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Is it too difficult to get some certain glyph from content creator for free?


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Glyph Wf

Recently I found some player using some weird anime looking glyphs that I've never seen before.  I later googled it up and found this website.  There are so many glyphs that cannot be obtained in-game, but we have to use code to redeem them.


As a weeaboo myself, I began my glyph hunting.  But later I found a lot of these glyphs from the content creators are really difficult to get.

Some of them doesn't even say how to get them.








she does not say how to obtain this glyph on her twitch page.  (Or maybe she posted on her twitter long time ago?)



And yesterday, I started the hunt on this



Like many other streamers, she/he (I don't know his/her gender) decides 

to make the easiest ways to either

spend 5 dollars to subscribe 


win giveaway


And the hard way...

to watching the stream for 150hours.  #The goal was initially 600 hours, this streamer probably changed it to get "easier"



Just... Why is it so difficult to get the cute glyphs?






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Iirc there has to be atleast one way to get the glyph without any kind of payment. Monthly giveaways and afk watch the stream for x hours (sadly) fulfill this criteria. LittleNavi did a glyph giveaway in November/December 2018 on Twitter. Idk about the others.

Shame really.

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Because they're not meant to be game-related rewards but rather thank yous for supporting said content creators. I'm not going to tell you to go ahead and subscribe to the content creators whose glyphs you want, cause heck, I won mine on twitter, I don't even watch anything other than devstreams on twitch, but, I think it's fair for content creators to paywall the glyphs. In the hyper competitive world of streaming, you have to take any opportunity you can get unless you wanna be forgotten.

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3 minutes ago, uxx0 said:

Iirc there has to be atleast one way to get the glyph without any kind of payment. Monthly giveaways and afk watch the stream for x hours (sadly) fulfill this criteria. LittleNavi did a glyph giveaway in November/December 2018 on Twitter. Idk about the others.

Shame really.

oh on twitter she did? nice, I will try to trace that


2 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

Because they're not meant to be game-related rewards but rather thank yous for supporting said content creators. I'm not going to tell you to go ahead and subscribe to the content creators whose glyphs you want, cause heck, I won mine on twitter, I don't even watch anything other than devstreams on twitch, but, I think it's fair for content creators to paywall the glyphs. In the hyper competitive world of streaming, you have to take any opportunity you can get unless you wanna be forgotten.


I just don't understand.  Letting the player wear the glyph is a free advertisement.  They would rather hope a small group of glyph hunters to subscribe to them than attracting more people to their stream?

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4 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

Streamers make their lives from subscriptions so I wouldn't complain. The glyphs are meant to be a gift for subs and DE has asked for a free way for non paying users.

yea for sure.  But for a small streamer, isn't it better to let more player get the glyph.  So more player would know the channel and bring more potential viewers?


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1 minute ago, airline747 said:

I just don't understand.  Letting the player wear the glyph is a free advertisement.  They would rather hope a small group of glyph hunters to subscribe to them than attracting more people to their stream?

Yeah, but those small group of glyph hunters then become free advertising, that will then attract more people to sub and get the glyph, therefore more free advertising, therefore more people who like the glyph subbing to get it and so on. That's the hope, at least, and since most of them can't provide much beyond good quality streams and maybe youtube videos, then the glyphs are a good method to thank the people giving them money.

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According to a partner "DE doesn't give a S#&$ about what the partner does with their glyph". Anything short of straight up selling it is fine. I think I remember a case where you could buy some content creator a Forma bundle and he'd give you his glyph. Don't know what happened to him after people found out.

And that's the thing - I'm gonna forget about those small CCs if they force me to afk through their streams to get their glyph. But take zopney or Tavier Corsair as examples of how you can make attaining a glyph fun (less so for Tav admittedly) and way more memorable.

So in the end I would only criticise lazy glyph distribution strategies.

Before anyone asks why I want glyphs of CCs I don't even like: Because fashionframe is endgame and I'm really bored.

Edited by uxx0
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5 minutes ago, airline747 said:

I just don't understand.  Letting the player wear the glyph is a free advertisement.  They would rather hope a small group of glyph hunters to subscribe to them than attracting more people to their stream?

ever heard of this cool subreddit called r/exposure, its basically a subreddit complaining about people asking for free art and saying that instead of paying for it the artist will be paid with *exposure*. this point really doesn't make sense till ***exposure*** starts paying the bills. also the glyphs were made as a thank you to the people who support the stream, not as an advertisement.

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1 minute ago, uxx0 said:

According to a partner "DE doesn't give a S#&$ about what the partner does with their glyph". Anything short of straight up selling it is fine. I think I remember a case where you could buy some CC a Forma bundle and he'd give you his glyph. Don't know what happened to him after people finding out.

And that's the thing - I'm gonna forget about those small content creators if they force me to afk through their streams to get their glyph. But take zopney or Tavier Corsair as example of how you can make attaining a glyph fun (less so for Tav admittedly) and way more memorable.


They are really those who still play warframe, a lot of small streamer just want to co-op with de team, and make their glyph to be money earning tool while they are playing other games

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1 hour ago, airline747 said:

oh on twitter she did? nice, I will try to trace that


I just don't understand.  Letting the player wear the glyph is a free advertisement.  They would rather hope a small group of glyph hunters to subscribe to them than attracting more people to their stream?

most people won't care about the glyph, for a small streamer, the numbers boost from people watching your stream is why you get a glyph, not the advertisements, if there are more people watching your streams, others will have a better first impression, much like Youtube viewbotting.

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Free advertisement?  It does pretty poorly at that given that it's just a little picture, with no link or any indication of who it's for.  You're banking on people searching out the information, and I gotta tell you, the vast majority of people aren't willing to put forth the effort.

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)Lollybomb said:

Free advertisement?  It does pretty poorly at that given that it's just a little picture, with no link or any indication of who it's for.  You're banking on people searching out the information, and I gotta tell you, the vast majority of people aren't willing to put forth the effort.

Just dreaming about one day I can get those glyphs for free with a lot fewer efforts.

Or I hope I can buy those with plat

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30 minutes ago, NeopetsMaster4432 said:

Content locking fashion. Tsk, tsk, tsk. 

Really though, I think the issue doesn't have to do with the glyph system itself, but rather with the people who are allowed to become partners and create glyphs. But DE could easily implement some rules/guidelines to help... standardize their requirements.

I do hope de can do that.  But that is seemly impossible.  Some small streamer(40-60 viewers watching) might complain to DE and they might threaten to stop the partnering

(Although some of the partnering channels do not even play warframe anymore on stream, DE still keeps da partnering)

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7 hours ago, airline747 said:

Glyph Wf

Recently I found some player using some weird anime looking glyphs that I've never seen before.  I later googled it up and found this website.  There are so many glyphs that cannot be obtained in-game, but we have to use code to redeem them.


As a weeaboo myself, I began my glyph hunting.  But later I found a lot of these glyphs from the content creators are really difficult to get.

Some of them doesn't even say how to get them.








she does not say how to obtain this glyph on her twitch page.  (Or maybe she posted on her twitter long time ago?)



And yesterday, I started the hunt on this



Like many other streamers, she/he (I don't know his/her gender) decides 

to make the easiest ways to either

spend 5 dollars to subscribe 


win giveaway


And the hard way...

to watching the stream for 150hours.  #The goal was initially 600 hours, this streamer probably changed it to get "easier"



Just... Why is it so difficult to get the cute glyphs?






Sorry I was late to the party. Well to be fair the glyphs were originally made to thank the streamers for their support and basically free advertisement of warframe. The glyphs you seek do have ways to obtain them but the website probably cant keep up to date with them OR are not shown because its constantly being changed by the streamer that owns the glyph. The glyph you recently started hunting is also what most people want but again its not like they enjoy seeing people join the stream, watch it for 10 min and ask for the glyph. Its rude, and it makes them feel like they only have fans for the glyph. So they tend to up the time required to obtain the glyph. Btw the streamer is a female, theyre transgender. 

And lets be real here most people that hunt glyphs are quite annoying to streamers especially in the past. In my case I enjoy all the streamers I gain glyphs from. I dont really throw my sigil for everyone to see , I wear it to show my support for them.

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3 hours ago, NeopetsMaster4432 said:

Content locking fashion. Tsk, tsk, tsk. 

Really though, I think the issue doesn't have to do with the glyph system itself, but rather with the people who are allowed to become partners and create glyphs. But DE could easily implement some rules/guidelines to help... standardize their requirements.

They become partners because they hop off their ego's and share their love for the game they play for fun. DE saw that opportunity and decided to thank them for showing love and support for the game they worked hard on. The Glyphs are not there for fashion because I'm pretty sure the thing you only see in one spot or after a mission arent that big a deal. The fact your complaining about them because certain ANIME ones or NEAT LOOKING ones take actual work to get rather than instantly using a free code or buying it disgusts me and notifies me that you honestly have 0 taste in fashion. If you want to make a glyph of your own become a partner, stream and enjoy the game.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb uxx0:

Iirc there has to be atleast one way to get the glyph without any kind of payment. Monthly giveaways and afk watch the stream for x hours (sadly) fulfill this criteria. LittleNavi did a glyph giveaway in November/December 2018 on Twitter. Idk about the others.

Shame really.

I really prefer the way your glyph is obtained, by a challenge playing Warframe. Most warframe partner glyphs don't have anything to do with Warframe and with some you wonder how the guy/gal became partner in the 1st place.

It's a pity we can't use our Clan emblems as Glyphs or create our own. I bet we would see much cooler and more immersive Glyphs around then.

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10 minutes ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

This site is good for seeing what glyphs there are but it has alot of misinformation on how to obtain them. It says for the partner that i mod for, you can get gylph through twitch sub but we never had that as a way to obtain it and quite a few more that are outdated and false. 


3 hours ago, Dark_Lugia said:

At the bottom of the site is a discord link for the glyph.wf/trials.wf discord
If you know someone changed his/her way to obtain it you can suggest a change or ask if someone knows how to obtain it.

Literally a post above yours. With so many partners it's hard to keep track of everyone.

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6 hours ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

This site is good for seeing what glyphs there are but it has alot of misinformation on how to obtain them. It says for the partner that i mod for, you can get gylph through twitch sub but we never had that as a way to obtain it and quite a few more that are outdated and false.

i know that already.  

For the glyph you have right now.

If I gift forma bundle to the streamer, would he/she still response?

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