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This could be a way of make ash playable.


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12 hours ago, Neoriek said:

Teleport (Now BladeStorm) : If are enemies marked in the map, it become active. When you press it, you teleport and kill every enemy like always (but only the marked one's).

Blade Storm (Now Exalted Dagger)  you can use another weapon equipped and still use covert lethality in this dagger, when you kill x enemies with this you get buff with extra dmg in your primary and secondary.

You are not going to oneshot a entire room (because Saryn and nuke frames exists), but this way can give you a more rewarding way of playing and doesn't categorize Ash as some kind of nukeframe.


As an Ash main, no thank you to these ideas. This would ruin Teleport's functionality and Exaulted daggers........ Total pass.   

A better idea would be take the Fatal Teleport augment and make it standard to the Teleport power. Make a new augment that, upon successfull teleport kill, change into a desguise representing the enemy you just killed. You would loose the disguise if you sprinted, bullet jump, attack or use any other power. If you teleport kill another enemy, you would assume the new identity, maintaing the facade. Otherwise, to keep the disguise just act passive. Be ninja. It would be duration based. This would give Ash a boost in the espionage department to compete better with other stealth frames, providing a new way to approach missions. 

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb Neoriek:

Here ya go.

Shuriken: mostly same, but it can marks the enemies they hit (like when you have 4 active and pass your mouse over the enemies).

Smokescreen: same ability.

Teleport (Now BladeStorm) : If are enemies marked in the map, it become active. When you press it, you teleport and kill every enemy like always (but only the marked one's).

Blade Storm (Now Exalted Dagger)  you can use another weapon equipped and still use covert lethality in this dagger, when you kill x enemies with this you get buff with extra dmg in your primary and secondary.

You are not going to oneshot a entire room (because Saryn and nuke frames exists), but this way can give you a more rewarding way of playing and doesn't categorize Ash as some kind of nukeframe.


Ash is pretty good as he is you just need to know how to play him

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Please stop asking for these freakin' exalted weapons. 

Because of how energy economy works in this game, this type of weapons tend to pidgeonhole their warframe into using them basically in every occasion, making the load out choice useless. Unless they come with some form of secondary gage, like Baruuk.

They don't feel like ultimates, rather a "F you load out, use this all the time, everytime".

Look at Excalibur... And don't tell me you use him for his Slash Dash.



Ash is in a fine spot. He just needs some QoL buffs to his 4.

Edited by (PS4)DidacoJack
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I've been stuck with a thought on how i think on how ash could be more attractive as a dps frame.

While i was playing i began to think on how little i use ash's bladestorm, and while playing with my gara frame i notice how i would instinctively use my 4 to get out of bad situations, and the i thought "what if ash's ability was more like gara's?" and then I began to think on how it could work like, and i think i thought on something i think would be an satisfactory ash's ultimate and I am here to share my thoughts and hear some feedback

It goes like this: as the player press the ultimate button ash dissipates in a smoke that starts to expand, and when that smoke gets in contact with enemies it marks them(with each mark taking basically half a second in the smoke), and while the player holds the button down the smoke keeps expanding, and when he gets release the button the clones starts to appear(the same number as it is now, with the same mechanic of him joining in with teleport) and the damage is done

I want to hear feedback from you guys, what do you think? What would you change? Is it garbage after all?

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I don't think ash is unplayable, far from it, i use him a lot, but his ultimate has basically no presence in my gameplay with him since i got the fatal teleport augment, and even before I got it it was basically unused, so, ash? No problem

Bladestorm? Needs changes

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27 minutes ago, Diavoros said:

Ash is very playable at the moment, though...
So many idiots think that the only way to play Ash is with Fatal Teleport and CL...

I wouldn't call them idiots but, yeah. Someone saw a video of Ash with a dagger zaw and believed it was THE build for him.

I can get behind the pain of flailing the cursor when using blade storm but, overall, the only change I would actually make is to merge the shuriken with its augment and convert said augment in a "toss more shuriken but they lose the bleeding damage" or something like that. There are frames in a dire need of a better kit, Ash is not even close to being one of them.

Edited by Olphalarepth
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There's no use for ash in any situations. Delete him now and everybody will forget in a month.

Damage? Use saryn or equonox

Stealth? Use loki or ivara or wisp

CC? volt does it much better then him

Literally no usage except for "I uSe AsH aNd He'S FiNe As He Is!!1!11" crowds.

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Considering teleport is just bladestorm but on one dude, bladestorm should just be the 3.

What would be great is a 4 that synergize with the rest, simple example : enter a state of focus that makes him faster and doubles all his other powers effects, twice the shuriken, twice the time of invisibility, twice the range and number of ennemies targeted by bladestorm. Just using the hidden daggers would feel underwhelming at best considering the range of the weapons. 

I like ash but he's just too underwhelming to be of use, i almost never use his powers when i play with him because there's no point, i wipe ennemies faster with my weapons than with bladestorm 🙃

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On 2019-10-29 at 2:49 PM, Olphalarepth said:

Am I the only Ash main who thinks he is perfectly fine?

The only issue I have with him is the teleport augment sometimes not working when the enemy is on irregular ground (hills, too close to an object).

No you're not the only person who thinks Ash is fine.  Majority of people who ask for changes to him are asking out of preference not need.  Ash appeals to a specific kind of player and that isn't a majority of players.  But a lot of people WANT to like Ash because of what he stands as.

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8 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Killing Demolysts super fast is A use.

Get the augment, build up combo to ridiculous amount, touch the demolyst with your melee weapon. Congrats, you oneshot it.

Why would I ever do that when rubico could do that job in one or two magazine.

Yeah you MAY use it to kill demolyst like I can use any warframe with combo multi meele to kill it. But we all know that the most efficient way is chroma or rhino. There is a role in warframe and ash has nowhere to fit in.

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