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Everything posted by The_Royal_Elf_Mika

  1. Switch has both of them on sale.
  2. ya, i agree with both of you. the only thing i can 100% say is nyx is a easy choice in content like steelpath circuit, if you have a good weapon or teammates with good weapons. her immortality is also awful due to how slow you move with it (assimilate). but atleast with Nyx VS Xaku, nyx can bring something to the table thats "viable" unlike ember, especially since Chaos effects Eximus indirectly and can have a extreme duration/affect duration with the Chaos Sphere mod.
  3. so if i merge a legendary 1 and a mastery 5, i will still be legendary 1 even if i choose a account other than my switch account as the primary? "When you choose to merge, you select one of your linked accounts to be the Primary Account associated with your Mission and Quest progress. Your Resources, Arsenal, Currencies, etc. from other Secondary Accounts will be merged into your Primary Account. Quest progress on your Primary Account will be the same as it was pre-merge.
  4. atleast Nyx has immortality and gigantic crowd control.
  5. i agree 100%. i kept trying to like ember, but she has too many issues, gauss is 1000x better with very similar (more like flat out superior) capabilities and like 1000x better user input.
  6. another question, if you have 1 account at legendary 1 and you make a mastery 5 account your primary, what is your mastery rank in the end?
  7. i 100% agree that exalted weapons should be allowed to use every mod. if the semi-exalted weapons became true exalted weapons, i do think they would need a stat buff and probably other buffs too. also, semi exalted weapons are about to get stronger since melees are getting arcanes, i highly doubt normal exalted weapons are getting the ability to use them, rip garuda's talons. id also like to see Titania's razor flies become a exalted pet or something instead of being a semi-exalted. Razor flies actually use a stat stick too. (titania's archmelee) realistically titania needs a rework. to make her 2 more user friendly (like Grendel) and to rework her razor flies. (id say probably rework her melee too)
  8. if exalted weapons had the ability to use half the mods that makes melees strong, sure. but i honestly think they would be pretty bad as a normal exalted, since they cant use Bloodrush or weeping wounds and a lot of other mods that make it as strong as it is. examples: also, remember, several of the Exalted weapon frames have insane ability augments that are FAR FAR better than the whipclaw augment Edit: these are to show how insane the base stats usely are for exalted weapons, the fact that their arsenal numbers can get that high proves how stat hungry they are without some vital mods. ^^^^ i agree 100% these abilities would need a rework if they didnt have the stat sticks, even as exalted weapons, they for 1, require recasting over and over and also require A LOT of buffs to be even usable, even with a normal melee, the semi exalted weapons are awful, they need a statstick to work in high end content. (i also dont do endurance, i just do steelpath). i 100% support a rework of semi exalted weapons, though imo A LOT of other frames need reworks first.
  9. literally just tested without a melee on level 70 non steelpath grineer gunners and it does not hit for 200k again, i said WITHOUT a melee. Edit: it does like 70 damage VS level 70 grineer (non steelpath)
  10. i was reading the Q&A for cross save and i read this: "Any Platinum purchased on Nintendo Switch Warframe profiles will not be accessible on other platforms. On PC, Xbox and PlayStation, you will have a shared wallet, meaning that Platinum purchased on those platforms will be available across those platforms. You may still access and spend your Platinum while logged into your Warframe Cross Platform Save Account on Nintendo Switch. Any Items or Customizations purchased with this Platinum will also be automatically accessible while logged in on other platforms. However, you must log in via the Nintendo Switch to spend any Platinum specifically purchased on that platform." if i was on PC with my Nintendo account, would i be able to buy Platinum on PC? are accounts staying "platform" based or will accounts be made universal? aka will i still be a (NSW) Account, will accounts stay tethered to their original systems?
  11. im guessing this is a platform issue, since platforms usely dont like free advertisements. like, it would of been easy to do "this package is only purchasable on ____ platform, but can be used on all platforms once purchased". i 1000% bet this would generate a lot more money, atm the current decision kinda makes these worthless now unless its the platform you are maining. Edit: by platform issue, i mean like how Nintendo accounts cant use plat from nintendo on other platforms while every other platform has a shared wallet. "Any Platinum purchased on Nintendo Switch Warframe profiles will not be accessible on other platforms. On PC, Xbox and PlayStation, you will have a shared wallet, meaning that Platinum purchased on those platforms will be available across those platforms."
  12. Yareli should be allowed to use primaries on Merulina, for one thing there was a huge push for using all 3 of your weapons, but Yareli is forced to use only secondaries, also she is the master of K-Drives, she should have the ability to be proficient with both primaries and secondaries while on Merulina. also, if you want to use weapons like, Kunai (Incarnon), Vasto (incarnon), etc. you are unable to use their best evolution: "Deathtrap Trigger". please let Yareli use Primaries along with Secondaries. (i honestly think it would be fun to use a bow on Yareli, like the Cinta).
  13. if you have a hound, this is a great passive way to weaken overguard: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Null_Audit "The Hound utilizes the same Aura and Abilities as an Eximus enemy for 60s, while stripping its Overguard by 50%."
  14. the blue shard needs a bit of a buff imo, i would also like to see shard combining as a second option to tau shards, so if you get unlucky you can still use basic shards to get tau forged. i think trading is probably a bad idea though.
  15. i tested, it uses A LOT of energy if you melee enemies while invisible.
  16. With how easy it is to silence weapons, i really think Ivara should not have the energy per hit penalty on melee hits while using Prowl. It would add more gameplay variety to her if she didn't get punished heavily for using melees while invisible.
  17. Your welcome! Ya, the low gravity can be fun, until you try to get through small areas or through areas with 1000s of things you can get stuck on. I hope your able to get the mod!
  18. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Controlled_Slide https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Anchored_Glide these mods exist, so it is possible also, Voruna exists who has no passive by default, so its definitely possible
  19. she is a frame that needs a Rework imo. not because she is bad, but her abilities have been power crept (mainly night form). atm, her night form isnt really good at what its supposed to do, the sleep is much worse than Baruuk's Helminth sleep and her AoE damage reduction is much worse than Gloom (it has uncapped drain and Ability falloff). her 4 is also, not that useful in night form, it gives a massive boost to healing when deactivated, but its overkill healing, this ability would be much better imo if it was a AoE damage reduction ability or a Heal over Time ability. then there is also the thing where she is rewarded for not changing forms, since changing forms turns off her abilities and forces you to have to rebuild the effects back up. (her 4 does have a augment that lets it stay active, but that should be a base kit thing). i really like equinox's design, but she badly needs a rework to fix a lot of issues she has (mainly in night form). atm the current meta for her is to ignore her night form completely and instead put gloom on her 1 while in Day Form.
  20. i have the strun, its one of my favorite incarnons, it just has forced impact on direct hit/AoE. its not rocket science. as someone who has a War with -100% impact, forced impact from weapons happens regardless of stats, its a hidden modifier on the weapon itself. i made this mistake in the past, asking "why is my war doing impact damage even though i have no impact" its because forced procs happen regardless of your status chance and happen on hit even if the element isnt even on the weapon.
  21. the awesome thing with volt is his speed boost stacks with Wisp, so just with 2 people, you can massively speed up the drone. Edit:(atleast im 99% sure it does, have been doing Plague Star with a Volt/Wisp combo)
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