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(Update 24.4.0) OPERATION: Buried Debts Feedback Megathread


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This thread will be used to house your feedback on the first OPERATION of 2019: Buried Debts! It's big, deep, and it starts now. Buckle in, Tenno. 

This Operation begins with a Community Goal - the hunt is on, Tenno. Can you unlock the secrets of the dead? If you've been paying attention to Devstreams, you may already know where to start looking... 

The first reward is more abstract - you can expand the Orb Vallis by solving a puzzle.... Together. 

Thermia fractures are cracking open the surface of Venus, a consequence of Nef Anyo’s unrelenting greed. He’s willing to do whatever it takes for a quick profit, including putting the whole Orb Vallis at risk.

Read more full details about the OPERATION in the official thread: 


Before posting feedback on Phase 1 of the Melee Revisit be sure to spend enough time with her in different missions! Once you feel you have handle on what she’s all about, and would like to share your thoughts, here is a fast guide from a Dev side to write good, useful feedback. A well constructed and thought out post is the way to go! 

1. Keep it simple
Write simple, directed points about the topic you feel strongly about. Remember to be constructive and to the point.

2. Back it up
Support your points with concrete points. X has better stats than Y. This ability is less useful when considering X. Provide in-game situational evidence or a solid foundation for your argument to rest upon.

3. Be polite
The best feedback occurs when two people discuss opposing viewpoints to find a constructive middle ground. Discussion is a natural part of feedback! Ensuring that it is polite and without personal attacks is key. We’re far less inclined to listen to feedback filled with personal attacks and rude speech. We are all trying our best!

The Forums can be an amazing tool when used correctly. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on Phase 1 of the Melee Revisit! 

Edited by [DE]Danielle
Replaced link with Operation thread
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Could we have a counter of how many fractures we closed? Both in-mission and a total number on star chart (or in the stats tab of profile).

I want this not only because it's hard to keep track of when the number goes higher, also because I totally have no idea how the "if you close 4 Fractures with 1 Coolant canister, you get 3 bonus points" part works. In one run we managed to close 4 fractures with 2 different canisters, but none destroyed (it's just because we killed all coolant raknoids). Does this count for the bonus? I don't know because there's no counter, and I'm somewhere between 5 and 25.

Edit:NVM I find the counter on navigation panel. But there should also be one on star chart in the event tab or it's so confusing. And the in-mission counter is still needed.

Edited by WillardZ
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Sorry but I really dislike new melee, at least as far as polearm is concerned. I used to use polearm quick-melee almost exclusively, because I could rapidly press the button and be able to twirl the polearm while my legs were "free" to run in all four directions. Now I'm locked into doing combos that automatically interrupt the direction I'm running, and force me to either take a step forwards or plant my feet in place, depending on the combo. Even when completely unequipping the stance mod, the default quick-melee animation has been replaced with some new combo where I step forwards and "poke" with the polearm.

The game has always been inconsistent about what weapons let you free-run while quick-meleeing, while other weapons cause you to "plant" your feet in place during some or all of the attacks in quick-melee and/or combos. Previously, Polearm, Stave, one-hand Sword like Heat Sword, Gunblade, and Nunchucks left your legs free in quick melee, while things like Whip, Dual Cleavers, Hammer and Great Swords locked you into advancing step animations.

Now, the new "stanceless" combo of Polearm stops my movement mid-combo, yet the Staves "stanceless" combo was changed as well but still allows free movement. How does that make any sense?

I get that maybe the changes were made to make melee feel more "weighty" like Dark Souls, but it really clashes with the mobility of the game and it isn't consistently applied. The mobility options and nimbleness are one of the game's greatest strengths; please consider removing the movement locks from weapons, or at least not introducing mandatory locked animations to weapons that had ways to avoid them previously.

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I find it very confusing, which in turn makes it very frustrating.

I see giant pillars of fire.  I go to said pillar.  I get told to kill something and bring something to the pillar.  No indication where this thing is or even a clue on how to find it.

I run around, helios scans some extremely small thing.  No way I ever would have seen it if I didn't hear helios scan it.  Wish these made noise. Also wish it had a large indicator that I scanned it, like the rare item pick up.  Helios could have just been scanning animal poop or some other random thing and I would have spent hours looking for it,

Orbiter has an Event tab titled: Find and Scan data-hashes on Orb Vallis.  Some show Undiscovered. Some show Scanned and an overall progress with a percentage indicator.  What does any of this mean?  Does Scanned mean I scanned it?  The community scanned it?  Same with Undiscovered is it me or the community? Do I have to scan these things multiple times like most scannable items?  

I really just want to shoot things with my cool warframe guns....or at least have some clue where I should be going and what I should be doing.

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13 minutes ago, Rotteeth said:


I see giant pillars of fire.  I go to said pillar.  I get told to kill something and bring something to the pillar.  No indication where this thing is or even a clue on how to find it.

I'm having the opposite issue. I went to the Exploiter orb, killed its spawn which drops the coolant, and now I've been wandering the vallis with this cannister both on the ground and in my archwing for quite a while and I am simply not seeing any fire pillars. I didn't see any on the way to the Exploiter Orb, and I certainly haven't seen any since picking up the coolant.

Edit:  Ha ha found one within 30 seconds of posting, that's how it goes.  Man that is a lot smaller than I expected.

Edited by Andvarja
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I found the entire operation very confusing. After 3 or 4 failures at varying points, I pieced it together, but it's really opaque. Eudico says a lot of things, but it would be nice to (say) have rifts marked on the map (for instance, after sealing one, we couldn't find any others at all). Or to have Eudico say "last we knew the exploiter orb was somewhere around here." Or something. Just a little guidance. 

Also, Eudico talked about finding some sort of data, but I have no idea what thing she was talking about. I realize must have been a data hash, but I didn't see it, there was no scan sound from Helios, and...basically, what am I looking for? Is there a picture of what a data hash scannable looks like? 

Everything seemed to work when performed -- I didn't run into bugs in the mission (well, none that were apparent) -- but I think a slight bit more guidance, like waypoints set by Eudico to give us a direction to head, would be very welcome. I know what to do know, but a bit of wayfinding would make it a smoother experience. 

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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6 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

I found the entire operation very confusing. After 3 or 4 failures at varying points, I pieced it together, but it's really opaque. Eudico says a lot of things, but it would be nice to (say) have rifts marked on the map (for instance, after sealing one, we couldn't find any others at all). Or to have Eudico say "last we knew the exploiter orb was somewhere around here." Or something. Just a little guidance. 

Also, Eudico talked about finding some sort of data, but I have no idea what thing she was talking about. I realize must have been a data hash, but I didn't see it, there was no scan sound from Helios, and...basically, what am I looking for? Is there a picture of what a data hash scannable looks like? 

Everything seemed to work when performed -- I didn't run into bugs in the mission (well, none that were apparent) -- but I think a slight bit more guidance, like waypoints set by Eudico to give us a direction to head, would be very welcome. I know what to do know, but a bit of wayfinding would make it a smoother experience. 

We'll continue to update this thread with info to clear up any confusion! I've shared some info about scanning there that you might find useful:


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1 hour ago, KaronaFalseGod said:

Sorry but I really dislike new melee, at least as far as polearm is concerned. I used to use polearm quick-melee almost exclusively, because I could rapidly press the button and be able to twirl the polearm while my legs were "free" to run in all four directions. Now I'm locked into doing combos that automatically interrupt the direction I'm running, and force me to either take a step forwards or plant my feet in place, depending on the combo. Even when completely unequipping the stance mod, the default quick-melee animation has been replaced with some new combo where I step forwards and "poke" with the polearm.

The game has always been inconsistent about what weapons let you free-run while quick-meleeing, while other weapons cause you to "plant" your feet in place during some or all of the attacks in quick-melee and/or combos. Previously, Polearm, Stave, one-hand Sword like Heat Sword, Gunblade, and Nunchucks left your legs free in quick melee, while things like Whip, Dual Cleavers, Hammer and Great Swords locked you into advancing step animations.

Now, the new "stanceless" combo of Polearm stops my movement mid-combo, yet the Staves "stanceless" combo was changed as well but still allows free movement. How does that make any sense?

I get that maybe the changes were made to make melee feel more "weighty" like Dark Souls, but it really clashes with the mobility of the game and it isn't consistently applied. The mobility options and nimbleness are one of the game's greatest strengths; please consider removing the movement locks from weapons, or at least not introducing mandatory locked animations to weapons that had ways to avoid them previously.

I was hoping more people would realize this when the changes went live. I already made a thread about the possibility of this when the changes were announced here, I'd appreciate you contributing to the discussion in it. A dedicated thread with a lot of views and replies is probably the best way to get their attention.

Basically it is exactly as we feared. Please bring back a way to do combo-less attacks. Either an option or a separate keybind would be nice. Thank you. 

Edited by Apav
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Bug encountered so far for thermia fracture missions:

1. Reinforcement beacons indestructible within Limbo's rift
2. Canister disappear
3.Random death near thermia fracture when visually not on it
4. Extremely low fps
5. Random enemy spawn and random enemy teleportation
6. Enemy not in stasis within limbo's rift when 2 is active

Suggestion: thermia fracture sealing time too long





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Just as a heads up the new mining widgets seem to be bugged: After buying them I just randomly stop being able to mine. As in, the beeping and minimap ceases to work entirely, no new nodes are detected, and blue-flash spots on visible nodes do not light up as targets.

I don't know which or both widgets cause this(i bought both immediately) but i got a resource and drop chance booster to go find resources, and now I can't mine at all. Frustrating!


How is conclave melee planned to be updated?


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Please add an option to toggle the status effects using energy color. This is the actual status effect on enemies, not the effects when making contact. Having all status effects use the energy color removes information that is used to quickly identify what status is inflicted.

Old effects system had distinct colors for each elemental status in addition to a distinct effect. Now, all the colors are the same and you only have the distinct effect to go off of. In the middle of combat, you'd have to really stare at an enemy to know what status they are afflicted with. Reading the name is also an option, but that is still slower.

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Would it be possible to increase the Fill Rate of the Canister based on the Alert Level of the Vallis? This would be a way of making the mission shorter, but more "difficult" by player choice. The higher the Alert stage (and bigger/higher-level units), the faster the fill.

Edited by Brasten
Wrong Thread For Feedback. Updated with Event Feedback
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Sealed 4 fractures with my squad of three players. Afterwards we left Orb Vallis through the elevator to Fortuna. Only the person carrying the canister then got event points, the rest of the squad didn't.


After a while the UI in my orbiter updated to reflect I sealed 4 fractures after all?

Edited by Yggdrazzil
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I did not do anything, no instructions at all, no visual representation if I go to the Orb vallis. Am I even able to do the event if I am not max level with vox solaris?

Performance on fortuna/orb vallis got worse to the point where its nearly unplayable. Memory keeps getting filled for minutes after I close the game and had a visit on fortuna. Can u find the memory leak? maybe? Its there for the whole time since fotuna got released, it just got worse with the latest update. I would be really happy to be able to play the game again. 🙂

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This event mission seems to be extremely abstract in a terrible way. The only indication ingame that anything is going on is the ridiculously vague:
Find and scan the data-hashes on the Orb Vallis"
No contact from anyone via transmission or mail from anyone with more details in the orbiter, Fortuna or the Vallis, and even the update thread barely provides any guidance. What's a data-hash? What's it look like? How big is it? Where do I begin? Are we expected to inspect every square inch of the Vallis through a scanner and hope to get lucky? The data-hashes themselves are tiny and scattered across an enormous worldspace, and the only guidance I got was when I stumbled across a map somebody put together on Reddit. When asked how they found the information to put it together they stated that it was a collection of results, from puzzles, that were sent to WARFRAME PARTNERS ON YOUTUBE? What is going on here? I want to play the game, not spend an hour on google just trying to conspiracy-theory what's going on and how to get started. I'm only here now because I've used a video to locate the data-hashes that lead to a door I can't open or find any information about online . Is this a bug? Is this the vaguely-alluded-to second phase? I have no idea, and I feel that is a massive design flaw in the overall structuring of the event/quest that needs to be taken into consideration going forward. In-game notification tie-ins. In-game hints and riddles to help locate the tiny breadcrumbs, or a proper breadcrumb trail that gives you a clue to the first, which gives a clue to the second, and so-on. If I'm still too dense to figure it out myself I'm willing to turn to google, but what's the point of being cryptic out-of-game and provide no information in-game if it just forces people to directly seek the spoilers online to figure out what's happening?
Is it just me? Am I missing something here?
Decided to double-check before submitting, and all the data-hashes are still showing as Undiscovered on the Event board on the orbiter. Again, is this a bug? Did I just waste a bunch of time? I can't tell.

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