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Warframe drops out of steams top 10 just after releasing an Big update.


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2 hours ago, White_Matter said:


We were supposed to get New War around christmas.




Lots of good points but DE has already pointed out the New War has started. It's not a 1 and done quest. Railjack was the starting point, which technically did come out before christmas (they kept that promiss)

The New War is likely going to be a series of events, with smaller conten drops like in Warframes past. (Just gotta look at the next 2 updates) I think this is the way to do it if it's an ongoing thing. I think its gunna build to a quest but the next series of events that they have planned look to all be apart of it. 

I agree that Endgame is needed, but they didn't flat out lie

Edited by (XB1)Cram Duahcim
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3 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

Let's take a look at a game that delivers exactly what they promise, and they don't overhype stuff, specifically FFXIV.  They play it straight with the playerbase, and as the exec producer has done enough to show that he plays the game and he's one of us, the playerbase loves them for it.  FFXIV doesn't show gameplay demos of things that don't exist, they don't promise the moon, they only tease what is coming next and they deliver upon everything they promise.  Now, how does this compare to DE?

You shouldnt try to defend the company that we didnt even discuss when you dont even seem to have all the facts about them. How new are you to XIV even if you think Squenix have delivered on their promises. "Classic" XIV was a mess, they promised it would be near perfect in reborn with all mistakes being corrected, they werent, I was there, it was ill optimized and the promise of a more open world still consisted of tunnels and extremely small "open" zones. That was all ok, but the worst lie they presented wasnt. It was the one that drove me away and I wonder if it has even been fixed or well implemented since then.

Prior to the release Squenix promised the euro playerbase euro servers, what we got were US servers for EU players. Yet we had to pay the same monthly fee for worse performance compared to the US players. This was even covered up during the first month until players started to dig around in their trace routes, which showed we all played on US servers. When this was found out they appologized and said they would get around to getting EU servers located in the EU. It didnt happen during the 6 months or so I stayed, it didnt happen the year after either and I stopped giving a #*!% at that point.

So yeah... Squenix delivering on their promises... cowdung at best. The game may be better now, I dont care, because they've presented one of the biggest lies so far.

2 hours ago, White_Matter said:

Actually the initial railjack release(as well as some other releases) was pretty comparable to wolcen release in terms of bugs and lack of polish.

WF does not have proper end game.

We were supposed to get New War around christmas.

Buggy release, no end game and lies. All check.

 Irony stands, gotta take that L on this one.

No, the initial RJ release was buggy, but it wasnt close to having the bugs even remotely comparable to Wolcen. I could play RJ fine every single day, missed a mission here and there over the course of a month due to bugs. Wolcen was 100% unplayable for the first week due to server issue, then they limited server access to not even cover the full potential playerbase. And during that same first week it was unplayable for most people offline aswell, due to issues with saving progress (Hello? Ever heard of Steam cloud Wolcen devs? Guess not). Then when things got "fixed" the game was still as broken due to bugs completely halting progression in several different places. Then when that was patched other things broke or they actually failed to fix the root of the problem. And dont get me started on the netcode and poor hit registration that will probably never get fixed since it has been there since beta. When you sit at 25ms there is no excuse as to why half the hits of an attack fails to land on a target.

That is your opinion based on classic game setups.

No really, we werent. That idea got changed quite early on. As the person above me pointed out to you. New War started with RJ and will be released throughout the year. Some gaming site covered that ages ago, too bad you and others have a hard time keeping up with the news. But I guess it isnt as interesting as getting a chance to complain as often as possible.

Buggy release yes, the same no. Lies, in wolcen yes, in WF no. No endgame here? Nope we have endgame. No endgame in Wolcen? Nope, they have endgame, they just didnt add an extra mode as they promised. Big bet you havent actually played Wolcen or kept up with the devs over the year up to the release of it.

No irony in it, since it isnt near the same. Again, a cat is the same as a dog. I can make zero sense too.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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20 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

You shouldnt try to defend the company that we didnt even discuss when you dont even seem to have all the facts about them. How new are you to XIV even if you think Squenix have delivered on their promises. "Classic" XIV was a mess, they promised it would be near perfect in reborn with all mistakes being corrected, they werent, I was there, it was ill optimized and the promise of a more open world still consisted of tunnels and extremely small "open" zones. That was all ok, but the worst lie they presented wasnt. It was the one that drove me away and I wonder if it has even been fixed or well implemented since then.

5.0 seems to run just fine for me, and it works well across a wide range of hardware, even the PS3s before they were dropped as a supported platform.  Yeah, the first few patches for 2.0 were rough... but it got better.

That said, 1.0 was the worst MMO ever released... but very little of 1.0 made it to 2.0 as SE basically remade the world.  You can see more about what made 1.0 such a cluster and what SE did to fix it at:


20 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Prior to the release Squenix promised the euro playerbase euro servers, what we got were US servers for EU players. Yet we had to pay the same monthly fee for worse performance compared to the US players. This was even covered up during the first month until players started to dig around in their trace routes, which showed we all played on US servers. When this was found out they appologized and said they would get around to getting EU servers located in the EU. It didnt happen during the 6 months or so I stayed, it didnt happen the year after either and I stopped giving a #*!% at that point.

Well, there's two EU datacenters now, and the rumor is that they're located in Frankfurt, Germany, and one of those opened with the release of the last expansion.

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58 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Eso is great MAn

So I've heard.  From the stats I saw, it was close behind FFXIV, but I'm not sure how accurate that is now as FFXIV experienced a lot of growth with the last expansion.  Warframe, in that time, is (at best) stagnant, but has likely declined as the DAU and MAU are down compared to what it was before the release of Railjack.  While that may be attributed to school, I suspect a large chunk of that is a significant amount of the playerbase has only seen the Tennocon demos and missed the other links, so they likely feel that DE gave them poop in a gold box.

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12 hours ago, White_Matter said:

I honestly don't know what DE have been doing for the last year and half. Aside from Forrtuna, they haven't released anything substantial. I hope they are working on something major,  that is going to release sometime soon.

Tons of bug fixes

Profit-Taker orb fight

Nightwave : The Wolf of Saturn Six

Buried debts

Exploiter orb fight

Plains of Eidolon remaster

Jupiter rework


If you take a look at their update notes, you can see many have been released

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7 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

This is total BS.  Take a look at FFXIV for a moment, they have Ultimate instances which are designed to be the toughest content in the game.  Difficulty isn't subjective.

And how they make it to be the toughest content in the game compared to the rest of the game?

7 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

So then what do you call this demo?

A demo, means a demonstration of what tech they're making on

8 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

When you have playable demos, the expectation is that the tech is already developed, and will be in the game.  Very few things from either of these clips are actually in the game.

Look at the demo itself, it's completely separated from the game and if we want to talk realistically, if warframe was developed by other developer it would be made as warframe 2.

Also, they already said it will be released in phases so have you watched the devstream about that? I believe if they release them all at once and it becomes very buggy you would complain no matter what

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6 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

It's cause many of us are pointing out that the room is on fire, and there's just as many here going:


https://steamcharts.com/app/230410#1y tends to confirm the former, not the latter.

And? Go back playing warframe through steam and the number will go up. Bring everyone to play through steam if the number matters more to you

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6 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

It showed a live gameplay session, with tech that should be reasonably expected to be available for the player shortly thereafter.  If that much smoke and mirrors is being used for a demo, DE needs to do a long hard look in the mirror because you never showcase gameplay that doesn't exist.

That reminds me of anthem

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5 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

And how did Anthem turn out?

Apparently DE didn't learn THAT lesson.

DE already said that Empyrean will be released in phases in the devstream already so I don't know what lie they told to us compared to anthem that shows things when it doesn't even exist at the reveal. Also, didn't they also say things are bound to change?

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1 hour ago, 844448 said:

Define "real endgame"

Scalable content that quickly goes over level 100 with enough incentive to keep playing it.

1 hour ago, 844448 said:

DE already said that Empyrean will be released in phases in the devstream already so I don't know what lie they told to us compared to anthem that shows things when it doesn't even exist at the reveal. Also, didn't they also say things are bound to change?

DE is the one that set the expectation that they had Railjack tech when they didn't.  You don't make a demo for a game showcasing tech that is basically smoke and mirrors because the average player will see that and assume that it will be in the game soon.  It's been two years that they've had to do dev time on Railjack... and all we got is half a system with the rest promised Soon(TM)... for two years (or more) of work.

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4 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

Scalable content that quickly goes over level 100 with enough incentive to keep playing it.

DE is the one that set the expectation that they had Railjack tech when they didn't.  You don't make a demo for a game showcasing tech that is basically smoke and mirrors because the average player will see that and assume that it will be in the game soon.  It's been two years that they've had to do dev time on Railjack... and all we got is half a system with the rest promised Soon(TM)... for two years (or more) of work.

You know what's worse. That " fake" game play demo toke development time....  

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

You know what's worse. That " fake" game play demo toke development time....  

You think that "fake" gameplay demo didn't take time? It still *took time to develop and things are bound to change so feel free saying they didn't take their time when it took time with many things along the way

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4 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

Scalable content that quickly goes over level 100 with enough incentive to keep playing it.

If that's your definition, then I don't think there's any endgame in other games

4 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

DE is the one that set the expectation that they had Railjack tech when they didn't.  You don't make a demo for a game showcasing tech that is basically smoke and mirrors because the average player will see that and assume that it will be in the game soon.  It's been two years that they've had to do dev time on Railjack... and all we got is half a system with the rest promised Soon(TM)... for two years (or more) of work.

And who expect that? DE gave a showcase and everyone thinks it's a must be in the game like that immediately while it's not. Two years, and do we really get nothing during that time? Do we have nothing new at all for that two years from them?

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33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

If that's your definition, then I don't think there's any endgame in other games

Other games are not Warframe.

Endgame in FFXIV is (at the moment) Eden's Verse, Cinder Drift, and PvP - which is fine as there's plenty to do there, plus it rotates so it's going to be onto the next thing to go kill.  Then there's the ultimate fight which is tuned to murder you, and there are players throwing themselves at it.  Really though, it's pretty standard MMO stuff.

There's different endgames for other games, so it really matters on what type of game we're talking about.  The point is, there's enough of a reason to log in and do stuff despite having cleared all the quests and done all the instances.  Warframe really doesn't have that hook, and it needs it badly.

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

And who expect that? DE gave a showcase and everyone thinks it's a must be in the game like that immediately while it's not. Two years, and do we really get nothing during that time? Do we have nothing new at all for that two years from them?

It means that Railjack has had at least two years of time to be worked on... and what we got feels like the intern did it.

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11 hours ago, (XB1)Cram Duahcim said:

Lots of good points but DE has already pointed out the New War has started. It's not a 1 and done quest. Railjack was the starting point, which technically did come out before christmas (they kept that promiss)

The New War is likely going to be a series of events, with smaller conten drops like in Warframes past. (Just gotta look at the next 2 updates) I think this is the way to do it if it's an ongoing thing. I think its gunna build to a quest but the next series of events that they have planned look to all be apart of it. 

I agree that Endgame is needed, but they didn't flat out lie


10 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

You shouldnt try to defend the company that we didnt even discuss when you dont even seem to have all the facts about them. How new are you to XIV even if you think Squenix have delivered on their promises. "Classic" XIV was a mess, they promised it would be near perfect in reborn with all mistakes being corrected, they werent, I was there, it was ill optimized and the promise of a more open world still consisted of tunnels and extremely small "open" zones. That was all ok, but the worst lie they presented wasnt. It was the one that drove me away and I wonder if it has even been fixed or well implemented since then.

Prior to the release Squenix promised the euro playerbase euro servers, what we got were US servers for EU players. Yet we had to pay the same monthly fee for worse performance compared to the US players. This was even covered up during the first month until players started to dig around in their trace routes, which showed we all played on US servers. When this was found out they appologized and said they would get around to getting EU servers located in the EU. It didnt happen during the 6 months or so I stayed, it didnt happen the year after either and I stopped giving a #*!% at that point.

So yeah... Squenix delivering on their promises... cowdung at best. The game may be better now, I dont care, because they've presented one of the biggest lies so far.

No, the initial RJ release was buggy, but it wasnt close to having the bugs even remotely comparable to Wolcen. I could play RJ fine every single day, missed a mission here and there over the course of a month due to bugs. Wolcen was 100% unplayable for the first week due to server issue, then they limited server access to not even cover the full potential playerbase. And during that same first week it was unplayable for most people offline aswell, due to issues with saving progress (Hello? Ever heard of Steam cloud Wolcen devs? Guess not). Then when things got "fixed" the game was still as broken due to bugs completely halting progression in several different places. Then when that was patched other things broke or they actually failed to fix the root of the problem. And dont get me started on the netcode and poor hit registration that will probably never get fixed since it has been there since beta. When you sit at 25ms there is no excuse as to why half the hits of an attack fails to land on a target.

That is your opinion based on classic game setups.

No really, we werent. That idea got changed quite early on. As the person above me pointed out to you. New War started with RJ and will be released throughout the year. Some gaming site covered that ages ago, too bad you and others have a hard time keeping up with the news. But I guess it isnt as interesting as getting a chance to complain as often as possible.

Buggy release yes, the same no. Lies, in wolcen yes, in WF no. No endgame here? Nope we have endgame. No endgame in Wolcen? Nope, they have endgame, they just didnt add an extra mode as they promised. Big bet you havent actually played Wolcen or kept up with the devs over the year up to the release of it.

No irony in it, since it isnt near the same. Again, a cat is the same as a dog. I can make zero sense too.

Railjack =/= New War. They were always mentioned seperately and at no point DE clarified that they were referring to Railjack when they said "New War around Christmas."

That is the most disturbing cope I've seen online.

You got lied to, and now you are  trying to rationalize the lie by lying to yourselves. That is just sad.


9 hours ago, 844448 said:

Tons of bug fixes

Profit-Taker orb fight

Nightwave : The Wolf of Saturn Six

Buried debts

Exploiter orb fight

Plains of Eidolon remaster

Jupiter rework


If you take a look at their update notes, you can see many have been released

Nothing of substance like I said.


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52 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

They were always mentioned seperately and at no point DE clarified that they were referring to Railjack when they said "New War around Christmas."

Forgetting the Erra quest, are we? The anomalies are the first step in the New War, showing that the Sentients are starting to return.


53 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

Nothing of substance like I said.

Then define what something of "substance" would be, if it's not new systems, maps, modes or enemies. It's rather hard to debate when you move the goalposts.

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20 minutes ago, Corvid said:

Forgetting the Erra quest, are we? The anomalies are the first step in the New War, showing that the Sentients are starting to return.

I'd argue that "they're starting to return" is vastly different to an actual war. We've known they're coming since Tennocon 2018.

The new war that was shown, iirc, showed a sentient (Natahs brother?) on the plains. For myself and many others, when we think new war, that's what we're thinking. Not some sightings that tell us something we've known for roughly 2 years.

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14 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

Well, there's two EU datacenters now, and the rumor is that they're located in Frankfurt, Germany, and one of those opened with the release of the last expansion.

And that is several upon several years after they actually promised we'd have EU servers when Reborn went live. Do you see how freakin silly it is to claim DE lied when they practically said nothing while defending a company that did straight up lie to half of their monthly paying customers? I honestly couldnt care less if infact DE had straight up lied about a small piece of content. I dont pay for that content, it doesnt effect my gameplay negatively and half the population wouldnt have access to that missing content over me. Great they've finaly lived up to the promises made years ago, even though it is German based servers.

4 hours ago, White_Matter said:


Railjack =/= New War. They were always mentioned seperately and at no point DE clarified that they were referring to Railjack when they said "New War around Christmas."

That is the most disturbing cope I've seen online.

You got lied to, and now you are  trying to rationalize the lie by lying to yourselves. That is just sad.

Because they are seperate, since RJ is a complete game system while New War is tied to a storyline. That doesnt mean that Railjack wont be part of New War or that New War wont be introduced through RJ as it has been. "New War around Christmas" was also mentioned far back, like at the beginning/early 2019. At mid 2019 some gaming site already had the info that New War would be a longhaul story addition spanning over a year of releases. That info has been reposted several times here on the forums as people have stumbled across that gaming site.

Not sure what cope you are refering to. Would help if you narrowed down which part you quoted.

Lied to where? I dont take silence as a promise, so it is hard for it to be a lie. A lie would be something told directly to me as a concrete promise. That hasnt been the case with DE.

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24 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And that is several upon several years after they actually promised we'd have EU servers when Reborn went live. Do you see how freakin silly it is to claim DE lied when they practically said nothing while defending a company that did straight up lie to half of their monthly paying customers? I honestly couldnt care less if infact DE had straight up lied about a small piece of content. I dont pay for that content, it doesnt effect my gameplay negatively and half the population wouldnt have access to that missing content over me. Great they've finaly lived up to the promises made years ago, even though it is German based servers.

Because they are seperate, since RJ is a complete game system while New War is tied to a storyline. That doesnt mean that Railjack wont be part of New War or that New War wont be introduced through RJ as it has been. "New War around Christmas" was also mentioned far back, like at the beginning/early 2019. At mid 2019 some gaming site already had the info that New War would be a longhaul story addition spanning over a year of releases. That info has been reposted several times here on the forums as people have stumbled across that gaming site.

Not sure what cope you are refering to. Would help if you narrowed down which part you quoted.

Lied to where? I dont take silence as a promise, so it is hard for it to be a lie. A lie would be something told directly to me as a concrete promise. That hasnt been the case with DE.

Up until september/october the word was that we'd get New War around christmas. People were debating how that'd be possible since RJ wasn't on the horizon.

Also "being a part of RJ" doesn't mean they are one and the same. Railjack is an exclusive game mode, an alternative to the starmap we have. That is like saying we got War Within quest when we got Lua since it they are tied.

The cope is the part where you are trying to ignore the fact that DE didn't deliver on their promise of New War coming in christmas. Can't be more straightforward than that.



4 hours ago, Corvid said:

Forgetting the Erra quest, are we? The anomalies are the first step in the New War, showing that the Sentients are starting to return.


Then define what something of "substance" would be, if it's not new systems, maps, modes or enemies. It's rather hard to debate when you move the goalposts.

First step = / = New war. Stop coping.


3 hours ago, 844448 said:

What substance we are talking about here?


Something of substance would be something like Fortuna(or a long cinematic quest like Sacrifice or War Within), a whole new landscape that brings new quests, enemies, game aspects etc. In other words something that is worth the long wait.

That obviously doesn't include reworks(reskin in POE's case as it doesn't deliver any gameplay changes except a very few quality of life improvements) or trivial things like NW(which is nothing more than a reward system that plays on the same old). 


Edited by White_Matter
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12 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

a whole new landscape that brings new quests, enemies, game aspects etc.

So... Jovian Concord. No quests admittedly, but it did have secrets to find and it progressed the overall narrative.


12 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

Stop coping.

Why do you want people to be unhappy with things they are clearly happy with? Your outlook on these matters is not universal, and it honestly seems like a rather selfish one regardless.

I'm not "coping" because that implies that I'm bothered by something.

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