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Nightwave induces me to not play the game.


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Sure I come in to do my daily and weekly nightwave missions but now I find myself doing things like not gilding or forma'ing items I normally would grind to min-max because I know that eventually nightwave is going to come along and ask me to do it.  If I min-max new gear that I actually like and use as a high MR player, then I know I am just going to have to forma a weapon that doesn't matter to me at all to complete nightwave tasks.  The end result of that for me, as I manage my time, is to simply not min-max new gear until nightwave comes along.  So, rather than play the game, I log off and wait for nightwave to catch up.


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Well, I can't say I have that issue. But everything new tends to make everyone react differently. Some for the better, some not so much. I guess it's a matter of adapting or waiting for a change to whatever seems bad.

Some things still could use improvement however, imo. Despite most of it being a matter of taste there are things that are just plain illogical or widely hated. Not necessarily just about NW, however, but in general.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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The intention of Nightwave is not to do every single challenge. I wouldn't restrict yourself from Forma or gilding because of a possible Nightwave challenge that you can skip. If you don't want to play, you don't have to.

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10 minutes ago, Mad5cout said:

Sure I come in to do my daily and weekly nightwave missions but now I find myself doing things like not gilding or forma'ing items I normally would grind to min-max because I know that eventually nightwave is going to come along and ask me to do it.  If I min-max new gear that I actually like and use as a high MR player, then I know I am just going to have to forma a weapon that doesn't matter to me at all to complete nightwave tasks.  The end result of that for me, as I manage my time, is to simply not min-max new gear until nightwave comes along.  So, rather than play the game, I log off and wait for nightwave to catch up.


Do you know what I do? I don't play those challenges. Because I don't need to do every single fcking challenge in the Nightwave to get lvl 30 in the end.

It's really simple.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

Well, I can't say I have that issue. But everything new tends to make everyone react differently. Some for the better, some not so much. I guess it's a matter of adapting or waiting for a change to whatever seems bad.

Some things still could use improvement however, imo. Despite most of it being a matter of taste there are things that are just plain illogical or widely hated. Not necessarily just about NW, however, but in general.

Honestly its less about adapting and make it more accessible challenges for players. It does not need to be massively dumbed down, but i feel making one of the challenges require one to forma 3 times can be somewhat frustrating for new players who likely do not have the arsenal or forma stock to deal with it and later end players may not warn to reforma gear they may of already forma`d or maybe do not keep every weapon under the sun that is a variant like some massive firearm/weaponry museum. Same could be applied to gilding, which i do not thing every player is aware you can just build another mote amp and suffer going thru 30 or so total waves of hydron (if you do not have an aff booster), to gild it and may instead end up burning alot of points and resources to build a completely new amp/kitgun/zaw to complete it.

Overall in warframe a good deal of things that have basically been left in forever could be smoothed out/removed or made actually useful.

  • Remember Resource Extractors? Even a low level player could get 5 to 10 times those resources in just 30 or so minutes without the need of a smeeta, resource booster or so on. Would SURE be nice if they had much better gain amounts or have them only chase after specific materials so the 12~36 or whatever hour long rate can be put to better use. Still kind of a shame they cant be flung into the void and have them pick up argon crystals for ya.
  • Anyone remember PVP or Lunaro that much? I think people have more fun with frame fighter then those since i feel like you are going to deal with particular cheese with what we have now these days and not serve much purpose besides maybe friends/clans fighting each other after being bored of loot farming.
  • Seriously anyone else wonder why we still have the CONFLICT issue with sentinels using our weapon mods, yet Venari and other pets give no frocks about sharing?
  • We now have mini-robotic roombas we can buy for decoration and plenty of people already memed a hoarde of them in thar own ships. Why cant we just bloody be allowed to have stasis removed, remove the degradation thing and just let us have multiple pets on the orbiter at the same time, so those roombas have enough animal fur/etc. things present for them to actually clean the floor?

Anyway thats enough rant tangent of me getting off topic on how PLENTY of things cause annoying detours which can ruin the flow of things or why do X still exist in its current state or even why its present at all, despite plenty of other Y things having been tidied up a bit.

Edited by Avienas
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You gotta love Warframe forums.  Every time I come on to give valid feedback, you always have some ass that comes on and probably is not even remotely in the same situation as you and craps all over your comment.  Nerevar, your comment has absolutely nothing to do with what I am talking about.  You look like you've been around for a while so maybe you are MR27 like me.  It is a pretty well known issue that high MR players struggle to find reasons to continue playing the game.  Nightwave was one of those things that gave us something new to strive for - like the exclusive operator armor in Nightwave 2.  I basically have nothing to do in game right now except:

1. maximize brand new gear - like things that have dropped in the last week or two
2. run eidolons for arcanes if I happen to log on at the right time
3. do nightwave weekly's and daily's. 

That's it.

So in response to me pointing out that 3 makes me not wanting to do 1, you say "just don't do 3."  That doesn't fix crap.  It still means I have less reasons to actually log in and play.


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On 2019-07-08 at 11:47 AM, Mad5cout said:

...but now I find myself doing things like not gilding or forma'ing items I normally would grind to min-max because I know that eventually nightwave is going to come along and ask me to do it. 

I've felt this urge. 

It doesn't really bother me that much, but weapons that I've started to work on that I've decided I don't like, they are getting put on hold just because of the forma challenge. They're something I'd probably not use much anyway, but now that last forma or two will wait for a challenge to get them as maxed out as I'm inclined to make them. 

I'll probably delay my next aura forma for the same reason. In fact, there's no probably. ZephyrP will be waiting for the next forma challenge for an aura forma. She'll get along as she has so far, but that aura will wait for another challenge. Just because. 

Umbral forma are a slightly different issue, more dependent on actually getting the things than anything else. Still, I'd probably hold off on actually using them for the challenge, since it just makes it easier to complete without wasted effort. 

I've gilded most of what I'm inclined to gild. I might put in place a couple of items just to complete this that I'd not normally even bother with. If one of the goals of NW is to induce one to try new stuff, then I guess it succeeded in this particular instance. 

Of course, if this bothered me that much, I'd simply not bother with NW. I skip a number of challenges as it is just because I don't want to do them at all. This one is more of a matter of shifting logistics around to cover possibilities than dislike. 

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I wish they had kept the challenges to gameplay related stuff.  They screwed the pooch when they started using it to force people to do other things in the game that they didnt want to do.  

If they had kept the challenges to general gameplay I would have loved for there to be about 10 daily challenges and like 20 weekly ones.  Make them worth less points so you have to grind them out and play every day(atleast 1-2 hours).  That way you always have a reason to get in game and be playing.  

In season 1 there were some really fun weeks.  I would knock out the entire list of objectives in 2 days lol.  But those were really fun 2 days.   Then they started adding all the harder end-game challenges and my fun stopped,  now they are adding meaningless resource wasting objectives and even more meaningless crap like pet your dog/cat.  wtf...  

- kill X amount enemies

- kill X amount of Y type of enemy

- kill X amount of  Y type of enemy with a melee/primary/secondary

- kill X amount of Y type of enemy with a melee/primary/secondary using Z damage type

- get X kills with a sentinel/moa/beast

Stealth kills,  Airglide kills, Wall latch kills, Operator kills, Ability kills,  

Let US decide WHERE we want to do the killing.  Im fine with including end-game modes if its just to get newbies feet wet.  Like finish 1 round of index, kill a terrolyst,  do 2 rounds of eso,  But the majority of the challenges should be just general gameplay stuff.    


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Inventory challenges have been a bad idea since inception, and I genuinely don't know why DE keep doing them. Guild an item, forma an item, socket a sculpture - these challenges work based off of what you have, not off of what you do. Much as I dislike the "spend 30 minutes in Survival" challenge (and it's a LOT less bad than the old 60 minute one), at least that requires me to play the game. Forma and guilding just require me to have the right items on hand. At that point, you may as well go with the same lame dailies as The Division 2. "Donate 10 000 Ferrite, 5000 Rubedo, 2 Orokin Cells."

Seriously, keep challenging restricted to gameplay, not inventory.

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1 hour ago, Sloan441 said:

I've felt this urge. 

It doesn't really bother me that much, but weapons that I've started to work on that I've decided I don't like, they are getting put on hold just because of the forma challenge. They're something I'd probably not use much anyway, but now that last forma or two will wait for a challenge to get them as maxed out as I'm inclined to make them. 

I'll probably delay my next aura forma for the same reason. In fact, there's no probably. ZephyrP will be waiting for the next forma challenge for an aura forma. She'll get along as she has so far, but that aura will wait for another challenge. Just because. 

Umbral forma are a slightly different issue, more dependent on actually getting the things than anything else. Still, I'd probably hold off on actually using them for the challenge, since it just makes it easier to complete without wasted effort. 

I've gilded most of what I'm inclined to gild. I might put in place a couple of items just to complete this that I'd not normally even bother with. If one of the goals of NW is to induce one to try new stuff, then I guess it succeeded in this particular instance. 

Of course, if this bothered me that much, I'd simply not bother with NW. I skip a number of challenges as it is just because I don't want to do them at all. This one is more of a matter of shifting logistics around to cover possibilities than dislike. 

Right.  Now imagine you've been playing for 6 years and you already had everything in your inventory you ever cared about forma'ed and min-maxed before Nightwave was even a thing.

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i have not much problems with the formating - if they don't come up evey week with it, but the gilding is another story since i have all modular items i need for function and mastery already build, gilded and maxed out. i sure as hell don't need no cosmetical dublicates and also hate this mindset of building something, leveling it and then just throw it away just because it was needed to get the damn points in nightwave.

sure, even with forma i closing to the point where i have every weapon, frame, etc. forma-maxed out and would be pressed hard to complete the challenge without wasting time and resources like i do now withthe gilding part... but for now, i still have some mastered but never really used gear in my arsenal and many spare forma that i can use for it. i do understand that this challenge also might be bothersome to newish player who still struggle with their capacity (slots, gear, forma and platinum), so it might be best if those two challenges will be removed rather sooner than later and replaced with something more enjoyable for everyone.

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Yeah, there are challenges I don't like either.  I'm hording Ayatans unless I absolutely need them (used to just convert them to endo almost immediately).  Guild a modular item is also a pain. 

The challenges don't stop me (built 3 zaws during last plague event to get my "perfect" creation) and still forma stuff I want to forma.  Doing these things to meet the challenges is annoying though.

You could argue, as some above have, that I have the "wrong" mentality, but saying that isn't going to change it.

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I don't mind guilding something new but that is because I have had the open world factions maxed for a long time and don't mind building something new just to try different combos.  That at least seems fun or interesting to me.  Wasting forma on a crap weapon makes me mad because forma is still one of those things I run out of when new items that I do want to level get released. 

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18 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

Nightwave is something to do. If you dont want it: again then dont do it. Play another game untill something else comes around. Thats the only advice you will get.

It is a mandatory part of the game which is needed, you can't avoid it. It need's to go away because of how awful it is. Also it's rude to tell people to go play something else like that so maybe don't act all up and high.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

It is a mandatory part of the game which is needed, you can't avoid it. It need's to go away because of how awful it is. Also it's rude to tell people to go play something else like that so maybe don't act all up and high.

It is not needed in any freaking way. Its a bonus. Nothing more. You dont need ephemeras or operator skins. Its also not rude to tell it: its the truth. There is nothing to do and when there is something to do and you dont want it your only choice is to wait for more. Untill then: run around in your orbiter OR play somthing else. Nothing to do with "being rude".

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Just now, DerGreif2 said:

It is not needed in any freaking way. Its a bonus. Nothing more. You dont need ephemeras or operator skins. Its also not rude to tell it: its the truth. There is nothing to do and when there is something to do and you dont want it your only choice is to wait for more. Untill then: run around in your orbiter OR play somthing else. Nothing to do with "being rude".

Well good luck getting any Nitain without it.

And yes it's rude, he clearly states that the mode makes him play the game less and less which is a problem a lot of us have including myself despite the fact that I love the game and would like to play more.

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Just now, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

Well good luck getting any Nitain without it.

And yes it's rude, he clearly states that the mode makes him play the game less and less which is a problem a lot of us have including myself despite the fact that I love the game and would like to play more.

Simple missions and people still complain -.- You dont need to complete all of then OR any if you dont want. They are all pretty ez. Some people will never be satisfied. Its a replacement for the old alert system. Not a "must do or you cant play".

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2 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

Simple missions and people still complain -.- You dont need to complete all of then OR any if you dont want. They are all pretty ez. Some people will never be satisfied. Its a replacement for the old alert system. Not a "must do or you cant play".

Well I do so because I want to be over with this BS as soon as possible. It's and awful and flawed system that needs to go away.

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18 hours ago, Mad5cout said:

Right.  Now imagine you've been playing for 6 years and you already had everything in your inventory you ever cared about forma'ed and min-maxed before Nightwave was even a thing.

Don't have to imagine it. 

I still have lots of things I can potentially forma and fiddle with even after well over six years. Many things I simply don't bother with. Staffs that shoot? Don't care for this nonsense, but they could very well serve as vectors for NW forma challenges. I still don't like the idea of them, but it's an option. 

There are more than a few warframes I've never bothered with. I still don't want to, but, again, the potential for achieving the challenge is there. 

This one comes down to how badly you want those NW points. There's always a way. 


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18 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

It is not needed in any freaking way. Its a bonus. Nothing more. You dont need ephemeras or operator skins. Its also not rude to tell it: its the truth. There is nothing to do and when there is something to do and you dont want it your only choice is to wait for more. Untill then: run around in your orbiter OR play somthing else. Nothing to do with "being rude".

Wrong.  Now that standard alerts are gone, good luck getting enough nitain for prime crafts any other way.  Gift of the Lotus and the random Invasion will never drop enough catalysts to keep up with new weapon drops.  And for MR27 players some of the only things left for us to do in terms of min-maxing is grabbing those umbral and aura mods.  And of course, fashion frame is the only end game, which 90% of it is now on nightwave.  So, you sound like a noob when you make comments like this.

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19 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

Nightwave is something to do. If you dont want it: again then dont do it. Play another game untill something else comes around. Thats the only advice you will get.

Thank you for agreeing with my main point, which is that Nightwave induces people to play other games instead.

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