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Update 29.10.0: Bug Hunting Megathread (Read First Post!)


Message added by [DE]Danielle,

Please note: All known and fixed bugs, popular and live feedback, and more are being tracked on our Trello board: https://trello.com/b/K34ACrAu

We will not be updating this forum thread with the above. 


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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Opened the market to check out not owned deluxe bundles, even if I did own the skin already.
  • VISUALBFXQizw.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Open the market, and look up an unowned deluxe bundle, of which you have bought the warframe skin already.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Being able to purchase the bundle.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Inability to purchase the bundle, as it shows as "owned" because of the skin.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time. 
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TYPE: In-Game

DESCRIPTION: The effect of the electrical hazard keeps active even after repair



REPRODUCTION: Have a electrical hazard

EXPECTED RESULT: Normal U.I. and tactical menu

OBSERVED RESULT: Glitched U.I. like when effect is active, and unable to use tactical menu

REPRODUCTION RATE: 2 out of 4 times that the hazard happens

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  • TYPE: Railjack gunner intrinsic functionality on controller
  • DESCRIPTION: I cant trigger "Flush Heat Sinks" intrinsic on controller
  • REPRODUCTION: Mostly default controller setup (I think) for Xbox One controller, where [X button] is set to [Context Action] and is used for reloading that way. Under the Railjack controller setup section, I have tried moving [Dismount] from [X button] to [B button] so I don't get off the turret/pilot seat when trying to reload. Does not make a difference. 
    Flush Heat Sink triggers properly from tapping R on keyboard. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Flush Heat Sink triggers
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I dismount the turret (when [Dismount] is set to [X button]) or nothing (when [Dismount] is set to [B button] and [X button] is [N/A])
Edited by duncsaur
missing brackets
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Unable to Leave Squad or Vote in Railjack
  • REPRODUCTION: Try to Host or Join a Railjack Mission and try to Leave Squad or Vote for map and the button is not there.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I should be able to Leave Squad after Mission Complete and Vote for mission.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The buttons have dissappeared.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE : Every time when playing Railjack mission
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: After leaving the Corpus vessel with the Orphix', this orange orb thingy was all that was there to see. It's texture kinda flimmered. Complete loss of functionality, except chat. No ESC menu, no abilities, no movement. /unstuck moved me (and my friend) a tiny bit according to minimap, but did not fix the issue. Visuals and loss of control was the same for my friend. When I closed the game (Alt+F4, since no ESC menu) he got a host migration and could finish the mission normally (ie return to Railjack, the only thing that missing to get the rewards >.>).
  • VISUAL: sqqtvii.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Happend just this once so far, right after hitting EXIT in the enemy vessel with the Orphixes in an Orphix mission. When entering I had the Railjack parked very close to the entrance, maybe we got stuck in there?
  • EXPECTED RESULT: After hitting EXIT the Tenno should return to space in their Archwings.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: After hitting EXIT the Tenno got stuck with a part of an orange orb(?) filling most of their screen and a total loss of functionality, except chat
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Just this once so far, but for all players in the squad.
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  • TYPE: [In-Game]
  • DESCRIPTION: [Playing Veil Proxima Erato Orphix (Railjack)]
  • REPRODUCTION: [Defeat the 36th Orphix]
  • EXPECTED RESULT: [Get the Rotation C reward arcane]
  • OBSERVED RESULT: [Can't get the Rotation C reward arcane]

I can't get the last reward. Other than that, I have get it.
I haven't checked Orphix Mission other than Veil Proxima. Please investigate Venus, Neptune and Pluto Proxima's Orphix Mission as well.

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On 2021-03-19 at 7:52 AM, Mataeru said:
  • DESCRIPTION: Transitioning from Railjack to Extermination on First Venus Node Bifrost Echo
  • REPRODUCTION: Have one person flying Railjack, Have one person in transition period to the exterminate mission
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Exterminate mission starts, but only the person who was in the transition room ends up in mission, and the person in teh railjack bugs out and can't help
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Exterminate mission started, but my squadmate who was flying the railjack got bugged out and couldn't help me, ended up having to abort because I couldn't open a team door without him.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Only tried once. I had to get off before we could attempt another run

CONFIRMED. 100% repro for me.


  • TYPE: Loss of Functionality
  • DESCRIPTION: Transitioning from Railjack to Extermination on any Proxima's "Extermination" missions
    • 1. Two players on team, 2 NPCs on RJ.
    • 2. One player flying the RJ, the other enter the Stanchion. Countdown timer starts.
    • 3. Either (a) second player enters stanchion, or (b) Countdown timer expires forcing teleportation of all players to the Ready Room.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: All players teleported to the Ready Room, all interactive item functionality available.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: There are 2 observed Results.

A. Mission DOES Progress. Required kills is "Exterminate 0/1" which quickly changes to "1/1" with a Mission Completion dialogue and Green Extraction Icon. (We humorously figured that Corpus knew he had no chance and ended his own life). Ready Room does not open. Player can not manually exit through either end of the Ready Room, nor can he Omni-teleport (as it is jammed). Player on the Railjack experiences the loss of functionality as described below in sect. (B.).

B. Mission DOES NOT Progress. Player in the Ready Room is teleported to the RJ; player in the RJ is teleported to the Ready Room. RJ functionality is lost, except for the Slingshot and Forge. (IOW: Nav, Pilot, and Turret functionality are lost). The Level does not Open (or progress). Players can not manually enter or leave the Stanchion, but occasionally the Slingshot will work to insert a player, which will allow the bug will be circumvented, and infact will restore functionality once the mission is successfully advanced (!) . If the Slingshot does not work, the mission must be Aborted or the Host must drop to reset the requirements - which will only occasionally circumvent the bug.

  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% for me and clan mates. About 50% (estimated) in public matches where all 4 players are strangers (so to speak). I have not tested this with a clan mate on public matches



Edited by Tokomi_
Spelling and Capitalization, and Clarity
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6 hours ago, GitchGame said:


This is WAI. It's part of the effect (negative result) of having an electrical fire on the RJ.

 Posted from  a later response:

3 hours ago, GitchGame said:

I don't think I was clear enough, there where no more hazards on the ship for like 5 min, but the screen kept like that for the rest of the mission, and the missions after, just going normal when I left to the orbiter.

Edited by Tokomi_
Texts obviates explanation
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TYPE: In-Game

DESCRIPTION: It appears that crew member pilots steer the Railjack so that the rear of the railjack is pointing at enemy ships. If this is a code problem, it is likely related to the arctangent function.


No ships are visible in front of the railjack, but some enemy projectiles are visible, almost perfectly aligned to the viewbehind the railjack, there is a large swarm of enemy fighters

REPRODUCTION: Nothing special needs to be done; simply observe an NPC pilot and look out the back window.

EXPECTED RESULT: Pilot should aim towards objectives, such as crewships, fighters, and the targets at the end of a Volatile mission.

OBSERVED RESULT: Pilot aims away from crewships and fighters.

REPRODUCTION RATE: This has been happening consistently since 29.10.0.

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50 minutes ago, Tokomi_ said:

This is WAI. It's part of the effect (negative result) of having an electrical fire on the RJ.

[Edit: I confess I was baffled when it first happened to me as well. It is a very convincing screen! LOL]

I don't think I was clear enough, there where no more hazards on the ship for like 5 min, but the screen kept like that for the rest of the mission, and the missions after, just going normal when I left to the orbiter.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: After getting the cache from the Ice mine and destroying 4/4 Security nodes on Mammon's Prospect, just like I did probably a dozen times before, instead of opening up the big Corpus vessel so I could progress to the Orphix stage, all mission markers and objectives just dissappeared (see first screenshot), however, no mission end screen appeared nor was the Navigation console unlocked (also see first screenshot). However, after some searching around I decided to abort and try again, but when I hit Return to Dojo in the ESC menu, I got a mission end screen (see second screen shot) and yes, I was allowed to keep the rewards, I checked for the Nautilus Cerebrum in my Inventory afterwards.
  • VISUAL: lqmp9US.jpggpdv77X.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: No idea. I don't think I did anything special.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: After clearing the space objective(s) (Destroy 4 Security Nodes) the mission should progress to the next stage (Enter the BIG SHIP).
  • OBSERVED RESULT: After clearing the in-space objective(s) all mission markers and objectives disappeared, however, upon Return to Dojo, the mission was counted as successfully finished wrt rewards.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Just this once so far
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Type: in-game

Description: When exiting through the door of a pulse turbine, there is a chance you will be teleported to the center of the exterior model, rather than the door.  You have to clip through the windows and thread the needle through the model's collision hitboxes until you find a way out




Reproduction: Just do pulse turbines (I do NSU grid) and it should happen eventually.  There is no immediately-apparent cause.

Expected Result: Exiting the pulse turbine door spawns me outside the pulse turbine's door

Observed Result: Exiting the pulse turbine door spawns me in the middle of the exterior pulse turbine model

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TYPE: Mission Rewards

DESCRIPTION: "Return to Dojo" still credits Loot Cave identified rewards in all circumstances.









REPRODUCTION: Enter mission, complete Loot Cave hack, 'Return to Dojo'.

EXPECTED RESULT: Loot Cave reward only persists after mission completion

OBSERVED RESULT: Loot Cave reward can be acquired without completing the rest of the mission.

REPRODUCTION RATE: 100%. Tried a few permutations of mission progression stage and player location/activity when aborting (e.g. abort from railjack, abort on POI, abort on Capital Ship) and reproduced in each case.


Edited by TheLexiConArtist
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- Elite Vorac Weavers are dropping MK I blueprints. They also dont show on the drop database.

- The new Zetki weapons dont show on the Zetki filter menu.

- Forward Artillery still starts with 2 shots instead of 5. When you use these 2 and craft one at the forge, it crafts 3 and increases the 'limit' by 1.

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Corpus railjack forcing players to assemble at one point to change mission from space into local ship is breaking immersion.
Doesn't seem very well thought, wouldn't be better to have smaller location without changing the game map and without forcing players into it? 

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  • TYPE: In-game mission bug (Grineer Pulse Turbine objective)
  • DESCRIPTION: Attempting to skip the cinematic for exiting the Pulse Turbine objective results in my player teleporting into the wrong area/getting stuck.
  • VISUAL: https://i.imgur.com/wV4T5b6.mp4
  • REPRODUCTION: I attempt to skip the cinematic when exiting the Pulse Turbine objective. If I let the cinematic play completely, I exit normally.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I should exit the objective and be able to fly out freely.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I cancel the cinematic and get warped into the wrong area and can't escape without using my Omni teleport.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100%. Every time I skip the cinematic when leaving the Pulse Turbine, this bug occurs.

Related report above

Edited by Scyoen
Linked similar/same report
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On 2021-03-19 at 1:35 PM, Kuilvax said:

I played 5 railjack missions in the new corpus tileset and had to quit ouf of 3 of them because of objective locks/not being able to advance in multiple layers of the objectives. Yeah i won't be touching to railjack for a while until you guys stabilize the update

Having this bug as well. the objectives just poofed and we where not able to do anything. its a shame too as we had a pretty dang good hawl going.

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Type: UI Bug + In-Mission

Description: sometimes, when going to a new Grineer railjack mission from a finished railjack mission, the new mission's objectives won't load into your UI.  This coincides with no crewships ever spawning, meaning even if you go to do the unmarked objectives, the mission is un-finishable.  This also has occurred in Corpus railjack missions, but in those missions the crewship & fighter kill requirements stop applying and it lets you finish the mission without having to meet a fighter or crewship kill count.

Reproduction: selecting a new grineer railjack mission after completing your current railjack mission.  Possible connection to having Tactical Menu open while loading into new mission, but currently unconfirmed.

Expected Result: New mission objectives appear on the UI when the new mission loads, and crewships spawn with a crewship kill count as part of the UI.

Observed Result: No mission objectives appear in the UI when the new mission loads, and crewships never spawn, leaving the mission un-finishable.

Reproduction Rate: 2/2

Edited by Quantum_Blur
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  • TYPE: [In-Game]
  • DESCRIPTION: [Mission objectives fail to spawn in if next mission is queued up before all bonus / mission completion rewards are displayed at the end of previous mission)
  • REPRODUCTION: [R-9 Cloud node in Veil Proxima; after completing all objectives (including derilict node with infested), you can queue up the next mission before all bonus rewards have finished showing up]
  • EXPECTED RESULT: [Rewards should be granted all at once, with pop ups cycling through them afterwards, much how rare resource pickups work at the moment; you will pick up multiple resources at once, and don't have to wait for the 3-4 seconds long pop up notification to pick up the next one; mission objectives should appear in new mission after loading in after void jump]
  • OBSERVED RESULT: [Rewards aren't granted all at once once all objectives are complete: only after their pop-up at the end of mission has shown up do their appear in the reward list (TAB or P to bring up). Queuing up the next mission before all rewards are distributed breaks the objectives for the subsequent missions. No objectives spawn. Fighters spawn in endless clusters. Missile batteries, crewship hangar, etc. objectives DO spawn, but aren't highlighted in the objectives list and grant no reward upon completion. Since there isn't a list of mission objectives to complete, you cannot queue up another node from the navigation console, since the current mission hasn't been "completed". You need to exit/abort to the dojo.]
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: every time so far after queuing up the next mission before all rewards have finished being displayed.
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