best weapons in the game (shoots Plasma rockets) although ammo drum, etc. are needed. I have a crit build with a pretty good riven and I used it until the 60% toxin Tenet Arca Plasmor and the Boar incarnon showed up. Still an S-Tier weapon by any standard and I still bring it out doing low level SP missions. It’s so much fun seeing Grineer fly all over the place when you hit them with it.
  14. You could always look at what is available before loading into the circuit and only do it on hard mode when you are comfortable with the offerings. When I don’t like the frames for SP, I just go solo and get clamps instead or do one round of circuit on normal to reset the choices. As for people complaining, they just don’t have any manners, but that’s about 50% of the population. It is a game just for fun isn’t it? The ones complaining in game probably couldn’t hold their own, so are mad that you can’t help them more. I personally revive people a lot, but that’s fine as it makes for more of a challenge since SP in a squad is pretty easy.
  15. I like both those frames, but absolutely, since I usually mod for speed anyway, the extra boost is just annoying unless it’s open spaces.
  16. If sexy is your thing, we have a good looking Ash and I forget the skin name, but it’s the ninja looking one without the penis face. The default one though has handles on his hips seen from the back, so there’s that, lol.
  17. What? It doesn’t scale with ability strength? I thought it did, so I’m going to relearn and rework my Wukong build if it doesn’t, so thanks for bringing that up. For the OP, yes a stronger twin would be great, but to be honest, mine still kicks a lot of a$$. I thought it was because I run a high strength Wukong, but now my mind is blown if strength doesn’t affect the twin. Wiki time. Edit from wiki: Health multiplier is affected by Ability Strength. Damage multiplier is not affected by mods. Looks like I'll need to tweak my build.
  18. They didn’t do anything after the ammo nerf crying, so you think they will change this? FOMO is sadge, I just don’t get it.
  19. Easiest I’ve found was to use use Ash with a decent amount of health and armor. He can be invisible most of the time, by spamming his 2 and isn’t made of paper like Loki and slow like Ivara. If you have his augment, you have 150% more crit while invisible. You can also use his 1 to strip armor. Then equip a Felarx and hit them in the head. Any of the incarnon weapons will do, but try to get good rivens for them which will also help. GL
  20. I have simple needs, I'm hoping for guns with lots of ammo and more flying frames 😉
  21. When I used it, it seemed that it would increase damage as tougher enemies showed up. A scalable damage dealer? Need to test more to see whether it's just the galvanized mods kicking in.
  22. It’s very good and has lots of ammo. ‘Nuff said.
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