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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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There is a major flaw in merging accounts once the accounts in question have made noticeable progress into the game and have their worth in currency, that a lot of people don't realize or don't want DE to notice.
Currently we know that trading between accounts owned by the same person is against ToS, so what makes merging any different? It doesn't, trading accounts owned by the same person and merging are one in the same.
An example would be I have 2 accounts each with their own wealth in plat and credits, 1 on PC and 1 on console.
If I merge these accounts all of the currency on to 1 account, all I did was a trade. I just changed the name of the process even though the process is the exact same.
The only way I can see merging (trading just named different) not being an issue is if they completely remove the "Self-Trading is against ToS" rule, but as soon as they do that the market will overflow with overpriced items and many new free accounts will be made just to get the free 50plat and merge/trade it to their mains.

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On 2021-07-19 at 10:57 AM, (NSW)mrEkli said:

Why does it make no sense?

With no account merging:

Let's say you have a 1000 hr file on a console you had but it broke, you're on a different platform now, you play and grind on an account that'll be overwritten by a better account (the old one that you'll choose as the cross save main file) with more progress. That's all wasted away.

This is exactly my situation. I started on Playstation 4 on launch day, then switched to PC since it was getting updates quicker. My PC broke a little over a year ago and I had to switch back to Playstation. Both accounts have well over a thousand hours invested and I'm not sure I could part with either of them. I'm extremely extremely worried about the lack of a merge option. I could easily part with my Switch account, but not the other two.

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I managed to log into my PS4 account even though the thing is no longer working I moved to Switch( poor thing barely runs from all the abuse its gotten from me and three kids) then PC all accounts have the same email so a Merge is really desired in my situation but there are multiple duplicate purchases with Prime Vaults and Access between them....I'm willing to give the duplicates up just for a merge since this is the account I'm primarily on PC now

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so i guess i can't create a group between my Nintendo and PC and trade the plat i bought to my PC account before I merge the PC account to override my Nintendo account. Oh well that money is lost forever i guess.  

Will be good to play on the go again, beats lugging a laptop around when im not home. 

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On 2021-08-12 at 9:18 PM, LillyRaccune said:

It would be nice to know if the dedicated Conclave servers feature will also be added to the cross-play cross-save situation. Who knows, but it would probably make matchmaking easier. At least I hope it would help :crylaugh:


The other ports playing on a PC hosted server will probably be a thing, but one of the others being used as a server wont work. But then again DE have managed to make cross-play with mobile, while most other games have a seperate mobile port for their games, so who knows...

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On 2021-08-09 at 3:13 PM, Aipetikos said:

There is a major flaw in merging accounts once the accounts in question have made noticeable progress into the game and have their worth in currency, that a lot of people don't realize or don't want DE to notice.
Currently we know that trading between accounts owned by the same person is against ToS, so what makes merging any different? It doesn't, trading accounts owned by the same person and merging are one in the same.
An example would be I have 2 accounts each with their own wealth in plat and credits, 1 on PC and 1 on console.
If I merge these accounts all of the currency on to 1 account, all I did was a trade. I just changed the name of the process even though the process is the exact same.
The only way I can see merging (trading just named different) not being an issue is if they completely remove the "Self-Trading is against ToS" rule, but as soon as they do that the market will overflow with overpriced items and many new free accounts will be made just to get the free 50plat and merge/trade it to their mains.

I think there is a simple solution to that problem: Don't merge currency.

You would choose a 'primary' account, and then and 'secondary' account to merge with. So, once you've merged the two accounts together into a singular cross-save account, your currency will come from that of the primary account. Any currency on the secondary account will be lost.

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1 hour ago, Ace_Krieger said:

I think there is a simple solution to that problem: Don't merge currency.

You would choose a 'primary' account, and then and 'secondary' account to merge with. So, once you've merged the two accounts together into a singular cross-save account, your currency will come from that of the primary account. Any currency on the secondary account will be lost.

I'd be cool with this but would people just empty out their wallet (possibly by trading) on their secondary before?

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On 2021-07-18 at 5:40 AM, Letter13 said:

So I'm sure you've all (or mostly all heard) the great news regarding Cross-Play and Cross-Save coming to Warframe later this year with the New War update.

Please excuse me for not believing before seeing. 

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