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Chroma needs a rework


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The more time goes on, the more I play chroma in eso and other endgame modes, and thus the more frustration comes out of being in the dark on why DE finds him acceptable currently.

I love the potential Chroma has, but thats also the issue in itself... I should be loving Chroma as he is, not just astetics and not tolerating 1 or 2 mediocre skills.  Not when DE is capable of soooo much more.

I'm going to start pushing Chroma out of my list of usually played frames because it's not worth getting angry over, and the slight but always present stress of watching that d*** countdown timer without any "hey btw you're about to run out of your entire purpose" indicator... so that the single ability that contributes most to my team doesn't go away, forcing me to attempt suicide again to get the buff up and pitch in... further becoming a liability if I'm downed while doing so.

I started playing Ash more heavily.  I've noticed this habit where I have a sudden moment of panic quickly looking down in the corner expecting to see that countdown gone or about to run out like I do when I get fixated on something happening in the actual game and forget about it due to "fun"... then I have this moment of calming clarity where I remember hey... Warframes other than chroma can be fun without penance and you can enjoy your time playing with them instead of freaking out and checking the timer every 40 seconds or so.  I may be damaged.

I'm now referring to this as Vex Timer Stress Disorder or VTSD 

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10 hours ago, Spectre-8 said:

Half of the warframes need a rework , welcome to the club .

You're not wrong, and I would like to politely point out two things if I may.  Please humor me for the sake of discussion.  Anyone please feel free to answer.

1. How many other warframes have recieved reworks or qol changes out of the total?  (how many frames have also received multiple reworks and/or qol changes)

2. Is Chroma on that list? ... and if so how many reworks or qol changes has he received?

The answers you find will lead to... when you compare and contrast Chroma with other Warframes... he has been ignored.  I wrote this objectively as the facts lead to this conclusion on their own without needing my own bias or personal desires included.

Disclaimer:  The Chroma Eidolon "nerf" is technically a change yes, but no it's not a kit/ability rework or qol change.  It was simply fixing an unintended mistake per DE.  Just like Saryns recent change and DE's mistake with miasma's damage.  Where the difference lies is ...Saryns recent multiplier change in fact altered the synergy between using spores and miasma, -becoming less powerful to fix the mistake-  *but then* the rework/qol change comes with the further additional 4x multiplier making her much more powerful when used in conjunction with spores.  That is a qol/rework to better the frame and it's kit and I hope my attempt to clarify the difference is successful.

Edited by Conflux59
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On 2018-09-14 at 4:16 PM, AgentSkye said:

Yeah, when I saw the codex leak I immediately noticed the description of Effigy saying that it "strengthens nearby allies" and thought that was an upcoming tweak because that's not something Effigy has ever done.

I propose that Effigy actually does strengthen nearby tenno. psychologically.

Seeing effigy reminds other players that they are not chroma and have more than 2 abilities, leading them to be more resourceful in how they employ their > 2 abilities.

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I love Chroma, but I feel his abilities don't represent the idea " Dragon Base Warframe". These are my ideas for a rework for Chroma:

Passive- Add In: Enemies that are exposed to Chroma's elemental damaging abilities explode over time. Also, enemies that survive are stunned for a few seconds.

1st Ability- Spectral Scream (Dragon's Roar):When first activated, he roars with a shockwave of elemental damage in front of him knocking enemies down and then dealing damage over time. (Make sure to provide a decent level of range to this ability.)

2nd Ability- Elemental Ward: No changes

3rd Ability- Vex Armor: Chroma lures or forces enemies to attack him while Vex Armor is active. All damage is reduced and converted to his armor and shields. Also, enemies effected by Vex Armor take more elemental damage.

4th Ability- Effigy: He sheds his armor, creating a Dragon Golem that attacks enemies nearby. With this, Chroma gets increased movement speed & parkour and increased health with a reduction to his armor. Now, if you die Effigy will take flight towards Chroma and resurrect him, but not after crashing down on the area dealing elemental damage in the area. Or you can create a elemental shockwave when you recall the armor.


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On 2018-10-25 at 4:48 PM, maddragonmaster said:

i see your point. though i meant to say when using my idea was to have all abilities that benefit from the element of choice be shut off when a switch happens to avoid that mess. but then again an idea of an augment has came into my mind titled "chromatic chaos" and it is a effigy augment that goes like this "allows you to tell you effigy to switch to this element by having effigy out and doing the hold 4 down and press 1,2, or 3 button. which effigy will switch to that element for a fixed ammount of time. recalling effigy during this time will temporarily combine effigies element with chroma's main element creating a combo element."  and the image i have with like spectral scream having dual colored breath.

There’s no reason to make switching elements this tedius. However there’s no reason the colour mechanic can’t stay as it is to select your starting element while still allowing you to change elements using elemental ward. I dont See a problem with the element change being represented by an energy colour change either

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1 hour ago, BeardyKyle said:

There’s no reason to make switching elements this tedius. However there’s no reason the colour mechanic can’t stay as it is to select your starting element while still allowing you to change elements using elemental ward. I dont See a problem with the element change being represented by an energy colour change either

having the instant ability to choose which color you want without having to cycle through 4 elements possibly twice or 3 times considering idea of accidentally triggering a swap by just pressing this button, or holding the button, is more tedious? or is this going to be a problem on the controller? cause if it is then i'll understand, but just simply calling the idea i came up with tedious without  explaining why it would be tedious would be a bit confusing for me.

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2 hours ago, Spectre-8 said:

Other warframes have 1-2 strong moves ( if even ) .

Chroma has 2 strong moves , yet somehow he needs a rework  .


Not exactly.

Chroma has two buffs.  I say this to share perspective and discuss.  Not to be argumentitve for the sake of it.

Strong skill: Vex Armor

-Requires attempted suicide in order to get to its full potential.

-High energy demand

-Very short duration, even modded

-No timer countdown notification.  loses all scorn and fury buffs instead of any slow decrease over time or etc.

-Potentially taking a lot of match time and/or is almost impossible while playing with map wiping frames, so in many cases you're wasting a bunch of energy, buff time, and being useless to the team (needing to get damaged so obviously you aren't shooting the enemies) all at the same time which leads me to...

-A reliance on enemies

  1. Enemy presence.
  2. Reliance on that enemy making a specific action.
  3. Reliance on that enemies specific action being directed towards you (having agro) instead of another teammate or off staring at a wall
  4. A reliance on that enemy's aim mechanic itself as to physically connect their action to your warframe (if they miss it doesn't do anything for you correct? That coundown timer is still ticking away)
  5. Further, a reliance on that action connecting with enough damage and frequency to get through your (recharging) shields/sentinel and your health in order for the % to begin climbing/acruing. 

-Modded for the purpose, it still has very limited range for buffing teammates

-The buff instantly leaves teammates as soon as they move out of its short range, requiring you to keep up with them selflessly, or have them locked down to your area/requiring them instead to keep up with you if you play more selfishly.

Stressing this point... if you do not take the necessary damage to shields and health, the move isn't only doing nothing for you and your team, it's already drained energy and you are constantly occupying the slot of another player that could be currently assisting the team.  Better hurry and go get shot.

^ above is what you referred to as a strong move.  In fact sadly, the above is his strongest ability albeit objectively, but I dare say unanimously.  Yes other frames need attention and they're recently receiving it to some degree or another.  I'm happy for their fans sincerely. That being said... that's^ the bread and butter of the "master of the elements" dragon/knight themed warframe ...and to me that's more than enough to request attention.  I appreciate you reading through this.

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1 hour ago, Conflux59 said:


Chroma has 2 strong moves , which are buffs and if you want you can mod him for range . You can't have everything damage survivability and range on top of this , you have to give up something .

Also you can damage yourself , so you actually do not rely on enemies at all - i mean learn the mechanics already lol .




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1 hour ago, Spectre-8 said:

Chroma has 2 strong moves , which are buffs and if you want you can mod him for range . You can't have everything damage survivability and range on top of this , you have to give up something .

Also you can damage yourself , so you actually do not rely on enemies at all - i mean learn the mechanics already lol .




Thanks for putting me in my place.  I obviously need to go try to learning all the kroma mechanics more harderest.  I think you're really cool 👍

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6 hours ago, Dark_Chroma_Prime said:

more like one strong ability, EW is more a "I use it because it is a mediocre support ability". So I would say VA is the only good ability

that's pretty much why I use it.  Elemental Ward in my mind is this...  

It's there.  It could technically assist everyone that happens to be in range... to some degree even if it's a small amount.  It's not VA/Effigy expensive. 

*presses 2*  woo I'm helping


but honestly in the end, modifying EW is the least of chromas issues imo.  If they made it better, kool.  If they left it exactly as is, and vex armor wasn't touched... but 1 and 4 were given attention I'd be freaking overjoyed.

Edited by Conflux59
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