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Murmur grind


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So heres an idea,

instead of having to grind dozens of missions and kill the same enemy with the same 3 death animations over and over again to complete murmurs, how about the requiem relics enemies all have a chance to drop murmur orbs, like they do energy, health and affinity ones.

Or an option, where every time you clean all Lich nodes, you get an option to invade their fortress, where all enenmies there contribute to murmurs.

Cause the nemesis system is filled with potential and pretty fun, minus the murmur and the parazon mod grind.

Also Corpus staging a resistance/defense, similary to invasions mission, but the rewards being parazon mods would be pretty sick.

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any lich takes just 2-3 hours man. why you even need all this? just join public lich squad and lets players kill/fail to kill their lich, you get more murmur that way. easy circle filling in just 2-3 hours. all circles. lessen that if you manage to get lucky guesses

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3 minutes ago, Dauggie said:

any lich takes just 2-3 hours man. why you even need all this? just join public lich squad and lets players kill/fail to kill their lich, you get more murmur that way. easy circle filling in just 2-3 hours. all circles. lessen that if you manage to get lucky guesses

Same reason i just didnt build the meta amp and select the meta focus to kill Eidolons.

Same reason i dont just play survival over and over again.

Cause its boring to just farm.

Diversity of gameplay and choices are fun.


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16 hours ago, LoneDirewolf said:

Cause its boring to just farm.

Diversity of gameplay and choices are fun.

And your suggestion helps diversity... how?

I mean, currently, you can farm murmurs on any sort of mission on any planet (as long as either you or the host have that planet as invaded).

And your suggestion is... "why not also make is the SAME AS ALMOST ALL CRAFTING RESOURCE IN THE GAME, where you go to a SPECIFIC mission and kill enemies and the things drop"?

I'm sorry, but I don't see this great variety. Currently the Litches have forced me to do missions I hadn't done in a long, long time. You want to make it basically the same as Void Traces (drops from enemies in a Relic mission) except that only on one tileset (Requiem relics happen only on the Kuva fortress)? How is that variety? This is even more boring than what we have. The meta is going to quickly become "do a survival on the Kuva fortress".


As for the idea of invading their fortress... what can we say. That was kind of the idea in the beginning. I suppose that DE didn't find the time to see it through. I mean, 10/10 idea, already tried, already failed to deliver.

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2 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

And your suggestion helps diversity... how?

I mean, currently, you can farm murmurs on any sort of mission on any planet (as long as either you or the host have that planet as invaded).

And your suggestion is... "why not also make is the SAME AS ALMOST ALL CRAFTING RESOURCE IN THE GAME, where you go to a SPECIFIC mission and kill enemies and the things drop"?

I'm sorry, but I don't see this great variety. Currently the Litches have forced me to do missions I hadn't done in a long, long time. You want to make it basically the same as Void Traces (drops from enemies in a Relic mission) except that only on one tileset (Requiem relics happen only on the Kuva fortress)? How is that variety? This is even more boring than what we have. The meta is going to quickly become "do a survival on the Kuva fortress".


As for the idea of invading their fortress... what can we say. That was kind of the idea in the beginning. I suppose that DE didn't find the time to see it through. I mean, 10/10 idea, already tried, already failed to deliver.

Thats actually a really good point. I didint even think about how old it would get and how fast.

How would you feel about the idea of Lich nodes on Corpus planets having invasions missions, where the reward is a parazon mod ?

I just want another way to gain murmurs, because i hate the thrall farm. So in my head, clearing all node on planet = invading Lich stronghold = gaining the murmur.

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5 minutes ago, LoneDirewolf said:

How would you feel about the idea of Lich nodes on Corpus planets having invasions missions, where the reward is a parazon mod ?

It would be exciting for the ten times and then my Parazon collection would be complete and I'd restart feeling bored and over-grinded. Or I would stop grinding that mission.

23 minutes ago, LoneDirewolf said:

I just want another way to gain murmurs, because i hate the thrall farm. So in my head, clearing all node on planet = invading Lich stronghold = gaining the murmur.

Eh. I mean... re-arrange it as you wish, but a grind is always going to be a grind.

And I don't say "no" to a Lich stronghold mission. I was very intrigued when DE announced it (back then it was a special Railjack mission or something), and saddened when it didn't happen. I'm still hopeful, but... we know how fast DE is with certain things.

I personally don't feel that the thrall farm is that bad. Currently to me it means: "go to some planet and do a mission you haven't done in a long time on a tileset you haven't visited in a long time; the mission is the same as usual but you also have to give a finisher to eight enemies". It has introduced a variety in my game that I didn't have previously.

And, if you really hate the thralls, let's be honest: if you are in a team, then you can keep working at the objective while your teammates eagerly stab the thralls to death. That's not even egoistic or anything - somebody has to work towards the mission objective and protect the Conduits or capture the towers - it might as well be you.

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Adding "murmur orbs" to relics, I wouldn't mind, as long as it cannot be faster than regular murmur grind.

Anything else that aims to make it faster, no.

Why can't we just have a single game mode that takes more than 20 minutes to complete ? Are you really in that much of a hurry to get those optionnal weapons ?


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agreed, murmur farms do take a little too long. this is why I'm hoping if we get Corpus Liches that they use a different system, or at least reduce the amount of murmurs needed for a Requiem. since Liches were supposed to be connected to Railjack, I'd love a Railjack Mission where you could infiltrate the Lich's personal ship for a guarnateed encounter with them, and additional murmur progress awarded by Thralls on the ship.

2 hours ago, Fallen77 said:

Why can't we just have a single game mode that takes more than 20 minutes to complete ? Are you really in that much of a hurry to get those optionnal weapons ?

that's what it's like though, and it's partly DE's fault for conditioning players to play short modes: ESO, Granum Void, Iso Vaults etc.. everything has been geared to "bite-sized content" (their words regarding ESO) for a long time now, while the endurance crowd keeps getting dumped on with trade bans, no scaling rewards even on Steel Path and no additional endurance modes outside of Disruption. if you like long missions, you're in the minority that's not being catered to, and that's a fact.

there is also something to be said for efficiency; people want to burn through any content- whatever it is - as quickly as possible. this is why we have things like daily standing caps that everyone hates; nobody has any self-control. 


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23 hours ago, LoneDirewolf said:

So heres an idea,

instead of having to grind dozens of missions and kill the same enemy with the same 3 death animations over and over again to complete murmurs, how about the requiem relics enemies all have a chance to drop murmur orbs, like they do energy, health and affinity ones.

Or an option, where every time you clean all Lich nodes, you get an option to invade their fortress, where all enenmies there contribute to murmurs.

Cause the nemesis system is filled with potential and pretty fun, minus the murmur and the parazon mod grind.

Also Corpus staging a resistance/defense, similary to invasions mission, but the rewards being parazon mods would be pretty sick.

murmur gain is much easyier with the addition of anyone in squad who stabs an fails on there lich gets that big murmur progress.
that making murmur farming with other players soooooooooo much more important.
murmur progress to requiem isnt bad as when i was farming kuva weapons i was able to beat a lich in a single day an i was doing it casually at my own pace of doing afew lich missions an maybe swapping over to something else.

your idea of all enemies in the mission able to drop a murmur orb makes no sense as the thralls are units under the liches control.
makes lil sense as your wanting a solider under a differnt general to give you info on your target but knows nothing about them.

DE has that galleon mission in railjack they showed off but that would require squad link to be fully finished. This has its development slowed cause of the current situation of the real world.

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For poos and giggles I did another litch (I already have done and forma all the weapons)  from knowing nothing to being like 4 mercy kills away from knowing all for parazon it has taken under 3 hours.  This is running missions and hanging out until they stop spawning.  As well as not downing my litch when he showed up until he stops spawning them too.  

This has all been solo.  Dont blaze through missions, with litch taking your time = faster progress of unlocking.

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Murmur grinding is bad game design, needs to be reworked, Liches are just bad not challange just a grind. Lic hweapons need to be changed to not need to eat 5 forma per weapon as its stupid, Pareacesis was fine but lich weapons having that is bad

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I think more variety is definately needed, not saying the suggestion here is the way to go but liches do need improvement in many ways. 

This whole "repeat the starchart but not really" thing is very boring, and you cant even make your own lich angry by killing other peoples thralls... I wish thralls could spawn ANYWHERE in almost any mission. Or that there was a specific new gamemode to hunt them in. 

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