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Vote Kick


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Please for the love of the Lotus, give us a way to remove people that just join missions to leech. Scarlet spear has only highlighted such a glaring issue as at least 50% of the space maps Ive hosted I get a 4th that just sits in the ship with a macro to move around every30sec~

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Unfortunately that is just online gaming life. Arming "trolls" with stronger mechanics? How do you get rid of overly toxic players in your groups. Countless times Ive had people join just to be toxic, going out of their way to be rude in chat, using frames with abilities that can affect other players in negative ways. What is the solution for that.

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3 minutes ago, pnzR said:

How do you get rid of overly toxic players in your groups.

You report them, request stronger afk detection, and seek more invite only or clan missions when you can. There are also improvements that could be made to improve matchmaking and recruiting. We should not ignore or bypass those for the sake of giving the players the control over who's allowed to be in their party.

Frankly, the most toxic people I meet tend to be the ones fixated on hawkishly nitpicking how other people play. I don't feel like they, or any group of 16-25 year olds should have the control over how other's spend their free time. If the game doesn't want afk players, it should step up it's game on detecting them, or giving players avenues to find games that prove someone's competency and match by that.

Maybe some of this AFK if caused by the absurd amount of grind. Maybe you're unlucky and keep finding the games where someone has to get up and answer the door mid mission.. whatever the case, Kick vote is a cop out with so many disastrous ways to be misused.

Be sure to report someone you find to be a legitimate problem for now, and always feel free to share ideas on how the components of systems that lead to this behavior can be fixed.

Edited by kapn655321
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Unfortunately I like to try and meet new people, how else do you grow a friendship circle. One of my best friends I met through random play. Sure I can sequester myself in my clan but then what's the point of playing in a community driven game if you're going to cut yourself off from the community. I'd rather have the ability to remove a problematic player than report and hope it gets taken care of down the road.

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Many if not most players don't kick just for the lols, and in a lot of cases people that claim they were kicked for the lols, chances are they were being a $&*^ and don't want to admit it

Edited by pnzR
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1 minute ago, pnzR said:

Many, most players don't kick just for the lols, and in a lot of cases people that claim they were kicked for the lols, chances are they were being a $&*^ and don't want to admit it

And sometimes the people who want to kick are wound up, perfectionist, micromanager, busy bodies.

Generalizations are fun.

Edited by kapn655321
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There is no reason to get so wound up and upset about a suggestion, you suggested what you think would solve it, I think a vote kick will solve a lot of these problems difference of opinion.

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3 minutes ago, pnzR said:

There is no reason to get so wound up and upset about a suggestion, you suggested what you think would solve it, I think a vote kick will solve a lot of these problems difference of opinion.

Forming a pre made squad from recruit chat/clan/alliance negates the need for a vote kick entirely. 

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Just now, pnzR said:

There is no reason to get so wound up and upset about a suggestion, you suggested what you think would solve it, I think a vote kick will solve a lot of these problems difference of opinion.

You're not wrong. Just saw you getting dismissive about any counter argument as though it's their fault kicks can be easily misused, and felt I should nip that in the bud.

Naturally, in a Co-operative game that's made for long relatively chill grinds, the mechanics are tuned to not make a big deal about something needing 10s to read their abilities in early missions. The trouble is, this still applies in later games where a player's presence is more important to the party. I understand the need and frustration created by players who may be taking advantage or at least too much liberty with this feature, and hope there is a resolution. What I see as unacceptable in trade though, is giving the tools to troll players for being off meta or having an in home emergency... straight to a demographic who's self control and social restraint hasn't even fully developed yet.. that wouldn't be a very cooperative thing to do, either.

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Wasn't getting dismissive at all, Im reading each post and thinking of a response. Yeah there is potential for abuse, but personally like I said I would like the tools to deal with players that join in just to leech/afk/screw with people over what we have now which is basically nothing. Either way thats my feedback on the game, I need to go hit my local grocery for supplies, stay safe out there.

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As always, there are many reasons such as it being abuseable that this is a hard no.

Report people that do this, add them to your ignore list, heck, purposely draw enemies back to them so they must be active and help or die.

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A standard issue vote kick wont work in this game.  Hek, I'd be booted from all kinds of missions because of my chosen loadout, regardless of the fact that 90% of the content doesn't need specialized set ups.

I'd suggest a better block feature, better LFG mechanic & improved AFK detection systems but never an outright vote kick. 

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On 2020-04-29 at 12:33 AM, pnzR said:

Countless times Ive had people join just to be toxic, going out of their way to be rude in chat, using frames with abilities that can affect other players in negative ways. What is the solution for that.

While i do agree with you that a system needs to be implemented, I like to always go into public lobbies geared up as though i was soloing, mainly because i usually have to in order to go past wave 5 because everyone else leaves anyway if it's not fast enough. They bring garbage, perform like garbage, then leave while they talk about how trash everyone else is.

Yes we need a system. Imo, let the kicked keep their crap from the mission, pre-rotation or not. Just get them out. Kicks must be unanimous, kicking a player has a cooldown. that player can also not be kicked from another squad for 1 hour.

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I don’t know how many times this request has come up. It must be since the game started and the answer is always the same; No.

Vote Kicks as a system a ripe for abuse as evidenced by other games and will only further allow toxic people to be toxic. DE have repeatedly said no to this request multiple times for that exact reason.

Like someone else has said; getting a pre-made squad together removes the need to have a kick vote entirely as well.

19 hours ago, (PS4)Earth_RickC-137 said:

Kicks must be unanimous

This is just makes the kick useless as its no guarantee you’ll have one troll in a public group, so if there is two the vote kick is completely redundant.

if you gave control to one person it would be a nightmare, but having the vote be unanimous would also be useless. Its not a good system either way you look at it and it is for this reason a kick will never be implemented. 

We already have a system; get a dedicated team in recruitment and/or report the trolls and move on.

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Am 28.4.2020 um 16:52 schrieb (XB1)Skippy575:

Forming a pre made squad from recruit chat/clan/alliance negates the need for a vote kick entirely. 

That's actually not the case. Just because you invited people to the squad by having them apply by chat doesn't automatically make them team-players, nor are they guaranteed to not be toxic in the game. I've had my run in with recruited players who force new missions afterwards without any agreement, sometimes even after being asked to wait for the ok by the rest of the team because one of the regulars in the squad needed to change equippment.

It also doesn't protect you from people going afk right after the mission without leaving the squad and thus sticking around in a squad of friends while being afk.

vor 30 Minuten schrieb TheGodofWiFi:

if you gave control to one person it would be a nightmare, but having the vote be unanimous would also be useless.

No it wouldn't. I've had people stick around afk in my squad of friends (and sometimes even complaining afterwards why we forced a mission that we carried them through on them... even though we announced the force start thrice within 5 minutes of waiting time) more often than I care to count. I'd love the option to kick people after a mission is over even if it means that my 2 friends who are around have to confirm this with a vote.

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7 hours ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:

I'd love the option to kick people after a mission is over even if it means that my 2 friends who are around have to confirm this with a vote.

You see the problem with this though? This is the exact type example of how the system can be abused. The kick would obviously not be useless if you were with two of your mates already, but if you were going in random squads there is a high chance it will be.

But this is the exact type of set up that is ripe for abuse, a group of three toxic players all decide to kick the fourth for the lols. Not saying thats you, I’m just saying there will be troll groups out there.

Honestly guys a vote kick is just not happening. The potential for abuse just simply outweighs the potential benefits. Its never going to happen.

7 hours ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:

That's actually not the case. Just because you invited people to the squad by having them apply by chat doesn't automatically make them team-players, nor are they guaranteed to not be toxic in the game.

Thats correct, but the chances of the player being toxic are reduced quite a lot when compared to PUGs.

Unfortunately, you just have to deal with the toxic players by either leaving yourself, or just ignoring them. You can report them to DE and they will sort them out. 

Like I said; a vote kick system is simply far too likely to be abused and would not solve the problem of toxic players. It would only give them a new way to be toxic. DE have said it won’t happen for many years and it is not going to:

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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Kick vs AFK vs Toxic....

Kick players = too easy to be abused

AFK players = DE has made the missions so short (for many mission types) any AFK detection code would be difficult.

Toxic players = Toxic is in the eye of the beholder...but reporting them via existing channels is the "best" option.

HOWEVER, DE could...if they wanted to...implement a way to let other players know that a player is "trouble"...

Similar to how World of Warship will change a player's name to use pink if they consistently damage teammates...to warn others this player is a troublemaker. If DE implemented something along those lines...given some conditions:

  • Toxic players that have been investigated by DE are marked with something (icon, color, etc) so all in squad knows this player has had "issues" in the past.
    • The "toxic" tag would eventually go away over time if that player continues to play 'properly'
  • AFK players that have been reported (and investigated by DE) are marked with something (icon, color, etc) so all in squad knows this player has a habit of going AFK in the past.
    • The "AFKer" tag would eventually go away over time if that player continues to play 'properly'
  • There is no need to have the "kick player" option since reporting for toxic/AFK behavior will lead to tagging problem players.
  • If a tagged player does not improve (meaning more reported behavior that is investigated by DE) that player will just get matches with other tagged players...letting those players just play with other toxic/AFK players.

The big issue with this is the "investigated by DE" part...since the sheer numbers of reports could be overwhelming...but investigation is critical to avoid abuse.

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On 2020-04-28 at 3:22 PM, pnzR said:

Please for the love of the Lotus, give us a way to remove people that just join missions to leech. Scarlet spear has only highlighted such a glaring issue as at least 50% of the space maps Ive hosted I get a 4th that just sits in the ship with a macro to move around every30sec~

Vote Kick Initiated



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15 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Its not a good system either way you look at it and it is for this reason a kick will never be implemented. 

Then at the very least, implement a system in the afk detection that actually removes a player once they hit (X) period of time afk if the player joined via public matchmaking. Not fair on a squad to have some guy sit afk for 10 waves in a defense or something only to come active halfway through a mission then abuse the hell out of you because you tell them it was nice of them to finally join you. Give me 2% of the damage done i don't care but DO -SOMETHING-.

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