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Toxic lich hunter bullies are spreading "badwill", ban them.


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1 minute ago, Cicasajt said:

lvl5 is not difficult. there are 4 of u all the time.

Difficulty is relative. I may not have a problem in dealing with a lich, but there is no guarantee that every other warframe players can deal with it as well.
Not everyone is a power creep. Some players who are starting out with the lich system do not know what to expect.

On top of that, R5 Liches can take out objectives rather quickly and render a mission failure. 

5 minutes ago, Cicasajt said:

if u dont want to level it up you can just go solo and let ppl who want to uncover their sequence do their thing.

Does not work. You end up lowering your murmur output doing it solo. Not to mention the fact that difficulty is relative and the player in question cannot handle it solo.

The point is that players are going to pubs for the lich system. DE should probably restrict it to recruiting only, like the Grendel missions. Using public matchmaking is a terrible idea to begin with, not to mention that it will end up in conflicts of interests. On top of that, there is already a way to make the game priorities in spawning a player's lich by hosting and selecting the controlled territory with players whose lich spawn in a different territory but it seems players are wasting their time going into pubs. If you want to test your mod combo, you can do that solo as well and not wait for your lich to spawn. There is already a platoon of murmur farming looking in recruiting chat.

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Are we just getting down to "Don't play the game" arguments now?

Because that, more than anything, is a sign of a system being so flawed that we've gone from Warframe to Wargames, where the only winning move is to not play.

I can't be the only one who finds that obscenely moronic right?

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15 minutes ago, Cicasajt said:

if u dont want to level it up you can just go solo and let ppl who want to uncover their sequence do their thing.

Or the people who want to uncover their sequence or do their thing can go solo, instead of joining random squad and harassing players that don't do their bidding.

Or even better, form a squad through team chat.

If you go random, just accept that the rest of the team isn't there to serve your wishes.

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2 minutes ago, Leifsdottir said:

You have 3 other people in your squad. You don't have to fight your level 5 lich solo. I'm noticing a huge lack of empathy from players that don't attack their lich. They block other players liches from spawning for trivial reasons and theyll come to the forums whining and crying wondering why the other players are verbally abusing them.

Imagine finally knowing the sequence of mods to use to kill your lich but not being able to fight him because some jackass won't kill his for some silly reason.

Missions like these should never be done in pubs. There's always players in recruiting chat looking for a team up.

On top of that, there is a way to spawn your lich first by hosting and doing a murmur farm mission with 3 other players whose lich are not occupying the planet where your lich is (Or, their lich is not angry enough to spawn).

Pubs have a problem of conflict of interest. Player A may want to kill liches and Player B wants to murmur farm instead. This became worse with the 10x murmur gain becoming owning to the lich's owner only.

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11 minutes ago, Leifsdottir said:

Imagine finally knowing the sequence of mods to use to kill your lich but not being able to fight him because some jackass won't kill his for some silly reason.

Imagine knowing the sequence but going into a random game with random players with random personal objectives in order to fight your personal lich. And then harassing other players when they don't do your bidding.

Wait, don't even have to imagine that, because that is the current reality.

Edited by Graavarg
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2 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

You don't seem to get it. The problem here is selfish people demanding that others do things they want them to do instead of just leaving them alone. Your 'solution' is to demand that they do something else instead? You're still demanding that other people do what you want them to do, you've solved nothing, you're still being selfish.

There is a difference between asking someone to do the right thing and asking them to do something that makes no sense.



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2 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

I am, but a lot of other people aren't. Doesn't seem like you're ready to understand that simple concept, though.

That's another huge problem come to think of it. TWW is all that is needed to start this system up, and the Larva can spawn in any level 20+ Grineer mission right?

I have a hard time believing that the average fresh TWW clearing player would have an easy time dealing with sudden level 100 enemies. Even I struggled with that back when I started.

Nowadays I can do level 100s with no issue at all, but the gap between the start and end point of the Lich's power scale is huge for most players and that's not even going into the fact that Grineer have ARMOR which makes killing them even harder as they level up.

The core issues of the system are that it punishes players for interacting with it, "Oh you downed your Lich Tenno? Here's a death and it gets stronger now because screw you! Also the community will harass you if you don't because our system design failed to account for our playerbase having plenty of jerkwads in it!".

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On 2019-11-15 at 12:46 PM, ---RNGesus--- said:

I hope DE is happy to see this after they removed shared murmur progression from finisher & promoted this anti-co op behavior. 

On 2019-11-15 at 10:09 AM, Gasau said:

oh. How about every one in the team get murmur progress after any lich "death"? That all players would be happy and completely solve the problem of huge toxicity in the game?




This is pretty much the nail on the head here

Trying to weed out more non-paying vets?


But yeah, you should be careful when going on Pubs, they can be quite bad

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44 minutes ago, Aldain said:

That's another huge problem come to think of it. TWW is all that is needed to start this system up, and the Larva can spawn in any level 20+ Grineer mission right?

I have a hard time believing that the average fresh TWW clearing player would have an easy time dealing with sudden level 100 enemies. Even I struggled with that back when I started.

Nowadays I can do level 100s with no issue at all, but the gap between the start and end point of the Lich's power scale is huge for most players and that's not even going into the fact that Grineer have ARMOR which makes killing them even harder as they level up.

The core issues of the system are that it punishes players for interacting with it, "Oh you downed your Lich Tenno? Here's a death and it gets stronger now because screw you! Also the community will harass you if you don't because our system design failed to account for our playerbase having plenty of jerkwads in it!".

Agreed completely, the lich content is accessible way too early, basically as soon as the player arrives at Sedna. At that point they're doing level 30-ish content, while the easiest lich missions are level 50. For reference, a lancer goes from 2.6K EHP at level 30 to 10.5K at level 50. That's an insane jump, the easiest lich content is four times harder than what the player has been doing up to that point, and it goes up even more if they foolishly stab the thing and allow it to level up. From level 50 to level 100, Grineer EHP goes up by about a factor of twelve. And people who are struggling with level 30 mobs are supposed to handle that? Like, really? Really, DE? Really, people in this thread?

So yeah, this system is a complete dumpster fire and needs a major rethink and rework ASAP, not minor hotfixes. 

46 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

There is a difference between asking someone to do the right thing and asking them to do something that makes no sense.

The fact that you can't understand or relate to their reasons does not make them invalid.


Edited by SordidDreams
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1 минуту назад, Shinigami_Greed сказал:

I always help with Lichs.  Chances are, other people's Lichs tend to show up after they're down/gone, so I see no downside if mine might join the party.

you know, there is some egoistic "people" can`t help with killing, they allways say "it`s your problem, not mine"

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2 hours ago, RougeMagma said:

Funny you said that because I did spawn a specter but to help with protecting the cryopod. But tbh, the lich was quite brutal. My wukong twin only lasted probably about 5-10 seconds before he killed it.

I mean not frame specter xD The ancient healer one. They use that dumb aura with -90% dmg for allies.

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2 hours ago, Dharma-Beerlite said:

Just apply basic courtesy when lvling stuffs. Don't bring all new weapon / all zero dps gear/at least bring a support frame to assist into any lvling mission and behave like a pure leecher. I am sure you are not new to this game unless you are all round selfish just want the xp result without helping the mission. So don't call anyone selfish from your earlier post becos the way you present your theory sound more selfish. Player just kill their lich so others lich can spawn in the mission.

Dont be lazy just go recruitment channel and seek like minded party and hunt your random mur mur. Players that join random pub game to hunt lich because their lich is within those planets that can be spawn. Since you guys dont want lich spawn anyone planets from your created team that spawn thralls is good to serve your goals. 

You are probably one of those entitled players that think they rule the game and any session that they enter. Demanding everyone to do your bidding...yeayea. I will enjoy my lich alive no matter how much you cry about it. And the 'abort mission' is free to use to 'save your time'.



Also I see a lot of 'people' here demanding for help to kill their own lichs...first if you can deal with the lich, dont create one and then start blamming the community for being 'selfish' for not carring your useless ass in the mission. Go ahead and rage on me. The truth hurts, I know.

Edited by DarkSkysz
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2 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Pretty sure this is already the case right?

I can’t find confirmation if it is or not.  Would make sense if it’s the case, and a great way to weed out some of the players in this thread alone.  Less headache than just leaving when you see the name.  

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How about no? Grow some spine man.... xD and no i dont do this, but i would just Inaros laid back watch em die or tell em to f*** off 🙂 Censorship and banning is the WORST idea. Like, you russian or something? Youve ever been trashtalking on xboxlive / discord or stuff? Its a videogame ;] And PUB is PUB, wanna avoid nonsense, do a private group with friends/run solo.


Like i dunno, is it only me? I have more memorable missions with toxic or stupid people in the game, befriended some of em 😛 then the braindead "i just do my thing, never talk, never do anything" drones on Hydron or ESO ?:P

Edited by ARKANOiiDe
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Reading again, I gotta ask 2 things to people not wanting to kill lich

Do you know that the amount of thrall conversions per mission is limited to 15? and that liches only makes it go faster not more?

Do you know that dying to any other source than requiem check while lich is spawned makes your lich leave without ranking them up? Maybe because this thread and OP started on the wrong foot but i didn't see anyone mention this.

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11 minutes ago, Yoruno said:

Reading again, I gotta ask 2 things to people not wanting to kill lich

Do you know that the amount of thrall conversions per mission is limited to 15? and that liches only makes it go faster not more?

Do you know that dying to any other source than requiem check while lich is spawned makes your lich leave without ranking them up? Maybe because this thread and OP started on the wrong foot but i didn't see anyone mention this.

I'm starting to think that anything you tell these people will just be like bashing your head against a very stubborn and ignorant brick wall.

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Let's analyze the situation:

Player A joins a 4 people co-op mission.

Player A screws up over the other 3 people in the mission by intentionally preventing players B, C and D from progressing, all for player's A own benefit in spite of the rest.

Who's the one at fault here?

Edited by ixidron92
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well yes but actually no.

Lich system here is still janky as one specific Lich from certain player can only be spawned in a mission at a time which mean other Liches can spawn as well (max is 2 or 3)..if you don't take care of your Lich, you are blocking other people Liches from spawning who has all the murmur they required and know them in orders...so technically you are blocking other people progress as well.


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