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Which Warframe was the worst when it was FIRST released?


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When I think worse release, I think Atlas. Just about everyone seemed to hate him on release. His stone wall could block allies from entering rooms and the hit detection on the sides of it made it difficult to use as cover as it would block your bullets 2. It fell apart fast under enemy fire because it didn't absorb damage for the first few seconds on cast like it does now. His 3 was a channeled ability that limited your mobility and took anywhere from 2 seconds to 20 seconds to turn an enemy to stone, during which time they could shoot you because you were a sitting duck. His 4 was useless because the AI was terrible and their health and armor didnt scale with power strength, armor, health, or shield mods so they died very easy. And his one, which is loved by the community now, initially didn't scale with melee mods, so It was useless for anything but beginner content. Also, his base armor was surprisingly really low, despite the fact that he was a brawler/rock themed frame and at the time prettified enemies dropping health and armor boosts on death wasn't a thing so he was basically a brittle rock. Also, i remember everyone complaining that he had no neck, so he couldn't even rely on good looks to get some love back then. Looking back, he's been massively improved since release.


...Except the neck thing. That stayed the same.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)ChiefDevilEggs said:

So I am seeing pretty negative reviews for Revenant so far, so that has me thinking... which Warframe has had the worst release so far, and for what reason? Was it too over/underpowered? Was it’s abilities simply not up to par? Chime in! ^_^

Do Prime Releases Count? Because if they do, Vauban Prime is the absolute worst considering a large portion of the community quit after that.

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Revenant is really the first frame I was around to see released that I thought, "this is pathetic" he just looks cool, I think DE is just running out of ideas. His 1 is lame, that or it doesn't work for me cuz I saw no use for it, his 2 maybe is useful but I'm not really in the market for survivability, his 3 big whoop, and his 4 is just a sexy Squidward ripoff. Hopefully Garuda isn't a buzzkill

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There was no other frame so hated after release than Oberon. after a week or two his kit was just useless above lvl 30 and I really mean useless.

his 4 was all ppl could use and we waited over 2+yrs for any related fixes  for his other abilities. his 1 was the worst ability DE has ever put in the game. that ability even when on top of the enemy at point blank range would totally miss and float away like a balloon.

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4 hours ago, SilverRook said:

then you are playing khora wrong.

khora is my go to frame for CC on survivals and defense for her strangle dome. at 275% range 🙂

strangledome grabs them then you ensnare the ones dangling and it rips the enemies from across the map and dangles them for you 🙂

the ensnare and whipclaw combo is devestating and it can even ensnare boss types.

venari is the only thing about khora thats pretty useless 🙂

khora does have great CC but it really is terrible for survival because she slows down kills per second tremendously. Within 10 minutes of a Khora on my kuva survival team using her high range dome--even with a nekros!--our team was forced to extract because the enemies were swinging and dangling around in the sky or stuck on the other side of walls/tunnels instead of getting killed. I guess if a mindful Khora used the dome when it was needed only, then maybe? But as of right now I can't really say that she is a great team player if you want to utilize her entire kit constantly... especially with 275% range on the dome; goodbye kps and life support modules. Also yes, I do own her and have her maxed out.

Khora's 4 is a cool concept but it's more of a hindrance to the team than a proper CC everyone can benefit from. Best to bring a Frost or Limbo instead to protect objective/squat points.


Editing this to say that I played another mission yesterday with two Khoras and a Nekros. Separate instance from my first experience with a Khora in the squad. With two of those domes up at all times we had to extract at 23 minutes. With 1 Khora maybe it's not so bad.. but if you have a double-mallet Octavia (or basically anything else that can kill quickly and efficiently) on the team then the domes are just not useful. The enemies don't shoot the mallet anymore (or your damage frames can't easily hit the enemies) and kps drops significantly immediately when that dome is up. I guess just be mindful of who is on your team and work with them instead of against them (and everyone else)? I was playing Octavia that mission and can comfortably go a long, long time in kuva survival with double mallets... but not when half or even 1/4th of the team is actively preventing my mallets from doing their job. I've seen a Zephyr get more kills than Khora without any danger of running out of life support... and that's saying something.

Well, if Khora's dome isn't really useful in survival then you're bound to have some post up on the forums about how one Khora player was bored because the rest of their team didn't really need them at all... and that is where Khora sits right now. She's just not needed and slows down the entire process when compared to other viable damage/defense frames. She makes it harder to kill enemies when they are dragged into the dome which directly results in less life support for the squad. This isn't to say that she is terrible or anything but... idk, I wouldn't take her to longer survivals if I intended to use her whole kit. My team would probably say something about it after I used it and life support % dropped the first 3-4 times anyway.

I swear she would've been cooler if her pet was a metal spider. It could crawl around the dome and suck the life out of enemies, applying viral/toxin procs or something with the added benefit of lifesteal towards anyone inside the dome. Ensare would be like the metal webbing from the spider too. How dope would that be? But yeah, Khoras get a metal Kavat with the same basic AI as every other pet. zzz Hope she gets some tweaks soon because she's got the potential to be really amazing if it weren't for the wonky dome pulls and suspension.

Edited by Sesaline
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The reason for the warframes now comeing out to be garbage is all the crybabys on the forams that got the nuke frames nurfed now the devs are only gonna release show and tell makeing this game fall more and more to garbage im seriously about to find another game to play after 5 years ive seen frames nurfed that did not need to be all because people cryed they was not getting kills sad thing is it aint about the kills its about the afinity another had gotten from that killer frame and the drops 

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Khora sucked, but at least she didn't actively hinder her allies with her abilities.  Limbo, on the other hand, was disgraceful. Disallowing pick ups and not being able to escape getting banished were dumber than S#&$ on a short bus.

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9 hours ago, Kaotyke said:



Just when we thought that we got rid of the press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3... of Nekros, DE launches a Warframe that you have to do 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1....

Yes thats kinda how hotkeys work. 

But I guess you'd prefer 12345. Its easier to remember. 

Edited by CupcakesMoo
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Thumbs down to limbo even to this day the void rift holds any throwing weapon you threw. So that melee only challenge mode in sorties don't bring a throwing one if its not on solo cuz it's a cataclysm catastrophe and it will leave you defenceless if you run in to limbo poor mag you'll feal lucky to pull your way threw.

Edited by (XB1)StonelessToe34
Miss spelling
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9 hours ago, SilverRook said:

then you are playing khora wrong.

That is a valid retort now (seriously, good on ya for making her work), but this is a thread about "Which Warframe was the worst when it was FIRST released?" And Khora was flat-out busted and non-functional during her first week of life. Your Ensnare/Whipclaw combo, while powerful now, literally did not function upon release; Venari did somehow even less damage than she does now, and Strangledome was weaker than Vauban's Bastille for more energy

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2 hours ago, (XB1)StonelessToe34 said:

Thumbs down to limbo even to this day the void rift holds any throwing weapon you threw. So that melee only challenge mode in sorties don't bring a throwing one if its not on solo cuz it's a cataclysm catastrophe and it will leave you defenceless if you run in to limbo poor mag you'll feal lucky to pull your way threw.

The sentence structure on this.....

But after you get past that, your incorrect. Stasis no longer freezes projectiles.

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Khora and Revenant certainly. 

Khora: released like a sanctuary garbage, no dedicated mission to see about your history, just go and take it like some normal thing. 

Bad skills and pet system, press one key to see your metal kavat doing some useless tricks against a single target? Nah thx.

She feels more like a lingerie girl with some toys than a respectable hunter... whip? Strangledome? Chains? Next step is forcing the grineer to say "I'm a bad boy" ?

And revenant, in paper is the god, but in practice you only have the 4. That 1 don't bring any utility, 2 it's bad designed because when the charges out you can't notice and die. Skill 3 drains a lot of energy to dash with the ugly smoke effect (smoke in a perfect square? Rly?). And the 4 it's powerfull but booring, i want to play and not to sit while i see my frame doing some ballet tricks.

Oh, and Limbo for sure, for the worst idea. Stasis? Lmao


It's just my opinion,  anyway thanks DE for your awesome work, but please don't ignore that problems.

Edited by Peter
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Khora. Without any shadow of a doubt.

A frame that needed and got a rework before release, and another one merely a week after release. That already sais something.

And on top of all other useless abilities she had a glorious example of "shipping S#&$ blindly", as Steve put it - a cat desentegrating trying to attack a Nully... Pure genius.

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