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Motion Sickness Playing Warframe?



I've been playing Warframe for two years and a half without any trouble so far beyond the usual bugs and glitches everyone experiences. Lately, I've been getting motion sickness from playing Warframe. I usually get motion sickness in video games from games using first person view with moving 3D models; NOT from something like Warframe which uses third person view. I've tried adjusting my display settings (FOV, elemental effects, etc.), and it helped slightly, but I still get nausea from playing the game. Strangely, I feel more dizzy from having motion blur off instead of on. I don't know if there was some update recently that made the graphics harder to handle for me.

Now, I'd hate to give up Warframe because that's the game that keeps me connected to some of my friends online during the pandemic and after I graduated from university. Anything anyone would suggest to make playing Warframe more comfortable?

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On 2020-09-27 at 1:04 AM, BIueJay said:

I've been playing Warframe for two years and a half without any trouble so far beyond the usual bugs and glitches everyone experiences. Lately, I've been getting motion sickness from playing Warframe. I usually get motion sickness in video games from games using first person view with moving 3D models; NOT from something like Warframe which uses third person view. I've tried adjusting my display settings (FOV, elemental effects, etc.), and it helped slightly, but I still get nausea from playing the game. Strangely, I feel more dizzy from having motion blur off instead of on. I don't know if there was some update recently that made the graphics harder to handle for me.

Now, I'd hate to give up Warframe because that's the game that keeps me connected to some of my friends online during the pandemic and after I graduated from university. Anything anyone would suggest to make playing Warframe more comfortable?

New features have been added to Warframe. Just go into "Options" > "Display" > and turn them off.


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you can also try to limit your fps speed, the super fluid motion used to bug me on pc, (laptops from 2015 but it still ran it 75fps+) but on console not as much since the fps on og xbone is pretty shoddy. (at least when i'm not solo/host) might help idk also try and turn all your effects off, and effect intensity slider down so you can barely see the ones you can't turn off.

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Not sure if this will help you, but there is an option in the interface tab waaaay down the bottom called "hud motion"

Turning this off might help by stopping the HUD from moving around whenever you move, I don't suffer from motion sickness but I've heard that having something stable within your cone of vision can help immensely with motion sickness.

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Warframe has become a bit more immersive since a couple of recent updates, at least this is my impression. So, previously I did not have any issues, but now in some rare situations, I do get a little bit of tickle, which passes briefly after I either stop moving or change direction or view. I'm still trying to identify what specifically causes it, so not sure. Initially, I had to turn off screen shake, depth of field, blur, bloom, and play around with FoV slider to get a comfortable setting. Also, it never happens on RJ or Awing despite crazy turning upside down. It does happen in some open spaces, especially Jupiter jumping and new glassmaker fight. It might be due to the way how the game renders distant background. I have no problems in regular cozy spaces except when some unexpected teleport happens out of a sudden. Also, it sometimes happens in the case of bad lag with rubberbanding.

All other settings (brightness, contrast, fps, which should be generally around 60 on PC, screen size, room lighting, resolution, in-game lighting, etc) can be fooled around to find something that suit you best. However, that background rendering is a big bummer for me, especially at high speed. Seems like the game is not doing it right, something is wrong with background images, not sure what specifically. background is not stationary but seems to be rendered incorrectly. Previously, iirc, it was more stationary.

I don't have any motion sickness issues in real life though since relatively early childhood.

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On 2020-10-11 at 7:26 AM, ShadowAnimal said:

Since the last Updates they definitly changed something. I never got motionsickness but now.. First of all, i speak for 3 players, me & my friends, we all feel like our turningspeed is now 50-100% faster and we cannot find our normal speed.. it's eighter faster or slower. And all of us get motionsickness after 15 minutes of playing. They #*!%ed up something.

CxLL post was pretty awesome but Shadow hit on something else to.... 

You should be able to adjust your stick/whatever sensitivity in game now ??  Didnt add deadzones and stuff back into the game settings???   Maybe it reset people's stick sensitivity settings ??  But you should be able to adjust deadzones and sensitivity now to make camera movements slower.....   

Rebb likes high sensitivity judging by some of those past dev streams when others have tried to play using her settings lol.   

I like mine on the slower side to help aim.

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On 2020-09-27 at 8:28 AM, (PS4)zenhumphrey said:

Why ask on the forums? You do know we're not doctors right? Try ask asking a doctor or something.

Because other ppl with same issue can help by sharing their settings and other things they do to reduce the symptoms.

On 2020-09-27 at 8:04 AM, BIueJay said:

Anything anyone would suggest to make playing Warframe more comfortable?

Some of your issues might not be related to motion sickness. Eye strain causes very similar symptoms and things like adjusting brightness, gamma, colors and having enough light in the room make a huge difference (playing in the dark or in a dimly lit room is not a good idea for anyone). Bloom is one of the most common causes so I'd start reducing it to minimum or turning it off and then start adjusting gamma and colors. Btw this is why not being able to turn auto exposure is such a bad decision from DE.

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13 hours ago, Twisted_Wisdom said:

Unfortunately with Glass Maker part 5, with it being in first person, I am unable to find all the clues because looking for them makes me feel ill.

Same for me.  This was the first time in 2 years that I have felt motion sickness from playing Warframe.  I went back and forth and took some breaks and eventually managed to find them all, but it took about an hour afterwards to recover and feel normal again.  Not fun.

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Motion sickness from gaming is known as Simulator Sickness. I also get it.
Tolerance can be built up towards it. Its something pilots are known for with using flight simulators.
As long as i play warframe every day i am able to maintain my tolerance and have no problem with it. If i take a break from warframe for extended length of time I then have to regain my tolerance again when i come back to warframe.
As has been said by others, its a perception issue, not something eye specialist can fix.
Changing settings to limit glare, bloom, etc in options does make it easier to deal with (as has been mentioned by others).

Unfortunately with Glass Maker part 5, with it being in first person, I am unable to find all the clues because looking for them makes me feel ill.
I am using the Enhanced Graphics Engine (Beta), but i also feel ill when using Classic Graphics Engine for Glass maker clue finding.

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Since the last Updates they definitly changed something. I never got motionsickness but now.. First of all, i speak for 3 players, me & my friends, we all feel like our turningspeed is now 50-100% faster and we cannot find our normal speed.. it's eighter faster or slower. And all of us get motionsickness after 15 minutes of playing. They #*!%ed up something.

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Hi! I have the exact same issue. Turn off:

- screen shake
- motion blur
- depth of field
- color correction (change of the overall filter as rapidly as this setting allows often causes nausea with anyone that has issues processing colour)
- distortion. Integrated with empyrean, as a split from motion blur. Might be what's troubling you in particular.

And play around with the field of view depending on whether you're in closed or open spaces. Walls that are too close to one another might require a lower field of view but see what fits your preference.

This is not a thing you fix by going to the ophthalmologist. It's a perception issue. Luckily the game has settings that can help deal with it.

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I get bad motion sickness playing Minecraft on PC which stinks because I love the game. I play Warframe on Switch handheld and am picky about graphic settings. So far, I can play WF as long as I want.

For settings, I leave FOV on the default, turn off screen shake, depth-of-field, maybe turn off motion-blur. Turn down bloom, particle effects, gore etc.

I think the depth-of-field has the biggest effect on me. It was on one day and I just felt kinda weird. I think my eyes were trying to focus on different object that were blurred by DoF and it was making me feel sick.

If you play on PC, check your monitor height, make sure you've got room lights on. Also if you need glasses (like me) then wear your glasses/contacts while you play. If your eyes are tired, do something else that doesn't require staring at a monitor. (My day job has me in front of a screen all day so I don't do much PC gaming anymore. Portable consoles are the bomb.)

Keep tweaking those settings and enjoy the game!

Edit: it seems I do have Motion Blur turned on. It might help smooth out some of the hard edges on textures etc. This might be why Minecraft makes me sick - all those hard pixel edges swirling around makes a flickering effect.

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I deal with this, too. But only on PC. I have had zero motion sickness when playing on the switch, handheld or TV.

1. play in Windowed mode. for some reason having the screen on the edge of the frame helps.

2. Don't play in a dark room. Have a light on

3. stop playing as soon as you start feeling sick. If you try to 'power through' you can teach your brain that this is poison and can make you more sensitive. My first symptom is a weird itchy feeling behind my eyes. If I stop right away then it'll fade after a bit, and I can play again. If I ignore it, it eventually becomes a pounding headache and incredibly horrible nausea. That can take 10-20 hours to fade. Sleep helps, but isn't a quick fix.


Good luck.

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