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(All Platforms) The Missing Nekros Prime Twitch Drop from TennoLive 2019 - Script Complete


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Okay, I was watching for hours since around 2 or so and never received any drops, so am I just going to not receive anything? I contacted support and they said they "cannot manually add twitch drop items to my account."

Can I please receive the ephemera? I dont want to miss something exclusive like that I even bought the digital ticket 😞

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I didn't get the Lotus Ephemera but got the Nekro Prime. Despite watching within the required time period. However I submitted a ticket and ask why I did not receive the Lotus Ephemera and after off and on delays from the support agent they awarded me the Lotus Ephemera.


I do hope that DE awards those who fulfilled both requirements but only get the Nekros Prime and not the Lotus Ephemera get the same respect and consideration as those who only got the Lotus Ephemera and not the Prime Frame. Considering I got my Lotus Ephemera, I guess there's still some hope. Anyone who only got their Nekros Prime, but not the Lotus Ephemera while fulfilling DE's requirements I'd suggest you submit a support ticket. May be your only hope if they are only going to compensate those who only got the Lotus Ephemera and not the Frame.

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Me and my brother both started watching the stream at the start of the warframe partner q&a panel. I checked to make sure his and my account's were linked before hand. They were, we watched on separate ps4s. We both watched the whole stream in its entirety and when it came to an end, we checked our inboxs, he had his ephemera but I didn't. I can provide his and my account's information if needed, hopefully you guys have luck with your fixes. Thanks in advance. He can vouch for us as well.

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I'm glad to here about the Nekros part, but what about those who watched the whole cosplay stream and bits before, yet didn't receive the ephemera? I watched both the beginning part 11 am - 6 pm and the 6 pm - 7 pm showing. I most definitely watched them on mobile twitch app and everything is linked. I even went beyond the "30 min" requirement so I'm not sure what went wrong. If anything helps, Ash Prime also gave me issues last time as well. 

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Same for me,

I was watching for hours and never received any drops, so am I just going to not receive anything?

I contacted support and they said they "cannot manually add twitch drop items to my account."

Can I please receive the ephemera? I dont want to miss something exclusive like that, I even bought the digital ticket...

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5 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

As the Warframe team has been unwinding from TennoCon and catching up with post-July 6th happenings, we have seen reports rolling through that indicated something was fishy (team)  with the TennoLive Nekros Prime drop. 

There were over 600,000 drops delivered to your very inboxes over the course of TennoCon! A truly impressive number of free goods sent to participating Tenno watching from home, but we found a discrepancy between successful deliveries of the Lotus Ephemera vs. Nekros Prime. 

We did some digging to come up with a solution (to send out even more free stuff, because 600,000 drops just isn’t enough let’s be honest), which we’ve laid out below:

What we know: 

  • The Lotus Ephemera drop was earnable by watching any Main Stage panel at TennoCon for 30 consecutive minutes (drop ended at 5:59 p.m. ET) 
  • The Nekros Prime drop (including free Warframe slot!) was earnable by watching TennoLive for 30 consecutive minutes (between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. ET). 

After investigating several accounts from Tenno who had reported the case of the missing Nekros Prime, we discovered a pattern. The majority of Tenno who had successfully received the Lotus Ephemera drop somehow did not also receive the Nekros Prime drop during TennoLive. 

There was some added confusion when we announced that all the drops had successfully been delivered when that was not the case for those Tenno who had the Lotus Ephemera, but not their free Nekros Prime. We apologize for the confusion and thank you for your reports. We quite honestly could not have figured this out without the evidence you provided by simply posting about the issue!

What you can expect: 

We will be running a script on Monday, July 15th once everyone is back from the weekend that will send an inbox message to accounts across all Platforms that fit the following criteria: 

  • Successfully received the Lotus Ephemera via inbox. 
  • Did not receive Nekros Prime (and free Warframe slot). 

These accounts will be given Nekros Prime. This method has been chosen because it accounts for the biggest error pattern we’ve seen from players in the forums: they know their link worked due to receiving Lotus Ephemera, but they did not receive Nekros Prime despite watching! 

We’ll update this thread once the script has started. Thank you all for being a part of TennoCon 2019! 

What if we could only watch the Nekros Prime one?

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5 hours ago, (PS4)NinjAsylum_ said:

Nekros and the Ephemera were both sent to my PC account when my Twitch is linked to my PS4 account.  The same exact thing happened last year for Ash prime.  

This! Apparently DE knows about this "bug" between Twitch and Warframe.com. I had linked my PC account (I wanted to try out Warframe on PC but I didn't enjoy it as much as the Switch) but I use my Switch account and have it connected with Twitch. But apparently when I added my PC account I needed to DISCONNECT FROM BOTH WEBSITES before adding my Switch account back.

I'm disappointed that DE didn't remind/announce this to everyone before Tennocon because they know about it, it's on their support site.

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