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Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Bug Report Megathread (Read First Post!)


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Greetings, Bug-Squashing Tenno!

With the release of Railjack Revisited (Part 1), we have been working hard to tackle as many bugs as possible. That is not to say that some may slip through the cracks. If you do encounter a bug, please use this thread to report it so we can address it ASAP!

Notable changes with Railjack Revisited (Part 1):

  • Increased item vacuum and base speed on Railjacks
  • Weapon, Avionic, and Railjack statistics have changed
  • Enemy damage values have changed
  • Enemy Health values have changed
  • Healing Abilities now affect objects (like Defense Targets)
  • Other fixes and Quality of Life changes

For a full list of changes in Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1), you can read the Update Notes by clicking on this link.


  • Include a video or a screenshot if possible! Visual references can help direct us to issues faster than without them.
  • Steps to recreate the bug, if known. Again, this is to help us locate the issue faster.
  • If you saw the Warframe Crash Handler and got a WAR number  (looks like this: WAR-1234567) then add it to your post.  Also please be sure to be as descriptive as possible in the Crash Handler's comment box!


  • TYPE: [Launcher, In-Game, Chat, etc.]
  • DESCRIPTION: [Tell us what you were doing when the bug occurred. Details here are helpful]
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • REPRODUCTION: [Tell us how we can replicate this bug, if known]
  • EXPECTED RESULT: [Tell us what you think should have happened, ex: “I should have drawn my weapon”]
  • OBSERVED RESULT: [What actually happened, ex: “I went into a T-Pose”]
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: [How often it happens when you try to reproduce it, ex: “It only happens half the time / when I am crouching / when using Hydroid.”]

Using the format above helps us identify issues, hunt down the cause, and fix problems faster than telling us “this thing is broken”. As with all cases, please make sure your bug reports are constructive and civil, and we want to thank you for your patience as we work on fixes.


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  • TYPE: Mod/UI
  • DESCRIPTION: The mecha overdrive mod doesnt properly apply the status of some weapons to kubrows, so far ive found daikyu and miter 
  • REPRODUCTION: High status chance primary (mutalist cernos for example) modded for status, a daikyu modded the same way
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Should provide similar status chance on kubrow as they are similar at base
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Daikyu/Miter provide little increase in status chance to kubrows aa opposed to a major increase from the mutalist cernos

Sorry if you guys caught this and I didnt see it but I recently purchased a daikyu riven in hopes of pairing it with my kubrow and unfortunately it provides hardly any actual status to my pet where my mutalist cernos provides my kubrow with over 150%. There seem to be at least a couple other weapons that this may affect as well.

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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Going to Operator mode while Vauban has Tesla Nervos out causes the Tesla Nervos count to disappear despite still being active.
  • VISUAL: None
  • REPRODUCTION: Deploy Tesla Nervos then enter and exit Operator Mode
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Tesla Nervos count should be present
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Tesla Nervos count disappear
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happens all the time.
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Accessing the tactical menu in Railjack ("L" in PC) when Limbo's abilities are active removes the timer from the abilities icon
  • VISUAL: None
  • REPRODUCTION: Open tactical menu when in enemies ship or railjack (mostly in murex) when ablities with timers (like stasis,cataclysm)
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Timer should show after closing the tactical menu
  • OBSERVED RESULT: timer count disappear
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  • TYPE: [RJ Configuration]
  • DESCRIPTION: 90% my avionics are gone. I lost so much progress.
  • VISUAL: None
  • REPRODUCTION: None - simply launched the game after the update.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Having my full loadout of maxed avionics where I left them.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Lost most of them.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Non-applicable I guess.


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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Titania prime's dodge/roll still has the basic sound of a dodge/roll which doesn't really match her current movement.
  • REPRODUCTION: Do a barrel roll.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: A different sound effect would be much nicer, matching the new animation.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Hearing the same old sound of a body rolling on a solid surface while seeing Titania floating above the floor is confusing.
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Unable to enter the Dojo from the Railjack (be it after a mission or from Orbiter > Railjack > Dojo. When you're in the Dojo and enter the Railjack you can then exit back to the Dojo like usual. Fast Travel from the menu works.
  • VISUAL: Screen fades to black normally like you would when exiting a Railjack, but doesn't transition.
  • REPRODUCTION: When entering the Railjack from the Orbiter and then traveling to the Dojo or when returning to the Dojo from a mission.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Should have spawned next to the consoles in the Dry Dock.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Screen fades to black normally, but it immediately goes back to the railjack, as if you never pressed the button to exit.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Titania Prime's side dodge/roll gives next to no movement. 
  • REPRODUCTION: Simply performing the dodge gives the same amount of movement, no matter my efforts to move further.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Some distance for an actual dodge. 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: A tiny shimmy that doesn't help you get away from danger or even maneuver tilesets. 
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22 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

Greetings, Bug-Squashing Tenno!

With the release of Railjack Revisited (Part 1), we have been working hard to tackle as many bugs as possible. That is not to say that some may slip through the cracks. If you do encounter a bug, please use this thread to report it so we can address it ASAP!

Notable changes with Railjack Revisited (Part 1):

  • Increased item vacuum and base speed on Railjacks
  • Weapon, Avionic, and Railjack statistics have changed
  • Enemy damage values have changed
  • Enemy Health values have changed
  • Healing Abilities now affect objects (like Defense Targets)
  • Other fixes and Quality of Life changes

For a full list of changes in Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1), you can read the Update Notes by clicking on this link.


  • Include a video or a screenshot if possible! Visual references can help direct us to issues faster than without them.
  • Steps to recreate the bug, if known. Again, this is to help us locate the issue faster.
  • If you saw the Warframe Crash Handler and got a WAR number  (looks like this: WAR-1234567) then add it to your post.  Also please be sure to be as descriptive as possible in the Crash Handler's comment box!


  • TYPE: [Launcher, In-Game, Chat, etc.]
  • DESCRIPTION: [Tell us what you were doing when the bug occurred. Details here are helpful]
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • REPRODUCTION: [Tell us how we can replicate this bug, if known]
  • EXPECTED RESULT: [Tell us what you think should have happened, ex: “I should have drawn my weapon”]
  • OBSERVED RESULT: [What actually happened, ex: “I went into a T-Pose”]
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: [How often it happens when you try to reproduce it, ex: “It only happens half the time / when I am crouching / when using Hydroid.”]

Using the format above helps us identify issues, hunt down the cause, and fix problems faster than telling us “this thing is broken”. As with all cases, please make sure your bug reports are constructive and civil, and we want to thank you for your patience as we work on fixes.


TYPE:In-game (Dry Dock)
DESCRIPTION:Me and my friend don't have our Avionics installed on Railjack, we lost them. (I had Bulkhead Zetki Q^Q pls fix this)
REPRODUCTION:I don't really know that, for what i know only me and my friend found this bug
EXPECTED RESULT:I should have find all my Avionics in there
OBSERVED RESULT:I went to Dry Dock by Orbiter using the Railjack, then i went to console in Dry Dock to manage Avionics and i didn't find anything

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16 minutes ago, SmokinMoses said:
  • TYPE: [RJ Configuration]
  • DESCRIPTION: 90% my avionics are gone. I lost so much progress.
  • VISUAL: None
  • REPRODUCTION: None - simply launched the game after the update.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Having my full loadout of maxed avionics where I left them.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Lost most of them.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Non-applicable I guess.


Same 4 me, lost most of my avionics


  • TYPE: [RJ Configuration]
  • DESCRIPTION: All of my INTEGRATED avionics who where above rank 0 are gone. Lost much progress and resources. BATTLE and TACTICAL still there
  • VISUAL: none, i should have done a screen of my previous avionics, bud didn't expect this
  • REPRODUCTION: none, just went do dojo to chech after update
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Having my avionics where i put them
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Lost all ranked INTEGRATED avionics
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: I guess non replicable
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  • TYPE: Launcher
    • DESCRIPTION: Trying to download the update, update gets to 99%, then I get an "Update failed! Some content could not be downloaded from our servers." Update attempts to restart.
    • VISUAL: https://i.imgur.com/aPpi25z.png
    • REPRODUCTION: No idea, I haven't messed with Warframe's internal files or anything like that.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: The update to finish, the game to launch.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: The opposite of above.
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Avionics Changes: 
When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management. 

  • Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors. What this means is that there won’t be 3x variants of the same Avionic. 
  • Consolidated Avionics have had their Avionic Capacity Drain altered so that on average the Integrated Avionics now consume 20% less. This ensures players can more comfortably fit the builds they want in the new consolidated system based on Feedback from the Public Test Cluster. 
  • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script on login.
  • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of its Type.
  • ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
  • ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.
  • Added ‘Incomplete’ tab/category to the Avionics screen in the ‘Configure Railjack’ panel, Mods Segment screen, and the Codex.  
    • Avionics, Mods, and Arcanes that are not owned are marked as ‘preview’ in this category and those that you own but have not ranked to Max are also in this category.
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  • TYPE: In-game/Controller
  • DESCRIPTION: The "Toggle Crouch" action on Controller does not toggle crouch, instead if Rolls/Dodges. Using a DualShock 3 Controller with third party drivers (SCPToolKit)
  • REPRODUCTION: Using the Toggle Crouch action on a controller
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Toggle the state of a Warframe into crouching/sliding
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Rolls/dodges (note it ONLY rolls/dodges, unlike the Slide/Crouch/Roll action which crouches on hold and rolls on tap)
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time, I have not been able to use the Toggle crouch action with controller at all
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1 minute ago, Pandabarrel said:
  • TYPE: Launcher
    • DESCRIPTION: Trying to download the update, update gets to 99%, then I get an "Update failed! Some content could not be downloaded from our servers." Update attempts to restart.
    • VISUAL: https://i.imgur.com/aPpi25z.png
    • REPRODUCTION: No idea, I haven't messed with Warframe's internal files or anything like that.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: The update to finish, the game to launch.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: The opposite of above.

same for me.

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  • TYPE: Launcher
    • DESCRIPTION: Trying to download update. Jumps to 99% and then I get "Update failed! Some content could not be downloaded from our servers." Update will restart shortly...
    • VISUAL: https://i.imgur.com/ZAhpb4a.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: No idea, I didn't do anything to the warframe's files
    • EXPECTED RESULT: The update to finish and to launch the game
    • OBSERVED RESULT: The opposite from above mentioned
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The Foundry notification and missing item
-One of my items is missing from my foundry(Archwing laucher for the Open world)
-One of the items has been claimed but the notification still show 2 items ready to be claim
*have restarted a couple of times but still show the same result.

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  • TYPE: In-Game, Chat
  • DESCRIPTION: Chat linking and viewing X Relic would redirect you to Lith S8 instead
  • VISUAL: Z9WPDpg.jpgqZYoqZ0.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Linking and viewing any relic other than Lith S8 in chat (Clan, Alliance, Region, etc)
  • EXPECTED RESULT: View actual linked relic and its components as intended
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Redirects the link to Lith S8 as default
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  • TYPE: Railjack , L WIndow / tactical
  • DESCRIPTION: It moves depending on what position you are in the ship
  • VISUALcYR0rCS.jpg
  • xQZ0HWk.jpg
  • https://imgur.com/a/6LgXmZb
  • REPRODUCTION: in veil , and in test flight
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Stays centerend.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Moves with position on ship , what causes you to be unabe to sleect the teleport button , as they move to part of screeen you cant click
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It is a mistake from before the Scarlet Spear, but one that still persists.

  • TYPE: In-Game / Railjack (Menu and gameplay)
  • DESCRIPTION: By changing or assigning a new key to the Tactical Menu.
  • VISUAL: No need
  • REPRODUCTION: Change or assign a new key to the "Railjack" Tactical Menu.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The tactical menu should work correctly with the new key assignment whether we are using the warframe, tenno or out of railjack.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: By assigning a new key to the tactical menu, the menu cannot be opened when I am using the Warframe, tenno or out of railjack, it only works if I am using some railjack weapons (Pilot, Turrets, etc.). It only works properly with the "L" key (Default)
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100%, always when you assign or change a key, regardless of primary or secondary.
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