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Why every human npc so unattractive?


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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

Then perhaps he should choose his words more carefully. 

 appealing to look at; sexually alluring.

No, not at all, because it doesn't have to mean sexually alluring. But this beg's the question, why was your mind there?


adjective: attractive
  1. (of a thing) pleasing or appealing to the senses.
    "an attractive home"
    • (of a person) appealing to look at; sexually alluring.
      "an attractive, charismatic man"
      synonyms: good-looking, nice-looking, beautiful, pretty, as pretty as a picture, handsome, lovely, stunning, striking, arresting, gorgeous, prepossessing, winning, fetching, captivating, bewitching, beguiling, engaging, charming, charismatic, enchanting, appealing, delightful, irresistible; More
      sexy, sexually attractive, sexual, seductive, alluring, tantalizing, ravishing, desirable, sultry, sensuous, sensual, erotic, arousing, luscious, lush, nubile;
      informalfanciable, beddable, tasty, hot, knockout, drop-dead gorgeous, out of this world, easy on the eye, come-hither, come-to-bed;
      informalfit, smashing;
      informalcute, foxy, bootylicious;
      informalon fleek;
      datedtaking, well favored;
      archaiccomely, fair;
      raresightly, pulchritudinous
      "I'm sure she has no idea how attractive she is"
      antonyms: unattractive, ugly
    • (of a thing) having beneficial qualities or features that induce someone to accept what is being offered.
      "the site is close to the high-rent district, which should make it attractive to developers"
      synonyms: appealing, agreeable, pleasing, inviting, tempting, interesting, fascinating, irresistible
      "they wanted to make military service a more attractive career"
Edited by IllogicalLogic420
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On 2019-07-11 at 12:44 AM, Sziklamester said:

Some pretty faces there but those are mainly the new Loka. The people's of Cetus are ugly and range to mediocre. That is not a problem for me but they are like clones.  DE does not like the faces and what they can is give mask on everything. 

I can prove it. 


Warframes has no real face,  Corpus has normal faces but clones and all wear helmets. Grineer ugly but most use helmet,  same goes for the syndicates which also use helmets to hide themselves.  Infested just infested. 

DE is not good in making faces so they are hiding them. 

Blizzard still cannot make children faces and those ugly as hell too but that's another story.

Keep in mind that a lot of people are space faring, those masks are necessary in case of decompression or loss of atmosphere.  If I were in space I'd rarely take mine of too.

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Yeah DE's unability to model faces were shown very clealry in TAE and resting *@##$ faces of both female charakters.

Here, have a busty cowgirl - face only mother can love

An aquatic-themed chick in tight suit? nah we don't even give her long hair to flow nicely cuz we're S#&$ at that

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1 hour ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:


If you notice in what you posted, it's part of the main definition for a non-object.

It's not a complete stretch like you are hyperbolizing. And i'm not the one asking for children to be attractive here. There isn't a definition that it doesn't come across creepy. 

Edit: And he's the one that specifically used Megan Fox as the example. That's not casual appeal. 

Edited by (PS4)Ozymandias-13-
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Can’t believe the discussion is still going when we have about half the NPCs having a traditional semi attractive face (the guys in blue on relays plus Loca folks).  We just can’t  see their eyes.

OP is simply wrong.  Should have ended on page one.

Are Cetus folks less than attractive, yeah for most.  They are not the only beings in the universe.

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1 minute ago, kgabor said:

I can't imagine anyone saying something like Keanu Reeves, Emilia Clarke, young Brad Pitt or Scarlett Johansson isn't attractive with a straight face.

Sure, there are traits seen as pretty / attractive by most of the people. Could cite psychological studies if someone made me, but please don't - I'm too lazy and this is something everyone knows without psychologists playing captain obvious. There are exceptions thought, for example, I think Brad Pitt is only average, and while a lot of girls like Justin Bieber, if you'd put him beside a pile of trash, I could barely tell the difference.

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Wow, this thread is still alive.

2 hours ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

Sure, there are traits seen as pretty / attractive by most of the people. Could cite psychological studies if someone made me, but please don't - I'm too lazy and this is something everyone knows without psychologists playing captain obvious. 

There is a genetic basis for this, actually - attractiveness is meant to correspond with genetic fitness and ability to reproduce. As much as saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the beholders are genetically programmed to enjoy a narrow spectrum of appearances that indicate fitness. Anyone trying to convince themselves otherwise is probably just a hypocrite and liar. You don't need a psychological study to know this.

There are loads of biological studies into this. And hard science has a lot more value than social science, IMO. Not only humans have such a condition. It is applicable to most tetrapods, which means reptiles, birds, mammals etc all have this kind of genetic hard coding to select for "beautiful". Or else why would birds of paradise and peacocks go through so much impractical evolutions? Because of "costly signalling" as well. Having impractical, but beautiful things signals you can upkeep them even in the face of adversity. Which means you are superior, genetically and have higher value to the evolution of the species to a better state.

Humans have already went through many rounds of this. Attractiveness and how we appreciate it is already hard coded into our genes. In fact, assuming people with good traits naturally want beautiful mates and beautiful people seek to optimize their reproduction with those of good traits, beauty and good traits will mix up and become not just correlated, but connected.

Basal instinct will never be fully overridden by any amount of education unless the basic instinct was wired wrong in the first place. Even in the harshest conditions, attractiveness and ornamentation will naturally win out in the end. Which actually kind of explains why women have breasts even when not lactating (despite it being biologically impractical for them to not atrophy if they are not needed) or why long hair is nice to see on girls even though it would snag and is a hassle for those in a survival situation (more covered later)

2 hours ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

There are exceptions thought, for example, I think Brad Pitt is only average, and while a lot of girls like Justin Bieber, if you'd put him beside a pile of trash, I could barely tell the difference.

This will be affected by ancestry and genetics as well, actually. I don't know your race, so I won't comment on that area, but I personally only find my own race to be beautiful in appearance (and it is not actually racist to do so). Actresses like Qin Lan (Chinese), Yoona (Korean) or Li Yitong (Chinese) look beautiful to me (although pretty sure tonnes of Whites or Blacks would disagree). On the other hand, the standard (classical) Caucasian Beauty Yardsticks like say, Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe are actually nothing special, if not below average.

There is a hypothesis that seeks to explain this, known as the "sexy son hypothesis" in biology, where females select for a trait in males. These matings with males that carry the trait result in males with the trait in abundance and females who seek out the trait even more, causing positive feedback.

But, this is only applicable after nitpicking. Overall, people will still look for the same few traits. Things like fair skin, large eyes etc are quite universal and you don't see people say no to such. Wide hips in women is a must because it optimizes childbirth, not because big butts are innately beautiful. Facial symmetry is another thing - humans are innately attracted to symmetrical facial shapes because it is an indication of low fluctuating instability, which indicates a better quality of life and lower parasite load - this is tied to good genes and good living conditions, which means good reproductive capability. 

I am not objectifying anyone here, before any SJW tries to trot out nonsense arguments like "people are not objects". To our immortal genes, people are objects. Men are just sperm guns and women are just baby machines. Yes, we are meaningless, ephemeral containers competing with each other to pass on that double stranded nonsense in our cells. Nothing more in the context of biology. All our actions, no matter how much meaning we ascribe to them, are actually extra and meaningless. These genes have evolved over 3.7 billion years since the first bacterium. We only live up to a hundred or so, at best. Each individual human is therefore just a filter of the species, to select the best double strand.

This is why, no matter how many arguments people will attempt to trot out, by nature, there should at least be nice looking NPCs assuming DE wasn't lazy and would want realism, because evolution dictates that beauty will appear. But, we all know, at the end of the day, with all the people like Life of Rio commenting endlessly on content drought, speed at which content drops takes priority and low effort NPCs aren't a hindrance to such people. It's a perfect excuse for DE to not put in effort in such an area and just say "but update speed..."

Although I agree with the core of OP's post and will still defend his core idea, I don't expect change in character modelling for DE. It's too much effort for them and pleases too little people (pretty sure all the Content Drought people wouldn't give a rats ass even if they made Nakak into Tifa Lockheart, for starters. In fact, they would say Dev assets wasted on pretty girl).

Understanding their circumstance doesn't mean I sympathize or will not criticize, though. Low effort is low effort.

2 hours ago, kgabor said:

I can't imagine anyone saying something like Keanu Reeves, Emilia Clarke, young Brad Pitt or Scarlett Johansson isn't attractive with a straight face.

I won't comment on Mr Reeves or Mr Pitt as I don't quantify male attractiveness and can't really compare them. Emilia Clarke and Scarlett Johansson are not attractive in my book. Now, I quantify I am Asian and yes, I can call those two and OP's favorite Megan Fox downright unattractive with a straight face. 

To be fair to Ms Clarke and Ms Johansson, I doubt I will find a Caucasian guy (who is not gay) who will say they are downright horrific/unattractive.

Edited by Guest
Heck, I have probably reached the level of "making the Himalayas out of a molehill".
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On 2019-07-10 at 11:01 PM, CephalonDizzy said:

Clem is the ideal human.


Change my view.

Clem is literally a throw away Grineer clone. If he's the ideal, that makes the entirety of grineer army better than perfect. Not that I have any problem with such logic.

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9 hours ago, Datam4ss said:

To be fair to Ms Clarke and Ms Johansson, I doubt I will find a Caucasian guy (who is not gay) who will say they are downright horrific/unattractive.


11 hours ago, kgabor said:

I can't imagine anyone saying something like Keanu Reeves, Emilia Clarke, young Brad Pitt or Scarlett Johansson isn't attractive with a straight face.

Scarlett Johansson is average as heck. White het cis-male btw.

After googling who the other woman is, I can also definitely say, she actually kinda ugly. That face is weird yo.

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38 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Scarlett Johansson is average as heck. White het cis-male btw.

After googling who the other woman is, I can also definitely say, she actually kinda ugly. That face is weird yo.

To be fair, I did say "downright horrific". Now, she has not reached Gremlin level, has she?


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1 hour ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

If only WF looked like this


Forgive my insolent double posting but I believe ZXPFER and Darikaart can do a MUCH better job from the art standpoint.

For anime this artist is surprisingly mediocre.

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6 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Scarlett Johansson is average as heck. White het cis-male btw.

After googling who the other woman is, I can also definitely say, she actually kinda ugly. That face is weird yo.

Forgive my uninformedness, but you're a what now?

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Ba social politics bs.

Every culture has a general idea of what is the idealized man/women.  Then we as individuals tweak that idea to our own tastes.

Generally games to get the viewers attention will use the idealized construct to sell the product.

Atm warframes characters are not generally idealized and the operater creator doesn't give us the tools to change that.  Maybe future content will overhaul the operater creator.

De clearly knows how to make adult body types.  Just faces snd hair need work.

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Too Many Pages


Just going to say

that as far as Art Direction goes

its easier to CG a realistic ugly character than it is to CG a realistic attractive character.

 Consider Gollum from the old LoTR trilogy. Most convincing photorealistic CG character; because he so darn ugly that it fools your eyes into not attempting to compare him so much to reality. Any flaws  just get chalked up to; well he's supposed to be ugly anyway... whereas if you were to attempt an attractive character, any flaws will end up standing out.

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