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If Anthem is WF’s future competition, then Vanquish is its past


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35 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Dude it's what? 60 USD? Whether I pre-order a game, take my girlfriend out for brunch to some hipster vegan-café or go watch a few movies in the theater, it'll amount to pretty much the same thing. It's not like we are talking about a fortune here.

I was mostly being facetious.

Though I do believe pre-ordering is a pretty unwise thing to do, even if only because it helps publishers like EA brag about their numbers. Especially when you know the track record of a publisher/developer. Ultimately it's up to each individual, but I sure as hell am not pre-ordering again after Andromeda. As they say: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

It's also completely unnecessary these days. There is hardly such a thing anymore as ''shortage of supply'', the thing pre-ordering was originally meant for. It's nothing more then as Jim Sterling often calls it: Pre-order culture.

There's a reason why more and more useless tat is shoved into pre-orders. #*!%, even digital games have them. Because the industry wants digital distribution.. but they also still want pre-orders and collector edition money.

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59 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Lol, there's a game I haven't thought about in a long time. Yeah, Vanquish is really good. It's single player, though. The only real similarity is the movement/parkour system. Vanquish has some really difficult, epic boss fights as I remember it, which is one thing I wish Warframe would have in common with it. 

Like, you fight a giant spider mech ala the spiderbots on Fortuna in like the first 5 minutes of the game, and it only gets crazier and wilder from there.


Thanks for expanding the comparisons. That spider boss vid too 

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1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:

Eh, I would have put Mass Effect Multiplayer or Global Agenda as it's past personally if such comparisons  just had to be made.


Also, I wouldn't go touting Anthem quite just yet...Bioware has been very hit and miss with online content over the years.

SWToR had incredible stories, some awesome level design, and pretty lackluster (to downright despicable) everything else.

...It's also the group that neutered Andromeda on purpose (I suspect for Anthem) expecting no one to notice. 

So far I love everything I am seeing with Anthem but am curbing my enthusiasm just to be safe.

I won't know if they plan to treat that IP right until a year or two after they launch it...That's how much trust they should expect from players at this point.

DE, on the other hand, has shown me that this is their baby. That's a big reason why I still rock with them even when I don't always agree with their decisions.

This. The nostalgia I had from ME 3 multiplayer was actually what hooked me into Warframe. I wish WF could implement some of the nice things of that game like the situational awareness.

Also, to the OP, idk, that constant sliding with a rocket booster looks kinda dumb... dumber than spamming bullet jump 😛

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18 minutes ago, Lanadra said:

I was mostly being facetious.

Though I do believe pre-ordering is a pretty unwise thing to do, even if only because it helps publishers like EA brag about their numbers. Especially when you know the track record of a publisher/developer. Ultimately it's up to each individual, but I sure as hell am not pre-ordering again after Andromeda. As they say: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

It's also completely unnecessary these days. There is hardly such a thing anymore as ''shortage of supply'', the thing pre-ordering was originally meant for. It's nothing more then as Jim Sterling often calls it: Pre-order culture.

There's a reason why more and more useless tat is shoved into pre-orders. #*!%, even digital games have them. Because the industry wants digital distribution.. but they also still want pre-orders and collector edition money.

Yeah I was being a bit facetious as well, and I do agree with everything you said. I don't actually ever pre-order anything. But I have certainly wasted $60 on games once they were released, because they looked good in the screenshots or YouTube videos and then turned out to be trash when I got my hands on them. So whether I waste the money before they are released or after, is kind of the same thing 🙂

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26 minutes ago, mikakor said:

what do you mean, on purpose? how? O.O

It's (I think) common knowledge that some features like procedural generation were scaled down and later removed while coop outside of the multi player function was removed period.

Much of what got stripped went to Project Dylan.


Did you never wonder why the campaign playfields for Andromeda were so massive but no one else was allowed to join your session?

Or that you could play on the same planet for hours with constantly more difficult spawns almost akin to timed events...but you're solo? 

Simply put, most of the stuff was built but not all of it was allowed to ship.


Andromeda's primary focus was intended to be exploration and story in a sustainable coop setting but that, clearly, is not what we got.

Funnily enough, things like exploration, procedural generation, and coop are exactly the pillars Anthem is built on.

The only question I have regards whether Project Dylan is Anthem (I'm sure either it or an unannounced Dragon Age is though).

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hace 2 horas, AdunSaveMe dijo:

Anthem and Warframe are nothing alike. They're not competitors. Anthem is more like The Division with a touch of Destiny, and neither of those games are like Warframe, either. It's time for these silly comparisons to go.

idk, that interceptor javelin is literaly valkyr...

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3 hours ago, Tsardova said:

Eh... Anthem looks like another Destiny game; 60 bucks plus fullprice upfront AND still online only DRM guised as "building a consistent world" excuse.


Don't even wanna get into microtransaction b.s. considering EA is involved....

Bioware's microtransaction policy isn't to different from warframes. Every multiplayer in recent years from them is pay or play for content. In Anthem they mention following the same pattern. With cosmetic being the only microtransaction but you can also play(probably grind) for them.

Now whether that model is going to last is another thing. That worked for them before because they were mostly reliant on single player/trilogies with endings. The cost of which could be earned through sales of the game and dlc.

What they want is for Anthem to be a continuous project with free dlc/updates. Which means the constant updates are going to be relying initially on the funds of the game selling. Then later on the cosmetics should people choose pay over play. Which I don't see going so well just based on the fact of EA's name being attached to the game.


Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
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The difference with Warframe is that (almost) literally everything can be farmed, totally f2p if you wanted.  I’ve spent a bit of money on the game, because I felt it was good enough and fun enough to deserve it, but someone with no money could get everything I have without spending.  It would be cool if they added deluxe skins/ rare cosmetics to places like ESO so we could farm those too, but otherwise there is nothing that can’t be grinded for.

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8 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Anthem and Warframe are nothing alike. They're not competitors. Anthem is more like The Division with a touch of Destiny, and neither of those games are like Warframe, either. It's time for these silly comparisons to go.

i think we are at a point in time where people are desperate. they make comparisons like this not because the games are that similar but because they fall under the category of fast-paced online sci-fi action. nobody has really nailed that concept enough to really make the mark they want. destiny 1&2 were close but its content was severely lacking. warframe is close with loads of content but the game itself does not have a big enough spotlight.

people want something that they can really become attached to like CoD (casual fps), Battlefield (open map shooter), Final Fantasy (magic fantasy), Fortnite (battle royal), or Monster Hunter (monster battles).

basically, people are looking for the "BIG TITLED" action sci-fi rpg, thus they make comparisons between games that fall under that category.

i count myself as one of these people.

Edited by MysticDragonMage
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I think it's fair to say Warframe straddles a pretty cozy line with most if not all of its competitors. It's similar enough to be in competition with other FPS looter titles, or even within the FPS genre in general, but its desire to continuously break its own status quo keeps it from being snuffed out by competition. I think it's far more likely for Warframe to have players who play a variety of other FPS titles while continuing to return to Warframe rather than trying to be the only title they play. The model they use for their market only encourages this as players can spend a large chunk of money anytime they want without being required to do so to enjoy every single content update.

Edited by Beartornado
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I always wanted to play Vanquish but after playing warframe, Vanquish feels way too restrictive. In a glance, they might look similar but the truth is Vanquish is a complete opposite of warframe. Combat movement in Vanquish is very restrictive. You can't even jump in vanquish, your character is basically programmed to always stick to the ground. High paced? yes, but it's freedom of movement is the furthest from warframe

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Anthem is Destiny's competitor. It's going to be the same beautiful, expensive, boring and empty game.

Both Anthem and Destiny won't get the same huge amount of content, activities, builds, etc. Warframe has. IMHo, of course.

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Il y a 8 heures, AdunSaveMe a dit :

If you boil them down to literally the most basic aspects of either game then they have a couple of things that could be similar. But they are not similar games.

No, there aren't. There are a couple of similar genre aspects. Borderlands is sci fi and has loot, is that like Warframe? No, it isn't.

Comparing games as if they're similar to each other based on the broadest and most vague traits is silly. Yeah, they both have loot, they're both sci fi. But everything within those categories is entirely different. They work entirely differently. They are not competitors any more than Quake is a competitor to Gears of War, or Star Trek is a competitor to Star Wars, despite the broad similarities they share.

I fully agree with you, but the comparison despite how silly it is still has some merit. Because that's how the general public will see them. 

The grounds for comparison aren't there, but many many people will still compare them. Like, take destiny. It literally has nothing to do with Warframe past sholting things and loot elements, but people are still hell bent on comparing them (and yes i did play destiny 2, i know how its game loop operates). 

I expect this kind of Anthem vs Warframe topics to gradually pop up more and more often as we get closer to release. 

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Anthem is made by EA - so you will pay for a full priced game at launch and then EA will add lootboxes and micro-transactions to their live-service game.

BioWare has gotten it's soul sucked out by EA - all the great devs left years ago, so don't expect that the C-team will launch anything good on that front.

Warframe is made by DE - and it's Free! 

The devs at Digital Extremes have got more heart and soul in one coding finger than all of EA and EAWare combined!

It's not a difficult decision to make - I chose Warframe above EA forever and ever!


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I’m having a hard time trying to understand the direction that op’s post is going. There are two videos about vanquish. He claims that they could be competitors. Then suddenly he talks about anthem without any connections with the videos except that they are both competitors. Where did anthem come from? Anthem and vanquish aren’t even from the same company. I don’t think anyone in this forum has ever compared to thought that warframe and anthem were similar. Then back to vanquish. I'm going to assume the post is about comparing vanquish and not anthem.

disclaimer: I have not played vanquish so take this with a grain of salt.


Mark Brown, a well known YouTube game critic, has a video discussing about vanquish’s direction and intent. The main things he focused on is vanquish’s mastery and depth and how it ties into its movement and combat systems. Vanquish is about exploiting the system to its fullest and testing yourself with your limitations and strengths. On the other hand, warframe is an mmo that focuses more on gear/mods/loadouts and external rewards. Vanquish is supposed to be a game where you try to git gud while warframe is supposed to be a game where you try to get better equipment (weapons, mods, frames, etc.). Vanquish’s movement and combat system pushes a player to approach a game like a get-in-your-face high-risk-high-reward kinda thing (especially with the scoring system) where a player is supposed to compliment their intentionally limited movement options with their combat. Warframe is more tactical (warframe abilities and modding) and uses the movement system purely for travel (or at most get into a good position to use an ability or shoot).

Something mark brown touches on but doesn’t really explore is the difference between depth and complexity. Depth is about using a (usually small) set of skills to their absolute max. Complexity is about adding more mechanics and stats to overpower the enemy. And this is the main difference between warframe and vanquish. Yes they both may be sci-fi, yes they both may be pve shooters, yes they both may have a movement system that is more diverse than most other games. But one focuses on depth and the other, complexity.

In that Argus boss fight video, a seasoned vanquish player would approach that by trying to combo actions together and avoid as many missteps and injuries as possible. A warframe player would enter the boss fight with an overpowered weapon and fire, only moving when there is risk of damage, and try to finish the fight as fast as possible. Well, warframe players will still try to improve their skills, but our arsenal’s strength outperforms our movement and combat system. Why do an eidolon by dodging every attack when you could use operator void mode or harrow? Why use a nearly-stock weapon and skillfully take down the enemy when you could use a 4-Forma rubico prime and stand in one spot to aim? We want the rewards, not the satisfaction. Although, I’ve seen a couple of people urging for more skillful boss fights in warframe so it may overlap more with anthem, but it’s difficult to transition as of now.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:

Bioware's microtransaction policy isn't to different from warframes. Every multiplayer in recent years from them is pay or play for content. In Anthem they mention following the same pattern. With cosmetic being the only microtransaction but you can also play(probably grind) for them.

Now whether that model is going to last is another thing. That worked for them before because they were mostly reliant on single player/trilogies with endings. The cost of which could be earned through sales of the game and dlc.

What they want is for Anthem to be a continuous project with free dlc/updates. Which means the constant updates are going to be relying initially on the funds of the game selling. Then later on the cosmetics should people choose pay over play. Which I don't see going so well just based on the fact of EA's name being attached to the game.


Inb4 EA there mate.


You'll have to forgive me for being skeptical as all hell but EA's track record has been nothing but anti-consumer as all heck that any title under their belt I'll have to take with a massive grain of salt. That and with how they're handling game access to online only akin to Destiny 2, I can't shake the feeling that they (Bioware/ EA)'ll go with "Episodic" approach and make us pay an extra 150+ bucks for the complete game as well.

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Nah. Not going to bother with the past and anything with EA name on it is not interesting. Let’s wait and see.

I learned my lesson after ME3. No preorders. No hype. If, after release, people talk a lot about how good it is, do some research: if the game have met the sales expectations (no point in sinking time into soon-to-be-axed game), what kind of microtransactions it have (duh), how fast bugs are fixed (tired of bugs in AAA games). Consider, if it is worth it to sink time into EA game.

This served me well then Andromeda was released. I feel so proud and, dare I say, accomplished ;).

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1 час назад, Autongnosis сказал:

I fully agree with you, but the comparison despite how silly it is still has some merit. Because that's how the general public will see them. 

The grounds for comparison aren't there, but many many people will still compare them. Like, take destiny. It literally has nothing to do with Warframe past sholting things and loot elements, but people are still hell bent on comparing them (and yes i did play destiny 2, i know how its game loop operates). 

I expect this kind of Anthem vs Warframe topics to gradually pop up more and more often as we get closer to release. 

Anthem - Destiny - Warframe

Main jenre: Shooter

World setting: Sci-Fi

Multiplayer type: Coop with public hubs

Main gameplay: repeatable grinding at same zones again and again

Gameplay's purpose: leveling up and getting new better guns, collecting items

RPG elements: suits/classes which provide different abilities and gameplay styles, class/suit/weapon builds, levels, loot

PvP: instanced, no open-world PvP, PvP is not a part of the lore and it's just for fun (don't know about Anthem's PvP actually but pretty sure it will be the same (IF it will be exist)).

Nah, nothing similar.

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