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July 17: Server Stability (RESOLVED)


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We are currently working with infrastructure partners to mitigate outages on our services which have caused unfortunate interruptions to the game, chat, and other services. The causes of these outages are outside of our control but we are actively working on resolving the problem. We will let you know when the interruptions are fully resolved. 

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. When we return to work, we will run an additional 2x Resource Booster window for a few hours. Please sit tight for news on that - we need to regroup first!

Thank you!

Mon, July 18th 3:40 PM ET Update: 

Hello Tenno!

We seem to have established stability again. The post-TennoCon skeleton crew is keeping an eye on further issues. We will continue to share updates where needed. 

As mentioned in the original post, once the team is back at full capacity we will let you know on next steps for the 2x Resource Booster. 


Mon, July 25 Update:

Hello again, Tenno!

The team is back at it and we have an update on the 2x Resource Booster window. Alongside Baro's arrival this Friday July 29th at 9am ET we'll be putting the 2x Resources Booster live for 24 hours.

Save the Date: Double Resources on Friday, July 29 at 9 am ET to Saturday, July 30 at 9 am ET! 

Thanks for your patience as we continue to regroup this week.

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the other thread was locked before a ton of ppl started expressing how angry they've grown.  This is a seriously unacceptable LAPSE that is unbefitting the professionalism we know DE is capable of.  We've a week.  Already over a day of that has gone poof thanks to this... w/e you'd like to call it.   Please    Fix  This   DE.   And fix the Stack Bug while you're at it?

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb BreakerOfWind:

seriously unacceptable

Do you know what "The causes of these outages are outside of our control" means? Did you read their post or are you just angry? 


vor 3 Minuten schrieb BreakerOfWind:

And fix the Stack Bug while you're at it?


Am 14.7.2022 um 17:00 schrieb [DE]Connor:

Fixed stackable buffs for Galvanized Scope/Crosshair being removed all at once when the first stack's time runs out.

  • Also fixed Arcanes that have decaying stacks losing all their bonus when a stack expires. 




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2 minutes ago, BreakerOfWind said:

the other thread was locked before a ton of ppl started expressing how angry they've grown.  This is a seriously unacceptable LAPSE that is unbefitting the professionalism we know DE is capable of.  We've a week.  Already over a day of that has gone poof thanks to this... w/e you'd like to call it.   Please    Fix  This   DE.   And fix the Stack Bug while you're at it?

did you read the bit where it's OUT OF THEIR CONTROL?

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Hopefully, you will manage to solve the issues soon ;)


// What about the people who lost their drop after long survival etc?

Few hours after what happend, is an unfunny joke. Would it hurt you so much to run +24h on monday?

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Expanding booster for "few hours" is not a solution. People have adjusted their plans to play on weekend, and you gonna expand booster into the night when people have work tomorrow. Expand it by 1 day so people can play on Monday evening, servers been barely alive for the whole day. This is not ok.

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if you know servers are unstable and can crash/kick you out at any time, why go into long survival etc? just to moan later that you lost some in game items? it's just a game, nobody will die if it doesn't work for a day or two.

some people really need to chill.

it's not fun for devs to wake up on sunday morning, after working overtime on saturday, to find that everything is on fire. they'll do all they can to get it fixed asap, if not for any other reason then just so they can go home and enjoy what's left of the weekend. getting all agro and acting like an entitled person won't help. they don't owe you anything.

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16 minutes ago, BreakerOfWind said:

the other thread was locked before a ton of ppl started expressing how angry they've grown.  This is a seriously unacceptable LAPSE that is unbefitting the professionalism we know DE is capable of.  We've a week.  Already over a day of that has gone poof thanks to this... w/e you'd like to call it.   Please    Fix  This   DE.   And fix the Stack Bug while you're at it?

Calm Down Tenno... This isn't DE's Fault.... It's whoever their Data Centre Provider is....

Perhaps point your Pitchfork in that Direction... 👀

5 minutes ago, raVi said:


// What about the people who lost their drop after long survival etc?

Gone... Forever....

Remember Warframe only Saves when you return to your Orbiter... If that doesn't Happen then no Record of your Legendary Core drop from the Sortie Exists.... 😐

2 minutes ago, bang-smash said:

if you know servers are unstable and can crash/kick you out at any time, why go into long survival etc? just to moan later that you lost some in game items? it's just a game, nobody will die if it doesn't work for a day or two.

Clearly you are unaware of the medical Condition that Requires some Tenno to farm Steel Essence for 3 Hours per Day or Their Toes will Fall Off 😱 !!!

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4 minutes ago, bang-smash said:

if you know servers are unstable and can crash/kick you out at any time, why go into long survival etc?

Didn't know there were issues (on Xbox, and don't lurk streams/forums/Discord), until we got them.



just to moan later that you lost some in game items? it's just a game, nobody will die if it doesn't work for a day or two.

obv, but having multiple boosters expire means that a couple-hour session can become multiple days worth, without buying new ones and/or having event extended.

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Speaking of server/login issues. Soul frame is deeming a few players' usernames as unacceptable, even when it's the exact same username they have in Warframe. Do we have to send a ticket for this or is that gonna get looked at? I don't think my name has had any issues on any MMO I've used it before Q_Q

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3 minutes ago, Dragonscoronation said:

Speaking of server/login issues. Soul frame is deeming a few players' usernames as unacceptable, even when it's the exact same username they have in Warframe. Do we have to send a ticket for this or is that gonna get looked at? I don't think my name has had any issues on any MMO I've used it before Q_Q

inb4 blocked for 'corona', which tbf, would be a relatively new addition to any filter.

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9 minutes ago, bang-smash said:

if you know servers are unstable and can crash/kick you out at any time, why go into long survival etc?

this is the first double resource weekend in like what, 2 years? what else do you expect people to do?

plus, according to DE the server issues were long resolved, so no, we didn't "know" they were unstable again.

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6 minutes ago, bang-smash said:

it's not fun for devs to wake up on sunday morning, after working overtime on saturday, to find that everything is on fire. they'll do all they can to get it fixed asap, if not for any other reason then just so they can go home and get some rest. getting all agro and acting like an entitled a** won't help. they don't owe you anything.

It's just part of being a dev, especially for a 24/7 project like an MMO. But the thing is, DE isn't some basement studio with a handful of people. It's a decently sized company. So you would think that they'd be able to have people on staff capable of putting out fires 24/7, rather than having seemingly several hours where the whole company is asleep.

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8 minutes ago, Fate.s_End said:

It's just part of being a dev, especially for a 24/7 project like an MMO. But the thing is, DE isn't some basement studio with a handful of people. It's a decently sized company. So you would think that they'd be able to have people on staff capable of putting out fires 24/7, rather than having seemingly several hours where the whole company is asleep.

Yes and this likely is the case, but what you do have to consider is that not hearing from DE does not mean DE is doing nothing. Server complications on this scale dont get fixed in an instant, its most likely they were being investigated and worked on very shortly after they started and we just didn't hear from them giving the illusion that nothing is happening.

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