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Murmur Farming, Tips and Tricks


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On 2019-11-14 at 2:33 AM, Remedyheart said:

Just tried your method and I am happy to report it does work. There are some issues with it though and makes it stressful especially with the wrong frames weapons and or builds.

Your method is not bad and provides a constant fountain of thralls done in private. The biggest issue here is the difficulty easily creating a large amount of stress. Levels 60 and 70+ is consider very hard already and is not new player friendly. This method forces you to use a tanky frame and a completely built weapon, both that need to easily topple at least stage 2 sortie level.

Though I'd advise stronger still as the goal here is to summon your lich and AVOID them at all costs. Your lich only converts nearby enemies and must be actively HUNTING YOU DOWN. This method is useful only to players who know what they're doing. Otherwise they may find themselves downed four times so quickly that they won't benefit anymore than the casual method of pubbing.

Having a full team is not just a great benefit but also acts as a safety net incase you can't handle your lich. Another issue is the spawning rate. As a solo mission the spawn rate is much lower and eventually you will run short on enemies and again the player must know what they're doing to benefit from this. Because this requires leading and baiting an entity that is essentially boss level for lower players.

So, smart play from you, but definitely not for everyone.

When I first got a lich, I had very bad weapons and didn't build them quite right, I used wukong wich isn't really that tanky and I still pretty easily madee it through even high level lich content solo

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb (XBOX)Skylord4544:

When I first got a lich, I had very bad weapons and didn't build them quite right, I used wukong wich isn't really that tanky and I still pretty easily madee it through even high level lich content solo

You assume "what I can do, others can do as well", which is plain wrong. Fact is, a lvl 50-60 lich is a lot easier than a  lvl 100-120 one. So yeah, there will be guys who need to watch the lich rank.


And Necro!

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)TyeGoo said:

My tip is don't do it solo because for some reason, there's only a handful of thralls spawning in each mission, extending the grind up to 6 hours.

It's horrible.


I dunno. Usually it never took me more than 3 hours to kill a lich.

Once the lich spawns he will bring his little buddies with him and it's like an eat all you can buffet of thralls. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me its survival. U get a lot of thralls pretty fast and i dont think it matters if u get the max out of every mission(as u can do as much missions as u want) its about time efficiency .

I rather spend 5 min on survival and get 6-8 thralls than lose my time on capture and get all 10 of them .

Disruption is also very good.Extermination for me is the worst mission as u can get the lich to spawn after u killed all enemies and he doesnt have targets to convert(last lich i was unlucky and he spawned in a room with a elevator,he was on the lower floor without anyone to convert as most of the enemies were on the upper one).

I always stab him and play solo(rage meter fills in faster as u do only your missions).

The fastest away to farm lich ( i think) is to play solo and try to join a group when u are sure? he will spawn( u cant know for sure but after some liches u will get a feeling for it XD).

The idea is  to anger your lich by doing the solo missions as only thralls of your lich spawn=more rage then get in group(when u think the lich will spawn).

Me and my friend tried doing it and its seems pretty fast but i have never tried it with 4 ppl u can try and see if it works for u.

Edited by frostbabe
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There's no right way to do Liches, there are faster, longer or easier ways to do it. I have not read every post on this thread, but I read the original post and the reply that claimed everything the OG poster said was wrong. From my perspective, they both said some good things and bad things. I'm going to try to make this easy to read and understand without quoting anyone, so some of this information may be duplicated by a post from someone earlier, but from myself also having done almost 40 liches, here is what I've learned. I'm not going to tell you how to get your murmurs, you can decide from the knowledge I give you.

How many Thrawls are in a mission

There is a cap of 10 thralls that appears similar in every mission type, but whether you can reach this cap has more to do with enemy density and spawns in the particular mission type than anything else. Thrawls spawn as you kill enemies, to get lots of Thrawls you need to kill lots of enemies. Some missions spawn a lot of enemies, some don't. In that respect, a survival or interception is the best mission to play to make certain you can reach the cap. Lich nodes on early star chart planets like Earth or Venus tend to spawn way less enemies, so doing a fast mission like an extermination there is a bad idea. However, if your lich spawns on a later star chart planet like Sedna, the enemy density is way better, so you generally can hit the cap, thus extermination there is fine. That being said, if you rush through a short mission you probably won't reach the cap before you get to extraction. If you spend more time in the mission killing, you can still reach the cap as long as enemies are still on the map so it's not a big deal. In general, rescue, capture and spy tend to keep spawning enemies after you complete the objective so they are okay too on most planets. You just need to make sure your teammates hang around with you and don't force extract you or anything. Also, going with teammates is generally a good idea, since more teammates means more enemies on the map.

Lich-made Thralls

Liches do not SPAWN thralls. They CONVERT regular enemies into them. So if you were to kill all the enemies in a room except your Lich, you won't get any thralls. If you want to hang around for your Lich to make thralls, make sure you've got plenty of enemies around for them to convert. If needed sometimes you can lure them into each other to make sure there are enemies close enough to convert. The wiki claims you can get your Lich to spawn up to 10 thralls, 1 every 20 seconds, but in my experience that doesn't actually happen very often. I don't know if it's a bug or what, but depending on your Lich's quirk and just rng, you can usually get 5 thralls out of them, but other times they get stubborn and just won't, even if lots of enemies are around. I'm not sure what causes this, possibly just a coincidence of no enemies' in proximity at the precise time the conversion proc occurs. Also, if you want you Lich to hang around, don't beet them up. If you put your Lich down three times without stabbing them they will disappear on their own. Two liches cannot spawn at the same time, but more than one Lich can spawn in a mission, and it has nothing to do with whether you stab your lich or not as long as it's gone. I have had three Liches spawn in a mission. I have no idea if this effects the thrall cap, but like I said, you're lucky if you can get a decent amount of thralls out of your lich anyway.

Spawning your Lich

I think we all know and agree that killing thralls pisses off your Lich and makes them more likely to spawn, but not everyone realizes that's not always a good thing. Lichs can kill rescue targets, defense targets and spawn right into spy vaults. If your Lich is likely to spawn you probably don't want to do that type of mission. Defenses are usually okay especially on larger maps if the Lich is at a low level since they won't have their strongest moves or be likely to spawn right on top of the defense target, but you never know. Failing a mission won't get you any murmurs you earned in that mission, even if you unlocked a ring. So if your lich spawns on the rescue target and kills him you lose all the murmurs you got until that point and have to start over. There is something of an exception however. If you kill/convert a lich but fail the mission afterward it still counts. You still get the weapon or the Lich once you get back to your orbiter. I know this to be true for certain because it has happened to me more than once, that my life support ran out or my rescue target was killed by the Lich I was trying to fight.

Stabbing your Lich

Whether you want to stab your lich every time it appears from the beginning is up to you. Stabbing your lich gets you a chunk of murmurs, I don't know exact numbers but it's a decent amount. You should know however that stabbing your lich resets it's anger. Meaning it's less likely to appear again right away. Sometimes you get lucky and they do show up ready for more next misson, but more than likely it could take four or five missions until he/she decides to appear again. Their quirk can also effect this. Potentially it can be a lot faster to stab your lich, but if you stab them all the time without knowing any mods it could also be pretty slow and frustrating if you aren't lucky, since by the time you actually know the mods they will take their sweet time to appear. Personally I advise not to start stabbing until the second or third ring, because the first ring needs significantly fewer murmurs. Potentially, you can fill the whole ring up before your Lich ever shows up. So maybe wait until it starts to drag in the second or third ring, but it's up to you, technically the time is probably the same no matter when you do it if the amount is the same. It's also worth noting that leveling up a lich spreads his control and levels him up. If you struggle with the higher level of Lich nodes, you may want to avoid stabbing and leveling up your lich. If your lich spawned on an early planet with low enemy density or on a planet with few nodes (cough Uranus) you may want to stab them just to get some more/better missions.

Determining the Requiem Mod order

It's worth noting that there's no way to determine the order of the mods without unlocking the rings, in essence, there's no pattern to give you clues, it's just random order determined when the lich spawned. But it's also absolutely possible to kill/convert you Lich without unlocking rings. You can put random mods in your parazon, stab your lich once, and get crazy lucky. Look, I've forgotten a lot of my math so I could be making a fool of myself but I think it's 8 x 7 x 6 = 336, meaning it's 1/336 or 0.297% chance to blindly stab your lich and get it right on first guess. It's not great. The odds get way better as you learn mods, though. Generally speaking, it's worth putting a random, non-duplicated requiem mod in all your slots on the off chance you get lucky. I have absolutely put the 1 or two mods I knew in the first slots and a random one in the last and just got lucky. This has happened to me at least three times that I remember, out of 40ish Liches so it's not uncommon.

Many of you already know this but believe me when I say there are people who somehow still don't: A lich has 3 hp bars that do a mod check for each slot, in order. So when you stab the lich the first time, it checks your first mod. If a mod is right, it opens up the next hp and you can stab him again to check the next mod. If it's wrong, the lich leaves. This is how you can find out which of your mods are right or wrong. If you don't know all your mods, put the mods you know in the first slots, followed by any guesses. It's better to put known mods first because they have a 1/3 chance to be right, as opposed to a 1/8 chance to be right with a guess. If you fail a stab, move the failed mod back a space if it's a known mod, or if it's a guess just switch it with something else. If you stab without knowing any of your mods, you could be at it a while, if you stab knowing all your mods it should take AT MOST four stabs. An attempt knowing all your mods might look like this:

  1. stab: 123 (first wrong)
  2. stab: 213 (first right, second wrong)
  3. stab: 231 (correct)

Worst case scenario looks like this:

  1. stab 123 (first wrong)
  2. stab 213 (first wrong)
  3. stab 321 (first right, second wrong)
  4. stab 312 (correct)

So that's it. I hope it clears some things up. Feel free to ask questions.


Edited by (PSN)M00n_Slippers
I'm even worse at math than I thought
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As a solo player who didn't want to bother with Liches at all, and randomly created one while running stealthy adaro missions, performing stealth finishers on all my targets, without noticing the Larvling (this was before they changed the hold-to-create, instead of murmur-gain style creation, and I had been helping my friend murmur farm for his Lich, so I was kinda in the mode of "see red, stab red", even though it was the worst thing for me to do)... my preference to hunting the Lich was to ignore all the OP's advice.

I farmed all my murmurs to know exactly what parazon mods I'd need (which resulted in clearing out all of his influenced nodes and an auto-levelup), but then I knew which mods I'd have to farm for. Went and farmed requiem relics, then cracked requiem relics for the mods I needed. Then I hunted down the Lich to begin the stab-guessing.

Overall, I think he reached level 3, which kept the murmur hunting to a minimum of a hassle (low level enemies, no danger to defense targets and the like.) He only lived 4hrs, and I was free of the stupid Lich system. I've never created a Lich on purpose, and don't expect to.




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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2019-11-14 at 11:08 AM, -CdG-Zilchy said:

I take about 1 hour per lich, this is what I have found works. Mobile Defense, CrossFire, Survival and Capture. Capture is the only mode that reliably spawns thralls after you complete your mission objective so keep that in mind. In missions that do not require me to perform a genocide I leave the enemies alive, save the spawning thralls. Once the lich spawns they will convert all these enemies you ignored into lich's. It's easy to get 20+ per mission doing this. I always stab my lich to more quickly zero in on what 3 I need and what order and levelling up the lich increases murmur gain as well, well worth 1 extra minute to kill them next time as well as making the lich take new territory so I never have to farm defense, interception etc. I do this in solo. Usually the lich is dead in 8-10 missions.

Wow. ONE hour. That's all I need to hear. 

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On 2019-11-14 at 11:08 AM, -CdG-Zilchy said:

I take about 1 hour per lich, this is what I have found works. Mobile Defense, CrossFire, Survival and Capture. Capture is the only mode that reliably spawns thralls after you complete your mission objective so keep that in mind. In missions that do not require me to perform a genocide I leave the enemies alive, save the spawning thralls. Once the lich spawns they will convert all these enemies you ignored into lich's. It's easy to get 20+ per mission doing this. I always stab my lich to more quickly zero in on what 3 I need and what order and levelling up the lich increases murmur gain as well, well worth 1 extra minute to kill them next time as well as making the lich take new territory so I never have to farm defense, interception etc. I do this in solo. Usually the lich is dead in 8-10 missions.

Just to be clear, do you do it ALL solo? The murmur farm AND killing the lich?

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Gerade eben schrieb (PSN)ZUBY_1101:

Wow. ONE hour. That's all I need to hear. 


Gerade eben schrieb (PSN)ZUBY_1101:

Just to be clear, do you do it ALL solo? The murmur farm AND killing the lich?


If it would be possible to hunt down a Lich (especially solo) within one hour at average then you could be sure that the streaming websites would be flooded with streams about that. Claims exist but as long as we don't get any video prove for them I would call them a simple lie.

I've hunted 130+ Liches as for now and so I'm sure that I know what I'm talking about.

have a nice day... 😀

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1 minute ago, cliffghost said:



If it would be possible to hunt down a Lich (especially solo) within one hour at average then you could be sure that the streaming websites would be flooded with streams about that. Claims exist but as long as we don't get any video prove for them I would call them a simple lie.

I've hunted 130+ Liches as for now and so I'm sure that I know what I'm talking about.

have a nice day... 😀

What's your method? Just asking out of interest.

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12 minutes ago, cliffghost said:



If it would be possible to hunt down a Lich (especially solo) within one hour at average then you could be sure that the streaming websites would be flooded with streams about that. Claims exist but as long as we don't get any video prove for them I would call them a simple lie.

I've hunted 130+ Liches as for now and so I'm sure that I know what I'm talking about.

have a nice day... 😀

Enjoy taking your time on them then I guess.

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12 hours ago, cliffghost said:

I expect up to 3hrs per Lich and I try to do everything possible to shorten that time... 😁

3-4 hours is about average for me as well. My personal method is not necessarily the fastest but I would say it's the most hassle-free for me.

First I do pub murmur farms on other people's nodes to unlock 2 rings.

Then in solo or hosting my own pub, I put both known mods on my Parazon and a random mod then run my missions and stab my lich until I know the correct first mod.

Sometimes I get lucky and it's done at step two because I guessed the last mod right. Other times I have to keep stabbing because both known mods are in the wrong order. Since stabbing gives more murmurs I go through the last ring faster. Usually I can kill my Lich before it's rank 4. I don't like to rank up my Lich too much because it makes certain mission types more difficult, particularly rescue and excavation, the defense targets just aren't very tanky especially if your lich drops in.


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Ok I'm tired of people saying I'm lying blah blah blah, I don't normally record an hour's worth of footage but I just have. Not sure how long it'll take to upload mind you. Pretty average lich, he was uber aggressive early on and I was unlucky with my guesses but luck evened out later on with guessing the last murmur early. I also missed the 3rd murmur skip which normally cuts down the time it takes. 

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3 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Ok I'm tired of people saying I'm lying blah blah blah, I don't normally record an hour's worth of footage but I just have. Not sure how long it'll take to upload mind you. Pretty average lich, he was uber aggressive early on and I was unlucky with my guesses but luck evened out later on with guessing the last murmur early. I also missed the 3rd murmur skip which normally cuts down the time it takes. 

I appreciate that 🙂

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)ZUBY_1101 said:

I appreciate that 🙂

no problem. I'll ping it here when it's done uploading. It genuinely annoys me when the people who's cup is full and can't be filled anymore simply ridicule players who've found a better way. You at least seem eager to learn.

Edited by -CdG-Zilchy
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Gerade eben schrieb -CdG-Zilchy:

Ok I'm tired of people saying I'm lying blah blah blah, I don't normally record an hour's worth of footage but I just have. Not sure how long it'll take to upload mind you. Pretty average lich, he was uber aggressive early on and I was unlucky with my guesses but luck evened out later on with guessing the last murmur early. I also missed the 3rd murmur skip which normally cuts down the time it takes. 

Choose wisely what you claim if you can't prove it on questioning. Easy as that.

And no excuses like "I was unlucky with this or that". You claimed:

Am 14.11.2019 um 12:08 schrieb -CdG-Zilchy:

I take about 1 hour per lich, this is what I have found works. Mobile Defense, CrossFire, Survival and Capture. Capture is the only mode that reliably spawns thralls after you complete your mission objective so keep that in mind. In missions that do not require me to perform a genocide I leave the enemies alive, save the spawning thralls. Once the lich spawns they will convert all these enemies you ignored into lich's. It's easy to get 20+ per mission doing this. I always stab my lich to more quickly zero in on what 3 I need and what order and levelling up the lich increases murmur gain as well, well worth 1 extra minute to kill them next time as well as making the lich take new territory so I never have to farm defense, interception etc. I do this in solo. Usually the lich is dead in 8-10 missions.

so your "unluck" should be covered in other runs.

And when asked

vor 23 Stunden schrieb (PSN)ZUBY_1101:

Wow. ONE hour. That's all I need to hear. 


vor 23 Stunden schrieb (PSN)ZUBY_1101:

Just to be clear, do you do it ALL solo? The murmur farm AND killing the lich?

you kept your claim again

vor 23 Stunden schrieb -CdG-Zilchy:


That was were I got up and came in to confront you. I've done a couple of hunting runs with less than one hour of completion time (lucky guessing) but I would never claim it my usual average time. I've measured my last 60 runs. It was around 160 minutes per hunt. Substract 30 minutes from that because I do excavations always first if possible then you'll land at 130 minutes at average per run. Substract additional 30 minutes for not playing the missions or whatever you want and you'll land at 100 minutes at average per run but even that is far far away from what you've claimed your "I take about 1 hour per lich." and "I do this in solo. Usually the lich is dead in 8-10 missions."

That's enough "blah blah blah" from me. Keep your dreams if you like them but I will not take you serious in any further discussion about Lich hunting nowadays.

Have a nice day. 🙂

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for me it is usually 1-2 hours, but I always have exp booster.
with "collecting mob" it doesn't work at first either. because lich does not want to spawn and you have to stab some mobs. and only then regularly. but then i almost finished the first key.
I've also tried some captures. lich did not want to spawn at all, neither at the beginning nor after capture. and camp for minutes after capture and hope that pet doesn't kill all mobs. with so much random it can't be efficient ...

what worked well in the past: I join the public games and got the exp from the player or group. and the mission was almost over.
Because without LFG, I can hardly find players for it and hardly anyone wants to join my games anyway. possibly ping too high ...

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40 minutes ago, cliffghost said:

Choose wisely what you claim if you can't prove it on questioning. Easy as that.

And no excuses like "I was unlucky with this or that". You claimed:

so your "unluck" should be covered in other runs.

And when asked


you kept your claim again

That was were I got up and came in to confront you. I've done a couple of hunting runs with less than one hour of completion time (lucky guessing) but I would never claim it my usual average time. I've measured my last 60 runs. It was around 160 minutes per hunt. Substract 30 minutes from that because I do excavations always first if possible then you'll land at 130 minutes at average per run. Substract additional 30 minutes for not playing the missions or whatever you want and you'll land at 100 minutes at average per run but even that is far far away from what you've claimed your "I take about 1 hour per lich." and "I do this in solo. Usually the lich is dead in 8-10 missions."

That's enough "blah blah blah" from me. Keep your dreams if you like them but I will not take you serious in any further discussion about Lich hunting nowadays.

Have a nice day. 🙂

I find the biggest issue is that people do Defense, Excavation etc just don't do those EVER. I stick to Capture, Crossfire, Survival, Mobile Defense and sometimes Exterminate. I don't hang around waiting for spawns, I get about 3-5 per mission and then I move on. Mobile Defense has a high chance to spawn the lich as does Survival, I will farm 10 thralls off the lich then stab it. After I have the first 2 murmurs I will brute force the 3rd murmur as it's simply quicker to do so. The main thing is that I'm simply brute forcing the combo and unlocking another planet for the lich so I can avoid the slower missions. There's also a technique you can use to bypass about 75% of the 3rd murmur but I don't always get it(wasn't successful in this run). I did 2 runs, first was 70 minutes, 2nd was 61 minutes, I'll try do a few more tomorrow to give a better spread. It is however a bit slow creating a 30GB video file and then uploading it on Aussie internet so I hope you can understand the wait. Inb4 you start claiming I got lucky on the 3rd murmur(technically the 2nd mod) but luck evens out and I had rotten luck with brute forcing the 1st one. And besides if I'd been successful with the bypass for the 3rd one I wouldn't have needed to guess it.

Imagine taking 3 hours for a lich..

@(PSN)ZUBY_1101 hope this helps you mate.


Edited by -CdG-Zilchy
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