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What do you think is Warframe's biggest competitor?


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On 2019-07-11 at 5:47 PM, Archimedes01 said:

Phantasy Star Online 2, coming in spring 2020, is my candidate.

It could turn out to be the fiercest competition Warframe will ever face.

Wrong. One is a 3rd person shooter that started from nothing and the other is your typical cookie-cutter trope-filled MMO

Warframe has no competition imo.

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Way late to the party, but Warframe’s only competitor is itself. There’s nothing like it.

However, that means it better manage to bear up under the creaking weight of its “Lets Just Do Everything!” design approach, because the alternative is ugly. 

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When I started playing Destiny 1 was around and in Region chat (XBox) you couldn't go for 15 minutes before someone introduced a comparison between the two.  I spent a lot of time with D1, I have played (and left) D2... Warframe's competition as others have stated varies from player to player.  


One can summarize WF by calling it a F2P grindy looty game that can make you enjoy your time in 5 - 60 minute intervals (thank you RNG gods.)  For me the reward is simple.


It boils down to one mod.  One mod can change your whole build.  Applying and re applying Forma...I probably spend more time in the simulacrum than anywhere else in the game.  


I haven't encountered that level of satisfaction in any other game that I have played.  That is the reason I can't think of viable competition for Warframe and probably why I will be one of the last still playing when that day comes.  Hopefully the nursing home has decent WiFi

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People assume that games have to be similar to be "competing" when this isn't really true. As with any other game, Warframe's audience are human beings with—albeit varying—ultimately limited budgets of time and money. A player's attention can be diverted by any number of games Warframe has very little in common with. Path of Exile, while mechanically different, is still a F2P MMO and is therefore competing on an even financial playing field as Warframe. A player that bounces off Warframe may end up loving Path of Exile and vice versa. The same goes for Destiny 2, when it eventually goes F2P in September. And let's not forget that although it doesn't seem to target the same demographic, Fortnite exists in the same space as all of these aforementioned titles.

The blame for Destiny 2's monetization, budgeting and mass-market-streamlining can probably be laid at Activision Blizzard's feet; I'll be very interested to see if Bungie can turn their public image around going forward. Given that their studio is now independent, I imagine they might be somewhat strapped for cash until they start getting more traction. Even so, I think the predictions of Destiny's imminent demise are overblown, it's still a very successful IP. An impending release of Destiny 3 is similarly unlikely, considering that Bungie never wanted it to be a multi-entry franchise to start with, Destiny only got a sequel because it was mandated to get one under contract with Activision.

I wouldn't be surprised if Destiny takes some pages out of Warframe's playbook, but Destiny also has more mass market appeal to start with. I think it's naive to assume that Destiny poses no threat to Warframe at all, considering Warframe's struggles to retain new players and satisfy its lethargic veterans.

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32 minutes ago, FlavorSavior said:

"I think it's naive to assume that Destiny poses no threat to Warframe at all, considering Warframe's struggles to retain new players and satisfy its lethargic veterans."

People said the same thing about Anthem. But we all know what happened with that still-born dumpster fire. WF has no real competition, or any competition for that matter. If the world's riches game company is put to shame by a "rag-tag" group of inde devs and their f2p game (Who was told that warframe would never take off to begin with)

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On 2019-07-12 at 5:15 AM, InfinitusPhoenix said:

Pso2 is an old and boring mmo that came out long time ago. How can it be a competitor.


Destiny 2 is garbage that everyone leaves. That's why they switch to f2p.

But this will not help at all. Game will still be as bad.

destiny isnt garabge their pvp is far superior to warframes

if you cant see that your just another warframe fanboy

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2 hours ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

People said the same thing about Anthem. But we all know what happened with that still-born dumpster fire. WF has no real competition, or any competition for that matter. If the world's riches game company is put to shame by a "rag-tag" group of inde devs and their f2p game (Who was told that warframe would never take off to begin with)

DE doesn't need to pat itself on the back over Bioware's failure; Warframe didn't kill Anthem, Anthem was dead on arrival owing to extraordinary mismanagement from a team that had never made an online game or a dedicated shooter, working in an engine that was never intended to support RPG mechanics or an open world. After reading Jason Schreier's article, being proud of beating Anthem is akin to being proud of winning a short-distance sprint against a wheelchair-bound paraplegic.

Destiny is being handled by an experienced studio that has been developing nothing but Destiny for over half a decade, and shooters for far longer. I don't hold out much hope that it will keep my interest because I'm a solo player, but the game will assuredly sell gangbusters in cosmetics and expansions when it hits Steam. It's inevitable that some people migrate, but whether they're gone permanently will depend in large part on how much Empyrean adds to Warframe, and if future prospects are still bright after its initial launch.

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Just now, FlavorSavior said:

DE doesn't need to pat itself on the back over Bioware's failure; Warframe didn't kill Anthem, Anthem was dead on arrival owing to extraordinary mismanagement from a team that had never made an online game or a dedicated shooter, working in an engine that was never intended to support RPG mechanics or an open world. After reading Jason Schreier's article, being proud of beating Anthem is akin to being proud of winning a short-distance sprint against a wheelchair-bound paraplegic.

Destiny is being handled by an experienced studio that has been developing nothing but Destiny for over half a decade, and shooters for far longer. I don't hold out much hope that it will keep my interest because I'm a solo player, but the game will assuredly sell gangbusters in cosmetics and expansions when it hits Steam. It's inevitable that some people migrate, but whether they're gone permanently will depend in large part on how much Empyrean adds to Warframe, and if future prospects are still bright after its initial launch.

The point is, DE is metaphorically laughing at Anthem for being foolish enough to think that they could get anywhere. Meanwhile, DE is too busy actually making a good game to care about crappy wannabes

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On 2019-07-13 at 6:33 PM, Archimedes01 said:

Emergency Quests and the actual story itself with all the different EQs it brings with it and the progression system with the classes, skills, and rare gear items, as well as leveling up through these quests. Since it's coming to the west with all its content throughout these 8 years it will have a lot.

This is one of of those Emergency Quest bosses, from a quest they actually added in the past month or 2 or so, so the game is very much still getting large content updates. I do personally think comparing PSO2 and Warframe is like comparing apples and oranges, because they play very differently and are just very different games from one another. I think each fills a niche that no other experience can quite grant, which is why I enjoy playing both games simultaneously personally 

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How can some "anime fan service" crap can be a competitor of Warframe? This is a serious game with a deep lore, not some anime childish looking thing. Also you can't compete against a Dev team that love their own creation so much, and that listen to their player base. 

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36 minutes ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

The point is, DE is metaphorically laughing at Anthem for being foolish enough to think that they could get anywhere. Meanwhile, DE is too busy actually making a good game to care about crappy wannabes

The failing of a challenger due to borderline self-sabotage does not imply that Warframe cannot be challenged or improved. Historically, companies and products improve faster when driven by competition. If competition does not exist, a company becomes complacent and product quality declines. For this reason alone, I would think that jaded veterans should be cheering for Destiny 2 and Phantasy Star Online 2, instead of playing this tribal us-versus-them routine. We're all consumers here, right? We're absolutely not a cult.

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12 часов назад, Archimedes01 сказал:

This would be a fair point if I had been talking about Destiny.

Well its even worse because again. 

That game looks like a cheap childish generic eastern mmo, a dime a dozen. 

It wont complete with anything. 

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3 часа назад, BLI7Z сказал:

How can some "anime fan service" crap can be a competitor of Warframe? This is a serious game with a deep lore, not some anime childish looking thing. Also you can't compete against a Dev team that love their own creation so much, and that listen to their player base. 

Yeaah no, I think that game IS childish and does look like generic anime crp, but youre overestimating how supposedly mature warframe is, its just more mature than this game thats alk

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4 hours ago, (PS4)lokaspoka said:

destiny isnt garabge their pvp is far superior to warframes

if you cant see that your just another warframe fanboy

Destiny gameplay as a whole is braindead and not fun.

I almost fell asleep cuz of how dull and basic the gameplay of that game is


So I would prefer to play the almost non existent pvp of Warframe over D2 crappy pvp any time

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Am 12.7.2019 um 02:47 schrieb Archimedes01:

Phantasy Star Online 2, coming in spring 2020, is my candidate.

It could turn out to be the fiercest competition Warframe will ever face.


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1 hour ago, -Temp0- said:

Yeaah no, I think that game IS childish and does look like generic anime crp, but youre overestimating how supposedly mature warframe is, its just more mature than this game thats alk

Warframe is actually generic edgy weeaboo trash as well, though...

Like, it doesn't take a genius to see that.

The only reason why most people don't notice is because they are confused by the lack of openly anime aesthetics.

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12 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

Warframe is actually generic edgy weeaboo trash as well, though...

Like, it doesn't take a genius to see that.

The only reason why most people don't notice is because they are confused by the lack of openly anime aesthetics.

True, we've got damn near every stereotypical anime story trope there is to have, we just dress it up in a weird sci-fi aesthetic.

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As someone who is a long time Phantasy Star fan - and has put a fair few hours into the Japanese PSO2, I dont believe it will give Warframe any meaningful competition. It's older, it's fairly clunky and its repetitive in a way that can become tiresome quickly. Dont get me wrong, it's a fun game, but I just dont see it having any substantial impact on Warframe.

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11 hours ago, FlavorSavior said:

The failing of a challenger due to borderline self-sabotage does not imply that Warframe cannot be challenged or improved. Historically, companies and products improve faster when driven by competition. If competition does not exist, a company becomes complacent and product quality declines. For this reason alone, I would think that jaded veterans should be cheering for Destiny 2 and Phantasy Star Online 2, instead of playing this tribal us-versus-them routine. We're all consumers here, right? We're absolutely not a cult.

I don't need to be a jaded vet to think destiny was crap to begin with

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Honestly, it depends if F2P destiny starts strong and Bungie does not do something that will piss the player-base off, then it would surely surpass war frame in concurrent players because, like a just a month ago someone showed me a screenshot of D2 having 800K-900K concurrent online players (as a 60$ game) warframe never even broke past 300K IIRC, and if warframe can't come up with something to keep its player base during D2 F2P time period it will potentially lose a large amount of players even a lot of my friends are more hyped about D2 then **No one asked for Jack|Youre no hideo Kojima Doxx| or Does a 5 year old design the sentients war

Edited by ShadowStalker
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