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Which Warframe was the worst when it was FIRST released?


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14 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Most frames were usually op. But if I had to wager, I'd say its a tossup between Zephyr and Nezha. 

I think Nezha and wukong. Not cause the where bad, but because the came out way too fast, went mostly unnoticed for ages, had no quests, and where basically forced from that Asian company that owns 70% of DE 

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Wukong and Nezha, DE's hated children went untouched since their release except for some band-aid augments and are not surprisingly on the bottom of the most used frames along with atlas

Edited by Lenyatta
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14 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

Pull augment that no longer work for allies

Actually no. Mesa's release didn't do this. 

This came I think around the time mesa got her ability changed, but mesa's original release was ages and ages ago and was very successful. 

That's what op was asking. Original releases of frames. Not changes

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I personally have not been hyped for a single frame since Titania. 

So imo, all frames since her have had meh releases.

Before that, imo equinox had a bad release cause of the insane farming and how hard it was to build it. For a long time, no one could figure out which way to build it

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I have two opinions on the matter:

When it comes to a Warframe's powers on release, Limbo was the worst due to how horribly trolly his abilities were.

When it comes to just their overall release, our worm king Nidus is by far the worst release we've ever had. To start, due to being rushed out before DE went on their Christmas break, he was given one of the most boring and lazy quests we had ever seen up to that point (one interesting mission followed by four of the same tedious Index missions with arbitrary restrictions that could cause players to end up losing hundred of thousands of credits and a spy mission thrown in), he started DE's new trend of trying to force players to just purchase 'Frames instead of grinding for them taking away guaranteed 'Frame part blueprints from doing the quest and just throwing them into random missions with terrible RNG to try "padding out" the content, he brought one of the most boring game modes from one of the worst parts of the Jordas Verdict Trial into the Star Chart, he brought forth a plague that we had no way to cure till later and still have no way to prevent, and worst of all, since this was all rushed out before DE could leave for their break, all bugs that came with the update had to wait for DE to return before they could be addressed, and while not all were game breaking, two in particular led to some extreme annoyances:

  1. While deciding what to do with Neewa and her condition, the Sun and Moon choices were flipped, so players were receiving "morality" that went against their choice, and when DE returned, they were able to fix the mistake for those who hadn't finished the quest, but for those who did? Nothing could be done.
  2. The damned Hema Mutagen Sample requirement. When asked about it after they returned, DE admitted to the 5,000 Mutagen Samples needed being a mistake and had planned to fix it, only to have second thoughts when the big clans started crying about "buh muh inverstmernt!" Needless to say, DE buckled under the one percent of clans that had enough stockpiled from farming in the Derelict long before the update to finish the research day one, but also started making plans to increase Mutagen Sample drop rates for those of us who had issues with the terrible Grind DE had decided to keep in. ...Only to shortly after take a stance of "If these clanss could do it, you can to, so suck it up, buy a booster, get a Desecrating Nekros and Pilfering Hydroid, and head to the Derelict, 'cause it's raining Mutagen Samples there."

So all in all, while Limbo was probably the worst 'Frame on release in regards to starting abilities, Nidus is by far the 'Frame with the worst release overall since he was the beginning of many bad trends and decisions by DE.

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Il y a 2 heures, Arniox a dit :

Actually no. Mesa's release didn't do this. 

This came I think around the time mesa got her ability changed, but mesa's original release was ages and ages ago and was very successful. 

That's what op was asking. Original releases of frames. Not changes

I mean Mesa's ult was bad enough on release to require all these changes a few week later.

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3 hours ago, Arniox said:

I think Nezha and wukong. Not cause the where bad, but because the came out way too fast, went mostly unnoticed for ages, had no quests, and where basically forced from that Asian company that owns 70% of DE 

Eh once people found out Wukong was immortal they flocked over to him.

Nezha didn't find his niche till he got a few augments. Same with Zephyr. And her rework allowed you to shoot enemies caught in her tornados so that was a huge QoL change. That's why I mainly picked those two. 

Titania and Limbo were also good picks but everyone had vacuum so getting rifted wasn't always a huge issue with getting loot. Limbo had his own niche as a solo frame as well and worked very well in that aspect so he wasn't completely broken as a lot of people think. And Titania was still solid despite her wonky hit detection. 

Though console always got frames after PC spent a month testing so that's probable reason for the divide in opinion. 

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14 hours ago, Pair_Of_Socks said:

Revenant is really the first frame I was around to see released that I thought, "this is pathetic" he just looks cool, I think DE is just running out of ideas. His 1 is lame, that or it doesn't work for me cuz I saw no use for it, his 2 maybe is useful but I'm not really in the market for survivability, his 3 big whoop, and his 4 is just a sexy Squidward ripoff. Hopefully Garuda isn't a buzzkill

Lol. Wow. You must not be playing him right. Revenant is arguably one of Warframes best new generation frames. His one is ok, used in the right context and it's fantastic (thrall gunners or bombards)

His 2 not only blocks damage, it stuns enemies that melee or range you. How can you say that is lame? And it gets stronger with power strength. His 3 is Hydroids 3, only it lets you "steal health and shields from enemies it passes through". So just with his 2 & 3 alone, his survivability went way up.

His 4 strips armor, and scales with power strength. It does a lot of damage. And you can increase the damage even further by holding down trigger.

I don't know which Revenant frame you are talking about, but the one I play (with the build I play) is literally one of the best frames I have ever played. He is pretty much top tier to me right now.

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I have been playing for a short time, but in all MMOs, Diablo etc. and FPS like Overwatch rule is simple, when a new character is added - it is always boosted, so that players want to play it. Only later come the nerfs, as in the case of MAG, which I chose because I liked it visually (and I had no knowledge about Warframes).

Now I think it was Limbo

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Oberon was pretty bad when he was released and he has quite a history of buffs that had to be made before he got to this point. 

At release his damage was bad, his healing was overshadowed by Trinity, and he didn't have much survivability. He didn't really do anything new or better than others. It was just a mix of mediocre abilities.

All of those things have been fixed thankfully.

Edited by (PS4)Double991
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Il y a 19 heures, DeMonkey a dit :


Nothing's changed...

  Masquer le contenu

Should have clarified that I mean ''worst design''.


I feel you. I so want him to be good. And to have a good looking staff instead of the glowing oiece of ass he has now. 

As far as release frame being worst, my money is on Khora not because of her kit but because most of her abilities didn't work when she was release. She was bugged as S#&$. She got unbugged and slightly buffed and now she's a champ imo. Very fun. 

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Nezha had the worst release by far...

Acquisition: Sortie reward (back when 2k endo was still a thing, so it took a LONG ass time to get him)

Powers: Very weak, base health and shield of SEVENTY FIVE each


He was written off in less then a week and is still barely used because of it

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On ‎2018‎-‎08‎-‎28 at 12:56 AM, Fukushu said:


Very well put. I do want to say my clan got Hema recently with 3 1/2 players in only 3 days, its a hard grind but very possible.

Ironically I did Nidus questline with Limbo. Index 1 point, guard their goal, win. 




Surprised anyone is saying Zephyr, were you there? Zephyr mains from that time will tell you otherwise. Parkour didn't exist yet, she was fast, bullet proof, and a decent cc, slam attacks didn't exist either, her dive bomb was great. But parkour came very soon after.... destroying her.

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On ‎2018‎-‎08‎-‎28 at 12:58 PM, Aleksundar said:

Nezha had the worst release by far...

Acquisition: Sortie reward (back when 2k endo was still a thing, so it took a LONG ass time to get him)

Powers: Very weak, base health and shield of SEVENTY FIVE each


He was written off in less then a week and is still barely used because of it

dont think we were using endo until later. I could have sworn he was removed before that change.

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