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Fortuna: Update 24.0


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My issues thus far (with priorities in bold😞

  • overall optimization
    • game is running worse than ever for me, gpu usage going way higher than it was before.
    • shading rework: had a major negative effect on abilities like the kavat Sense Danger mod. with it, the the effect on enemies is glaring to the point of blinding. I can't SEE anything when it triggers.
    • orb vallis' optimization: it's worse than the plains. much worse.
  • vox solaris:
    • the find 4 agents segment: i'm sure you're seeing plenty regarding this. the timer counts down, if it hits zero the mission stalls and you have to abort, giving up any loot thus far.
    • quest reward mail: no notice of receiving it.
  • Gear/wheel:
    • cannot slot the sunpoint plasma drill if any nosam lasers are in the gear wheel, even if you're trying to replace one with it.
    • Attempting to add items that cannot be added removes the previous item.
    • CANNOT INSERT ITEMS. can only append or replace. pain in the butt with the above. I had to reorganize AGAIN. not pleased. also, the fact it's a stack. Can we just have fixed-size pages instead? It'd be better. Then we just stick useless key items like apothics, dragon keys or ciphers on the end.
    • cannot sell excess archwing launchers. recipe still provides 50. we only need 1.
    • gear is not changeable in dojo
    • We still can't DISABLE fishing cutscenes. They ANNOY.
  • pets:
    • chargers can no longer use the Bite or Pack Leader mods. Category issue? Also, Bite...can we have it be called Vicious Streak instead?
    • living pets still have health decay. separate it from health and give pets the +100% bonus as base, remove this as part of the decay mechanic. leave in the auto-stasis when degradation goes too far. maybe cut the time until auto-stasis in half on top of all that.
    • base cost of dna stabilizers needs to be 10k, not 75k. why isn't this changed yet?
  • sentinels:
    • shade's stealth is still lousy.
    • sentinels still have no passive HP/S mods.
  • mods:
    • re-add sentinel rivens as a separate riven type. avert the market disaster before it gets out of hand.
    • melee prowess, sure shot, and rifle aptitude are still 15% status chance at max rank. shotgun savvy is 30. they need to be buffed to 60 so they're actually worth considering for anything other than dissolving.
    • maiming strike (aka memestrike), and similar rivens, are still additive to base. make them multiplicative.
    • corrosive projection: cut it in half already. a full squad, or three people with coaction drift, can entirely negate enemy armor in aura range, including on bosses...
    • master thief: make it have 9 ranks or so and go from 10 to 100%, instead of a worthless 30% at 13 drain
    • heavy cal: reduce base drain by 2
    • magnum force: double the damage boost.
    • cautious shot: max rank should be 100% reduction to self-damage.
  • items:
    • forma: we need to be able to forma for umbral, even if it's just on excalibur umbra or skiajati.
  • weapons:
    • seer needs reload time and recoil cut in half
  • miscellaneous/jokes:
    • clem: still exists.
    • Spoiler
      1. We're still missing the Lotus.
      2. We can't turn off the fake transmissions from Ordis.


Edited by Kherae
hotfix adjustment. and fishing cutscenes. and gear wheel
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''we all LIFT together" they lift so hard that everytime i get in that LIFT it crashes my game, wtf, i lost so much progress its not funny, lost garuda systems 2 times already now and not even to mention all the mods and loot, now how about that glitchy bounties, search 4 bodies, find 3 (no 4th body), timer runs out and nothing happens, cant continue nor quit mission, thats just 1 of the problems, please fix this asap, if this is gona be another ''cetus'' trial by error, i will have to find another game to play to keep me busy for the next year i suppose, cause like you said its been a year now since cetus and cetus is still not fixed, so yea.....

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The update is OK, but I'm asking myself. What do you guys did the hole time? It's a boring white reskin of plains. Yes I had my few mins of fun, but for myselve I don't see a point to grind out Fortuna. All that white fu... me really up. The new features are fun in the first 5 min but I don't see a point für the kit weaps or moa or even the board. I want a challenge not a new grindfest for things that have not real a use. And for my bad I'm very frustrated about fetch. I was hoping kavat, kubrows and even moa get a real use now but the new mod is a pure disappointment. I go back and grind my fissure missions again till the game dies or get real new contend. 

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3 hours ago, PsyBack said:

Ty so much for this update!!! Its so cool!

But... why i cant reach more that 3000 points while doing K-Drive stunts? Im very sad about it...

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the daily standing cap for places like fortuna and cetus are bad. it basically removes reason for you to play them and locks you out of a ton of content you could be playing with. 

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Good update.  Strong on the good, and not on the great.


Mining doesn't count as a time waster.  Excellent improvement.

Mineral count has gone up, but reward has gone up.  Neutral change there.

New weapons are cascade locked behind the dojo.  Not a good reason to go out for them.  Bad importation of new content.

Fortuna missions are generally good, and there's some flavor.  I'll call it good, with caveats.

Corpus are marksmen with machine guns from half way across the map.  This is bad, as the double drop excavators and wheel sabatoges become miserable.

The new frame is locked behind a random drop table, a random rare item drop, and potentially more.  At least the parts are low level.  I'll call it a wash.

Finally, the huge world...is still populated by nothing.  You're welcome to comment on the beauty, but this is the same issue as PoE.  An open world full of nothing is less fun than what warframe was sold as.  This is a huge downer, as it was a fundamental lesson not learned from PoE.


From what I've seen thus far, this wasn't worth a year of waiting.  There's promise of more content, but it looks like you're holding it hostage behind numerous different factions requiring standing and a daily limit.  It's text book addiction loop, but offers very little once the items are had.  Hopefully this can be rectified, otherwise the wait for Railjack is going to be painful.


There are bugs.  They seem to be rare.

1) During Fortuna missions requiring an amount of credits to be earned, sometimes they stop working.  Even returning to the NPC offering it doesn't initiate the counter; failing a bounty for no reason is just frustrating.

2) Some items aren't kept after leaving Vallis.  Muon batteries, neural links, and a variety of other items just seem to evaporate.  If it isn't an item it shouldn't drop, and if it is it shouldn't disappear.  I can't tell what the failure is.

3) Fishing is miserable in certain locations.  I went into a cave, speared 2 sweepers, then the game decided it wouldn't allow me to add dye to the water.  Then it decided that the hit boxes on fish didn't exist, and it finally decided to give me a one finger salute by having the fish swim under the ground I stood on.  The first two issues are frustrating, but when the fish is 8-10 meters into "solid" material that I can't spear through, it's just frustrating.



Again, good release.  The goofiness, and lack of content despite waiting a year is frustrating.  The content itself is good thus far, but points left off due to the painful nature of the artificial progress gating.

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On 2018-11-08 at 10:46 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Synth Reflex (Warframe): Increased Holster Speed

Another one?! Can you just increase default holster speed? Do you understand builds and that no one will use this thing? Or, at least make it a sentinel mod?

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1 hour ago, hazerddex said:

the daily standing cap for places like fortuna and cetus are bad. it basically removes reason for you to play them and locks you out of a ton of content you could be playing with. 

my mate and i were litterally talking about this last night, we were both super excited and enjoyed the release of fortuna, but when we realized a third of our way into our grinding of solarus rep repeatable missons that we no longer were getting rep we were so saddened when we found it was cause of this bullS#&$ standing cap. please remove this, its completely unneeded for an open world map like fortuna or cetus where the only limits should be time you have before quests refresh..


ALSO! hey when are we getting bursa style plates for our moas? pretty please!?

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35 minutes ago, Accaliah said:

my mate and i were litterally talking about this last night, we were both super excited and enjoyed the release of fortuna, but when we realized a third of our way into our grinding of solarus rep repeatable missons that we no longer were getting rep we were so saddened when we found it was cause of this bullS#&$ standing cap. please remove this, its completely unneeded for an open world map like fortuna or cetus where the only limits should be time you have before quests refresh..


ALSO! hey when are we getting bursa style plates for our moas? pretty please!?

im mr25 

and i can do 4 -5 missions and im at cap for fortuna.

that blows


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Loving it so far!!

Wish there was a little bit more to taking over the enemy camps, other than adding another NPC to accept bounties from. Perhaps maybe bounties exclusive to them. And even though there is someone to accept bounties on Orb Vallis, I still find myself and many others returning to Fortuna; to reset revive counter, get full ammo, and to revive my sentinel/pet. What if there was an "inn" feature at the new camps you take over that could restore all that for a credit fee and it could only be used every X minutes when you're not in an active bounty. Or scaling rewards for doing multiple bounties without going back to Fortuna, kind of like Elite Alerts.

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