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Archon mods need to scale to higher stat


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Well at first time when I saw the archon mods I was amazed. 


But now they are weak to me. 

Archon continuity should deal some corrosive damage not just status, it wont make huge different of itsa status.

Archon stretch, mod capacity 16 for 45 power range!!!, Its too low for an archon mod. 

Archon flow, CD 10 sec?? Dude not all frames have cold abilities. 

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That's the point of them though. At least from what i can tell. They are basically basic mods (like intensify, stretch), but with additional elemental-related effect that can do extra stuff for specific warframes.

Although i swear Archon Flow seems to suck big A. 10% chance to drop an extra energy rob in cold ability kill? Frost couldn't kill with his abilities to save his life. Except for his 4th, of course, but 1 and 2 deal nothing. Who else can do Cold damage? Gauss, i think? Lavos, who doesn't even use energy?

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59 minutes ago, Eidolonic_Umbra said:

Archon mods need to scale to higher stat.

No they Don't ...

59 minutes ago, Eidolonic_Umbra said:

Archon continuity should deal some corrosive damage not just status, it wont make huge different of itsa status.

"Some" Corrosive Damage isn't Going to Make much of a Difference.... It would need to be ALOT of Corrosive Damage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 hour ago, Eidolonic_Umbra said:

Archon stretch, mod capacity 16 for 45 power range!!!, Its too low for an archon mod. 

The Value doesn't Come From It's Range.... It comes from the Other Stat on the Mod 👀... The Range is just a Bonus....

1 hour ago, Eidolonic_Umbra said:

Archon flow, CD 10 sec?? Dude not all frames have cold abilities. 

Make you wonder why they Didn't just Pass this Off as a Frost Augment and Be Done with it....

In Any Case if Baro isn't Bringing Primed Flow then This Would make for a Berry Nice Substitute 😁....

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I maxed it out on the first day and can't find any use for it.
maybe it's not very bad for volt... but i don't want to play a mission with low armor at the moment. I even prefer saryn prime with basic armor.

because there is an umbra set. it has top vitality and solid str values. why should i ruin the set? and the archon mods need a lot of endo. which newbie has it? he'd rather install 2 umbra formas in his favorite warframe and the game will be much easier....

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1 hour ago, Artekkor said:

Although i swear Archon Flow seems to suck big A. 10% chance to drop an extra energy rob in cold ability kill? Frost couldn't kill with his abilities to save his life. Except for his 4th, of course, but 1 and 2 deal nothing. Who else can do Cold damage? Gauss, i think? Lavos, who doesn't even use energy?

Exalted weapon abilities modded for Cold damage can trigger it, such as Peace Makers from Mesa, Iron Staff from wukong, Exalted Blade, and a few others.  In fact the exalted weapons when modded for the right damage can trigger any of the archon mods.

Sleight of Hand with Explosive Legerdemain can trigger it.

And a few other abilities beyond that.

Yes it's limited...but there are options to trigger this if you want to and are willing to mod for it.

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Yeah the odd specificity of these mods makes me think they are intended for very specific frames or abilities, like they almost wanted to encourage something specific. I've struggled to find good uses for them, but am still experimenting, maybe there's some hidden mechanics somewhere they know about that I don't. They seem extremely niche and memey. Wisp and Garuda seem like the main beneficiaries, with Ember, Volt/Gyre, Frost and Saryn trialing behind somewhere. (not that Wisp really needed any extra buffs).

What I would've preferred instead:

  • Mixed mods: like a mod that has 35% range and 25% strength, or 35% duration and 15% efficiency, or 35% strength and 10% efficiency and 15% duration, etc, etc. Could even go with negative tradeoffs in there too. Like 40% strength + 20% duration but -15% efficiency.
  • Archon Set mods: a little odd they didn't go with a set bonus for these, not even something useless. I think I would've preferred a set bonus, actually, but maybe they're tired of making sets... which... y'know, fair enough. Coulda had like a set bonus that freezes your energy pool allowing free casts for 5 seconds with a cooldown. Or a set bonus that converts damage to your health or shield into extra str/range/duration/efficiency with a cooldown, or a set bonus that gives hp regen to help offset gloom usage. Or even a set bonus that grants invisibility or invulnerability for a split second on cooldown. The stronger the set bonus, the weaker the individual mods should be though. You could even do something crazy like make a set that is almost worthless, but that becomes super powerful as a set. Like +100hp, +25 armor, +10 ability strength, but if you have enough for the set bonus, boom, sudden scaling, like +1000hp, +400 armor, + 55 ability strength. Could be interesting, because it forces you to sacrifice 3 or 4 or even 5 slots. And you could hide extra bonuses in there too, like not only does the set bonus give you hyper versions of the pathetic starters, but also includes stuff not in the starters - would kinda be like a set bonus inside of a set bonus. EVEN MORE interesting, if you had a set that had like 3-6 mods in it, but only allowed, hm, like 3 at a time to be equipped, you could then have a system that gave you different set bonuses based on different combinations. Like combine this hp mod with this armor mod and get an ability strength bonus, but combine this hp mod with this energy mod and get a duration bonus instead - this would get super deep and fun.
  • Collateral Boosting: Instead of making them contingent on the proc of ability effects, something like boosts might've been more interesting, like a mod that has 50% strength and adds +50 armor or +50 hp per enemy affected. Could go negative with this too; like +60% strength but -10% hp per enemy encountered (to a limit ofc), or -15 armor per enemy (with a limit). Or could add elemental effects: like kill an enemy with an ability and gain corrosive procs on all your abilities for 5 seconds or something, or a corrosive proc just on your next ability cast (probably more balanced). Or, even more interesting, you could have a stack system like health conversion, where you gain stacks of ability strength up to a limit, or stacks of ability efficiency, or stacks of ability duration, etc.



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Archon vitality works well with ember, increasing damage of 4. Combined with 100% aoe armor strip it means you don't have to use any weapons to nuke sp grineer, i'm having a blast with it. 

Archon Continuity opens up some builds, like you can only have toxin on mesa's pew pew and have it deal with corpus and grineer without switching builds. Though it only takes 2 seconds to switch builds but lazy ppl can benefit i suppose

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1 hour ago, fuba82 said:

don't think they should scale HIGHER...

Especially Archon Continuity and Archon Flow should scale LOWER!!
Because this Mods make the "Primed" Continuity and Flow USELESS!

I am not on either side. But look at it this way. Broken flow was replaced by flow when you actually had to farm the first time to get it. Then broken flow and flow were replaced by Primed Flow.

Now we have some type of endgame content and it would only make sense from a history standpoint that it should be better or on par with the primed versions. Archon flow is not going to work with every frame against all enemies. that's not the case. But to have a mod or two i can use to synergies with a frame is not really a bad thing. We have syndicate mods doing the exact same thing.


Either way Archon flow and Primed flow are on par with energy capacity. Some are and some aren't. I am leaning more to the on par side but tbh I am patiently waiting on some ash love.

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Just tested the Vit mod on Lavos because my crayon eating brain went "well I'll only lose 1 set bonus of my umbra set", well true stupid me, you lose 1 set bonus... on your strength and armor mod, you lose all of them on your Umbra Vit mod, since it is gone genius! Which resulted in losing 330% health, 22% strength a good chunk of armor all to gain 1 teeny-tiny extra heat proc. Yep not worth it.

Tried continuity aswell, same deal not worth it even if most of my modding stayed intact, because using toxin as a primer element over heat or gas on your skills in order to gain one or a few corrosive stacks just isnt worth it at all.

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