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Elite missions (not even released yet) and trolling concerns


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Thus far the proposition is something like 80+ starting enemies and zero revives. 

After yesterdays Rad sortie where some chump with a Frost and and Ignis ran into a rad field in then (I'm pretty darn sure) purposfully killed people preventing the hostage from being saved and failing the mission........ what exactly is being done to prevent that kind of behavior from making Elite missions a trolling paradise? 

Cause I'm reasonably sure it is currently possible to apply radiation damage to oneself which means all one would have to do to troll/grief an entire team is finish the mission wait at/near extraction and then kill your "teammates" one by one or all in one giant group. 

And if you think the trolls come out in force with Rad sorties you can bet your bottom dollar that they are going to come out for a mission type where in which if they can force a failure state on another player that will really make that other player truly RAGE...... that they are gonna do it. 


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7 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

If there exists such a method, aside from Orokin Death Lasers, I've never heard of it.

I was only pointing out that you did not read OP's post.
Self-inflicting radiation is not possible in the game, exactly to avoid troll players.

EDIT: by actually looking on the web it looks like there are/were some ways to proc radiation on yourself, but as I said, this is unintended, thus is going to be fixed asap.

Edited by Prepotenza
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I would consider to change how It works when its applied to teammates. Currently It works as when you get applied a radiation effect. You can dmg teammates & vice versa. How about just change It to only teammates can dmg you when you get the status effect & you can’t dmg others? I think this would reduce intentional friendly fire. It would still happen with the new change but atleast this time. It would actually be accidental.

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Isn't it intended still to pull from Sortie and Nightmare negative modifiers for Elite Alerts? I know several players, that despite a minority would love the Friendly Fire nightmare modifier to come back for random matches. Perhaps this will be the place.

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36 minutes ago, Oreades said:

what exactly is being done to prevent that kind of behavior from making Elite missions a trolling paradise? 

Recruit chat or teaming up with clan/alliance peeps is really the best solution. Yes I know it's the generic answer but I'd figure I'd beat other people to it.

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1 hour ago, Urlan said:

Isn't it intended still to pull from Sortie and Nightmare negative modifiers for Elite Alerts? I know several players, that despite a minority would love the Friendly Fire nightmare modifier to come back for random matches. Perhaps this will be the place.

And that's how you kill a game mode.

Seriously, no.

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2 hours ago, Urlan said:

Isn't it intended still to pull from Sortie and Nightmare negative modifiers for Elite Alerts? I know several players, that despite a minority would love the Friendly Fire nightmare modifier to come back for random matches. Perhaps this will be the place.


That.... That might be a bad idea. 

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2 hours ago, Xardis said:

I realy hope DE backs of and just disables self revives. Revives by teamates should stay, and it would even encourage modding for it.

The examples from the primetime showed DE Rebecca and Megan not being able to have any revives. Perhaps just that version or a built-in thing.

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Cyborg-Rox:

If there exists such a method, aside from Orokin Death Lasers, I've never heard of it.

Not being the host + having an abysmal ping + enjoying Nova's Antimatter Drop has a good chance to proc radiation on yourself on cast sweeping the map of every sign of live within seconds.

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Cyborg-Rox:

If there exists such a method, aside from Orokin Death Lasers, I've never heard of it.

Not being the host + having an abysmal ping + enjoying Nova's Antimatter Drop has a good chance to proc radiation on yourself on cast sweeping the map of every sign of live within seconds.

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2 hours ago, Xardis said:

I realy hope DE backs of and just disables self revives. Revives by teamates should stay, and it would even encourage modding for it.

The thing there is Operator mode effectively gives you infinite invulnerable revives, so if you're going to allow team revives you might as well not disable self revives either. At which point Elite Alerts might as well not even exist. 

Now, the thing I found personally amusing was back when Elites where first being pitched and they made a big point to tell people that Sacrifice/Reawaken wasn't going to be a "strategy" as if it was ever a realistic mechanic to have crutched on. What with the 10? Second bleedout and 90? second self revive on on of the squishiest Sentinels in the game. Even if you slathered Djin with every possible survival mod and you down.... it was going to get 2 shot and then where are you 😛

Edited by Oreades
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4 hours ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

If there exists such a method, aside from Orokin Death Lasers, I've never heard of it.

There are apparently a couple "loopholes" that still exist that need to be patched so the new game mode doesn't turn into troll central. 

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1 hour ago, Oreades said:

There are apparently a couple "loopholes" that still exist that need to be patched so the new game mode doesn't turn into troll central. 

You really think that enough people are gonna know about that, and put in the effort to constantly perform it, so much so that it's actually gonna be a noticeable problem?

Like, I can't even predict how ridiculously small the chance of such a troll happening is, because I've literally never experienced it after 4,000 hours of playing. But let's be generous and say that on average, you would experience it once every... 100 runs. That's nothing. Getting disconnected by host migrations would be a bigger problem than that.

But since you seem to think it's going to be more widespread than that, let's humor that thought as well. Say this troll thing starts gaining attention after people notice how to do it. Say that eventually, it would happen once every 10 runs, or less. At that point, I can 100% guarantee you that DE would consider that a serious problem that they would take action to prevent anyways.

So either way, in the end I don't think it's gonna be something to worry much about.

Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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4 hours ago, Xardis said:

I realy hope DE backs of and just disables self revives. Revives by teamates should stay, and it would even encourage modding for it.

You mean there would actually be plausible uses case where bleed out duration and +damage while bleeding out COULD actually maybe we worth a damn? Nah. That is crazy talk.

1 hour ago, Oreades said:

The thing there is Operator mode effectively gives you infinite invulnerable revives, so if you're going to allow team revives you might as well not disable self revives either.

So make an enemy type that can damage you in void mode call them void hunters or some like that and plop then in elite alerts. Call it a day. 

Edited by TheKazz91
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4 minutes ago, TheKazz91 said:

So make an enemy type that can damage you in void mode call them void hunters or some like that and plop then in elite alerts. Call it a day. 

1. You're evil.

2. I don't think that would work lore wise.

9 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

You really think that enough people are gonna know about that, and put in the effort to constantly perform it, so much so that it's actually gonna be a noticeable problem?

If they are true trolls they will find a way and spread it to other trolls, and they will constantly perform it. As for it being a noticeable problem; depends on how many players actually troll (in general) and how many are dumb enough to bring attention to it.

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15 minutes ago, AndouRaiton said:

1. You're evil.

2. I don't think that would work lore wise.

1. Thanks I do pride myself on offering the the sweet salty tears of lazy gamers to dark overlord of gaming. #saltforthesaltgod

2. I mean every time you go to mot you got Vor constantly droning on about how we dont know anything about the void and we dont belong there and all that jazz (I dont really pay that much attention to it TBH) so who's to say that Vor couldnt hook up some of his Greneer buddies with some void vision googles and some void laser guns? OR maybe there are void demons that are trying to posses the tenno now that they are older like they did with all the adults on the zerimin ten-0. Also they have already said that lore takes a back seat with other things like warframes need to be created by the Orokin for it to have a prime variant but all warframes will have a prime or an equivalent of a prime. 

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22 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

But since you seem to think it's going to be more widespread than that, let's humor that thought as well. Say this troll thing starts gaining attention after people notice how to do it. Say that eventually, it would happen once every 10 runs, or less. At that point, I can 100% guarantee you that DE would consider that a serious problem that they would take action to prevent.

So either way, in the end I don't think it's gonna be something to worry much about.

It shouldn't be reactionary, plug the leaks before ya put the boat on the water. 

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11 hours ago, Oreades said:

It shouldn't be reactionary, plug the leaks before ya put the boat on the water. 

This is not how DE is working. They will release poorly tested and/or designed content and may or may not cahnge it. I am sure you remember recent UI changes, which were partially rolled back after several updates. We are the quality controll. And there are a lot of problems with Elite Alerts, not only a possibility of trolling.

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