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Ignis Rivens seem worthless


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49 minutes ago, Dragazer said:

Cool, so why bother making pointless rivens for weapons that are already considered meta and great?

All weapons get rivens. There are weapons that were once meta but aren't anymore but to power creep or other factors.

Edited by Hobie-wan
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11 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

I literally explained everything already in the post.

Already have Ignus Wraith.

Hm, that's strange, I can't find it. I read your post multiple times, still no answer. Maybe instead, you didn't read mine carefully enough?

The post states that you want to swap one mod, but states that you don't want to lose stats. But it doesn't state why this is a concern.

Why do you need an extremely specific threshhold of status, damage, firerate and elemental damage? It really is of no concern.

As I stated in my previous post, that is not the way to look at rivens. You seem to let the sense of loss from swapping one mod overshadow your mind. You just need to let go of that, there are brilliant rivens that you can get with completely different combinations.

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On 2019-10-29 at 11:50 PM, (XB1)COA Altair said:

Don't bother with rivens with that low of a disposition in the rifle category, it just flatout isn't worth it.  Ignis was alright before they started tweaking dispositions, but once it got nerfed a couple times it was over for ignis rivens.  Ignis is quite popular as a weapon so it's unlikely to go up in dispo anytime soon if ever because afaik there isn't any other flamethrower in WF.  

The only other weapon that I can think of that semi acts as a flamethrower is the Atomos.

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On 2019-10-30 at 1:44 PM, Aldain said:

Rivens are worthless because the do nothing to fix bad weapons and only make strong weapons stronger.

You ever try selling a Galvacord Riven? I can't even sell it for 5 plat because everyone is just drunk on the power high of other weapons.

Nobody wants anything but the top-of-the-line weapons because Riven mods make them even better, while mediocre weapons aren't worth using even with +1000% damage because their base is so low.

Riven mods have failed in their intended design of helping weak weapons because weak weapons have problems that can't be solved by percent based stat increases.

Just bought a Galvacord Riven the other day and still am in the market for more, so I don't have to spend that much kuva. Galvacord is actually pretty cool with a good riven.

+SC, +speed, +Range =

High range status whip with 1.5 Attackspeed 100% sc whith whatever elements I choose, put CO on that thing and go crazy with saryn.

While there are some weapons, that can't even be saved by a grolled Riven (Hind, Stug, etc.) there are many more that become really usable and fun with a Riven.

I'm also having tons of fun with Serro, Caustacyst and Hate, Buzzlock, Attika and Gorgon.

I agree with whoever posted the thing about Rivens below dispo 3, while they are still quite usable, rolling higher ones is simply way more fun.

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb Dragazer:

Whats the point of 0.5 dispo rivens even existing if our normal mods totally outclass them?

That righ there is one of the best questions about rivens. Sure wepaons for popular weapons aren't supposed to provide a major power increase, but they should be worth a slot.
IMO minimum dispo shouldn't be 0.5 but 0.75 so that they are atleast worth slotting and add a minimum of customization, instead of being a dead mod.

That however doesn't excuse anyone from wasting tons of Kuva on a 0.5 dispo riven, who seemingly didn't realize that that the stats on the riven won't ever go up very much and that the roll ranges don't randomly go from 20% to 120% of a stat. 1 Star dispos are a huge red flag and you don't need to know if its exactly 0.5 to figure out that they might not be that useful.
If one generally doesn't know how rivne roll ranges work thats on thme to read up before the yinvest a ton of resources. Especially if the one is question doesn't notice that the stats aren't really high enough for proper use regardless of whats actually ont he riven after the first few experimental rolls.

If you jsut didn't get the stats you wanted. Welcome to RIvne rolling, tons of grind for no reward. There is a reason rivne rpices are beyond reason. You can roll a riven hundreds of times and don't get what you want. Thats how this S#&$ty system works. Its a huge gamble, which makes it all the more important to know what you are aiming for, when rolling rivens.

Edited by Raikh
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On 2019-10-30 at 11:14 PM, Her_Lovely_Tentacles said:

Hm, that's strange, I can't find it. I read your post multiple times, still no answer. Maybe instead, you didn't read mine carefully enough?

The post states that you want to swap one mod, but states that you don't want to lose stats. But it doesn't state why this is a concern.

Why do you need an extremely specific threshhold of status, damage, firerate and elemental damage? It really is of no concern.

As I stated in my previous post, that is not the way to look at rivens. You seem to let the sense of loss from swapping one mod overshadow your mind. You just need to let go of that, there are brilliant rivens that you can get with completely different combinations.


On 2019-10-29 at 11:11 PM, Her_Lovely_Tentacles said:

Why are you looking for these extremely specific riven stat combinations?

On 2019-10-29 at 6:55 PM, General_Durandal said:

When I look for a Riven, it's pretty much to replace mods i'm using with that gun already.


On 2019-10-29 at 11:11 PM, Her_Lovely_Tentacles said:

Also, why do you need that exact fire rate, or that exact status chance, or that exact amount of additional damage?

On 2019-10-29 at 6:55 PM, General_Durandal said:

Primed Shred,


On 2019-10-29 at 11:11 PM, Her_Lovely_Tentacles said:

Having the exact stats of one mod like a 1:1 replacement and just being better isn't what a riven is meant to do.

On 2019-10-29 at 6:55 PM, General_Durandal said:

When I look for a Riven, it's pretty much to replace mods i'm using with that gun already.

On 2019-10-29 at 6:55 PM, General_Durandal said:

I use Amalgam Serration, Primed Shred, Heavy Caliber, Firestorm, Sinister Reach,
and 3 of the 4 dual status chance element mods depending on what i'm fighting.


On 2019-10-29 at 11:11 PM, Her_Lovely_Tentacles said:

If you get a good combination of stats, take the riven and adjust your mods around it. Don't try to fit a square peg in a round hole.

On 2019-10-29 at 6:55 PM, General_Durandal said:

The best possible Rivens I can get according to the Riven Calculator are,
+67.4% Status chance and +67.4% Elemental damage, with a - to something. (can't have a third + effect) 
(having 3 effects drops Status chance and Elemental damage max to 51%)
(7.4% to both doesn't seem worth also having a -, unless it's -accuracy, which isn't on the list.)
(a - to zoom or physical damage would be okay, but the best possible riven can be 55.1%-67.4%)
(so 75/123 chance to get one good stat, but there are 3 stats, so the chance of a replacement plummets dramatically per effect)
+2.0 Pinch-through, +44.9% Fire Rate, with a - to something. (can't have a third + effect)
+123.5% Damage, and +67.4% Multishot with a - to a physical damage type might replace Heavy Caliber though.
(but a 67.4% chance to deal extra damage doesn't seem worth it)


On 2019-10-29 at 11:11 PM, Her_Lovely_Tentacles said:

On another note, may I suggest you get an Ignis Wraith? It is a direct upgrade from the regular Ignis. You can usually get them for free by nicely asking in trade chat.

On 2019-10-30 at 11:48 AM, General_Durandal said:

Already have Ignus Wraith.


When it comes to damage,
the only combo that would replace anything is,
+Damage / +Crit Chance / +Crit Damage / -Zoom
Ignis can have at max in a Riven with 3 effects,
93.6% Damage
85.1% Critical Chance
68.0% Critical Damage
-27.2% Zoom

There are 9 ranks, ( 0 though 8 )
3 setups,
17 Buffs,
15 Curses.
Each Buff and Curse have values increased/decreased by 0.1s.
Punch-through has 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5, 3 values. The least.
Damage has 76.6 through 93.6, each 0.1 is 1 value it can have,
That is 164 different values.

Ignis Wraith has 17% Crit chance.
17 + 85.1% = 31.45% crit chance which is okay.
It's Crit Multiplier is 2.5x. Which goes to 4.2x.
A full crit build should do more damage sure,
but only deals heat damage,
with no extra status chance.
There are 8 mod slots.
5 Crit mods including the crit riven,
1 Serration mod, 1 punch-through mod, (needed because it doesn't have innate punch-through anymore)
and either Sinister Reach or FireStorm for AoE. Can't have both.

What does more damage.
89 Heat, with a 65.1% chance to deal 8.7x damage, 9.12 times a second. (811.68 per second, 7,873.296 per crit per second)
235.2 Blast + 176.4 Corrosive damage, 12 times a second, 17% crit chance, 2.5x Crit damage, (4,939.2 per second, 12,348 per crit per second)
The non-crit-build without a riven does more damage on average then the crit build with a perfect godly crit riven.
Sure, my current build has less crits per second, but does more damage.

This is why I said in the first place, if I get a Riven it's to replace something i'm using without a Riven.
Sure, some weapon's rivens will always be better then most mods,
but not the Ignis, which is what i'm talking about.


Edited by General_Durandal
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A lot of people have probably said this already but:

Ignis is at 0.5 dispo. That's it.

The rivens are expensive for the people who really want that slight damage boost / QOL on their favorite weapon. Can't expect every weapon to have +120% CC/CD/Multi

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6 hours ago, General_Durandal said:


Since you don't seem to really be reading what I write, and instead just repeat what you already wrote, I am not sure I can help you with that... but I'll keep trying. Maybe I will get through to you.

I know you really really want to replace a mod with something that just has higher numbers. It is not that easy.
You should not try to roll a riven that slots into your build with no adjustments. You should try to get a riven with good stats, and then adjust your build around it - much better!
If you don't want to do that, then maybe rivens in general just aren't for you.


How attached are you to that electricity proc you get from High Voltage in a Gas build?
Because 2 Status Chance mods proc Gas element 63.8%, which is just as often as 3 Status mods. (63.8% Gas, 17.4% Electricity)  

That mod isn't helping you.

Just replace this one with any riven that has any combination of these stats: multishot, damage, elemental damage, fire rate.
If you like punch through on the Ignis, sure, get that too. Still better than a third status mod on the Ignis.

Edited by Her_Lovely_Tentacles
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