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Better All Around Frame?


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What are everyone's opinions on who the better frame is, nidus or inaros? They're both tanky, and soak up damage really well, and are both excellent for high level content. I just got each of them, and am trying to decide which one to put more time and resources into. So, which is better?

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There is hardly any "bad" frame left. Every Warframe at this point is viable. Ranking them is basically impossible because there are so many frames, which differ vastly in different situations. Different mods further complicates the ranking and then there is playerskill to factor in.



Both are good, choose the one you personally like better.



I prefer Nidus, but anybody who prefers Inaros is just as much right about their opinion.

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Pretty sure the general community concencus is Nidus based on everything I always see, both on the forums and in mission. But really your best bet is to try them both. They each serve different roles beyond just being tanky.

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I personally like Inaros. That being said i believe nidus plays better in a team composition than Inaros.

 On high level missions inaros likes having enemies grouped and "alive" for a while anyway to use them as health pool and teammates tend to kill stuff. He also needs good weapons.

Nidus likes enemies dead like yesterday and once he gets his stacks going doesn't really need weapons either than tools to proc a desired status, he also has some cc . You will be pressing 1 and 2 a lot. 

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Nidus is objectively better for high level content. He's one of the few who can actually CC enemies who aren't even supposed to be CC'd. He's not just tanky, he can basically be invincible. He also creates his own healing and energy.

I like Inaros better tho. I just love pocket sand. :laugh:

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3 minutes ago, BL4CKN0ISE said:

can actually CC enemies who aren't even supposed to be CC'd

Do you mean Link, Larva or stunning mobs with maggots by chance? Any of this are hardly considered as a good CC because of number of affected enemies and radius.

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Both are extremely Tanky, so which one you like comes down to personal choice.

Nidus has less effective health than Inaros but has passive healing factor, and can heal faster with the use of his 4. Because half his powers use stack instead of energy his gameplay mechanics are more interesting as well. Lastly his armor, healing, and offensive abilities improve throughout the duration of the mission, so by time you reach that satisfying 100 stack you can cheat death 6 times back to back, of course by time you're high enough level content to need to cheat death there are enough mobs to gain those stacks back quickly anyway. He is satisfying to play for long running missions for this reason.

Inaros on the other hand comes with way more effective health off the back. He doesn't heal passively but all 4 abilities have the potential to heal when used correctly. His mechanics are not as unique, but that's what I actually like about him. If you progress far enough in the game to possess an arcane guardian (for extra armor) and arcane grace (heals a percentage of health when damaged), and mod for nothing but health and armor, you will have an Inaros that passively heals himself faster than most enemies can damage him. If you do find an enemy that can chip away at your health you usually have more than enough time to throw sand in their eyes like a boss. You'll never duck in cover ever again. Lastly, your companions modded for link health and link armor will inherit Inaros's rediculous health and armor value, and even surpass it. So your pets will ve unkillable too. I mod my pet so that when they attack it heals me, so between that, arcane grace, and his 4 abilities he can't die even if i tried. No really i tried...he can't die except for if i go idle at like ludicrously high level content. For that reason, I like Inaros better but both are great and i can respect the opinion of someone who prefers Nidus.

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I'd go with nidus, but this is purely my preference. Reason being link is a more reliable support than scarab swarm. I like to also support since tanking yourself is pretty useless.

Now if you allow different frames, try trinity. She is surprisingly tanky with link and blessing on. Or turbulence zephyr.

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6 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Nidus can provide more for a team.

If you have nidus and inaros on a team, that team is gonna be unstoppable. Inaros can use his 4th to heal allys in range. This can help nidus and everyone else. When I run inaros in survival, I run vazarin as well. If you are at mot, you need ALOT of survivability. A good inaros build has between 7500 and 8000ish health. Niduses can go down fairly easily if they are not careful. An inaros support is always good.

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If you're looking for the "objectively best" frame then it entirely depends on what criteria you're looking at.

(frames I'm using are examples, I'm not here to argue bests)

Best for killing/scaling? You're looking at frames like Nidus, Nova, Khora, Garuda, Octavia, etc.

Best for defense modes/missions? Frost, Gara, Limbo, etc.

Best for supporting a team? Healing/survivability: Trinity, Oberon, Nezha, etc. Damage/buffing: Rhino, Harrow, Garuda, etc.

Best for cc? Nyx, Vauban, Volt, Frost, etc.


As for op's question; it depends on what you define as better. More survivability? Probably Inaros. More damage? Nidus but Inaros synergizes with Covert Lethality well. More minions? Do you prefer a swarm of Maggots or 1-2 Rock Golems?

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Nidus is a very active tank, he requires maintenance. Inaros is a passive tank, boost ur armor and done. Nidus is amazing once he gets stacks, but can struggle to do so in a high DPS team. Inaros can quickly grab and drain an enemy without interference. If I had to classify it, Nidus with friends and Inaros for pub. So whatever situation you find yourself in most often would dictate my choice.

Edited by DC010
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2 hours ago, (XB1)IllusiveElk255 said:

If you have nidus and inaros on a team, that team is gonna be unstoppable. Inaros can use his 4th to heal allys in range. This can help nidus and everyone else. When I run inaros in survival, I run vazarin as well. If you are at mot, you need ALOT of survivability. A good inaros build has between 7500 and 8000ish health. Niduses can go down fairly easily if they are not careful. An inaros support is always good.


Nidus can provide healing (tho to a limited range. Reason i’ll go into later), buff damage of himself and teammate, tank, and deal stupid amounts of damage. Also crowd control. He’s every frame role rolled into one. He doesn’t surpass the frames that hold the top rank of their respective roles, but he can actively adapt to any role needed to be filled and do so proficiently.

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As someone who has 6 forma builds on both I can say they are pretty similar in what they offer and both are fun.


While Nidus uses link, he's tankier, otherwise it's Inaros, but the difference, with or without link never reaches a point that matters. For all my play time, the only time I've seen Inaros' sarcophagus was in a YouTube video and I don't even know how exactly Nidus resurrects.

Status Immunity

Check. Both have some minor drawbacks, Inaros needs a mod slot for it and Nidus' is locked to an enemy up to a certain range.


Inaros with CL one shots everything, the alternative is a high range melee doing the same but faster. Nidus has ramping damage in his kit so weapons don't matter as much, but in the end who deals more damage again doesn't matter much, when everything up to lv130 is one shot by both. In a very long endless mission, Nidus should come on top.


Nidus' is more reliable, Inaros' is more spamable.


They pretty much have the same thing, AoE HoT, Nidus' is weaker, but lasts longer and doesn't need a target to cast.


Nidus can buff a team member's damage, Inaros doesn't have any.


Inaros can use everything on the fly and doesn't require ramp time, Nidus' abilities require him to be a bit more static.


They are almost the same, 3 Umbral mods, HA and range, everything else is flavor. Inaros can get away with less range but Negation Swarm is strongly advised.


This is the only significant difference. Inaros is weapon oriented frame, while Nidus is caster, to a point where Inaros may not need to cast anything or Nidus to fire a single shot. Nidus' gameplay also fells calmer and Inaros' faster. E.G. While with Nidus I can press 2, 1 and casually repeat, with Inaros I have to look around, aim, jump around to get to the target...etc. both with similar results.


Neither offers anything more than the other, no matter how many people try to rationalize that at Lv 5000 theoretically X will happen. It's down to how you want to play. Do you prefer abilities, a calm experience and more effectiveness in endless runs go for Nidus, or go faster, guns blazing in a capture/exterminate... with Inaros.

Edited by Ver1dian
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