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Fix arbitration survival


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I feel like the modifier for survival should be more enemy spawns instead of less life support. this is bad because it adds artificial difficultly because you get so little capsules anyway..


having to live life support to life support is not fun and makes it feel tedious im not saying allow us to have to not use the capsules just use them a little less.


sorry for the poor spelling and grammar :D 

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So far, I have not had any problems with life support drops from enemies (arbitration), the only issue that I notice big time, is when the team splits apart, doing their own thing across the map. That is when life support starts to diminish. Whenever the teams are close within reach, enemy spawns are so much better and life support seems to drop more often, having been able to go through 40 minutes without issues, but has not been the case for a party that splits apart; always end up extracting at 10 min or 20 min mark. 

Though, it could just be my case.

Edited by saltygr33n
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I've never had an oxygen issue tbh. If you're having one, either you aren't in full squad, or you're kill rate is way too poor. And the kill rate can still make up for the first. I made it over one hour with just two people and still wasn't really having an issue with oxygen. If your kill rate is too poor, time to go take a look at your builds, dump some forma into your gear and level up them mods friendo.

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4 minutes ago, Chaosdreamer said:

No need to make it easier , just make ennemies more high level , aggresive ,add them extra bonus if you want but that oxygen issue is bad

Enemy Level is mostly insignificant in Warframe. Enemies already attack you on sight, how can they be more aggressive than that?
extra bonuses like.... tired Sortie Modifiers? most of them are just summed up to increasing the effective Level of them.

Edited by taiiat
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il y a 2 minutes, taiiat a dit :

Enemy Level is mostly insignificant in Warframe. Enemies already attack you on sight, how can they be more aggressive than that?
extra bonuses like.... tired Sortie Modifiers? most of them are just summed up to increasing the effective Level of them.

Making them more aggresive is not quite hard , they have to actually want to kill you instead of firing randomly one talking about corpus who probably have 1/10 chance to hit you or maybe even ennemies focusing on most weak member of squad , and Yea I was thinking like sortie modifier , btw setting ennemies to level 150-200+ should make it a bit more spicy than 60

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7 minutes ago, Chaosdreamer said:

Making them more aggresive is not quite hard , they have to actually want to kill you instead of firing randomly one talking about corpus who probably have 1/10 chance to hit you or maybe even ennemies focusing on most weak member of squad , and Yea I was thinking like sortie modifier , btw setting ennemies to level 150-200+ should make it a bit more spicy than 60

try not flying around the room in Parkour - Enemies do a pretty good job of attacking you then.

the Sortie Modifiers don't change things up much. since most of them are an effective Level increase, it just means protecting yourself better and swapping between Physical or Elemental Damage (or just use Crit Slash, everything is weak to Slash Status).

Enemies being very high Level does the opposite of making the game more lively and spicing things up - you then focus on AFKFarming strategies which are the least interactive ways of play the game has.

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14 minutes ago, saltygr33n said:

So far, I have not had any problems with life support drops from enemies (arbitration), the only issue that I notice big time, is when the team splits apart, doing their own thing across the map. That is when life support starts to diminish. Whenever the teams are close within reach, enemy spawns are so much better and life support seems to drop more often, having been able to go through 40 minutes without issues, but has not been the case for a party that splits apart; always end up extracting at 10 min or 20 min mark. 

Though, it could just be my case.

I also experience the same thing, seem like the enemy spawn further apart and spend more time to get to each player, also some player might take more time killing mob so when the spawn cap out other will feel like there is no enemy around at all while only that player feel being swamped. Also I notice some weird pattern spawning in Excavation when the enemy seem to spawn in a huge batch and swamp a single excavator while another excavator was left unscathed which is bad because there won't be any energy cell for the another one.

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19 minutes ago, saltygr33n said:

So far, I have not had any problems with life support drops from enemies (arbitration), the only issue that I notice big time, is when the team splits apart, doing their own thing across the map. That is when life support starts to diminish. Whenever the teams are close within reach, enemy spawns are so much better and life support seems to drop more often, having been able to go through 40 minutes without issues, but has not been the case for a party that splits apart; always end up extracting at 10 min or 20 min mark. 

Though, it could just be my case.

Nope, that’s the harsh reality for any Survival. The group has to stay together to get more enemy spawns to swarm into a set location. If you split apart, you split the spawns, and the less adds will show up.

Going rogue, being a hallway hero, or splitting from the main group has always, ALWAYS been the main issue as to why Survival missions are sabotaged and life support pack gains are diminished. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the spawn rate in Arbitration Survival, just bad players with bad habits taking priority.

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okay i dont like to play in a party because before i can get to the enemies they are already dead. im not saying make it easier for party's im saying make it easier to do solo just have it spawn more enemies closer to the player that is all im asking i tend to hug life support and not move and i also dont want to rely in a frame to be able to play a mode because thats not fun


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31 minutes ago, 1234l9 said:

okay i dont like to play in a party because before i can get to the enemies they are already dead. im not saying make it easier for party's im saying make it easier to do solo just have it spawn more enemies closer to the player that is all im asking i tend to hug life support and not move and i also dont want to rely in a frame to be able to play a mode because thats not fun


Use Enemy Radar. That’ll solve your concern.

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2 hours ago, saltygr33n said:

So far, I have not had any problems with life support drops from enemies (arbitration), the only issue that I notice big time, is when the team splits apart, doing their own thing across the map. That is when life support starts to diminish. Whenever the teams are close within reach, enemy spawns are so much better and life support seems to drop more often, having been able to go through 40 minutes without issues, but has not been the case for a party that splits apart; always end up extracting at 10 min or 20 min mark. 

Though, it could just be my case.

I had the exact opposite experience. Life support drops when everyone's grouped up and went up as soon as we split up. Not sure what's the deal with survival. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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4 hours ago, zteeldragon said:

LOL what a great bandage.

It’s not a band-aid if you’re looking or having trouble finding enemy spawns. There has never been any adjustments in which enemies have a decreased spawn rate in Survival especially in Arbitrations. It’s the fault of the player either not keeping up with kill efficiency or not avidly looking for enemies, pointlessly hugging certain objective markers on the map, or going rogue away from the core active party within the given setting.

If you’ve done 1-2+ hours of Kuva Fortress Survival without activating Life Support Towers, you should know this discrepancy.

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

It’s not a band-aid if you’re looking or having trouble finding enemy spawns. There has never been any adjustments in which enemies have a decreased spawn rate in Survival especially in Arbitrations. It’s the fault of the player either not keeping up with kill efficiency or not avidly looking for enemies, pointlessly hugging certain objective markers on the map, or going rogue away from the core active party within the given setting.

If you’ve done 1-2+ hours of Kuva Fortress Survival without activating Life Support Towers, you should know this discrepancy.

Oh I think you mean the increase enemy attraction range when that enemy radar give you. I didn't say that the spawn rate is off or something. If you properly read what I said it actually read "some of the player can't cope up with speed of killing so enemy end up swamp that individual so when max spawn was reached, other feel like there is no mob spawn around them." And what about that Kuva survival long run when reward is not scale what incentive to keep on long run, it is much efficient to just extract at 20 then check on kuva flood and may be come back to survival to maximise your kuva gain.

Don't get me wrong I love long run but it start to get challenge may be like after an hour and a halve or something which to get to that point it boring as hell. And I don't have that much time to spare now a day. orz

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You could always use Nekros.  I just finished a solo 1:10 run with him.  Stayed in one room where 2 capsules were close together.  If I opened one it would be back by the time I had to open it again.  He's pretty tanky too which is a good thing with the one life modifier.  I understand it's boring using the same frame but it's an easy alternative if you want to do a long run without worrying about life support.

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personally I just wish we got more spawns when Solo, then the life support issue will balance itself out as I'm killing more enemies. a fake SOS flare gear item to summon more enemies would be perfect; pop one to to get 2 players worth of spawns, then again for 3, and then 4. don't have to use or even have them equipped if you don't want the extra spawns (why wouldn't you though?)


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28 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

personally I just wish we got more spawns when Solo, then the life support issue will balance itself out as I'm killing more enemies. a fake SOS flare gear item to summon more enemies would be perfect; pop one to to get 2 players worth of spawns, then again for 3, and then 4. don't have to use or even have them equipped if you don't want the extra spawns (why wouldn't you though?)


That’s a great idea. I run them solo and find ls an issue. As I’m mostly one shotting enemies I don’t think we can blame effiency and need to look elsewhere, which is poor spawns, lack of drops and the decision to have the drops be worth less. I’m not a fan of the term artificial difficulty but reducing ls is probably the definition of it. A gear item that increases spawns may be a bandaid but a welcome one.

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I havent had any issues in survival except in the cases where you get a bad group where some people run all over the place cos they need "moar deeps!" on the score board. This resulting in mobs being spread out all over.

I've had no issues running 30 mins and beyond as solo either.

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13 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I havent had any issues in survival except in the cases where you get a bad group where some people run all over the place cos they need "moar deeps!" on the score board.

I'm guilty of this so much. Sorry, but if someone is annihilating everything before I can shoot at it, I'm just gonna wander off somewhere where i can actually enjoy playing the game. Consequences are acceptable losses XD.

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okay i like the idea of the gear item and i dont want to HAVE to use a mod or frame to be able to play the game oh yea or just increase the amount of enemy make them spawn closer to the player and spawn more of the stronger units along with that to balance it out 

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Survival is meant to be a mode in which players are surviving against a constantly decreasing level timer, with needing to manage large and small capsules.

With that in mind, the Arbitration modifier makes perfect sense. If it needs an additional change, I would argue that decreasing the spawn rate of the large capsules significantly would be more in tune with what the Alerts are about.

Edit: This thread/topic should be in Feedback: Missions & Levels by the way.

Edited by (XB1)RPColten
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