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Warframe is way too grindy for new players


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Every game is grindy if you want to get anywhere.

MMOs are already being nerfed and made easier across the board due to new players. I was a new player. Yes, I bought like 40 bucks of plat within a month and a half to get some mods and forma but that's it. Under 100 bucks to get me set on a game in I'm gonna play for years isn't bad.

I'm at 600 hrs too and I've got a great grasp and almost everything I need after a few months of dedicated farming and eidolon hunting.

That's it....I could coast on this game for years now with not as much effort cause i put work in early.


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5 minutes ago, Itsmez said:

I have around 620hours on record so far in total. I got multiple different end game setups, quests done, couple good rivens, railjack full of Mark3 and avionics filled. I have pretty mutch everything and more than i need for "good end game setup"

Youre just making up excuses " its too grindy " for new players

You didn't do that alone and probably got carried for most of it until you got your endgame setups. I used to joke with my friends that it takes 300 hours before you have a clue and another 300 before you are self-reliant. Trust me, your example does not apply to the vast majority of players.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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1 hour ago, Prostreet150 said:

If you consider the Endo you need to farm to max all the good Mods + the platinum you need to spent to buy the best Arcanes/Rivens plush the Focus grind and the AMP as a new player yes you need "A LOT" of hours to reach endgame.

But after you reach the point where you can 1 shot everything, there is no reason to keep playing this game.

My account was endgame but after they changed the gameplay and removed the block option i uninstalled it the first day.             

"But after you reach the point where you can 1 shot everything, there is no reason to keep playing this game."

that's where things really get started. Your opinion seems overly negative. I had a lot of fun in an endurance run testing my loadouts and such.

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)Cephalon_Snow said:

I understand the point the op and you are making..I'm only saying that new or newer players dont need to be in a rush to have all the things now.  And if they do there is usually an option through plat or trading.

There need to be some long term goals In the game like focus to work toward after you got all the things to keep you engaged.

It just sounds to me like too many players want to be all powerful and have everything without putting in the work like everyone else just because they got to the party late.




That's exactly what it is. No patience.

The game has a lot of stuff, which is good. People get overwhelmed and freak out instead of making a plan and being patient and having fun along the way.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

You didn't do that alone and probably got carried for most of it until you got your endgame setups. I used to joke with my friends that it takes 300 hours before you have a clue and another 300 before you are self-reliant. Trust me, your example does not apply to the vast majority of players.

Well i did indeed play with my friends in 2015 when we all started the game together for the first 100 hours before they left, but after that its all been soloing with randoms

"I used to joke with my friends that it takes 300 hours before you have a clue and another 300 before you are self-reliant." Yes if youre a human being who is not capable of finding out how things work, for example using google.

Warframe isnt really that complicated except the plains of eidolon and orb vallis was quite confusing at start because it was something so different.

But no, i didnt get carried, i used my brains

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis said:

new casual players [...] get an "end game" set up

Just sayin', I kinda don't think those two things there should meet up all that soon.

A new player should enjoy the journey, rather than focus on the destination that's 100+ hours ahead of them.

Some huge chunks of Warframe's content lie in the "early to middle" stage of progression,
to be, alas, largely ignored once you've made it past that point, but that doesn't make that content / you experiencing it useless.

This is a game, you're supposed to have fun interacting with it, it's not a chore to be finished,
so if the grind for one particular thing isn't what you feel like doing right now,
well, do something else, even if it's not "optimal" for your progression or whatever.

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3 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis said:

As a solo player, who can play at most around 1-2h a day

You need to play more.

You need to have an average play time of 168 hours per week.

Leave your wife.

Leave your kids.

Leave your family.

Sleep less.

Leave your job. Warframe is your new job.

You can eat while you play.

You can take a bath while you play.

Do a number 1 or 2 while you play.

Don't have a life.

That's how you get to endgame and be a vet and why we can never surpass them.

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3 hours ago, Mikaer88 said:

You need to play more.

You need to have an average play time of 168 hours per week.

Leave your wife.

Leave your kids.

Leave your family.

Sleep less.

Leave your job. Warframe is your new job.

You can eat while you play.

You can take a bath while you play.

Do a number 1 or 2 while you play.

Don't have a life.

That's how you get to endgame and be a vet and why we can never surpass them.

Not gonna lie. Not having kids is great for loving a game like Warframe. After work the entire night and weekends are mine.

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Might I suggest (as a mostly solo player) the OP just do the pug thing? I started the game coming up on 9 months ago and progress really picked up when I tried group play. Most of time it is really pretty good if you can handle all the kids racing ahead of you and clearing the screen in those mission types. I honestly don't know how people level items up solo the affinity rate is so low compared to groups.

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3 hours ago, Mikaer88 said:

You need to play more.

You need to have an average play time of 168 hours per week.

Leave your wife.

Leave your kids.

Leave your family.

Sleep less.

Leave your job. Warframe is your new job.

You can eat while you play.

You can take a bath while you play.

Do a number 1 or 2 while you play.

Don't have a life.

That's how you get to endgame and be a vet and why we can never surpass them.

Sounds like an Eve Online Corporation CEO.

Source: Me. 10 Yr Eve Online Vet.

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dude there is no end game you are one hundred percent gonna be fine. Trust me if you rush you'll only reach that wall of nothing to do that makes miserable vets like myself, I wish I could go back to when I still was new to the game and everything was cool and I constantly had stuff to work towards. I will say I have railjack atm but with DE's release schedule ill probably be caught up in that before the next updates worth the time.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

Long term goals are great, but they shouldn't be locked behind very specific content. What if you don't enjoy that content? Then you are locked out of those upgrades forever. That's what I mean by fragmented.

Take archwing mods. Archwing sucks! But if you want to play Railjack then you need to grind archwing missions because those mods are only available from archwing missions. Railjack doesn't have a single archwing mod in its drop tables. So if you even want to help friends play Railjck, now you have to go to a separate mode and grind it until you get those mods you need to help with Railjack. It's excessively grindy and most players just want to help their friends. And don't tell me that Railjack is an endgame activity since you could easily grind Earth with your friends until they are ready for Saturn (except you can't because it won't drop archwing mods).

but it does, inside containers in bases

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9 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis said:

After 600 hours played, i still dont understand how new casual players are supposed to progress at a reasonable pace. I stared playing again a few months ago, and it still looks like I have 100s to 1000s of hours of grinding ahead of me before i can get an "end game" set up, depending on how much i care to min max. 100s - 1000s of hours grinding for rare mods, arcanes, endo, kuva, standing...

An example of my train of thought:

I want to get wisp, so i need to do the prereq quests to farm the Ropalolyst. Quests dont usually take too long, and all the bosses ive killed before are pretty easy so I though It wouldnt take long. Then I try the Ropalolyst boss fight and realize i need a half decent amp to even attempt it. So i head over to PoE and find i cant even build an amp until I do a different quest and farm Vomvalysts for standing. I get to rank 1, and then realise that the 1-1-1 amp is rather expensive in crafting mats, and I would have to farm cetus wisps among other materials just to craft it. Then later on, I would need to farm even more just to upgrade my amp to something viable in eidolon hunting (I could write a whole other post about how terrible i think eidolon arcanes are for the game). All this work for a low-mid tier weapon that is mandatory for a boss thats not even in PoE. Additionally, the game barely has any guides, tutorials, or explanations for anything, so I spend half my time "playing" by reading the wiki and watching community guides.

As a solo player, who can play at most around 1-2h a day, Its taken me over a month just to get the 1-1-1 amp blueprints since I constantly feel pressured to do all these limited time events and dailies like nightwave, alerts, catching up on prime weapons/frames before they are vaulted, doing the occasional sortie etc.This game feels like an addiction where you can never achieve enough, but are always pressured to play more otherwise you fall behind. You are always having limited time events and offers shoved in your face, all while you are busy fighting rng by grinding for materials/items for ridiculous amounts of time.

I know i could buy a lot of stuff with plat, but that would completely ruin the whole point of playing a game.

You haven't bought any plat after sinking 600 hours in game? I  bought my first Platinum after playing about 100 hours and bought even thousands and thousands  more platinum on top of real and more  money spent on cosmetics. This helped me get to the end game builds/status a lot quickly at about 1200 -1500 hours. After that, I played few thousands more hours because it was very enjoyable. But I no longer buy any plat or  any items after the game again and again nerf our gears and reset our progress.  I recommend to buy plat to speed it up if you want to play this long term and are  having a lot of fun with it. 

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11 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis said:

After 600 hours played, i still dont understand how new casual players are supposed to progress at a reasonable pace. I stared playing again a few months ago, and it still looks like I have 100s to 1000s of hours of grinding ahead of me before i can get an "end game" set up, depending on how much i care to min max. 100s - 1000s of hours grinding for rare mods, arcanes, endo, kuva, standing...

An example of my train of thought:

I want to get wisp, so i need to do the prereq quests to farm the Ropalolyst. Quests dont usually take too long, and all the bosses ive killed before are pretty easy so I though It wouldnt take long. Then I try the Ropalolyst boss fight and realize i need a half decent amp to even attempt it. So i head over to PoE and find i cant even build an amp until I do a different quest and farm Vomvalysts for standing. I get to rank 1, and then realise that the 1-1-1 amp is rather expensive in crafting mats, and I would have to farm cetus wisps among other materials just to craft it. Then later on, I would need to farm even more just to upgrade my amp to something viable in eidolon hunting (I could write a whole other post about how terrible i think eidolon arcanes are for the game). All this work for a low-mid tier weapon that is mandatory for a boss thats not even in PoE. Additionally, the game barely has any guides, tutorials, or explanations for anything, so I spend half my time "playing" by reading the wiki and watching community guides.

As a solo player, who can play at most around 1-2h a day, Its taken me over a month just to get the 1-1-1 amp blueprints since I constantly feel pressured to do all these limited time events and dailies like nightwave, alerts, catching up on prime weapons/frames before they are vaulted, doing the occasional sortie etc.This game feels like an addiction where you can never achieve enough, but are always pressured to play more otherwise you fall behind. You are always having limited time events and offers shoved in your face, all while you are busy fighting rng by grinding for materials/items for ridiculous amounts of time.

I know i could buy a lot of stuff with plat, but that would completely ruin the whole point of playing a game.

Your mistake is targeting a frame you want. I know, silly right? But some of these frames are locked behind mid/end game content. Just look at Grendel, you have to do Abritrations for his fat ass. Your best bet is to not focus on a singular goal like Wisp. It'll just kill your desire to keep playing. Take what you can and build on it.

Eventually you'll get Wisp, just don't rush it. Though if that isn't enough for you, then look into trading items for plat. This might be a shorter path for you. Grinding out the plat through trades until you have her.

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I started Warframe on may or june 2018 and I didn't found it to grindy. Lacking of information or in game help yes but never felt bore by the grind, it was natural when doing starchart.

I started to found it to grindy when I started end game. But even then it wasn't a problem, platinum cost was.

I just restarted a new game last month for fun, in 6 hours I was on Ceres with Mag. At the beginning the grind is nothing when you know what to do.

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18 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

"But after you reach the point where you can 1 shot everything, there is no reason to keep playing this game."

that's where things really get started. Your opinion seems overly negative. I had a lot of fun in an endurance run testing my loadouts and such.

Why is my opinion negative?
My comment was constructive and true.

New players will need over 400.000 endo to max only the necessary mods and i am not even counting the credits they will need to farm from the Index.
Also there are all the other things i mentioned in my first post.
And i did not even included that new players will need to forma their frames and their weapons at least 5 times to be able to use the endgame mods.

If you think that it is fun to insta kill everything and to play the same mission for 2/3 hours in survival/defence it is just your opinion.
That doesn't mean others like it too.
And the only difference between staying in survival mission for 1 minute or 3 hours is that the enemies will get extra Health/Defence/Attack and few key enemies will spawn that will need to be killed first.
Also it doesn't matter how much extra attack the enemies will get because if you playing with Valkyr Prime you will be invincible 24/7.

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43 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

Why is my opinion negative?
My comment was constructive and true.

New players will need over 400.000 endo to max only the necessary mods and i am not even counting the credits they will need to farm from the Index.
Also there are all the other things i mentioned in my first post.
And i did not even included that new players will need to forma their frames and their weapons at least 5 times to be able to use the endgame mods.

If you think that it is fun to insta kill everything and to play the same mission for 2/3 hours in survival/defence it is just your opinion.
That doesn't mean others like it too.
And the only difference between staying in survival mission for 1 minute or 3 hours is that the enemies will get extra Health/Defence/Attack and few key enemies will spawn that will need to be killed first.
Also it doesn't matter how much extra attack the enemies will get because if you playing with Valkyr Prime you will be invincible 24/7.

Rome wasnt built in a day.

How much easier would you like the game for them (I do think we need to get rid of those broken mods)? I'm not some 5 year vet that's out of touch and doesn't know what you're talking about:

I just started playing this year. I dont have every primed mod, some aren't even maxed, but I'm working on endo by doing arbitrations. The sculptures drop like hotcakes. For 10 vitus you get an amber star blueprint.....

I needed credits so built a decent rhino and formad a sniper that I was using for eidolons anyway.

It didn't take a week, but I worked toward it.

It's like you're upset that they actually have to play the game.

Edited by (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu
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What would really help new people and I can say this still being pretty new, Just better explanation of things in general. The last thing you want is to make people have to use wiki or google it.  Damage types especially should be explained in game by hovering the pointer over them on the upgrade screen for that weapon.

Heavy duty grind is kind of to be expected in any free to play looter shooter, And honestly Warframe is no where near as bad grinding wise as Everquest was back during its prime.

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40 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

Rome wasnt built in a day.

How much easier would you like the game for them (I do think we need to get rid of those broken mods)? I'm not some 5 year vet that's out of touch and doesn't know what you're talking about:

I just started playing this year. I dont have every primed mod, some aren't even maxed, but I'm working on endo by doing arbitrations. The sculptures drop like hotcakes. For 10 vitus you get an amber star blueprint.....

I needed credits so built a decent rhino and formad a sniper that I was using for eidolons anyway.

It didn't take a week, but I worked toward it.

It's like you're upset that they actually have to play the game.

You got it wrong man.

I am not mad with anyone, i just shared my opinion related to the OP's thread and i said the truth that if you are new player you need a lot of hours to reach endgame.

I never said that mods are broken or that the game should be changed.
Also if the enemies are too weak and die with 1 hit they should just add areas witih more powerfull enemies to balance their game for the veterans too, but they are not planning to do that anytime soon because of the thing you will read below. 

Warframes model is build in a way to attract new players, so the company can make more money.
They do not put hard stuff in the game for the veteran players so they get bored and leave but as long as the new players are more than the veteran players they do not care.


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3 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

You got it wrong man.

I am not mad with anyone, i just shared my opinion related to the OP's thread and i said the truth that if you are new player you need a lot of hours to reach endgame.

I never said that mods are broken or that the game should be changed.
Also if the enemies are too weak and die with 1 hit they should just add areas witih more powerfull enemies to balance their game for the veterans too, but they are not planning to do that anytime soon because of the thing you will read below. 

Warframes model is build in a way to attract new players, so the company can make more money.
They do not put hard stuff in the game for the veteran players so they get bored and leave but as long as the new players are more than the veteran players they do not care.


The broken mods I was referring to are the literal broken mods you get when you first start playing. They're mods that are a waste of endo because they have cracked glass, showing that they're weaker versions of real mods. 

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