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Why still no Revenant Tennogen skins?


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I'm noticing Garuda has three skins, one of which is Deluxe (and everybody seems to hate it), Baruuk has two skins, and now Hildryn has one. All three were released after Revenant. And honestly, I never see anybody using any of those three! I see plenty of Revenants though.

I've been eyeballing that Revenant Draugr/Draugen skin since I first found it in the Steam Workshop, and it's been there since July (with the earliest version being from December last year), yet it's still not being used?

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the simple answer is basically "what looks good to players does not necessarily look good to DE." they have specific standards and guidelines that are only made known to creators as their submissions don't make it to selection. there's almost definitely more to it than that, but that's more or less why some suits get skins by the handful and others starve

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5 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

I've been eyeballing that Revenant Draugr/Draugen skin since I first found it in the Steam Workshop, and it's been there since July (with the earliest version being from December last year), yet it's still not being used?

Some skins take a long time to get accepted, Zephyr Blade of the Lotus skin has been through several iterations since 2018 for example.

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8 hours ago, (NSW)Electropuncher said:

Could also be that DE isn't going to pay for a skin for an unpopular frame. Which is a shame, since Revenant is probably one of the more underrated frames, IMO.

Popularity doesn't matter for whether or not a Warframe's skin gets accepted. Also, DE gets payed too when they accept a skin into the game, it's only when they transport items over to consoles is when they have to (as a contract needs to be made with the creator of the skin).

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Hey there, i'm the creator of the draugen skin. I got feedback from DE, saying that i'm very close to getting it into the game, so i'm pretty confident it'll get into the next round. Hitsu san is also making one, and judging from his track record, that one might get in too.

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4 hours ago, Goosmo said:

Hey there, i'm the creator of the draugen skin. I got feedback from DE, saying that i'm very close to getting it into the game, so i'm pretty confident it'll get into the next round. Hitsu san is also making one, and judging from his track record, that one might get in too.

Here's hoping. Good luck!

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On 2020-11-02 at 10:35 AM, Goosmo said:

Hey there, i'm the creator of the draugen skin. I got feedback from DE, saying that i'm very close to getting it into the game, so i'm pretty confident it'll get into the next round. Hitsu san is also making one, and judging from his track record, that one might get in too.

I'm looking forward to it!

Honestly, any of the versions you made out of the three would be good!

I'm feeling a little irritated that today's Tennogen had yet another Garuda skin, while Revenant keeps waiting, but I'm glad to hear Draugen might actually happen.


Which skin is Hitsu-san making? I see there's an Eratus skin in the workshop (which I don't really like, but that might just be the colors used for preview), and there's your Draugen ideas and an ION skin.

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35 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

I'm feeling a little irritated that today's Tennogen had yet another Garuda skin, while Revenant keeps waiting, but I'm glad to hear Draugen might actually happen.

Well, of course it wasn't going to have any because this batch (same as the previous one) was simply a part of a larger list of accepted TennoGen, which didn't include Revenant within them. :y

39 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

Which skin is Hitsu-san making? I see there's an Eratus skin in the workshop (which I don't really like, but that might just be the colors used for preview), and there's your Draugen ideas and an ION skin.

Presumably these are going under the same series name as some of his previous skins, Youkai, such as his Oberon and Ivara one. Also, I wouldn't worry nor ponder about that Eratus skin for him since it hasn't been updated in quite some time, making it automatically ineligible to be accepted.

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On 2020-11-02 at 5:35 PM, Goosmo said:

Hey there, i'm the creator of the draugen skin. I got feedback from DE, saying that i'm very close to getting it into the game, so i'm pretty confident it'll get into the next round. Hitsu san is also making one, and judging from his track record, that one might get in too.

Are they asking you to make specific changes?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2020-11-05 at 8:06 PM, Goosmo said:

Yes, i'm resculpting the entire body. I was asked to add more focal points to it. The tints are still mostly the same.

If your skin gets in, and resembles the current iteration after changes, I will 100% buy it, and I might actually play revenant. His appearance is so hopeless.


Also, OP, I play Garuda, (and with the deluxe skin and spinneret ephemera because it makes her look even more decrepit,) Baruuk, (I had to get the Bedouin tennogen skin to convince myself to play him because his default helmets are terrible,) AND Hildryn, though no need for a special skin for her, I like the way she looks. 

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9 hours ago, Lolacrayola said:

Revenant Onryo Helm: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1617466231

Its been on the sidelines for a long time and doesn't appear to have been updated. Its such a shame because its beautiful.

Regarding this item, I recalled something from the creator along the lines of wanting it to create a skin from it. Luckily, I was correct, as confirmed by this tweet:

Sadly, this was around the time that the artist had taken a break from doing TennoGen, and only just got recently back and decided to start a Protea skin. Not sure if they would have time to update the Onryo.

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  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, ConsumerJTC said:

Revenant deserves the amount of tennogen skins based on the years he has been denied any cosmetics.

So... no skins then? Because the Immortuos Helmet that was accepted last year would theoretically counter that wish. :y

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love Revenant but he is too ugly for my taste, so I don't play him often...

I really can't understand how this wasn't accepted:


Some times DE takes some real weird decisions... This is my favorite concept but probably will never make it to the game.

Anyway, I hope Youkai can make it, it's also really great, my second favorite:


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