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Derelict Shift: Hotfix 28.3.3


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Revert the bloody Battacor 5 charge mechanic nerf!

It was 3 charges since its release, got changed to 5 charges in total few months ago and you guys are nerfing it again?

Ffs, are we never save investing our crap into our items? This gets annoying!

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3 minutes ago, DiBBz said:

the new UI is nice and all but im seeing alot of 100% CPU usage spikes now when in the transition period now!

the UI is pretty and all but at the cost of having 100% CPU usage spikes causing longer transition periods means its not really a quality improvement!

I have hard FPS drops. 

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2 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

this is getting ridiculous, everytime you guys update this game you break it even more, The Lighting system is broken again even when you turn down brightness, It was working fine before update, I used some ressource monitoring software to track whats going on with my system and it seems that there is something in this game that causes my CPU to go nuts, for #*!% sake, I play the witcher 3 with highest settings and it doesn't effect my PC's performance at all... Why on earth should one cares about changing end of mission UI and not even think of a proper optimization for this game ? 

One guy mentioned that the new UI makes his CPU go nuts. 

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I don't have a picture to show handy but I ran into an issue in my arsenal. After farming Jordans golem I went back to the arsenal in my orbital to adjust some archwing builds and I noticed I didn't have access to my heavy weapon setup. It didn't exist as an option. Went out of the arsenal and back in and I could see my heavy weapon but the previous setup that only had the kdrive slot available was now blocking my access to my kdrive. Also, I have no kdrive equipped. 

Hopefully that's enough to work with if you can.

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20 minutes ago, Doraz_ said:

I appreciate "reviving" revives animation :clem:

but that spinning thing felt really wierd


other games do this with various degree of success, with an animation, or even procedural animation additive on the default one.


If "patching friend up" animation is too involved, the previous one was already kinda perfect, as in serviceable.


Maybe, a more involved animation could lead the way to revive progress not being lost if a teammate stop it to respond to enemy fire.


like-wise, reload cancelling feels wierd at the moment ( when you roll and have to reload agian) ... that mechanic could follow the same rework.


Oh yea!


how about a system of 4 phases

1 ) teammate grabs the downed warframe and puts his legs and chest at an angle

2 ) teammate stabs downed warframe with parazon and starts "enfusing" it with the energizing cure green ... stuff

3) downed teammate starts to get back in shape ( similar to  shot of adrenaline )

4) tenno helps the teammate taking it by the hand and bringing it up



Defining 4 phases can lead to an interesting ( although too complex for the task of reviving temmate) of 4 phases having different animations chosen randomly

( sometimes stabbing the chest, another time the back ... sometime helping it get up or the downed teammate gets up on his own and fist bump to say thanks 😄 )

as an alternative, procedural animations are the way but i never managed to understand how to do them properly and i can't remember a game where they were used well.

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24 minutes ago, GitGud66 said:

Please fix Granum Voids. Unless it's included in this patch we are repeatedly being denied access. The golden hand terminals are inactive and no menu or prompt comes up. Has happened too many times to be a fluke.

Last hotfix it was ok, now I noticed the terminals are not operational too... every terminal on the ship.

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It ate half of the quick information in order to show a few frames on the half of the screen. this is an information window! we do not need to admire frames there, we need information!

Why is there half the space is occupied by something useless. also loading my processor with 3d models. 

It was bad after first mission and still uncomfortable after 50

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Just now, FlinkRitter said:

It ate half of the quick information in order to show a few frames on the half of the screen. this is an information window! we do not need to admire frames there, we need information!

Why is there half the space is occupied by something useless. also loading my processor with 3d models. 

It was bad after first mission and still uncomfortable after 50

the space ships from before were 3D models as well, and I'd say they had a higher Policount

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I know I'm a little late to the party, but whatever. Why make Wukong's Cloud Walker not be affected by sprint speed? Also, why is it still being affected by things that slow you down then? For instance, I have the Hobbled Dragon Key on, and my Cloud Walker can literally only go 1/8th of the disntance it usually can. This is ridiculous. Either revert the nerf, or make it not be affected by slows please!

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Anyone else get stuttering animation/mouse movement on the post mission screen now?  Happens every time for me and confirmed with a couple friends, all of us have pretty powerful gaming rigs, there is nothing about that screen or loading in under it that should be causing a performance drop. 

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19 minutes ago, kyori said:

I wonder how many players left the game because of the new end mission UI. lol

I did. I only play Warframe for the feels. I have all the things. If I don't have my feels ... #*!% it. I'll play deep rock galactic or something.

I mean, only partially... the giant font that makes me have to turn my head to read the stats table in that stupid 6pt font, the fact that you need to interact with clicks instead of just reading all the results at a glance ...

They're all just symptoms of the real problem: the devs don't play the game anymore because they're bored with it, and they don't listen to the people that actually do play.

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2 minutes ago, RamPuppy said:

Anyone else get stuttering animation/mouse movement on the post mission screen now?  Happens every time for me and confirmed with a couple friends, all of us have pretty powerful gaming rigs, there is nothing about that screen or loading in under it that should be causing a performance drop. 

Same dude, hard fps drops. 

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37 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed a crash that would occur if a Client did not select a Relic in an endless Void Fissure mission before the timer expired.

isn't that more a 'rage-quit' instead of a crash? btw: you really should get a bit more time to search, choose and refine a relict during rounds changes...

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3 минуты назад, QueenHathena сказал:

the space ships from before were 3D models as well, and I'd say they had a higher Policount

Some head of warframes have more polygons than those ships. And ships do not appear every time if I want to check the mission results in orbiter. Also the main problem is that they are there and occupy half of the screen, instead of information

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Hi! For so long the previous end mission UI feels simple and easy to see what you've gained. I suggest that keep the screen where you see the warframes where you get to show off your fashion (don't get me wrong but it is an improvement from the previous one where we see our ships). The statistics of the previous end mission UI helps us see almost everything! From the resources, mods, affinity to individual arsenal. (Also the yellow tinted text for highest damage/lowest damage taken). I don't like the way it is now where you click everywhere in the screen just to see a specific statistic but if you decide to keep it this way, I'll respect it and get used to it! This is just a suggestion!

Thanks [DE]Megan ❤️

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