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Dissapointed with DE's lack of new ice weapons

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I don't know if anyone remembers but way back when the sibear was meant to be the first of the line of many new ice weapons, DE promised to be rolling out a few more . 

And yet a good handful of years later and the sibear is still to be the only new ice weapon . It seems like DE had this idea of new elemental focused weapons such as ice yet only rolled out the sibear and called it a day , I know there is worse things to be hung up on but since the forums have been ~80% of calling out DEs promises lately it just brought me back to this fake promise of new elemental weapons.

i mean it's been years, DE, and ONE hammer does not live up to the said 'New line of ice weapons'

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Still waiting for that innate cold damage secondary... we still don't have one ( No the hystrix doesn't count ) im not saying anyone ever promised this im just saying im suprised it hasn't happend yet 

also i agree with OP i remember this theme of new cold weapons coming in and we still only have glaxion, sibear

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 Get a Lich with Cold element? 😛

But really, until Cold - along with its combined elements besides Viral - becomes a more worthwhile element,
I don't really feel any particular interest in another Cold weapon.

Why merely slow down enemies, when you can instead use single elements that
remove Armor, bypass Shields, deal AoE damage, and all have further DOT effects on top of that?

Why use Magnetic when Toxin exists, why use Blast now that it doesn't even do CC anymore?

Hmm ... just a random idea, what if Cold proc'd enemies, scaling with enemy level and the amount of Cold proc stacks,
dealt an AoE burst on death (inspired by Avalanche, fittingly enough), I think that could be interesting / useful.

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33 minutes ago, (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa said:

I don't know if anyone remembers but way back when the sibear was meant to be the first of the line of many new ice weapons, DE promised to be rolling out a few more . 

And yet a good handful of years later and the sibear is still to be the only new ice weapon . It seems like DE had this idea of new elemental focused weapons such as ice yet only rolled out the sibear and called it a day , I know there is worse things to be hung up on but since the forums have been ~80% of calling out DEs promises lately it just brought me back to this fake promise of new elemental weapons.

i mean it's been years, DE, and ONE hammer does not live up to the said 'New line of ice weapons'



Glaxion Vandal



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2 minutes ago, -Kittens- said:



Glaxion Vandal



No I think you're wrong cuz I very specifically said 'new' several times. Nice try tho 

and quellor just happens to have a cold proc on it, other wise I would be calling the lenz an ice weapon when we known it Is clearly not 

Edited by (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa
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The majority of quellor's damage comes from cold and all of those weapons are far far newer than the Siboring.

Your fetish is simply niche and you not making an ice kuva nukor is on you, so nice try on your nice try but ALL of the weapons I listed have hella strong status chance and DE stopped making pure one point weapons THREE YEARS ago aside from special infested event weapons, so not only is your princess in another castle but your armor is on backwards.

Your fetish is simply both obsolete and too financially niche to support mechanical use.

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Eh, unless it had innate procs like the Artax then I don't really care what the base element of a weapon is. The Glaxion is apparently a "freeze ray" but then I mod in more elements (which you're basically required to do on any weapon) and it effectively loses all affiliation with Cold damage.

Unless they just added more Sibear-style "bit of metal covered in ice" weapons then it might as well not be a Cold weapon, and any primary/secondary weapon with an innate Cold proc would probably be too overpowered to have base stats comparable to other good weapons, due to the up-to-70% slow Cold procs have now.

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6 minutes ago, -Kittens- said:

The majority of quellor's damage comes from cold and all of those weapons are far far newer than the Siboring.

Your fetish is simply niche and you not making an ice kuva nukor is on you, so nice try on your nice try but ALL of the weapons I listed have hella strong status chance and DE stopped making pure one point weapons THREE YEARS ago aside from special infested event weapons, so not only is your princess in another castle but your armor is on backwards.

Your fetish is simply both obsolete and too financially niche to support mechanical use.

First of all you can stop using the word 'fetish' like seriously wtf dude 

secondly, glaxion is not newer than sibear your way off and the vandal is exactly in the name , it's just a different version of the SAME weapon. 

And lastly my point still stands, just because lenz has cold on it does not make it a ice weapon. Other weapons how ever like the ignis and amprex for example very clearly shoot out fire and electricity there fore they are what they are , fire and electric weapons. I fail to see how the lenz is a ice weapon as well as quellor just because it has a proc on it . There are probally more examples I just can't think of them right now.

anyway my point is ice themed weapons. Wether they have some ice on them, actually shoot out ice or are made out of ice such as an ice sword I dunno that'll be cool . And I said it before, ice is just an example DE said they were gonna do it and didn't.  

Edited by (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa
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30 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

 Get a Lich with Cold element? 😛

But really, until Cold - along with its combined elements besides Viral - becomes a more worthwhile element,
I don't really feel any particular interest in another Cold weapon.

Why merely slow down enemies, when you can instead use single elements that
remove Armor, bypass Shields, deal AoE damage, and all have further DOT effects on top of that?

Why use Magnetic when Toxin exists, why use Blast now that it doesn't even do CC anymore?

Hmm ... just a random idea, what if Cold proc'd enemies, scaling with enemy level and the amount of Cold proc stacks,
dealt an AoE burst on death (inspired by Avalanche, fittingly enough), I think that could be interesting / useful.

True cold has always been over shadowed. Well tbh any base element has always been over shadowed by combined elements, although rip gas as of lately that element ain't doing so hot either now lol

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa said:

tbh any base element has always been over shadowed by combined elements

Dunno, raw Toxin (Crit) damage was always, and is now more than ever, a personal favorite against Corpus.

Heat is now amazing, better than its combined elements in many cases.

Blast and Magnetic are pretty much never the best choice,
and yeah, those changes to Gas were just not necessary, RIP you fun / effective multi-Faction option.

I think it's fair enough to ask for Cold to get a little bump up the usefulness scale
(along with other meh damage types, of course).

Edited by NinjaZeku
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cold weapons that would be "cool" (lol)

- a rifle that shoots high velocity Icicles, sort of like Boltor, but elemental.

- a snowball launcher (possible winter version of Dog Days? or thrown snowballs?)

- an elegant Ice melee weapon, such as a polearm, rapier or dagger. essentially a thin blade of transparent ice, a sharp counterpart to the Sibear.

the main problem I find is that cold is a lackluster element by itself (unless it's by Frost, because freezing enemies solid is great), and there's only so much you can do with it as a concept: mostly just various forms of Ice arranged into blunt or bladed weapons, or used as projectiles.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

cold weapons that would be "cool" (lol)

- a rifle that shoots high velocity Icicles, sort of like Boltor, but elemental.

- a snowball launcher (possible winter version of Dog Days? or thrown snowballs?)

- an elegant Ice melee weapon, such as a polearm, rapier or dagger. essentially a thin blade of transparent ice, a sharp counterpart to the Sibear.

the main problem I find is that cold is a lackluster element by itself (unless it's by Frost, because freezing enemies solid is great), and there's only so much you can do with it as a concept: mostly just various forms of Ice arranged into blunt or bladed weapons, or used as projectiles.

True , I'm just thinking of how gara got more glass themed weapons than ice. And glass isn't even a element 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa said:

I'm just thinking of how gara got more glass themed weapons than ice.

yeah, I never got the idea behind the Volnus. call it a hammer if you want, but it's way closer to being an Axe: it has a glass, double-headed (and deliberately shaped) "blade" and it does slash damage. also really wanted Fusilai's alt fire on all thrown weapons, a spread looks cooler and is easier to use while being mobile.

isn't Gara also the only frame that got a full complement of weapons/ (primary, secondary AND melee?). I'm sure every other new frame only came with one or two weapons..

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

yeah, I never got the idea behind the Volnus. call it a hammer if you want, but it's way closer to being an Axe: it has a glass, double-headed (and deliberately shaped) "blade" and it does slash damage. also really wanted Fusilai's alt fire on all thrown weapons, a spread looks cooler and is easier to use while being mobile.

isn't Gara also the only frame that got a full complement of weapons/ (primary, secondary AND melee?). I'm sure every other new frame only came with one or two weapons..

Yeh she pretty much stole most of what frost had going For him and had a bigger spot light, I mean she freezes enemies solid, has a 360 degree glass bubble and shield. Seems like they carbon copied frosts abilities put glass over them instead of ice and called it a day . And yet I don't even think frost even has a signature if I'm being completely honest 

and how isn't the Volnus breaking upon every hit lol

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa said:

how isn't the Volnus breaking upon every hit lol

how isn't the Sibear also melting when you take it to the hot deserts of Mars? at this point I guess we can just say "space magic Ice/glass that doesn't break easily", or "magic wondermetal that can mimic anything, even trasparent surfaces"

vanilla frost is depicted with Dual Zorens, though I arrived on warframe way after he was added. (would be nice to see Dual Zoren prime as well, hopefully those are the next Dual Swords for Priming..)

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8 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

 Get a Lich with Cold element? 😛

But really, until Cold - along with its combined elements besides Viral - becomes a more worthwhile element,
I don't really feel any particular interest in another Cold weapon.

Why merely slow down enemies, when you can instead use single elements that
remove Armor, bypass Shields, deal AoE damage, and all have further DOT effects on top of that?

Why use Magnetic when Toxin exists, why use Blast now that it doesn't even do CC anymore?

Hmm ... just a random idea, what if Cold proc'd enemies, scaling with enemy level and the amount of Cold proc stacks,
dealt an AoE burst on death (inspired by Avalanche, fittingly enough), I think that could be interesting / useful.

Cold makes things brittle

I think cold proc should increase crit chance or crit damage per stacked proc by a flat percentage.

7 hours ago, (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa said:

First of all you can stop using the word 'fetish' like seriously wtf dude 

secondly, glaxion is not newer than sibear your way off and the vandal is exactly in the name , it's just a different version of the SAME weapon. 

And lastly my point still stands, just because lenz has cold on it does not make it a ice weapon. Other weapons how ever like the ignis and amprex for example very clearly shoot out fire and electricity there fore they are what they are , fire and electric weapons. I fail to see how the lenz is a ice weapon as well as quellor just because it has a proc on it . There are probally more examples I just can't think of them right now.

anyway my point is ice themed weapons. Wether they have some ice on them, actually shoot out ice or are made out of ice such as an ice sword I dunno that'll be cool . And I said it before, ice is just an example DE said they were gonna do it and didn't.  

I agree, i still want more ice weapons, especially for secondary

Only ice weapon that i strongly count as an ice weapon is Sibear

Other weapons dealing cold damage:

- Glaxion

- Sorat Lenz

- Sorta Hystrix

- Quellor

- Sorta Orvius

- Sorta Kuva weapons


Id love some

- Ice sickle throwing knives. Enimes hit are intially slowed by 90% for 3 seconds and due to this slow, theyre unable alert anyone of your presence until the slow wears off

- Ice Shotgun with secondary fire spraying ice onto the ground that you can slide on but enemies move slow on. The looks simular to ice pathches you see in the void or the ice patches you get after using a cold core battery in a Sabotage mission. 

- A ice scythe that gains 5m of range on charge attacks and deals 3x the damage to enemies affected by cold procs. Imagine Frost Ice Wave then use the Scythe! Frost is now Ice Reaper

- An Ice Sniper, Freezes targets hit if you get a headshot. Killed enemies with headshots explode and deal 50% of your snipers damage to nearby enemies.

- Ice dual pistols, shoot out a high velocity of ice scickles. Each kill gives a charge and at max charges, you can press the secondary fire button to shoot out a disc that will create a 10m hail storm for 40 seconds.


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7 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

how isn't the Sibear also melting when you take it to the hot deserts of Mars? at this point I guess we can just say "space magic Ice/glass that doesn't break easily", or "magic wondermetal that can mimic anything, even trasparent surfaces"

vanilla frost is depicted with Dual Zorens, though I arrived on warframe way after he was added. (would be nice to see Dual Zoren prime as well, hopefully those are the next Dual Swords for Priming..)

The sibear doesnt melt because cryotic is so cold that it cools the area around it rather than the heat heating up the area around it. 

It takes and EXTREMELY long time for the heat to get the sibears surface to melt cause its so cold 

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