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I can’t even solo the very first Railjack mission


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I know that Railjack is supposed to be done coop, but it’s the first freaking mission. Why does it feel like I’m being thrown into a level 50 mission with zero mods? I tried jumping into my Archwing because a lot of people are saying that helps. But I can’t hit anything because ALL THE ARCHGUNS ARE NOW PROJECTILE BASED! Railjack has enemies that move in literally any direction they want and for some reason the appropriate response to that is make the space guns incapable of shooting anything that’s not 5 feet in front of it?

I literal can’t even with this.

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1 hour ago, DrivaMain said:

Welcome to Empyrean! Hope you will enjoy your suff- I mean Journey!

Back to topic, if you can't aim with now projectile archguns use the larkspur. It basically does the aiming for you.

I tried using Larkspur and I can’t get close enough to the enemies for long enough to do any significant damage.

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As a fellow solo player, I was in the same boat as you.  I failed miserably in the first couple of attempts I made on the first mission.  You should still be getting intrinsic points though.  I suggest putting one into Engineering to get the faster repair time bonus, it made a big difference for me since I actually had time to get a few shots in before running off to repair things again.  Beyond that, it's a matter of getting lucky with avionics drops to get a little more HP and armor.  After that, the gunnery intrinsic has a bonus that gives you full 360 aiming from the side turrets.  I mostly fight by parking myself in one place and jumping on a side gun.  My archwing is mostly just for boarding and taking down crewships, but I'll also take down a couple of fighters on my way back to the railjack.  Enemies are also a lot easier to target when they make their attack runs since they come straight at you and effectively fly directly into your bullets.  Oh, and the Kosma Grineer in these missions are a good deal tougher than other variants of the same level, so make sure you're using a frame/weapons that can cope with more tanky enemies for when you get boarded.

Not going to lie though, it's hard to solo empyrean, and the way I do it might not end up being what works best for you.  I wish you the best of luck.

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Solo strategy that I found the most beneficial:


When you load in fly your railjack forward just enough to get the enemy to spawn in front of you.

Shoot a the fighters ahead of you until you either hit one or they beginning closing in on you.

Immediately turn around and fly your railjack away from them.

Many of the fighters will cross in front of you as they pass and you can shoot them as you please however the main objective here is to fly away from the crewships until you reach the edge of the map out of their chase range then deal with the fighters that followed you.

Once the fighters are dealt with and you have dealt with any needed repairs you then exit your railjack and use your archwing to fly towards, evade and then board an enemy crewship.

Kill the crew on the enemy ship and then use it to kill all the fighters, then blow up its reactor and fly to the next crewship, board and blow up its reactor etc...wash rinse repeat.



Park railjack on edge of map,

Exit and use Archwing to capture enemy crewship.

Use enemy crewship to destroy enemy fighters.

Blow up crewship, board next one, blow it up etc...


Unfortunately the base railjack, without the help of other players, is nothing better than a glorified taxi.

Park it and use the enemy ships to finish the mission.


^This has gotten me through the earth missions so far.




Edited by Aesthier
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I've soloed every Earth and Saturn mission and the first mission in the veil. Pretty sure I could solo the entire veil, but I haven't bothered since it takes awhile to do all the objectives solo.

The key to soloing is to move far away from your ship before more enemies respawn. Their spawn location is based on your location and if they are far enough away from your ship, they will never aggro your ship and your ship can just sit idle in space and never be attacked. 

The biggest issue doing this is the start of the mission. The start location of enemies is a bit random. Every once in awhile they'll start right on top of your ship and you might as well abort in that case (edit: unless you can deal with them and don't mind the extra hassle). I'm not sure exactly what the best strategy is to avoid the initial ships aggroing your ship. Sometimes I try using the arch cannon and launching to the first wave to get there faster. I've sometimes got into the pilot seat of the ship and flew away from the initial ships before going after them. 

Once you've dealt with the initial group, as long as none of those went by you and got on your ship and you managed to get thousands of meters away from your ship, you should be able to do the rest of the mission in archwing as your ship just sits back safely ignored. You can also grab a crewship and destroy fighters with that, which works on Earth and Saturn, but its damage starts to kind of suck in veil proxima. It also can't pick up loot currently, so you won't get much loot out of a mission unless you fly around afterwards picking stuff up.

I'd also go after Tactical rank 4 first so you can port back to your ship immediately after finishing the mission so you don't have to fly 10km+ back to your ship. 

edit: I use an imperator vandal and Amesha.

Edited by Borg1611
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1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I know that Railjack is supposed to be done coop, but it’s the first freaking mission. Why does it feel like I’m being thrown into a level 50 mission with zero mods? I tried jumping into my Archwing because a lot of people are saying that helps. But I can’t hit anything because ALL THE ARCHGUNS ARE NOW PROJECTILE BASED! Railjack has enemies that move in literally any direction they want and for some reason the appropriate response to that is make the space guns incapable of shooting anything that’s not 5 feet in front of it?

I literal can’t even with this.

Yeah, there are a few things you need to prepare for the space battles.

1. The default weapons on the railjack are crap, but there are a few weapons that are already researched. 

Cryophon (ice shotgun) - Goes in the nose. Perfect for the pilot to 1 - 2 shot the fighters and ramsleds.

Carcinnox (toxin machine gun) - Goes in your wings. Allows your gunners to tear through the fighters and ramsleds.

Galvarc (lightning-based cone) - Belly mounted. Zaps up to 3 fighters within a cone in front of the railjack. You can go with the tycho seeker, if you want to soften up the cruisers. 

2. If you want to go solo, your best course of action is to destroy the quota of fighters, and then go after the cruisers. Likewise, you can park your railjack in a hollowed out asteroid or inside some other debris, then go out in archwing mode.

3. Status is king in railjack, and the upcoming war. While the Amesha ( 2nd & 3rd ) seems to be the only archwing for railjack, I find the Cyngas to be the best archgun.


There are other opinions, of course. But, I prefer this.

Good luck.

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The first mission is really rough solo, partly because your railjack just can't take a hit from crewships, and partly because you don't know what works for you.

If you do the park away from the fight and go out with archwing plan, put COLD damage on your archgun, preferably one with high status chance (crits are near worthless because why not?)  The cold proc will lock up fighter flight controls and cause them to slow way down, making it much easier to stay on top of them and land hits with your now projectile based archgun.  Beware of approaching crewships though.  As a rule, I've decided to believe that crewships simply don't miss.  They have homing missiles and they WILL turn on a dime to catch you, so you basically have to blink at the right time and board the crewship ASAP.  ...Or just eat the revive.

If you go in with your Railjack... In my experience the fighters aren't really dangerous at this level.  The crewships are, once again, the real threat.  They will tear your ship apart.  So here's the deal.  They will put your ship into critical mode.  Due to the new mechanics regarding critical hull breaches, repair that sucker ASAP (seal other cracks first, you're going to need as much health as possible) and while you're in the invulnerabile regeneration phase, depart your ship and race on over to the crewship.  You've got a minute or two to obliterate the reactor core then get back to your railjack to patch any leaks.  Clean up some fighters, then rinse and repeat for the second crewship.  Also, if you can manage to scrounge up enough material from the tilesets/landscapes to replace the tier 0 apocs with virtually any other tier 0 weapon from your research station, it will do you wonders.  Apocs supposedly have a great status effect for taking down ships, but they're the hardest turrets to use effectively due to slow projectile speeds and their small hitbox size.

Worst comes worst, just eat the losses as you'll still get some intrinsics for the effort.  Even having one and two ranks into each intrinsic is night and day difference from having none.  Things just get so much easier with a few intrinsics unlocked, easier enough that you can probably push through the first few missions solo, farm some resources, diracs, avionics, and hopefully upgrade parts of your ship with at least clan purchased equipment.

It does suck to feel like you have to cheese the whole ordeal to start, but that's a solo problem.  Group players can play as intended, with a helmsman, dedicated gunner/engineer, and two spares to do whatever they do best, preferably sabotaging crewships ASAP.  Hopefully the still locked command intrinsic tree, which should be linked to AI crew members(?) will make soloing MUCH easier starting out and going forward when it's finally released.

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I just finished Earth Proxima solo and yes its no cakewalk. Until you get some decent Avionics and Intrinsics its best to use your Archwing and board a Cruiseship to deal with enemies. And even then it doesn't get any easier. I used Amesha and Larkspur for the early stuff but switched to Cyngas eventually. Good luck out there Tenno. 

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