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Concerned about playerbase lack of player etiquette



I've noticed a lack of team support and players just picking each other up when they go down during combat.

I understand if someone is across the map bleeding out you can't save them but if they are fairly close the other teammates should try.

I've found this to be a big piss off with nobody picking me up more and more often and the new operator system needs work 15 seconds to get what is it 4 kills isn't quite fair if you can't find 4 enemies weak enough to even kill with an amp.


and please FFS don't tell me to play solo or play with clan members, thats no excuse for bad team playing. 

my clan members play at night because they work in the day.

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I'm still chasing that revive achievement, so I'll revive every man and his dog - as many times as I can :D  I get annoyed when people self-resurrect, because that's one less revive for me :P

But then I also use Vazarin and try and pay attention to everyone's health bar, so I can give them a heal if they are close by.  Whereas it seems most people are only interested in giving themselves more energy/power.

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30 minutes ago, Alpheus said:

Something more team-oriented like Void Flood or Disruption, maybe. It's like getting mad because you got almost all the kills on E Prime opening Lith relics. By the time you get to the Zariman, you should be able to do a MD in your sleep. As well, for a zone like the Zariman, MD is a great mission to collect plumes since the objective doesn't move for a few minutes at a time, plenty of opportunity for everyone to search the immediate area without having to loop back at the end.

well that one we fail the mission, I was ding the carrying and as usual at the endphase, did try to get some plumes, just got distracted trying to get some of the already found ones in the map, when the second player became more active and try to keep up the defensive objective, sadly before I was able to reach back the defensive position, it was already over, tbh youre right I didnt even try to properly censor them, guess was frustrated by having this happen many times.

Still the point its at least try to help, and be mindful of the team.

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2 hours ago, prodi1600 said:


I have no sympathy for someone that has this mindset for something as unchallenging as a level 50 Mobile Defense. Something more team-oriented like Void Flood or Disruption, maybe. It's like getting mad because you got almost all the kills on E Prime opening Lith relics. By the time you get to the Zariman, you should be able to do a MD in your sleep. As well, for a zone like the Zariman, MD is a great mission to collect plumes since the objective doesn't move for a few minutes at a time, plenty of opportunity for everyone to search the immediate area without having to loop back at the end.

Speaking of no etiquette, you could have at least pretended like you wanted to censor their names. First one was last active on the forums in 2020, second one was last active 3 days ago, third one was active 16 hours ago.

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to be honest there's absolutely no etiquette in the playerbase, was about to create it but you saved the time, for example in zariman mobile defense I usually bring khora, wisp or frames that can support the objective, to be received by a bunch of wukongs, if they at least kill the enemies it weren't bad, but they just go voidplume hunting without a care in the world, you call them out trough chat, they just ignore you, you call them out in voice, they straight up insult you or act like they didn't knew they have to help in the mission as well.

Here's and example of one of them runs, I was carrying up the whole mission.


Guys if you go into public try to at least be of help to the objective.

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20 minutes ago, (PSN)Luke_Zakalwe said:

Idk how to say this, but lets try.. The social aspect of the game is purely voluntarely? Some people even  have their chats shut down. Non-answer is a non-commitment.

Try looking for pre-made groups through the Recruitment chat, if you're looking for likeminded run times.

Althought, I have to agree with you not getting people not going for a long haul at Kuvival. Well, ok, some are only after a specific Req mods, so maybe I do understand.. I mean, people in different phases of the game are looking for different things..

yeah I'm not arguing over any of this really. I'm L2 and used to playing alone but if i know i'm gonna do something in a long haul have anyone is better then no one.

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9 minutes ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

  I usually ask the group how long are they going since i aim for 30mins-60mins if possible most people don't even reply to that which just annoys me but i carry on.

Idk how to say this, but lets try.. The social aspect of the game is purely voluntarely? Some people even  have their chats shut down. Non-answer is a non-commitment.

Try looking for pre-made groups through the Recruitment chat, if you're looking for likeminded run times.

Althought, I have to agree with you not getting people not going for a long haul at Kuvival. Well, ok, some are only after a specific Req mods, so maybe I do understand.. I mean, people in different phases of the game are looking for different things..

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10 hours ago, (PSN)Luke_Zakalwe said:

Do you mean in a same mission?

If so, I think this is well deserved. 

I try to pick a player up when they're downed. But if the same player dies again and again, I just stop caring after while.

If you can't stay alive in a mission, then you need to reconsider your being in this mission in the 1st place..

A good example was this one player leveling at SP. I picked them up at least 3 times in a row but they kept dying within minutes. Then I checked their info, and the frame was r11... I stopped caring after that.

that's fair if they can't stay on their feet then i would stop bothering. 

I picked this one player up late last night they went down twice and after the second time i noticed they were just AFK so i said screw it and let them die the next time around.

I slapped a forma on gyre earlier today and i still gotta level her and my ash prime and my only problem with gyre is she is more glass then canon lol.

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Just now, (PSN)Luke_Zakalwe said:

Yeah, this is only fair.

I didn't mean you, but the peson I had experience with.

Basic courtesy goes only as far as everyone respect each other.



fair enough.  I've spent a lot of time the last day or two farming for riven slivers.  I finally got my 30 before reset to buy two riven mods and 35k kuva which gives me something to do when i'm bored lol.  since i've been doing req survivals mostly to get the mods/kuva/slivers  I usually ask the group how long are they going since i aim for 30mins-60mins if possible most people don't even reply to that which just annoys me but i carry on.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

at most I go down 1 or 2 times during long missions and being picked back up is the most basic thing a teammate can do for each other

Yeah, this is only fair.

I didn't mean you, but the peson I had experience with.

Basic courtesy goes only as far as everyone respect each other.



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1 hour ago, (PSN)Luke_Zakalwe said:

Actually, now that I've thought of this a bit further, I think it's a terrible etiquette to go in to a mission unprepared and to be a burden to other players by constantly being downed.

Everyone makes a blunder once in a while and finds themselves on the floor, bleeding out. It's fine. And people try to revive others whenever it's doable.

But to go in a mission you're clearly not prepared for and expect to be picked up every few minutes...couldn't this be considered leeching?

at most I go down 1 or 2 times during long missions and being picked back up is the most basic thing a teammate can do for each other.

I've been playing Gyre lately and that frame doesn't have squat for survivability really.

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Actually, now that I've thought of this a bit further, I think it's a terrible etiquette to go in to a mission unprepared and to be a burden to other players by constantly being downed.

Everyone makes a blunder once in a while and finds themselves on the floor, bleeding out. It's fine. And people try to revive others whenever it's doable.

But to go in a mission you're clearly not prepared for and expect to be picked up every few minutes...couldn't this be considered leeching?

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10 hours ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

I've found this to be a big piss off with nobody picking me up more and more often

Do you mean in a same mission?

If so, I think this is well deserved. 

I try to pick a player up when they're downed. But if the same player dies again and again, I just stop caring after while.

If you can't stay alive in a mission, then you need to reconsider your being in this mission in the 1st place..

A good example was this one player leveling at SP. I picked them up at least 3 times in a row but they kept dying within minutes. Then I checked their info, and the frame was r11... I stopped caring after that.

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10 hours ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

I've noticed a lack of team support and players just picking each other up when they go down during combat.

This has become less of an Issue for me since the Focus Rework....

When I go down.... I just Activate Spoiler Mode... Press 1 then Spam Alt Fire then I get Right Back Up again.... 👍

10 hours ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:


I understand if someone is across the map bleeding out you can't save them but if they are fairly close the other teammates should try.

I had this one Dude Trample Right Over My Bleeding Corpse instead of Reviving Me....

This was back when I was using Vazarin so it wouldn't even Be a Huge Commitment.... All they have to do is Stand over me and Tap X then be on their Way.... 

They couldn't even be Bothered.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

10 hours ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

I've found this to be a big piss off with nobody picking me up more and more often and the new operator system needs work 15 seconds to get what is it 4 kills isn't quite fair if you can't find 4 enemies weak enough to even kill with an amp.

Last Gasp's Description is Actually a Flatout Out Lie....

It's Not 15 Seconds and it's Not 4 Kills....

Here's how it really Works.... When you go down.... You can pop out of your Frame for 8 Seconds.... Killing an Enemy will fill up the Revive Gauge on your Screen.... BUT here's the Kicker..... The Gauge Drains By Default.... At about 10% Per Second....

So if you don't manage to kill Something Every 3 Seconds then you are not Making any Progress torwards Reviving your Self since kills Restore 30% but 3 Seconds is all it Takes to lose that same 30%...

The Gauge also Starts at about 50% When you go down so if you you're Quick then you only need 2 Kills to Revive yourself since that will Give you a 60% in Total....

So yeah..... Not sure why the description is this Far off the Mark but that's how Last Gasp Works....

I Wana see if it's Possible to stay in Last Gasp state for longer than 15 Seconds....


Further more.... I don't know what's going on with my Frame while I'm using Last Gasp.... Meaning I don't know if Someone can Revive me or if the Bleed Out Timer is Frozen while I'm Gasping ? Or if people can even see that I went Down....


So yeah.... That Ability still needs to be Researched Quite Abit it seems....

10 hours ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

and please FFS don't tell me to play solo or play with clan members, thats no excuse for bad team playing. 

I think the Issue here is DE made it very Discouraging to Help Someone in Need.... Especially in Eidolon Hunts.... You have to Choose Between Protecting The Lures and Reviving the MR 10 Umbra welding the Ignis Wraith.... And for most players.... That's a very easy Choice to make because the Lures are Super Squishy....

7 hours ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

This update has been rough in some missions, most of the time when i do go down its one of the new examus units that take me by surprise.

I just found out the Leech Eximus Unit can Actually Deal True Damage To You.... So yeah.... This was a very Clever indirect Nerf to Shield Gating.... 😝


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I empathise. I personally like reviving people. and their pets. I play solo a fair bit, so when I play with randoms, I mean... isn't a fun part about playing with other people, is that you can have such interactions? Cover for each others mistakes, help out, show unity and solidarity? Overcome difficulty by being more than the sum of your parts? 

The only people you shouldn't revive, are dear, and close friends you are in voice chat with. Since you should teabag them and be like "Bro, where are you, you are dead? I got you bro, I will revive you, but I can't see your dead body? Where is it?!?" as you spam Health Pads and Energy Pizzas and do emotes on their bleed out state, doing that awkward crawl and gun fire animation. 

That being said, I usually don'r expect much from other players. I know there are some players who literally only play with others because of potential self serving rewards only. Like missions are faster, so they get rewards faster, or they get more options for rewards. They barely tolerate other humans, and if given the choice, would opt out, if they could get the same rewards, some other way. Seems kinda sad to me, and counter intuitive/productive (because there is always going to be a more optimal/better/skilled player than you) but hey... Also makes for pleasant surprises when the people I get in a PUG are considerate, friendly and do stuff like revive each other, pets etc are reassuring (especially as you might know on PSN using typing with our controllers lol)

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56 minutes ago, (XBOX)Destoroyha said:

     We can't just have our glass cannons becoming tanks or they wouldn't be anything but the meta pick.

Losing affinity was our trade off from having 4 daily revives and plat revives, unless you'd rather have that back.

As for me, my rule is 3 revives and you're dead to me. The only issue I've had with the new waybound is when someone room clears with a Mesa or explosives and leaves you on the floor in the process. We've been less incentivized to help our teammates since the change to revives honestly, you get nothing but lost health for standing in place for a couple seconds.

losing health while reviving is stupid and honestly we should get I frames while reviving people or capture targets,

I don't know how many times i went down capturing a target and damn is it stupid

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8 minutes ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

but yeah I could improve on survival and i have good frames but i do love running some squishy frames lol

I don't like losing affinity from reviving when i'm trying to level up stuff though

     We can't just have our glass cannons becoming tanks or they wouldn't be anything but the meta pick.

Losing affinity was our trade off from having 4 daily revives and plat revives, unless you'd rather have that back.

As for me, my rule is 3 revives and you're dead to me. The only issue I've had with the new waybound is when someone room clears with a Mesa or explosives and leaves you on the floor in the process. We've been less incentivized to help our teammates since the change to revives honestly, you get nothing but lost health for standing in place for a couple seconds.

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15 minutes ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

funny you should mention that.  I sometime go down once during a mission but thats usually it.

however if DE could give more base armor to more warframes it could help the problem

Not taking health damage also solves that issue

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2 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

... Try not to enter Bleedout state...

I mean, really try not to enter Bleedout state... As in, make an effort to actually not enter Bleedout state using whatever you have available in the map that can minimize it, instead of relying on your team members to pick you up.


The very fact that they're not picking you up is as much of "bad team playing" as you entering Bleedout state more than once, and its not simply because its you. Imagine your squad members finding the exact same thing happening in many other missions... Getting people up actually gets really old, fast...


So yeah, if you don't want to deal with that kind of attitude, well... Just do exactly what you told people not to tell you here.

funny you should mention that.  I sometime go down once during a mission but thats usually it.

however if DE could give more base armor to more warframes it could help the problem

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This update has been rough in some missions, most of the time when i do go down its one of the new examus units that take me by surprise.

but yeah I could improve on survival and i have good frames but i do love running some squishy frames lol

I don't like losing affinity from reviving when i'm trying to level up stuff though.

now if DE could maybe remove the affinity loss from reviving yourself it wouldn't have to suck so much.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

I've noticed a lack of team support and players just picking each other up when they go down during combat.

I understand if someone is across the map bleeding out you can't save them but if they are fairly close the other teammates should try.

I've found this to be a big piss off with nobody picking me up more and more often and the new operator system needs work 15 seconds to get what is it 4 kills isn't quite fair if you can't find 4 enemies weak enough to even kill with an amp.


and please FFS don't tell me to play solo or play with clan members, thats no excuse for bad team playing. 

my clan members play at night because they work in the day.

You can't control the behavior of other people, so I just take the "high road". 

Sometimes people will help the team when they see someone else doing it. Sometimes everyone is a jerk. Just don't be one, yourself.

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Sounds like bad luck.  About the only times I'll see nobody go to revive is when the downed squadmate  can't keep themselves alive for more than few moments, or obviously afk,  or going out of their way to be annoying. 

Not saying any of that is you, it's just not my experience.   And I play a lot of Banshee, and I'm inept, so I'm on the receiving end of revives more than I'd like. :P

I do feel like there are fewer revives than when I started but I think because squads are more likely to be spread across the map, and bleedouts are way less common.

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i cant blame my team for not reviving me, cause when it happen , that mean we are all allmost dead XD


and if its my fault by being laz i just use one of the 5 revive we have


being revived is a nice bonnus


Dont forget to say THX

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52 minutes ago, (PSN)SlyFox5679 said:

bad team playing

... Try not to enter Bleedout state...

I mean, really try not to enter Bleedout state... As in, make an effort to actually not enter Bleedout state using whatever you have available in the map that can minimize it, instead of relying on your team members to pick you up.


The very fact that they're not picking you up is as much of "bad team playing" as you entering Bleedout state more than once, and its not simply because its you. Imagine your squad members finding the exact same thing happening in many other missions... Getting people up actually gets really old, fast...


So yeah, if you don't want to deal with that kind of attitude, well... Just do exactly what you told people not to tell you here.

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