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Nidus Prime & Plague Star: Hotfix 30.7.1 +


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33 minutes ago, wahya999 said:

I play on pc with a controller and since the update the gear wheel wont stay open. Also i keep getting rolling bugs where i roll straight up. 


Same here.  Literally can't play since the update.  Have tried on both my home computers with different hardware and with multiple controllers.  Gear wheel bugs out, can't archwing.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Nidus Prime & Plague Star: Hotfix  


  • Fixed Warframe players who use controllers managed through Steam being unable to play properly. We are pushing out a fix just for this since it’s quite an impactful bug for any Controller + Steam players - apologies!


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While we're on the subject of controller fixes, can DE please add a Railjack controller layer? The current Steam Input doesn't account for railjack last I checked, and steam deck is right around the corner so it'd be nice to have that bind list ready.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Fixed Warframe players who use controllers managed through Steam being unable to play properly. We are pushing out a fix just for this since it’s quite an impactful bug for any Controller + Steam players - apologies!

Could we please see a hotfix to bring Merulina's damage reduction up to 90% as well, matching Warding Halo and a whole bunch of other DR abilities? At the moment, she takes 2.5 times the damage of a 90% DR frame, and 5 times that of a 95% DR frame. Her kit's far from good enough to warrant that discrepancy.

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Was the Prime Parts being toggled on and not displaying the new tendrils fixed? None of the tennogen skins had the tendrils with prime parts toggled on. 

In fact, all of them were broke except the Kuvael Scrounger skin.

What I mean by this, even with prime parts toggled on, it showed the skin, but no animation occurred on the tennogen skins EXCEPT Kuvael Scrounger, but it was the old animation with the parts opening up and not the new one.

I sure hope this is addressed, and fixed promptly. Nidus Fashion will not be amazing without a proper prime part toggle for the skins. 

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2 hours ago, Halo said:

Was the Prime Parts being toggled on and not displaying the new tendrils fixed? None of the tennogen skins had the tendrils with prime parts toggled on. 

In fact, all of them were broke except the Kuvael Scrounger skin.

What I mean by this, even with prime parts toggled on, it showed the skin, but no animation occurred on the tennogen skins EXCEPT Kuvael Scrounger, but it was the old animation with the parts opening up and not the new one.

I sure hope this is addressed, and fixed promptly. Nidus Fashion will not be amazing without a proper prime part toggle for the skins. 

https://imgur.com/gallery/o8l7s7j  -  The example of the Kuvael Scrounger Skin "working", as in having details on, but displaying the normal mutation animation. 

https://imgur.com/gallery/kzOyyWx  -  The example of any other Tennogen skin (Technocyst as an example) does not display ANY mutation animation or even a lick of the new prime details. 

Hope this helps with any incoming hotfix. Please and thanks for all of your hard work, DE!

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Just had to Alt+f4 the game cuz i got locked in place in plains after the PS bounty, without any way of leaving the plains or getting unstuck. How hard is it to release an update without major bugs like this killing the fun out of it for crying out loud?? 

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Not using a controller or anything, but at least twice now after completing final stage of Plague Star, I couldn't use Archwing to fly back to Cetus. Others seem able to, but it wouldn't let me. Don't know if it's just me, or random for each player, just wanted to throw it out there.

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When running with a squad and trying to complete the Plague Star bounty, I am stuck and unable to get back into Cetus until I am solo. If I am host, the other players have to leave my squad. If I am not host, I have to leave the squad. The others from the squad can then load into Cetus. I am stuck between the doors with the loading icon when I am host. They are able to go in and out of the door to POE and have no loading symbol. If I am not host, the host is stuck with the loading symbol and I and the others can go back and forth through the door out to POE, but we cannot load as a squad into Cetus with me in it.

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Uhhh why is nidus prime not having any prime details left aside from the right arm now when using with tennogen skin + prime details?

i liked the moss look and now the place where the part supposed to open up/mutate just looks like scraped off and left agape. not a single mutation effect left from neck below, what the hell.

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