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Cross Save / Cross Play / Cross Platform / Cross Progress / Account Transfer / Account Migration Megathread


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I would certainly like to see cross save happen.  I have accounts on PC, PS4, and Switch with the Switch being the version I have spent the most time on.  It would be nice to bring all my stuff on any platform I choose to play on.  I wouldn't be optimistic about it happening but at least DE has expressed interest in doing it.

Also, I would definitely want for console cross play (noting that PC parity with consoles is a bit tough).  I know it's probably not going to happen but for those who say convincing the big three console companies to sign on makes this impossible, please look at games such as Paladins, Fortnite, Dauntless, Rocket League, SMITE, Realm Royale, and Brawlhalla.  It's possible and technology-wise, it has been done, but there is work to be done for sure.   All that being said, however, this does not mean DE will nor want to do it. 

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3 hours ago, Killa_Byte said:

never ! why do people ask this on a daily basis? 

Seeing as cross platform and cross save is becoming a more and more popular thing in gaming, a mostly PVE game that relies on a MASSIVE grind would certainly seem to be a good candidate for it. Also, DE is more or less in line with updates as well.

Expect this question daily until it happens, because it's only going to get asked for more and more.

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1 minute ago, Swagernator22663 said:

You mean same as questions about fixing years old bugs ?

If you wanna bring bugs up, sure. Stuff won't be changed until more people ask about them. Keep asking about whatever you want changed/fixed. That's how feedback forums work. 

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10 hours ago, (PS4)DoctorWho_90250 said:

It won't. 

10 hours ago, Killa_Byte said:

never ! why do people ask this on a daily basis?

Because it is something a lot of people would really like to happen - especially as they are considering buying the next-generation consoles that are coming out later this year.

There are clearly limitations to implementing this: both technical and contractual. But the technical limitations are fairly minor, and contractual limitations can be overcome if DE wanted to (as evidenced by multiple other games already implementing cross-save on the same platforms).

So your dismissive replies really need some justification to them.

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1 minute ago, (NSW)BalticBarbarian said:

So your dismissive replies really need some justification to them.

Probably because asking it every week isn't going to make it come out quicker, DE already talked about it people can just do a quick Google search and read about it instead of making topics all the time. It gets annoying

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22 minutes ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

Probably because asking it every week isn't going to make it come out quicker

Arguably, people "asking it every week" might actually suggest to DE that this feature is in very high demand and needs to be given higher priority. And increasing a feature's priority in DE's eyes is exactly what is going to make the feature come out faster!

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Cross save and cross play and more or less the same thing, I can not play on the PC with a update that has not happened on the consoles yet and role over with my shiny new frame to rub it in peoples faces on the PS4 as the data would not be there. There is also the factor of OMFG can you imagine the amount of times DE would F' something up on cross saves and people would lose plat or other purchases, oh and then there is that the consoles have an entire different method in place for plat sales that Sony/MS/Nintendo are NOT going to let their player base circumvent. Short story this is all about the money folks and DE lacks to cash to flex the muscles that EPIC does 

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42 minutes ago, minininja77 said:

Cross save and cross play and more or less the same thing

no, it absolutely is not. From the technical perspective, cross SAVE is significantly easier to implement: all you need is the player data being stored on a server all the platforms can access. In order to implement cross PLAY, you need the different systems to be communicating in real time, which brings a slew of additional complications, especially if the different systems have vastly different specs (e.g. a modern PCs vs a last-gen console).

It is worth noting that from the technical standpoint most of what's needed for cross saves is already there - as evidenced by the fact that we have the mobile app that allows us to view most of our accounts' contents on our phones. And that does not tend to make players lose their plat every time they open the app. So there is no real reason why using the same system to transfer accounts would.

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16 hours ago, Yakhul said:

If being hopeful, cross save will come out with the new generation consoles.

Being realistic, Cross save might never happen, or wont happen anytime soon due to Covid restricting access to DE professional tools at their studio.

Cross save would mean, they either stall PC updates to release them simultaneously with Xbox, Switch and PS, or they increase their labor to release updates on consoles at the same time as PC. IT would also mean more bugs. At this point, Console tenno are getting updates with hotfixes that fix some issues that PC players experienced first.

Conclusion: Cross Save might be in the talks, but as far as a concrete thing? DE does not have it, and probably wont until the Covid restrictions of work from home are lifted.

Cross save has nothing to do with DE and their tools. All it would take is for all the platforms to agree to it. So far, most of the have refused. Cross save has nothing to do with digital extremes.

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2 hours ago, (NSW)BalticBarbarian said:

Arguably, people "asking it every week" might actually suggest to DE that this feature is in very high demand and needs to be given higher priority. And increasing a feature's priority in DE's eyes is exactly what is going to make the feature come out faster!

No, it’s not. Because DE has nothing to do with it. Cross save and cross play doesn’t exist because of the platforms. It has nothing to do with DE at all.

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5 minutes ago, _R_o_g_u_e_ said:

So far, most of the have refused.

do you have a source for that information or is that just speculation on your part? I've been following the cross-save threads quite closely for the last year, but it is possible that I may have missed it somewhere.


6 minutes ago, _R_o_g_u_e_ said:

Because DE has nothing to do with it

For cross saves to happen, DE needs to negotiate the relevant agreements. We know it's possible, since other companies/games have done it. And we know DE needs to push for it. I would hardly classify that as "nothing to do with it".

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25 minutes ago, (NSW)BalticBarbarian said:

no, it absolutely is not. From the technical perspective, cross SAVE is significantly easier to implement: all you need is the player data being stored on a server all the platforms can access. In order to implement cross PLAY, you need the different systems to be communicating in real time, which brings a slew of additional complications, especially if the different systems have vastly different specs (e.g. a modern PCs vs a last-gen console).

It is worth noting that from the technical standpoint most of what's needed for cross saves is already there - as evidenced by the fact that we have the mobile app that allows us to view most of our accounts' contents on our phones. And that does not tend to make players lose their plat every time they open the app. So there is no real reason why using the same system to transfer accounts would.

I understand from a technical point they are not the same thing but from a practical point they are, for cross play/ cross save to work ALL platforms at ALL times would have to be on the SAME update or the save data would not match, meaning that if DE can do cross save they can do cross play. Even so cross play is far more likely to happen over cross save simply due to the way micro transactions are handled.

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9 minutes ago, (NSW)BalticBarbarian said:

That is a very mature and helpful attitude! Especially how you raised all those important and insightful arguments in support of your point of view! Good thing you took the time to chip in!

I am not mature .... just realistic. Consoles have an expiration date ... they are quickly forgotten. What will DE spend money on? It doesn't make any sense .... The game also has a life span ....

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2 minutes ago, minininja77 said:

for cross play/ cross save to work ALL platforms at ALL times

That is actually part of the point: if this is where the main problem is coming from, you can implement "migration freezes" - periods of time when cross play is disabled due to platforms being significantly out-of-sync (say that there is a "Void Storm" going around - in Warframe lore you can blame everything on a "Void <something>"). While this is not a perfect solution, people would be receptive to it as long as those freezes don't last for many months at a time.

10 minutes ago, minininja77 said:

if DE can do cross save they can do cross play

Cross play brings in a many more technical issues than you think. It's not just syncing save files.

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2 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

Consoles have an expiration date ... they are quickly forgotten

Playstation has been around (in one iteration or another) since 1994. That doesn't sound like "quickly forgotten" to me. Sure, PS4 has an expiration date - but Warframe seems to expect to continue on onto the PS5. Same for XBOX. And even the Switch has some continuity from the Wii U (and probably into whatever the next Nintendo console will be).

For that matter, I'm pretty sure you can play Warframe today on a PS4 bought in 2013. Can you play modern games on the PC you had in 2013? Can you even boot it up with a modern Windows OS? So which of the systems truly has an expiration date? Consoles or PC?

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5 minutes ago, HoustonDragon said:

Honestly, I don't ever expect it, due to the requirements and limitations surrounding the console agreements and online transactions. Even Blizzard had to kill their RMAH when they ported Diablo 3 over to consoles.

Diablo 3's RMAH was killed for reasons that had nothing to with consoles: it was badly thought-through and was damaging the community to the point of threatening the long-term survival of the franchise. You have to remember that at the time microtransactions were much less accepted than they are now (for better or for worse).

I'm not saying that there are no contractual issues with cross-saves - I am saying that they all can be overcome if DE made that a priority. This is evidenced by many other games (with microtransactions) having successfully implemented cross-saves

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2 minutes ago, (NSW)BalticBarbarian said:

I'm not saying that there are no contractual issues with cross-saves - I am saying that they all can be overcome if DE made that a priority. This is evidenced by many other games (with microtransactions) having successfully implemented cross-saves

Probably. It definitely seems to be less of a technical issue versus all the legal requirements that have to be met. I can see that being a problem when they're bug patching/fixing stuff on PC first before putting the polished version out on consoles.

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