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State of the game (ReaperHunter's and Brozime's videos)


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Hey there,

I guess it's been a while since I've posted and a discussion with some friends promoted me to do so once more. They directed to the video of ReaperHunter and in turn Brozime.

Videos here:



I guess these videos cement my concerns as well as my friends concerns about the game - goals, focus and some freedom to follow whichever you choose.

Exploration of lore; be it depth of factions, the major chapters or even the supporting characters. As one who has been here a long time, lore is a key yet it is hidden behind lesser known lore unless you decide to actually dig around and listen to content creators who make lore videos - open exploration of the lore is an unknown perse. Umbra and the quests leading to it show some of the lore, yet we still don't know much about the Old War, let alone Stalker...he's just a guy who's edgy and annoyed at us for slaughter and him being a low guardian.

Nothing feels rewarding as Brozime surmises well. From my some 5 or 6 years here, the last year or so I can't really think of the last time I had something to work towards.

The last real dopamine hit I had was doing a no damage stealth run prior to the stealth experience multiplier being added and the AI was more omniscient than it is now with ash and a silenced Latron...

What are your thoughts on the current state of the game?

Is there anything you would like to see?

Changes in mindset or attitude towards content or a particular style of action you would like to see DE work towards?

As one of my friend's said,

Once the rose tinted glasses are taken off, it's a little rough to look at.

Thank you for reading,


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4 minutes ago, Phyrak said:

What are your thoughts on the current state of the game?

Good for new and casual players. Extremely bad for Veterans...


4 minutes ago, Phyrak said:

Is there anything you would like to see?

Reward reworks, better AI, nerfing Nuke frames (deal with it), difficulty slider with better rewards and: endgame stuff...


But here we go "Just Youtubers" and "The game is fine" and such stuff -.-

1 minute ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Ah, another "youtuber said a thing" thread.

And the first one... thanks for your "input"...


Edited by DerGreif2
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Ah, another "youtuber said a thing" thread.


This can only go well.

They worded unspoken thoughts of myself and my clan mates (people whom I've played with since U8) concisely.

Thus, a discussion with others to see who feels this way or perhaps differently and why they do is constructive

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im pretty sure that people always keep saying that this game is getting worse etc, every year, every update, its always the same, yet, the game still getting more and more popular 

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things are not gonna change anytime soon so i just dont play when i get burnt out until they add a proper endgame im just gonna play other games no point in complaining when vets have been doing so for years

Edited by Heretic-Prime
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Ugh, wish you hadn't used ReaperHunter as one of your example videos. That guy is extremely bitter and whiney in 90% of his videos (which isn't necessarily a bad thing in itself), but also terrible at the game (just look at his video history and gameplay footage) and usually giving completely off base opinions and suggestions to his perceived problems. Like in the past calling certain warframes trash and lackluster simply because he had no clue how to build and use them properly. 

The game definitely has serious issues with endgame, sustainable content and veteran engagement, but I just happen to think that the discussions we've had here in these forums with various members delve a lot deeper into these issues and address them much better than those two videos above (both sides of the discussion too, not just the side I sympathize the most with). 

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I think this game NEEDS more "defend this table" game modes.

Like a real ninja game.


At this point I won't even be surprised when in Railjack we will need to to another mobile defense.

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3 minutes ago, Phyrak said:

Thus, a discussion with others to see who feels this way or perhaps differently and why they do is constructive

Why do we need such a discussion?
I want to remind you of all the threads about Anthem. How Anthem will be a huge competition for Warframe. Anthem will destroy Warframe.
Yeah... you see... Warframe is doing fine, is going strong. Anthem isn't.

And Brozime... isn't he talking about how bad Warframe is since 2017? He does that for 2 years now. He is still making money off of Warframe. I don't think Warframe is as bad as he is making it sound...

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Six years in..and I still enjoy the game...but the rewards are awful and of late the whole time-gate with some syndicate standing is a chore... or you have to stand on this panel to get at said boss is not really fun at all as well...

DE is throwing hordes at us and that's fine but,..why even care about bad math Chroma or Self Damage Rhino..or the Mag, Mesa, and Banshee combo when Saryn and Volt are a thing?....Why stop Loki from switch teleporting in the spy vaults when Limbo and Ivara can pass through lasers with ease?... Why not add fun mechanics to guns and give them cool stats and proc?...I'm just over the whole putting the brakes on the players..Especially when a year later when said brakes are torn off to get everyone into the next content drop as fast as possible...

Warframe is the game I come back to because Dreadnought is PVP only and Strike Vector EX is dead..and fallout 4 was trash..and Monster Hunter is fun..but my family doesn't play it..Anthem well was Anthem..and every game out there I want to play is on PC and not consoles while my toaster is for work only...


I still trust DE over all other developers right now..I don't feel pushed into anything...I just want them to make the game fun for every frame..not just two of them...

I don't subscribe to end game..To me that's a fantasy when it comes to Warframe..I've always seen Warframe as weightlifting only we haven't had many meets so the weight lifting is now for looking good..rather than cleaning the heaviest in your weight class...So new enemies and re-works on tile sets has me more excited than say another giant open world full of chores...

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Six years in..and I still enjoy the game...but the rewards are awful and of late the whole time-gate with some syndicate standing is a chore... or you have to stand on this panel to get at said boss is not really fun at all as well...

DE is throwing hordes at us and that's fine but,..why even care about bad math Chroma or Self Damage Rhino..or the Mag, Mesa, and Banshee combo when Saryn and Volt are a thing?....Why stop Loki from switch teleporting in the spy vaults when Limbo and Ivara can pass through lasers with ease?... Why not add fun mechanics to guns and give them cool stats and proc?...I'm just over the whole putting the brakes on the players..Especially when a year later when said brakes are torn off to get everyone into the next content drop as fast as possible...

Warframe is the game I come back to because Dreadnought is PVP only and Strike Vector EX is dead..and fallout 4 was trash..and Monster Hunter is fun..but my family doesn't play it..Anthem well was Anthem..and every game out there I want to play is on PC and not consoles while my toaster is for work only...


I still trust DE over all other developers right now..I don't feel pushed into anything...I just want them to make the game fun for every frame..not just two of them...

I don't subscribe to end game..To me that's a fantasy when it comes to Warframe..I've always seen Warframe as weightlifting only we haven't had many meets so the weight lifting is now for looking good..rather than cleaning the heaviest in your weight class...So new enemies and re-works on tile sets has me more excited than say another giant open world full of chores...

Nice summary here

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I feel Warframe is in a great place. Yes, there are areas that can be improved, and more so ideas that can always be added. This game is not some boxed in cookie cutter template that must always remain the same. Independent studios have it better than bigger AAA who are locked into set concepts, they can branch out. It can keep to its basics but continue to add and improve upon what is already there. Keep the complex customization, we don't need streamlined processes. We want to make the game our own. And I believe that is exactly what they are doing. We are making our story and playing it how we want to. 

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33 minutes ago, vid23 said:

im pretty sure that people always keep saying that this game is getting worse etc, every year, every update, its always the same, yet, the game still getting more and more popular 

Not really. If you look at steamcharts, you'll see that it's barely grown in the last 3 years.

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2 hours ago, Phyrak said:

They worded unspoken thoughts of myself and my clan mates (people whom I've played with since U8) concisely.

Thus, a discussion with others to see who feels this way or perhaps differently and why they do is constructive

I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say sure, you're attempting to have a constructive discussion. And hey, you've been here longer than me. (I'm pretty sure) maybe I'm wrong but, usually when somebody brings up a youtuber complaining about something it goes over about as well as a loud, moist fart in church. At least from what I have seen.

1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

Why do we need such a discussion?
I want to remind you of all the threads about Anthem. How Anthem will be a huge competition for Warframe. Anthem will destroy Warframe.
Yeah... you see... Warframe is doing fine, is going strong. Anthem isn't.

And Brozime... isn't he talking about how bad Warframe is since 2017? He does that for 2 years now. He is still making money off of Warframe. I don't think Warframe is as bad as he is making it sound...

This. And I don't understand why there is so much negativity in this forum on a daily basis when in game, it's a different story.

"Anthem will kill warframe" "warframe needs to learn from anthem" etc. That last one in particular aged especially well.

If there isnt at least 2 threads on the first page complaining about the game being too "casual" there's at least 2 threads on the first page complaining that something is too grindy or too difficult.

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Even if they have a point in some cases, a youtuber's video is not be-all-end-all on the state of the game.

I agree that the game needs better rewards and something to keep long-time players engaged, but making doom and gloom threads won't make that happen.

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2 hours ago, Viges said:

Not really. If you look at steamcharts, you'll see that it's barely grown in the last 3 years.

barely grown for the last 3 year? in 2016 the avg playercount was 25k, now its peaking at 60k just on steam alone

if you consider the game having nearly 3 times as much player as 3 year ago as "barely grown" then yeah, its barely grown 

Edited by vid23
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1 hour ago, vid23 said:

barely grown for the last 3 year? in 2016 the avg playercount was 25k, now its peaking at 60k just on steam alone

if you consider the game having nearly 3 times as much player as 3 year ago as "barely grown" then yeah, its barely grown 

Ok, not 3 years. It peaked at oct 2017 at ~62k avr. players and since then has been around that. So just 1.5 years of staggering then. But they were not growing, they doubled their players once, and then were just trying to hold that. So my point stands.

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21 minutes ago, Viges said:

Ok, not 3 years. It peaked at oct 2017 at ~62k avr. players and since then has been around that. So just 1.5 years of staggering then. But they were not growing, they doubled their players once, and then were just trying to hold that. So my point stands.

Averaging at 60k players for 1.5 year is pretty good. Warframe is currently 8th most popular game on Steam, according to the charts.

You can't have infinite growth. Going by your logic, Dota 2 has been staggering for 5 years, Counter Strike for 4 years, etc.

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27 minutes ago, Viges said:

Ok, not 3 years. It peaked at oct 2017 at ~62k avr. players and since then has been around that. So just 1.5 years of staggering then. But they were not growing, they doubled their players once, and then were just trying to hold that. So my point stands.

POE got released in that month, thats why there was so many players, for a single month, after that it went back to 40k like how it was before, but now the playercount a day peaks at 70k, the game is still growing, even if you dont believe, and no, your point does not stand, and you cant just change your point after someone proven you wrong 

and i might add that this is steam only, console playercount is also growing, so even if its just 10k on steam, it can be 30k overall growth, but we cant really see console playercounts 

Edited by vid23
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31 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Averaging at 60k players for 1.5 year is pretty good. Warframe is currently 8th most popular game on Steam, according to the charts.

You can't have infinite growth. Going by your logic, Dota 2 has been staggering for 5 years, Counter Strike for 4 years, etc.

And I'm saying Warframe is dying or anything, I'm just saying that it's barely growing.

And Dota 2 and CS are actually staggering last years, especially in the new era of BRs.

37 minutes ago, vid23 said:

the game is still growing

No. I don't need to believe anything, I can just look at numbers and see for myself.

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8 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say sure, you're attempting to have a constructive discussion. And hey, you've been here longer than me. (I'm pretty sure) maybe I'm wrong but, usually when somebody brings up a youtuber complaining about something it goes over about as well as a loud, moist fart in church. At least from what I have seen.

This. And I don't understand why there is so much negativity in this forum on a daily basis when in game, it's a different story.

"Anthem will kill warframe" "warframe needs to learn from anthem" etc. That last one in particular aged especially well.

If there isnt at least 2 threads on the first page complaining about the game being too "casual" there's at least 2 threads on the first page complaining that something is too grindy or too difficult.

I have been here a while now. 

Seen two of my clan mates get married, maybe some 3 years after they met one another in the game - all of us are seeking something similar with the game.

I do seek honest and open discussion, even when criticism comes it's worth a shot of self reflection.

Such is why I linked the YT videos, both of them put my thoughts out concisely even though both of them have their skills and flaws with producing the content they do.

I want the best for this game.

Yet it feels like frost prime drop rates again when he was first introduced.

There isn't really a feeling of reward for effort nor a feeling or a will to explore outside of the norm as they did some 3 or 4 years ago.

Heck, mission types that explored the tenno culture in giving us both lore and gameplay would go a long way. 

My dream would be a real hunting mission somewhat a mix of eidolon, conservation and MHW whereby we can wear what we slay - using kubrows for their hunting purpose and the Cernos Prime to hunt hellish beasts for its namesake.


Lore feels lacking in the way it has been done and then the gameplay is tacked on with no reason other than the buffer for content without meaning. I need to tint my glasses again...

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Well I think the game needs some kind of replay-able endgame content, if only because it takes so long to release new content. Gives the vets something to do while they wait. But this is more of a "nice to have" than essential.

The fact that a lot of content can be trivialised, is just an accident of some poor game design, which has allowed players to become far too powerful. The game clearly was not designed to ramp up indefinitely in difficulty, to match the best builds players can make...but the cheese masters / min maxers have already said they won't accept their gear being nerfed...so thats their choice.

My own feeling is that Warframe is not the kind of game that necessarily should have an "endgame" state. Its basically an evolving, story-driven adventure game, that will end when the devs feel the story has reached a natural conclusion (or business imperatives mean the game is discontinued).

Following on from this, I would definitely agree that the game's lore needs to be brought more to the forefront, through missions and quests...even data tablets or objects we retrieve / earn and inbox messages from NPCs. Maybe completing certain tasks, or finding certain objects could even unlock new cut scenes, or sections of the codex, to enable us to learn more about the history of the Origin system.

The game doesn't necessarily have to be ridiculously challenging to be interesting...it just needs new things and people to discover...stuff that will add pieces to the jigsaw puzzle that is the game's lore. A bit more variety in mission types would help too. Maybe some that require specific frame abilities, instead of just being able to shoot or parkour your way through.

I feel this is a game with so much potential, but the fact development takes so long, means we may never get to see a lot of what could be added. Probably explains why a lot of ideas never see the light of day, while other concepts make it into the game, but then fall by the wayside.


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Oh great a WaRfRaMe Is DyInG thread.

Oh no a update hasn't come out in a week, the game is dying.

DE doesn't respond the every damn feedback thread, the games dying.

I didn't get a riven today, the game is dying.

I hate people who state the game is dying over dumb inconveniences and start trying backseat the game development and just parrot what ever youtuber said cause "it's a youtuber it must be true!, i can't come to conclusion myself".

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