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Thank you, Tenno. Onward to 2022!


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I echo what a lot of people have said about loving the gameplay in the <<spoiler>> sections after <<spoiler>> gets <<spoilered>> and the operator <<spoilers>>. I actually, honestly, found myself telling my husband it felt like you guys had shipped Warframe 2 in the guise of a Warframe update and I was actually liking it way more than Warframe "1". I still love Warframe to death but I was actually disappointed when I realized it was over and I could be overpowered again!

Getting to play this right after a stressful move and right at the start of the holidays was an absolute treat. Thank you so much for the countless hours of effort that clearly went into it all, I don't even know how you're going to top this, but I said that after Plains of Eidolon, and then the Orb Vallis, Umbra, etc...

I can't wait for the quest to become replayable and I can't wait to see what crazy S#&amp;&#036; is in store next for us. Being along for the ride these last eight or nine years has been an absolute joy. Happy holidays!

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On 2021-12-22 at 1:43 PM, [DE]Steve said:


It has been 1 week since we released ‘The New War’ on all platforms, but it’s been many years since we first uttered its name. The New War has been a project of ours since 2018, and throughout the years it’s taken different forms. It finally released to you 1 week ago, built upon the elements of Warframe that have been years in the making.

The new war took multiple years to make and what do we get  in the end of the quest 2 RESKIND bountys with RESKIND enemies nothing else no new tile sets for the broken muraxes in orbit, no mothership derelict around the sun, no new bosses like a new eidolon do to the muraxes blood in the water, no new mechanics nothing like that just 2 reskind bountys with reskind enemies 

The quest was very good but there's no replayability no reason to stay playing afterwards its disappointing


I would have even taken a new necromech or sentient railjack but you guys disappointed many many people in the end when you decided to add 2 measly reskind bountys instead of something awesome like the other storyline quests 

It seams exactly rushed to be honest do to you guys eather wanting to get it out fast or wanting to go on vacation you guys do deserve a vacation but not at the cost of content 

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To Steve and the DE team.

I am fairly new to the game, and i have to admit, that my expectations were low.  I do have to say though, you guys and gals have blown me out of the water.  I wasn't expecting story and I thought the game play would be shoot and loot at best. What you have delivered, is parsecs beyond.  You have created a amazing story that gets you by the feels and got me invested and continues to do so with the New War. (There are some story gaps that I would love filled in.  HINT HINT) The game play if fun and still exciting and there are so many different things to do that I am still having to prioritize what comes next. 

Your game has brought me many hours of enjoyment, tears, and excitement.  You have created a gem in the gaming world and I appreciate all  you and the team at DE have done. 


Thank you

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On 2021-12-22 at 11:43 AM, [DE]Steve said:


It has been 1 week since we released ‘The New War’ on all platforms, but it’s been many years since we first uttered its name. The New War has been a project of ours since 2018, and throughout the years it’s taken different forms. It finally released to you 1 week ago, built upon the elements of Warframe that have been years in the making.

We did it. Thank you for making The New War our biggest story update of all time. I'm so excited by your reaction and grateful for your patience and enthusiasm - I love reading about your theories and people noticing connections to the games past and future - it feels good to resolve bits of that story. If you played you know there's plenty of new weirdness in store. Since the early Closed Alpha days of 2012, we have set out on a quest of being distinct and uniquely Warframe. For us, the release of The New War will be an unforgettable highlight in what is now almost 2 years of IRL separation from our team and community. 


This Quest truly is a testament to the community, its structure and story placing trust in your understanding of the Warframe world we have built. The New War’s pieces are lovingly crafted by over 300 developers and studio employees wanting to tell the very personal story of Warframe. Your story. And it’s only just begun.

I saw a lot of 'wish this gameplay stayed' and we share that feeling as well, so there will be some exciting experiments in bringing those change ups into the game in other ways that aren't purely Quest driven. We dedicated our Update 31: The New War to the Quest alone given its scope, and we dedicate 2022 to what comes next: a year full of doing the right things for Warframe. 2021 was all about clean-up and lead-up to The New War. We did our revisits of Railjack, Arsenals, tied together the Proxima & Ground with Liches & Sisters. But now, we have never felt more energized to work on Warframe, and we owe it to you to make 2022 our best year yet.

Enjoy The New War. See you in 2022, Tenno.

Here's an idea to spice things up for Warframe. Since we were able to play as Kahl and Veko, change up the invasion missions to use that mechanic and implement the requested PvP to that. Kinda like the old Star Wars Battlefront games, spawn as a type of Grineer or Corpus and go to war until the forces count hits 0 or time runs out. 

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It's a recurring curiosity; why it is that (seemingly) more often than not, the newly-presented "content" is used to try to make guesses about what will be next, rather than a heuristic for questioning the assumptions of what already is and has been. How often is it, or has it been, (I wonder), that a "content creator" working with this material has taken what is "new" and used it as a lens to focus on how much of the working "knowledge" is really merely "belief" formed out of an inability to suspend judgement and prematurely decide what has been deliberately created as undecidable? 

"To investigate is to contemplate with a silent mind. It’s to illuminate that which is cloudy or confused—to explore and to discover what we have not yet noticed or understood. This kind of deep inquiry provides us with the tools to free the mind from suffering and the pitfalls of an unexamined life."

          —Narayan Helen Liebenson

(“Practicing Questioning”)

While not a "sandbox" in terms of its environment structure, (i.e. this would not be classified as a "sandbox" game), the pursuit has been a process of contributing pieces, parts, components, that can be played with, as tools, toys, and a whole big (virtual) "playlet" for imagining and even creating innumerable different stories and adventures. If there is one secret, that is no secret at all to the game, it's that it persistently avails itself to being PLAYED WITH as it does to being PLAYED.


The most over-LOOK-ed, or perhaps just forgotten aspect of what has been put out along the way, is a consistency in adherence to a pretty damned unusual, uncommon, (maybe even "unique") idea, concept, approach which was laid out pretty clearly back in 2012, and reiterated six days ago (now).





"It has been 1 week since we released ‘The New War’ on all platforms, but it’s been many years since we first uttered its name. The New War has been a project of ours since 2018, and throughout the years it’s taken different forms. It finally released to you 1 week ago, built upon the elements of Warframe that have been years in the making. We did it. Thank you for making The New War our biggest story update of all time. I'm so excited by your reaction and grateful for your patience and enthusiasm - I love reading about your theories and people noticing connections to the games past and future - it feels good to resolve bits of that story. If you played you know there's plenty of new weirdness in store. Since the early Closed Alpha days of 2012, we have set out on a quest of being distinct and uniquely Warframe. For us, the release of The New War will be an unforgettable highlight in what is now almost 2 years of IRL separation from our team and community."


When it comes to symbols & semiotics ... well I would ... (hmmm ... no, actually it's probably not the best idea to recommend a dive into Jung, "Man And His Symbols," despite it's division into FIVE parts which would make for an easy-all-too-easy HAND analogy, hit is also something which is as dependently structured for the provision of Chora, Khora, Kora, [an "intentionally left blank" for a unique gestalt juxtaposing the audience/reader as the "artist," if you will], which can render it as more or less accessible or inaccessible as "deconstruction," or "the surrealist LOOK") ... Perhaps the simple starting points are what is what we have in our own hand, and what we see.


In a word, "Hamsa."


Shalom my friends.


Live long and prosper Vulcans.


Sho-lah Tenno!


"This Quest truly is a testament to the community, its structure and story placing trust in your understanding of the Warframe world we have built. The New War’s pieces are lovingly crafted by over 300 developers and studio employees wanting to tell the very personal story of Warframe. Your story."


(I would IMAGINE ... off-hand ... that Steve ... was probably more excited with the idea of getting to do something inspired by The Empire Strikes Back than he was fretting out the symbolism embedded in whether it would be the right hand or left hand that got chopped, since it was all getting sucked down a ["our wormholes are different"] hole that no one was supposed to get out of anyways. 


The Cosmic ["Tennoverse"] Vacuum Cleaner Attachment, Void Gate "Swirly Energy Thingy" type variant, sucked down to the recycler, Cyber Magic Baku, garbage mulcher of dreams, TARTARUS, Tartaros, or just a Divine Comedy inspired generalized "hell."


"Swirly Energy Thingy" is just a stock trope.


"Enter it and something weird will happen. Often it's a boring old wormhole — it'll drop you somewhere else in the universe... whether you wanted to go there or not — but like any good Negative Space Wedgie, it can also trigger a wide range of weird phenomena. The most common variant is that it'll send you through time as well."


"Negative Space Wedgie" can be HEARD here:

But it requires the listener to employ "visualization" ... which is "a whole other thing.")

I still have yet to see any indication of other players getting what I did out of the OVER THE TOP "meta" wall climax, which could be summarized as two things:

"Don't get carried away with taking things too seriously,

and we never had any intention of calling this the "Man In The Wall" game,

so please just GET OVER IT."

(There was, however, an intention of calling it "Lotus"). 

In other words, it feels like I was the only one to have a rolling-on-the-floor-laughing reaction to it and my perception of what it implied, rather than one which was either [negatively] dismissive or deeply analytical.

"For all the universe's complexity, there is only one plot: Things Are Not What They Seem.”

(Everything else, is just a "negative space wedgie.")

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