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Strongest enemy in the game




I was looking through the wiki to find enemies with the highest EHP. I was hoping to find a comparison list, like they have for weapons and warframes, but no luck. I looked at the wiki page for the Gokstad officer, and they have the second highest armor value the the game. I know that higher armor doesn't directly correspond to a higher EHP, but higher up, enemy health and enemy armor are relatively similar (ie if the armor if way above average for a heavy unit, you can generally expect that his health pool will be way above average too).

So, which enemy has the highest armor value? And if they are different, then which enemy has the highest EHP?


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18 answers to this question

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)GOTWIC said:

Is it possible to spawn in a disruption enemy in the simulacrum? Also, do you happen to know the defence modifiers on disruption units? I couldn't find anything (in one place) in the wiki about that.

you can Spawn Demolysts/Demolishers in Simulation, yes.
their weirdness is that they resist Damage based on the Arsenal Stats of your Weapon. it's some strange dynamic thing. and ones with Shields have special weirdness on top of that.

we don't have one Article for all Demoysts/Demolishers because some of them a different from the rest, in the usual mostly pointlessly complicated nature of Warframe.
but between these two sections, you should be able to see everything.
all non Corpus Disruption Targets:
Corpus Disruption Targets:
(you'll have to look at each Corpus one individually as some of them have more than one application of the weird DR while others do not).

17 minutes ago, (PS4)GOTWIC said:

EDIT: Just read the wiki, they have 99% damage reduction. But even with that, their EHP (at level 105) would be a bit less than 1.5 million. Grokstad officers, on the other hand, have almost 5 million EHP. Maybe I'm missing something?

their Health has DR, as well.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)GOTWIC said:

Despite EHP not being the complete factor set, it is good enough for most cases to test weapons.

It really depends on what you're doing though.  There are plenty of enemies that are weak or resistant to certain damage types, have armor or shields, as well as enemies that are immune to various status procs, and that will significantly affect lend advantages and disadvantages to certain builds and weapons.

Rather than focusing on a single enemy that has the largest EHP, I would recommend creating a short list of high tier enemies that possess different traits you want to test against.  For example, you could have a unit with high armor, a unit with high shields, and a sentient.  In my own testing, I usually even have separate tests for Corrupted Bombards and Corrupted Gunners, because one has higher HP while the other has higher armor, and ideally I'd like to kill them both quickly.

Regardless of what you do, good luck!

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Unstar said:

If you just want to know who has the highest EHP for the trivia of it, that's fine.  BUT I'm guessing you have some sort of practical application of how you want to use this information.  And given how inconsistent and complex Warframe is, you might receive answers that would be more helpful to you if you provided context about why you want it. 

For example, if you're wanting to verify that your weapons are up to par and can take out the "strongest" enemy in the game, it would be misguided to focus on EHP alone, because there are so many other important factors to consider that this singular enemy with the highest EHP will not allow you to adequately test.

Despite EHP not being the complete factor set, it is good enough for most cases to test weapons.

As for the practical application you mentioned, for me there are three things:

1) Be able to compare weapons side by side. When enemies dies to quickly, it can (sometimes) be difficult to accurately gauge which one is better. The longer it takes to kill an enemy, the easier it is to see which one is better.

2) Have something that is somewhat comparable to SP enemies. I wish the simulacrum at a toggle option for SP modifiers, but they don't :-(

3) For things that one shot everything, high EHP is a good indicator of how much damage you are doing beyond the enemy's health, even after high DR from armor.

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6 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

Best sim dummy truly unaffected by armor or shield debuff would probably be Deimos Therid.

I wish this game had a true neutral sim dummy with a DPS meter, but the implications of that probably terrify DE.

Yeh that's probably right. I agree, hell I can hit the damage cap easily in simulacrum, give me more than a level 175 enemy for a proper test.

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If you just want to know who has the highest EHP for the trivia of it, that's fine.  BUT I'm guessing you have some sort of practical application of how you want to use this information.  And given how inconsistent and complex Warframe is, you might receive answers that would be more helpful to you if you provided context about why you want it. 

For example, if you're wanting to verify that your weapons are up to par and can take out the "strongest" enemy in the game, it would be misguided to focus on EHP alone, because there are so many other important factors to consider that this singular enemy with the highest EHP will not allow you to adequately test.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)GOTWIC said:

But even with that, their EHP (at level 105) would be a bit less than 1.5 million. Grokstad officers, on the other hand, have almost 5 million EHP. Maybe I'm missing something?

Slash/viral/corrosive/heat massively reduce Grineer EHP to where even the Officers die much more quickly than a Treasurer. It's hard to do neutral damage to high level Grineer armor, you're either melting them or doing nothing. The Treasurer is neutral to most damage types, no bypass cheese, only significantly weak to magnetic, and even then the effect is not nearly as dramatic as what Hunter Munitions does to Grineer Officers.

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2 hours ago, taiiat said:

Godstad Officers or Earth Landscape Assassinate Targets would be some of the strongest contenders.

some Disruption Targets would also qualify quite well, though they're kinda cheating compared to normal Enemies so it's a mixed bag whether you'd want to test against them.

Is it possible to spawn in a disruption enemy in the simulacrum? Also, do you happen to know the defence modifiers on disruption units? I couldn't find anything (in one place) in the wiki about that.

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1 hour ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

If this is for sim dummies, try the Treasurer, very high EHP and won't be cheesed by viral or slash.

I checked the wiki, and at level 105 (which is my max level), they have 14.5k EHP. I've never gone against a treasurer in a mission, so maybe they have some kind of special damage reduction?


EDIT: Just read the wiki, they have 99% damage reduction. But even with that, their EHP (at level 105) would be a bit less than 1.5 million. Grokstad officers, on the other hand, have almost 5 million EHP. Maybe I'm missing something?

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You are correct, though. The Gokstad Officer has the highest EHP of all the spawnable enemies in the Simulacrum.

Edit: If you are considering bosses, then I believe Profit-Taker will have the most EHP, but that is because of the amount of shields it has.

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Godstad Officers or Earth Landscape Assassinate Targets would be some of the strongest contenders.

some Disruption Targets would also qualify quite well, though they're kinda cheating compared to normal Enemies so it's a mixed bag whether you'd want to test against them.

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