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Which one is better kuva quartakk, kuva karak or kuva hind?



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All of them are really good, and for me who was a fan of all the weapons before they were made into the better Kuva variants, it's hard for me to make a decision. I'm partial to the Karak but I think the Hind is better overall. I'll have to test all 3 to make sure.

On testing with my regular crit/hunter munitions builds, all three guns come out comparatively close with the hind being a bit better overall. Although, imo it just comes down to which weapon you like more as they're all good.

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After the new Galvanised mods and Arcanes were released...

I'm going to say it's an argument between the Quartakk and the Hind. The Hind is a three-mode weapon, which has the versatility and can be modded for more bias on the Status or more bias on the Crit, depending on what Riven you get. It works well with Primary Merciless, as the kill potential is with the Status and DoT stacks to kill plenty of enemies quickly.

However... I've been using the Quartakk a lot. And I mean a lot. The new Galvanised multi-shot and gun-dition overload mods on that, coupled with Primary Deadhead, make it something a little scary.

The thing about the max-rank Deadhead is it gives you the Headshot damage. And with the fully ramped up multi-shot and bonus damage on there, an Aimed shot will hit so hard that normal enemies die to proc the Arcane, and then with Bosses a headshot means the Damage Reduction calculations don't even know what to do with the numbers.

That, and you have similar build flexibility on it to swap Elements, so you can either kill Grineer with the Viral Slash (get a Cold damage bonus for a single Toxin mod to make Viral and let you use a full build and Hunter Munitions), or you can swap to Magnetic Toxin and bypass Shield Gating with the aimed headshots on Corpus.

I haven't used the Hind nearly as much, but the Quartakk is my go-to Nemesis hunter.

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The Hind always felt better, and is much more versatile.

The Karak never seemed to do as much damage or feel as good. The Quartakk - that stupid "aim fires differently" mechanic makes it a non-starter. Such changes in trigger/fire mode should always be tied to the alt fire button, either as alt-fire or a toggle (eg the Fulmin)


I still have my Hind. The other two, ranked up and sold.

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The only one I like enough to know well is the KQuart, so take this with a grain of salt:

KQuart: best potential semi-auto dps. Aim toggle kills it for some people.

KKarak: best pure spray and pray dps if that's all you want.

KHind: very good at both, most versatile.

But they're all pretty close unless versatility is important to you.  Then the Karak falls out.

Personal observations. Karak just bores me.  Hind had so much potential but it's got this visual muzzle rise that ruins it for me.  I eventually got used to the aim toggle in the Quart, and it's one of the best sounding weapons in the game IMO.  Gunfire sound fx are probably more important to me than most people though.

Hope some of that is helpful.

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If you have a really strong damage buff, K. Quartakk is the winner for flexibility and firepower out of all three. You get a decently powerful full auto mode with great ammo depth for chewing up trash when not ADS'ing, and then can just ADS to deal overwhelming burst damage to tough targets without needing to mess with a fire selector first.

K. Karak wins out in ease of use. You're just gonna shoot people in the face a lot, that's your whole gameplan. Treat it like the assault rifle/SMG hybrid it is and be prepared to need to use a fair few bullets to kill non-paper enemies. It's light on recoil, and is gonna feel light on damage against late-game Steel Path armored enemies if you're not doing something to get their armor out of the way.

I find K. Hind to be more fiddly than the return is worth, liking none of its individual firemodes enough to warrant playing with or toggling between.

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Personally, I don't think one of them is heads and shoulders better than the others. All of them are pretty strong, so could actually just be your personal preference on how they "feel" to use, deciding which is 'better'. Like I know people who just like the simplicity of the Karak and how straightforward it is. I like to use it a lot in Arbitrations, its great against the A Drones. Then the Hind has its versatility, but many people also preferring its feel. The mode switching factor also being subjective, whether you like it or don't. Quartakk was the one I used least personally, and knew the least about, but now its probably my personal fav. Though that may just be because I didn't use it a lot and got tired of the other two weapons. Not necessarily because its so much better. 

Worth having all three in your Arsenal!

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I have used all of them and I would say the hind is better by a small margin. It is powerful and versatile and can be modded as per your preference. It also looks like a nailed slug or a baguette , so that's a bonus.

The quartakk defintely packs a punch in its burst mode but it's recoil and fire rate pacing paired with needing to actually aim for burst and not aim for full auto is not for everyone.

The karak is good when you just want a no nonsense AR , but hind can do most of what it can do as well.

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