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The Buried Debt Map Beyond the Gate Won't Load! Please Fix!


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I just assumed it wasn't available yet. All the glyphs still say undiscovered in navigation and they are all blank at the terminal in the cave after scanning them all. One of the data things stayed flashing green for some reason and couldn't be scanned too.

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I'm in the same boat as Batosaii is scanned all and now it says undiscovered. I don't even know where the cave is since there is no marker for it nothing this whole event just seems rushed out the door without no thought.

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It's a community goal, the more people finish the scans the faster we can unlock the door. According to DE, they expect us to unlock it in 7-10 days(?, not sure where I have seen that info)

So, spread the word and start scanning!

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50 minutes ago, HellVOps said:

It's a community goal, the more people finish the scans the faster we can unlock the door. According to DE, they expect us to unlock it in 7-10 days(?, not sure where I have seen that info)

So, spread the word and start scanning!

I didn’t hear her right as in where it is located? The cave.

Edited by Godzilla853
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13 minutes ago, Jokerpixel said:

What even is supposed to be behind the door?


An Orb Mother probably. Normaly something like this would be soloable but this one was made for the entire community to unlock. Which is a little bit suspisious.

Edited by JackHargreav
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14 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

Yep. But probably we get some big boss fight with it.

I doubt we're going to get a big boss fight with it, strictly speaking. This update seems to be centered on the Exploiter Orb. I'm sure there's going to be a step or two between going through the door and fighing that big beastie.

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1 hour ago, Archimedes01 said:

How long do you think it will take to get all the glyphs for that door now that everything is working properly?

Hard to say. DE estimated one week. Looking at the meters, most are still on 5% within 24 hours. Gotta keep in mind though that there will be more activity during the weekend, so I think a week is a pretty good estimate. Especially now that there are detailed maps and screenshots of it all, the pace should pick up.

It is pretty obvious though that DE are still working on the next part, hoping they got another week to finetune things, especially considering how rushed this first part was. I really hope they don't just throw the rest out there in an even worse state. 

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Part of me thinks that we may fail this goal entirely due to few people showing interest in going around finding and scanning these Data Hashes at all... If so, DE will need to find some way to compensate for the fact that the content they created failed entirely if this does indeed take its course this way.

I mean, we could bombard every Warframe discord in existence with video guides on how to find these all, but not sure even that would take, or if it would aggravate others too much, causing the goal to not be reached anyways.

Apologies for the negativity, but I think DE put too much faith in the community regarding this, as there are quite a few people among the community who just don't care, and even more inactive players. Hopefully they find some way to salvage this if it does fail.

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Wild guess: considering the reactions and comments of Eudico and the other npc (Zapp was she called?) + the glitch video + the title of this event, maybe what's behind that gate has something to do with the past of Fortuna's colony, maybe their previous living location was underground and just with the extreme sacrifice of a part of population or else they emerged. Or again, someone else helped them and was left behind. Just a little bit of theory.

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