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What can DE say on the next Dev stream to appease You?


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They don't even know how people play or will play their game. When I was watching old Tennocon when they were showing Railjack, Steve is there narrating the match what they are doing like that's how that mode is gonna be played. and I'm like, "Well, we are not really gonna play like that"

Just the fact that they couldn't see that Limbo would trivialize SS event say for itself.

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1 hour ago, Myscho said:

Nothing, i stopped watching Devstreams months ago because are full of trash talk, cringe and jokes about anything

The format needs to change, true. 


To be honest, dev streams are not needed, in my opinion. Suffice with one or two per year. I rather have a well organized serious streamed information of the game and things to come than just cringe talking. Suffice with short capsules of 20 minutes every two months doing some development on the things they are working. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

I have no need to. You don’t have an accurate number towards your goal because again it’s a subjective one not one that can be based on definite fact or an actual margin of players. What you see as whining or being entitled can be taken in as something else by the next. Thus your conclusion can’t be correct not norwhere me correct that’s my point. 

You really missed the whole point of my first post obviously, so did @Felsaggeraswell probably, if he even read it and didnt jump in mid convo. I was simply pointing out that it is a minority and the players lost by not listening to that minority would not be a big one. And for my goal the number is accurate, because 10% of the total population is obviously a minority, unless you are somehow from backwards land where minority means majority and vice versa.

If you are going to argue that 10% out of 100% isnt a minority you should likely back up such claims with fact, because it is on the levels of the flatworlders at this point. I mean, you can be stubborn, but claiming 10% isnt a minority is just flat out silly.

The number of 10% is as accurate as it can get since we dont know how many above 50m total players we have. We do however know the exact number of total forum accounts, since that is presented to us here on the forums on the very first page. And it updates in real time whenever someone new join the forums. If the total playerbase is below 53m the percent of forum users is slightly higher, if the total playerbase is higher than 53m the forum users are slightly fewer than 10%, so 10% is the fairest middleground atm. We are however talking 1% up or down here depending on the total playerbase.

And if you cant do that math and understand what I'm talking about, then you should probably go back to 3rd or 4th grade where I think they introduce you to the very basics on calculating the percentage. Take an english class when you are at it aswell so you get to learn the difference between majority and minority aswell.


Edited by SneakyErvin
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49 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

I can say the same thing about you bro. 

And to answer your question. I’m not asking for a specific group of players feedback to be taken in but more of everyone in general.  But are you a dev? You’re required that it does take an immense amount of time but WFs issue boils down to terrible code based in an outdated engine (evolution engine) 


project management

lack of proper playtesting and communication and over promising. The fact you assume we all want de to move at the snap of a finger is false. As even myself and many other players have stated as long as the content is “good” we don’t mind for them to take longer.

yes you can’t please everyone I’m well aware of this topic but you trying to dismiss valid criticism because you like the game again serves no true purpose and is just as productive as those who are “whiny and entitled”

lets see I play vindicatus Tera bdo eso blade and soul ffxiv and many more. Yes mmos are Grindy etc and not perfect amongst any community. But they know what they want to be and more often then not most rpgs I play don’t 

rush updates

genrally don’t overpromise on uodates

has  proper  Play-testing and much more so while bugs may occur a can almost assure that expansions or new dlc isn’t as bug ridden as an update on wf.

content is coherent and not stretched out on islands to much and even so the lore is actually followable.

i can keep going but nonetheless what do you think people are whiny for? I can propose an argument that your a spoiled brat who can’t accept someone dosent have the same opinion of theirs but I’m not going to do that. Regardless of differing opinions I would like to try to compromise so we can hear each other out and come to a middle ground 

Go ahead and be prepared for this to go back forth multiple times cause I'm the type that will bite back so to speak. Though at least in my case its trying to get people to get their entitlement/spoiledness in check. While you aren't the worst offender I've seen, you are trying to throw logs on the fire to stoke it out of your own entitlement/spoiledness. "Make the game to MY liking, perfectly done, and make it done yesterday! Till then I'm going to rant and pound my fist on this table!"

That'd be the "core game improvements to be the focus" category and for every YOU there's another of the other categories of people that if you were listened to and took away time/focus from their wants would whine over it. Now am I a dev? rofl, god no I don't have at all the patience for that and would've easily gone off on multiple people by now. I also highly doubt with the naivety you're approaching this that you're a dev and honestly doubt you have ANY experience with any other mmo's.

The playtesting is being seemingly handled at a future point. Its actually not at all false, you whine and complain about wanting x,y, or z handled or being upset that to you its not being done; when in reality its all things that take time. Even if they started working on it now, it'd likely end up being at least a month or months before any solid progress was made on some of the harder aspects; nevermind when this is expanded into trying to satisfy EVERYONE. Also yeah, how many of those like you back during the "content drought" were busy whining about wanting new content? As I said before to me, this is where the latest streak of updates disappointment came from cause people didn't want to wait. Though I do find it hilarious that you, some random peon, is trying to armchair CEO a company about their "product management". That's not to say its out of being commented on, just that if anything it should be from someone with some know about the behind the scenes of things and/or experience in the field; rather than some "bro" that thinks they know what should be done.

You need to learn the difference between whining and being entitled/spoiled throwing a tantrum vs. constructive criticism; also some perspective.

I wish I had a time machine for you to try an older game called "Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine" (Megaten). Bugs popped up commonly after updates or just any time anything was ever shifted; the story got touched maybe every 3-4 years (at least the English version); there were never any new game types added, balancing issues including nerfs and buffs to things that upset people; maybe an event here and there every few months; and devs that had no communication with people at all. FFXIV itself only majorly updates yearly from what I know from a friend of mine (and their communication team sure as hell wouldn't take some of the sh-t hurled WF's community team's way via a friend of mine that plays its commenting). Not to mention having to reboot itself cause of its poor initial release state. All games of that nature have bugs, issues, and require one to wait for fixes; though at least in Warframe's case the devs do get some feedback on things. Also "don't rush updates" ROFL, either you've been really fortunate or just really unobservant cause practically every MMO out there does this even the behemoths like WOW do it.

Um I'd heavily disagree about most having proper playtesting, especially free to play ones where I HIGHLY doubt it.

I've played MMO's that have sections of the world where EVERY thing is self-contained in a region. If anything this is sounding more and more like a subscription mmo person stepping into f2p.

People are whiny because of the entitlement/spoiledness. Ones like you want YOUR things touched on in the way YOU want them touched on and in the time frame YOU want. You whine about "content islands", to me that's extra content to dive into whenever I feel like shaking things up. I've gone through 3-4, even 5 year update gaps; I've gone through bugs including ones that fundamentally broke things; and I've never had an inclination to throw a tantrum over it. I play Warframe and let things fall where they will changing things up if I need to when there's changes made to it. That is what separates the two of us.

Edited by CrimsonXX
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24 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

You really missed the whole point of my first post obviously, so did @Felsaggeraswell probably, if he even read it and didnt jump in mid convo. I was simply pointing out that it is a minority and the players lost by not listening to that minority would not be a big one. And for my goal the number is accurate, because 10% of the total population is obviously a minority, unless you are somehow from backwards land where minority means majority and vice versa.

If you are going to argue that 10% out of 100% isnt a minority you should likely back up such claims with fact, because it is on the levels of the flatworlders at this point. I mean, you can be stubborn, but claiming 10% isnt a minority is just flat out silly.

The number of 10% is as accurate as it can get since we dont know how many above 50m total players we have. We do however know the exact number of total forum accounts, since that is presented to us here on the forums on the very first page. And it updates in real time whenever someone new join the forums. If the total playerbase is below 53m the percent of forum users is slightly higher, if the total playerbase is higher than 53m the forum users are slightly fewer than 10%, so 10% is the fairest middleground atm. We are however talking 1% up or down here depending on the total playerbase.

And if you cant do that math and understand what I'm talking about, then you should probably go back to 3rd or 4th grade where I think they introduce you to the very basics on calculating the percentage. Take an english class when you are at it aswell so you get to learn the difference between majority and minority aswell.


You have evidence? No. 


You have sources? No. 


What you are saying is simply your belief. Done. 


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Either: so we rethought the augment slot 


We're taking a 2nd look at augments and merging what augments we feel should be a part of the core ability and either removing the augment for that ability to a later time or giving the augment for that ability something new.

With the Titania vacuum removal augment not working with aviator itd make more sense to make more augments having the same effects of other core mods ie an augment that cant work with streamline because it also increases efficiency by the same amount, or an augment that also increases range by 45% so you cant use stretch

Edited by rawr1254
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29 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

You really missed the whole point of my first post obviously, so did @Felsaggeraswell probably, if he even read it and didnt jump in mid convo. I was simply pointing out that it is a minority and the players lost by not listening to that minority would not be a big one. And for my goal the number is accurate, because 10% of the total population is obviously a minority, unless you are somehow from backwards land where minority means majority and vice versa.

If you are going to argue that 10% out of 100% isnt a minority you should likely back up such claims with fact, because it is on the levels of the flatworlders at this point. I mean, you can be stubborn, but claiming 10% isnt a minority is just flat out silly.

The number of 10% is as accurate as it can get since we dont know how many above 50m total players we have. We do however know the exact number of total forum accounts, since that is presented to us here on the forums on the very first page. And it updates in real time whenever someone new join the forums. If the total playerbase is below 53m the percent of forum users is slightly higher, if the total playerbase is higher than 53m the forum users are slightly fewer than 10%, so 10% is the fairest middleground atm. We are however talking 1% up or down here depending on the total playerbase.

And if you cant do that math and understand what I'm talking about, then you should probably go back to 3rd or 4th grade where I think they introduce you to the very basics on calculating the percentage. Take an english class when you are at it aswell so you get to learn the difference between majority and minority aswell.


You’re argument of %10 of whiners etc is false I’m very aware of the math but like

i said it’s a subjective opinion and trying to state such as fact dosnent validate it anymore. My point is you can’t and don’t know the playerbaseqs a whole what they want or what % is what your math holds no weight because it’s subjective not objective and even so there is no emphatical data backing “whiners “ in wf 

youre insult basing on math conflicts with logic and doing the math while ignoring logic well... good luck erv

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6 minutes ago, CrimsonXX said:

Go ahead and be prepared for this to go back forth multiple times cause I'm the type that will bite back so to speak. Though at least in my case its trying to get people to get their entitlement/spoiledness in check, while you aren't the worst offender I've seen are trying to throw logs on the fire to stoke it out of your own entitlement/spoiledness.

That'd be the "core game improvements to be the focus" category and for every YOU there's another of the other categories of people that if you were listened to and took away time/focus from their wants would whine over it. Now am I a dev? rofl, god no I don't have at all the patience for that and would've easily gone off on multiple people by now. I also highly doubt with the naivety you're approaching this that you're a dev and honestly doubt you have ANY experience with any other mmo's.

The playtesting is being seemingly handled at a future point. Its actually not at all false, you whine and complain about wanting x,y, or z handled or being upset that to you its not being done; when in reality its all things that take time. Even if they started working on it now, it'd likely end up being at least a month or months before any solid progress was made on some of the harder aspects; nevermind when this is expanded into trying to satisfy EVERYONE. Also yeah, how many of those like you back during the "content drought" were busy whining about wanting new content? As I said before to me, this is where the latest streak of updates disappointment came from cause people didn't want to wait. Though I do find it hilarious that you, some random peon, is trying to armchair CEO a company about their "product management". That's not to say its out of being commented on, just that if anything it should be from someone with some know about the behind the scenes of things and/or experience in the field; rather than some "bro" that thinks they know what should be done.

You need to learn the difference between whining and being entitled/spoiled throwing a tantrum vs. constructive criticism; also some perspective.

I wish I had a time machine for you to try an older game called "Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine" (Megaten). Bugs popped up commonly after updates or just any time anything was ever shifted; the story got touched maybe every 3-4 years (at least the English version); there were never any new game types added, balancing issues including nerfs and buffs to things that upset people; maybe an event here and there every few months; and devs that had no communication with people at all. FFXIV itself only majorly updates yearly from what I know from a friend of mine (and their communication team sure as hell wouldn't take some of the sh-t hurled WF's community team's way via a friend of mine that plays its commenting). Not to mention having to reboot itself cause of its poor initial release state. All games of that nature have bugs, issues, and require one to wait for fixes; though at least in Warframe's case the devs do get some feedback on things. Also "don't rush updates" ROFL, either you've been really fortunate or just really unobservant cause practically every MMO out there does this even the behemoths like WOW do it.

Um I'd heavily disagree about most having proper playtesting, especially free to play ones where I HIGHLY doubt it.

I've played MMO's that have sections of the world where EVERY thing is self-contained in a region. If anything this is sounding more and more like a subscription mmo person stepping into f2p.

People are whiny because of the entitlement/spoiledness. Ones like you want YOUR things touched on in the way YOU want them touched on and in the time frame YOU want. You whine about "content islands", to me that's extra content to dive into whenever I feel like shaking things up. I've gone through 3-4, even 5 year update gaps; I've gone through bugs including ones that fundamentally broke things; and I've never had an inclination to throw a tantrum over it. That is what separates the two of us.

cold pepsi GIF

Dont mind me I’m just getting a drink.

Nobody is entitled or spoiled. De dosent owe us anything. But this is a business we are consumers logically speaking that is and even on a community level us feelig disappointed angrey etc is in our rights as humans when something we don’t like disappoints us. How is that entitlement. Sometimes I think I argue with literal Karen’s on the internet but I digress.

im a troll. I enjoy the madness that goes on in this forums many others as I’ve openly stated such. But I love this game and I hate the way I feel like it’s headed in my personal opinion speaking for myself and assuming that many feel in a similar way can easily compose themselves for a logical and respectful debate as I have shown myself capable of doing on countless occasion. But that’s enough about me personally I just wanted you to get a feel of where I’m coming from 

what exactly is a YOU? I thought we were talking about me here nonetheless I’m a warframe player who has his own opinions on the game nothing more and nothing less. Do I expect de to listen to my beck and whim no. But generally speaking I do expect the devs to at least be knowledgeable about their community needs and wants as a whole not just me and you but everyone included. And I feel like they haven’t been doing that at all. Also kudos on not picking up a dev role some people don’t have people skills you seem like one of them. Releasing a product to the public opens everything up for criticism down to the dots on the i’s and the crosses on the t’s not everything is going to be nice and not everything is going to be all peachy. I commend you for realizing you lack a basic skill of accepting criticism. I would also like to state again while I fully support the devs vision the idea of warframe was build with the community and devs vision in mind. We had things like the community inbox guides design council much much more that helped and exhibited that we are and or were supposed to be apart of the vision and help shape warframe but where is that now. Besides the design council coming together on very very very rare occasion how often would you say de has kept up with community involvement? Besides forcing pc players to be beta and bug trackers we do nothing. Also if you don’t believe I have experience in any other mmos that’s fine I don’t care 🤷🏾‍♀️ people on the internet merely amuse me whilst I’m waiting for my gpu to come in atm. I can say if you’re down to pvp on a game one day once I get my pc setup name the game and if I have an account or don’t I don’t mind a skirmish or two .

Let me give you my and the generally accepted version of playtesting because no other team would get away with this.

playtesting should occur before release to minimize bugs and or fatal and game breaking flaws to the game. (Railjack musta got a lot of that ) if they were to have properly playtested rj we’d have a better version if they woulda properly playtested ss they’d know limbo made it EZ if they would’ve properly playtested eso they know Saryn was too strong for the game mode etcetcetc why does de get the privilege of releasing bugged content knowing well we’d never let another team get the same flak.

also nobody’s whining or complaining really rather voicing valid criticism as de is failing to deliver content properly. If you’re upset at more and more people voicing dismay maybe in this case something is wrong with DE because generally speaking while not everyone will be pleased more and more people seem displeased with warframe rn. It’s not just becase hating on de is fun (personally I’d love to tell all my friends how good an update is and all of us hop back on) it’s because de is underperforming. Also you sound like aggp. You share the tendencies of  “this is right and if you’re not feeling the same you’re ______” which isjust a if not more counter productive then what your claiming as whining and effectively you’re whining as well.(how many times have I said this)

now to go over how many people like YOU seriously who is this you kid he sounds cute. I’ve actually been an advocate for them taking more time for well thought out and less buggy content for a while. Nonetheless warframe is seen as a “game where you turn your brain off and crack some skulls” when boiled down to it it’s just grind and once something it’s just seen as what it is people tend to use the most efficient ways to cut said grind. People can complain about content drought but while some of it’s invalid a lot of it comes from the fact a lot of warframes content is stale and has little replay value to many even newer content. For example you get all lich weapons and emphera why cycle between the same two lich types.

you got all the rewards from an event why run the event and grind the same slog over and over again with little engagement etc. at lease with trails on eso I’m challenged and even though I could be effectively doing the same thing over and over I’m engaged the communication is there and the replay value is there through solid and mostly bugless gameplay. 

Hm some random peon ? I love the insults add more salt to my popcorn boy and armchair ceo? You sound very intelligent right now. As a college dropout I envy such intellectual might all at once oooooh wooooooo I’m quivering big brain make me sad : (


And yes their project management is terrible you don’t need to be a chef to tell someone a hamburger is undercooked. The delays in content the deadlines never being met constant bug fixes having to be in place etc it’s very obvious from a spectator that project management is terrible at de but hey I’m gonna sit in this arm chair it’s very comfortable.

I think you should do the same as well. I can send you some definitions and examples! I think it’d be lovely we could be study buddies    ; ) 

And that is unacceptable even from 3-4 years ago to now.


as someone who plays FF it’s a solid game bugs are in every game I’m well aware but unlike warframe FF dosent break every update and require things to be hotfixed into heaven and beyond on day one of a patch. Also (I love when someone said this to me) I’m using firsthand knowledge because I play the game you don’t and you’re going off hearsay therfore you’re using second hand knowledge and holds no true weight into the argument. I’d love to talk to your friend tho. As for rush out updates? Not really and even so it’s called out when content feels rushed amongst any community I don’t understand why you give warframe the privy of being excused from such? 

Maldonado lots of f2p games have test servers or pts 

POE Smite LoL and plenty other just to name a few off the top of my head that allows players to see newer content and express issues before alive update. Warframe uses PC as pts and that’s not okay. Ive never understood why they don’t test things more thoroughly or have a pts with how ambitious they are. People see the content and can’t “complain” on a pts because it’s not live and a final build vs releasing a whole mainline then 500 hotfixies within the same week.

tera lore is coherent 

vindictius lore makes more sense then warframe

blade and soul lore is coherent (well because of the anime and books lol)

shall I keep going ? 

gosh people like YOU? Who is this Handsome man I think I’d like to date him. Regardless a content island that they’ve said to put together. Had not been met. 

Nonetheless even so content islands full of content that has little replay to players just strains out content. And I’m glad you enjoy the game do you want a cookie. You seem entitled and like a grown man baby who gets upset when people aren’t “built like you anymore” you want a veterans discount on plat. You want reb to notice you ? Let me know and we can rally for it right now. But as of late your mindset is just as toxic as the mindset you oh so gallantly hate young tenno.



mask of the phantasm joker GIF by Maudit

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