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Everything posted by (PSN)Adeak

  1. So if you merge an account that doesn't have all of its slots filled, even if only filled with junk, you will at least partially screw yourself. On a related note, I have just significantly screwed myself, both with that and not doing some mission grinding so I could get some duplicate rewards. I mean, my other account had next to no progress on it, but I could have at least scored a few extra warframe and weapon slots. Well, that's on me I guess. Some is better than none.
  2. You... you do realize that these two directly contradict each other? Why not leave the casual players alone and just keep SP in? This is NOT a fix. This is objectively a quality-of-life DOWNGRADE. And of course there's still no mention of a fix for stealth attacks being broken on the new enemies, or the melee aiming bug that's been around since Echoes of Duviri. They're not even on the known issues list.
  3. The one saving grace is that it was McDonalds itself that paid for the wiki vandalism, and DE isn't likely to do that. Though it does open the door for Fandom to be bribed into mucking about with any page.
  4. What if it's a companion we can help revive? I mean, It's not nearly as important anymore, but it's still nice to do and see.
  5. Why not just... you know... let us keep the ones we already had instead???
  6. The store cycles its content, and tasks to rank up are both missable and occasionally gated behind story progression. Not to mention the one that requires you to have/get an active Lich/Sister. Fortunately, they've at least announced that some of the BS is getting reduced or removed. Though not quite enough in my eyes. For the OP's image, no change to the HoA one, but Cache Hunter will soon be changed to getting six caches regardless of how many Sab missions you do. One cache in six missions, three in two, whatever.
  7. Not that it in any way justifies this insanity, but some of the more popular twitch browser (BTTV, FrankerFace, etc) extensions do include an auto-claim feature for drops.
  8. Why in the Void would you wait until minutes before the first stream to post this?
  9. Flawed Mods meanwhile, are explicitely being taken away from us.
  10. Congratulations whale. You paid to not play, and you got what you paid for.
  11. Any response to the rest of the issues people are bringing up? The desire to keep Flawed Mods and Mk1 weapons as they are? The desire for Universal Loot Radar and Vacuum? What a colossally-bad idea it is to direct new players to the open-world areas?
  12. There was some discussion on the wiki recently about Danse Macabre and whether or not it has any Punch Through, with different users reporting different experiences with it. Then this happened: PS4, running the latest hotfix.
  13. I am constantly wasting time shooting less obviously-friendly spectres. And I'd definitely love a more visually-apparent way to mark Thralls so my squadmates don't kill them. Especially when I've managed to whittle down an eximus' overguard without just murdering them. Why is that even a thing? By all means, have an option for that, but shouldn't skins be purely cosmetic? This. This needs to happen. I still try to jump over it sometimes, even when my brain is going "No you idiot, we know that doesn't work!". It's muscle memory at this point, and I know that I need to unlearn it, but this would still help immensly.
  14. I would like to also bring attention to this and invoke Grod's Law: "You can not and should not balance bad mechanics by making them annoying to use."
  15. I mean, that can easily fall into the same problem. They could fix it by making it based on how much of your max you've regenned since your late gate.
  16. I somehow missed this the first time around. Are you trying to make this game less friendly to new players?
  17. Which basically makes it worthless. Sure, you could get max gate duration if you take one massive hit, but if you happen to get brought down to single-digit shields before having them finished then you're screwed.
  18. Always nice to see the word "Necramech" popping up in lists of removed content. But you seem to have missed one of the Necramech NW challenges: getting 100 kills with one.
  19. KEEP FLAWED MODS! Some of those are genuinely useful. Max-Rank Flawed Flow (+72% energy at 5 Drain) is actually much better than the regular version (+50% energy at 5 drain) for low-level builds that can't afford the extra drain yet.
  20. To all of the people talking about how (rightly) disappointed they still are despite the fact that they've supported this game for years, or even bought one of these packs:
  21. So much has changed that you may as well treat it as if you were starting a brand new game. It would be easier to list what hasn't changed. For information on specific Warframes, maybe check out NovaUmbral on youtube. His videos on specific frames go over their entire history, so you can walk away with a not-terrible understanding of some of the major sweeping changes. And of course, there's the wiki.
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