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Submersible? Seriously?


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OK. So I've been playing for a few weeks, nearly MR6, two frames and two more in the foundry.

Great game, but?

I hated Archwing. Still need to get a guildmate to do the Phobos? one with me so I can tick it off.

And now they have this as a mission default on Uranus? Underwater?

What torture is this?

Can I spend 100 plat to just not bother?




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It's a part of the game, albeit a small one. Some missions are unavoidable if you want to progress so there isn't much you can do. I mean in theory you can play some of them publicly and let others do the work and reap the rewards after the extraction, but that's not a great solution imo.

Some of the submersible segments can be very annoying, it's basically a tileset that can end up in many buggy situations.

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Is 'Arrrggghhh!' an appropriate response?

So I get monomaniacal about games. Just came out of 2 years of ESO and this seemed so cool, I unsubed from ESO.

So the theme of the posts I've read is just 'suck it up'.

Which I guess I will do because the rest of the game is so fun.

But do any of you 'love'  archwing? Or do you just tolerate it?





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5 minutes ago, topsicles said:

Is 'Arrrggghhh!' an appropriate response?

So I get monomaniacal about games. Just came out of 2 years of ESO and this seemed so cool, I unsubed from ESO.

So the theme of the posts I've read is just 'suck it up'.

Which I guess I will do because the rest of the game is so fun.

But do any of you 'love'  archwing? Or do you just tolerate it?





I love using archwings in PoE / OV, but the missions themselves leave a bit to be desired. With Empyrean on the horizon, I'm inclined to believe they will get better.

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9 minutes ago, topsicles said:

But do any of you 'love'  archwing? Or do you just tolerate it?

Loving is a strong word. I like the mode. And I LOVE the fact that others are just bad at it. Can't wait for Railjack to drop seeing all the rants pop up from people that never bothered with Archwing. ^^

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So, since my rant I've played a bit more and it's mostly ignorable.

Except for one submersible bit where I get toasted by these little res 'X' things with guns.

Be so glad when I've done that.

Just, slow underwater thing is not jumpy space ninjas with guns.





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5 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

Loving is a strong word. I like the mode. And I LOVE the fact that others are just bad at it. Can't wait for Railjack to drop seeing all the rants pop up from people that never bothered with Archwing. ^^

me two

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I think the problem with archwing is that it feels like a half-baked mode without much thought or effort put into it the last few years, and this is clearly indicated by how very little in the way of new weapons or archwings have been released by DE, when it's obvious that there is space for more of them (at the very least, prime versions of existing ones). In pure archwing form, i.e. not on open world maps or the weapons that can be used through gravimag, there is this painful lack of things to do and challenges to complete; also those maps need updating or redesigning in many aspects.

Now this situation may change with the upcoming Railjack/Empyrean, in fact I'd say that this is certain. The degree to which this will be satisfying remains to be seen.

As for the mode itself, I'd like it if there was more to do on archwing maps. In fact one of my favorite warframes is Titania for her 4th ability which transforms her into a mini-archwing. I enjoy playing with this a lot, but that's because the maps and tilesets where I can use her are much better than the "pure" archwing ones.

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Archwing submersible mode is basically a worse version of archwing, which is annoying. On top of that it's rather buggy as well. I've been stuck multiple times on the ramp with my warframe constantly doing backflips. /Unstuck doesn't work, forcing you to either abort or let teammates complete the objective without you and force extraction to end the torment.

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1 hour ago, topsicles said:

Is 'Arrrggghhh!' an appropriate response?

So I get monomaniacal about games. Just came out of 2 years of ESO and this seemed so cool, I unsubed from ESO.

So the theme of the posts I've read is just 'suck it up'.

Which I guess I will do because the rest of the game is so fun.

But do any of you 'love'  archwing? Or do you just tolerate it?


Archwing is getting reworked this year, so it might get better. And there are no submersible levels anywhere else than Uranus, you'll be fine. Currently archwing missions are one-and-done type of deal.

There is no meaningful content to love archwing at the moment, but it might change soon.

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1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

Loving is a strong word. I like the mode. And I LOVE the fact that others are just bad at it. Can't wait for Railjack to drop seeing all the rants pop up from people that never bothered with Archwing. ^^

In perfect honestly, this is what i'm waiting  for too.

Archwing is being required more and more, now with Railjack in the horizon, its even bigger.

I remember when people did the Golem Boss in Eris, those who didnt pimp up their Archwing and farm mods were just destroyed and came here to complain, while I making a run after the other.

OP, if the 6 Field of Movement is not to your liking, there is an option to use the normal 3D movement in the... Options, I think its in Gameplay.

You getting killed easily in it has the same issue of someone going to a high level mission with subpar moded weapons and warframes, nothing of the mode itself. (Yeah, this one is a git gud, there is no way around it.)

You might not like the game mode and that is totaly fine, but you have to expect that you will not do well in any future content that will require it if you keep ignoring it.

We have:

  • Fomorians and Razorback;
  • Submersible;
  • Valis and Plains (Segment to fly around);
  • 1 Boss;
  • A Quest part;
  • Archgun on the ground (Segment);
  • And the normal missions.

And what in the near future? Railjack AKA Empyrean Update.

Its not going away, and hopefully will get better with Railjack. So prepare for... unforeseen consequences, Mr. Freeman topsciles.

Edited by Kaotyke
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Hey Kaotyke

Laughed at the Halflife reference.

It's just that, to me, the archwing experience is so less dynamic that the on the ground missions.

Also, archwing has this weird unseen edge of map thing. You hit this invisible wall. Not intuitive.

In regular missions you see the wall, an actual wall, and the jumping still gives a nice 'I am in a 3d space' feel.

And the arbitrary 'do x and y and z' to hit the next junction. What is that about?

Having said that, there was a Nightwave 'do 150 bullet jumps'. I'd not bothered with that cause the key combos were difficult.

After the Nightwave challenge I'm bullet jumping everywhere.








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I love Archwing, so much to the point I've invested a lot of time Forma-ing everything AW related several times (3-4 Forma in every AW primary, AW melee and the AW themselves, yea... crazy right?), I help a lot of new players and not so new ones with AW missions every day and the issue I found for them is 95% of the time the same one: they have the "Experimental Flight" option turned on in their in-game options, making it a nightmare to maneuver during any kind of AW mission, the 5% left is for those ones that have no idea about modding AW stuff because they didn't found the option to do so in the Arsenal.

So no, from my PoV Archwing is far from bad, it's ok as it's right now and it can only improve and I hope for it to do so.

For all those that says things like: it's sh*t, it s*cks and so on, 1st check your in-game options, 2nd check your mods on your AW stuff, 3rd give it another try. And if still maneuvering is a problem, tweak the thing lowering your sensibility options in the in-game Archwing section, it's worth it.

Fly safe, good day.

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I grew up on Freespace. I love space sims. Haven't played many, but I know i love it.

Archwing is not Freespace. It's not a great space sim. I play with Experimental Flight mode enabled and the lack of attention to archwings is incredibly grating and obvious when enemies clearly don't also use it.


I desperately want to love Archwing. I certainly don't hate it, not even dislike it. I like it in a lukewarm, "this could be better" way. I've high hopes that the coming patches will make Archwings better.


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They tossed ideas at it like sharkwing and 6D movement hoping to drum up more interest without the dedication of a ground up rework. And that interest would be used as an excuse to put more effort into it.

But it was always so jaring of a departure from ground combat, and a completely separate mod reward box, it was hard to like.

With Railjack, it might help blend these two worlds together that sharkwing couldn't quite reach. And gave a good reason to work on all the things people typically hate archwing for. But it's still in the air if it will be any good. I don't wish for it's failure... But I'm also not holding my breath.


Edited by Firetempest
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42 minutes ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

actually at least 3 quests (Second Dream, War Within, and Limbo Theorem), there may be more though, that is all i can think of

Oh right, the underwater part and Limbo. Forgot those two.

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