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This gameplay shown by Pablo doesn’t get me excited.


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Ignoring the very strange barrage of posts above, and most of the conversation thus far, just adding my perspective to the OP's topic...

From what I've seen of Duviri thus far, and what was revealed on the dev stream, everything about it is antithetical to everything I come to Warframe to enjoy.

* I like to play frames that I'm comfortable with, and have painstakingly worked out the builds for, and sometimes even building them in conjunction with specific loadouts of primary, secondary, and melee weapons to all work together... in Duviri, random frame, random weapons, random everything.

* I like to pick my frame for the mission I'm intending to interact with... this means different frames for survival, defense, capture, etc... no single one of my frames is good for all those game modes... in Duviri, the endless warframe version is a random selection of endless missions... each of which I'd have chosen different frames for...

* I like to play in my Warframe, not as the operator or drifter... in Duviri, it's primarily drifter gameplay.

* I like fast, fluid non-rooting melee movement that allows me to stay in constant motion, never rooting me in place. In Duviri, it looks like they're aiming for very slow gameplay that focuses on dodging and timing attacks... not interested in that at all.

So... yeah, Pablo's gameplay, and even the gameplay shown on Dev streams, does not make me AT ALL interested in the Duviri Paradox in the least.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)AyinDygra said:


From what I've seen of Duviri thus far, and what was revealed on the dev stream, everything about it is antithetical to everything I come to Warframe to enjoy.

* I like to play frames that I'm comfortable with, and have painstakingly worked out the builds for, and sometimes even building them in conjunction with specific loadouts of primary, secondary, and melee weapons to all work together... in Duviri, random frame, random weapons, random everything.

* I like to pick my frame for the mission I'm intending to interact with... this means different frames for survival, defense, capture, etc... no single one of my frames is good for all those game modes... in Duviri, the endless warframe version is a random selection of endless missions... each of which I'd have chosen different frames for...

* I like to play in my Warframe, not as the operator or drifter... in Duviri, it's primarily drifter gameplay.

* I like fast, fluid non-rooting melee movement that allows me to stay in constant motion, never rooting me in place. In Duviri, it looks like they're aiming for very slow gameplay that focuses on dodging and timing attacks... not interested in that at all.

So... yeah, Pablo's gameplay, and even the gameplay shown on Dev streams, does not make me AT ALL interested in the Duviri Paradox in the least.

I can't disagree with this. 

DE is testing the waters and see how we are going to take the downgrade of our powers. 

The trade is this: Are you willing to give away all your powers and game play you like for some new things that you are not sure of? Can DE simply say, NO MORE WARFRAME, take it or leave it? 

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19 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

Only if you see the game as nothing more than various forms of grind and farm and your examples shows that you play because there's something behind it, not really because it's connected.

Keeping existing core features of the game out of content islands isn't making the game "connected"

The aformentioned Void Key system rework proves my point.

19 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

Adding void fissures doesn't make then suddenly become more active,

It does, Steel Path fissures is a proof of that.


19 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

As for meaning for railjack, like what?

Being able to use RJ in open worlds even if its just fun and gigles.

Using RJ for orbital strikes or other forms of support just by expanding what it could do.

Turning RJ into players arsenal on demand while playing missions to allow switch players gear.

Extra ground mission objectives that would involve RJ for bonus rewards.

The list goes on if you use your imagination.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)AyinDygra said:

From what I've seen of Duviri thus far, and what was revealed on the dev stream, everything about it is antithetical to everything I come to Warframe to enjoy.

This is not to take away from your (very valid) points, but to offer one sort of measured counterpoint...

There's a game I love called "Remnant: From the Ashes". I play Remnant in its main, normal mode to optimize my build. But Remnant also has a mode called "survival" where you start out with nothing -- literally in your underwear -- and have to do an endurance run, and whatever you get along the way is what you get. Optimization is not remotely possible; you just pray what you find is useful. (I consider myself lucky when I get *pants* on a survival run.)

It is not remotely the way I normally play that game, and if you were to ask me entirely in a vacuum whether it was a game mode I would enjoy I am not sure I would say "yes", but.. I've actually found that I've had a lot of fun running that game mode with friends.

I'm not sure whether these weird randomized Duviri runs are going to be something I'll enjoy or not -- they feel at first glance like they might not be, much like your own reaction. But on the other hand, so did Remnant's survival mode. So, I guess I'm willing to wait and see. Maybe it'll be a fun periodic change of pace?


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50 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

What would the point be for a roguelike/lite mode, if you can just AFK it with your Warframe?

I think DE designed enemies for the Tenno/Drifter and that Horse. I'm not sure if DE thought about Warframes. Besides, tile cleaning is something that many people complain about. I think that's why DE went fully conservative this time. 

Anyway, Duviri may be invaded by Grineer forces or the Corpus, but I'm not sure if that's lore accurate. 

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2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Dude, you still don't get it? It's a copy paste, I just replaced Rick and Morty for Duviri Paradox. I've been using pastas this whole time:


I don't care if you or anyone likes or dislikes Duviri Paradox, Operators or whatever, I just wanted to spill some pastas for laughs in a thread you completely absorbed, just like all the threads you destroy.

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3 minutes ago, vanaukas said:

Dude, you still don't get it? It's a copy paste, I just replaced Rick and Morty for Duviri Paradox. I've been using pastas this whole time:


I don't care if you or anyone likes or dislikes Duviri Paradox, Operators or whatever, I just wanted to spill some pastas for laughs in a thread you completely absorbed, just like all the threads you destroy.

Meh, the thread was already destroyed since the first post. Don't worry about spoiled beans. 

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19 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

I think DE designed enemies for the Tenno/Drifter and that Horse. I'm not sure if DE thought about Warframes. Besides, tile cleaning is something that many people complain about. I think that's why DE went fully conservative this time. 

Anyway, Duviri may be invaded by Grineer forces or the Corpus, but I'm not sure if that's lore accurate. 

They were designed that way yes and no, there will very unlikely be Grineer forces or the Corpus, they MIGHT be in the Warframe Only part, but likely no.

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37 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

They were designed that way yes and no, there will very unlikely be Grineer forces or the Corpus, they MIGHT be in the Warframe Only part, but likely no.

That's what I thought. 

Duviri feels like a stand alone chapter game in the Warframe universe but is part of the Lore. 

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16 hours ago, bad4youLT said:

Being able to use RJ in open worlds even if its just fun and gigles.

Using RJ for orbital strikes or other forms of support just by expanding what it could do.

Turning RJ into players arsenal on demand while playing missions to allow switch players gear.

Extra ground mission objectives that would involve RJ for bonus rewards.

The list goes on if you use your imagination.

The thing I could see is a limited arsenal access added to the RJ in RJ missions, where we can swap to another frame and weapon setup while on the RJ. Out of a pool of pre-allocated frames and weapons we've dedicated tot he RJ, like 1 or 2 frames extra and a couple of weapons of each class. Swapping mid mission elsewhere wouldnt fit the game. We are inserted in specific weak spots when entering missions, suddenly spawning new frames where we want would just be very out of place. Not only that but they would have to be extracted somehow aswell. The way Necramechs work is already wierd.

Anything that involves surface combat with the RJ feels odd. We arent flying a fighter, we are flying a troop transport designed to breach/board ships in space. It would likely have the manouverability of a dead rock in atmosphere flight.

15 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

They were designed that way yes and no, there will very unlikely be Grineer forces or the Corpus, they MIGHT be in the Warframe Only part, but likely no.

Depends when exactly in time it takes place and how they explain thrax getting into our verse. If it is set during TNW it will be hard for the grineer and corpus to be there, unless there were some who were very fast to react when Zariman peeked into our verse. Maybe they stumbled into the undercroft through the Zariman and got turned into the thrax, unless the thrax are older intended Duviri contructs/experiments.

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16 hours ago, vanaukas said:

I don't care if you or anyone likes or dislikes Duviri Paradox, Operators or whatever, I just wanted to spill some pastas for laughs in a thread you completely absorbed, just like all the threads you destroy.


Threads can't be destroyed by one person. Don't blame on one person the work of many. People got reeled because I simply questioned a belief. Other people quoted me. I don't force them to respond back or continue having the engagements. 

second, threads that starts i'll, ends up deleted or discarded. Anything we say here HAZ ZERO changes on the state of things. Whatever we say, DE will continue doing whatever they want despite the critiques. 


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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

We are flying a troop transport designed to breach/board ships in space. It would likely have the maneuverability of a dead rock in atmosphere flight.


That's completely true. 

The Rail Jack is more of a Galleon than a fighter plane. DE conceived it as a pirate of the caribbean thing than X4, Homeworld 3 or Everspace 2. 

At least Duviri has that flying Chinese horse that helps us go a bit faster throughout the world. Would be good if we could revisit the whole place with our Warframe for exploration and traversing.  

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Depends when exactly in time it takes place and how they explain thrax getting into our verse. If it is set during TNW it will be hard for the grineer and corpus to be there, unless there were some who were very fast to react when Zariman peeked into our verse. Maybe they stumbled into the undercroft through the Zariman and got turned into the thrax, unless the thrax are older intended Duviri contructs/experiments.

Not sure, the OG timeline was that Duviri takes place during TNW and slightly in-between, as in the trailer the Drifter gets stabbed by a Voided version of the same blade that "killed" our Tenno and the Lotus's hand also reached the Duviri world.

However a lot has changed since then, so my guess is that it takes place in-between TNW where the Tenno are battling their War (Kahl and what have you) is happing, but when the Tenno is killed, we don't have an ETA of how long that was since the Tenno was killed (As worlds got took over) and that does take some time.

So I assume it'll be like this:

Duviri Starts (Drifter as reapted his life over and over)

TWN Starts (Something breaks that loop due to the Tenno getting killed and Lotus hand landing)

Duviri: (Likely we're finding a way out of the Duviri, as the Tenno is dead and we're trying to find a way out, we find our way out via " brain melting space magic")

TNW/Duviri: (Either the Quest ends as we meet our Tenno or we "Meet" the Tenno via Drifter's side) (Very likely Quest just ends and we meet our Tenno, as DE did say you have to play Duviri before TNW)

However, we have no clue, as Duviri is now a "New way to play" so that messes up the timeline even more and DE suck at keeping timelines or quest lines.


I can say what  my Theory (Or I guess "Roleplay") is if you like, of what I am following that is cannon for "My Tenno" and such, if you really care for such.

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17 hours ago, vanaukas said:

I just wanted to spill some pastas for laughs in a thread

While I understand the Satire behind your posts and such like that, calling out one person isn't really the best ideal thing to do and folks may take it in the wrong Context, in some context it might make you look like a fanboy, knighting DE, on the other hand, it may make you look like you just want to make a few folks laugh at silly things, etc.

Yes, pointing out the joke no longer makes it a Joke, but eh?


I don't know, this topic kinda turned into a mushy pit, after the Sliverwear came out. 

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Ever play old NES/SNES era games?  Melee enemies had 2 basic modes of attack:  Contact damage while they just move around/toward the player, and moving toward the player, stopping when reaching the player, and initiating an attack where the player was standing at the time of attack initiation.  For the ridiculously simple programming there (which was due to limitations.) you could run up to the latter type of enemy, bait them into stopping and attacking, back up, wait for the attack to finish, and then hit them.  That same core process exists even in good modern games (like Elden Ring), but it has nuance now.  Enemies initiate attacks while moving toward you, which feels more natural than stopping first.  They change direction with each attack in a series, trying to hit you as you move around them.  Enemies have varied move sets so that it's not the same attack each time.  When it comes to "stronger" enemies in a game with more modern AI, they might block, parry, retreat to find advantage or heal.  

The enemies shown in this clip are behaving like first gen NES enemies that have been slotted into an 80's action move where only one enemy is allowed to attack the hero at a time.  There is no nuance.  It looks absolutely awful.  And it looks exactly like the Soulframe alpha where Scott did exactly what I described.  Walked in, baited out an enemy attack that lacked all reaction and nuance, made a couple of attacks and then repeated it. 

For kicks, I play really crappy free or nearly free games on steam, sort of like panning for gold.  That includes student projects.  The gameplay in this video, which looks exactly like the Soulframe alpha, also looks exactly like the sort of combat found in many of those student projects and poorly made "first attempt at a game so it's free" type games.  Especially the ones with a Souls like tag.

And the reason that I keep comparing this footage with the Soulframe alpha is because this is very close to release, where Soulframe is not.  Being this close to release demonstrates how done they think that combat is.  This is done to them.  It looks really bad, and it's done to them.  It being bad is on top of how far removed it already is from Warframe's own combat pacing.  And the whole thing is extremely far removed from the investment I've already put in the game.

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19 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

What would the point be for a roguelike/lite mode

What would the point be for a rogue like in a game that isn't a rogue like?  Let's put a friggin dating sim in while we're at it.  And before I get harped at about mixing up content:  If DE put in some kind of Tetris style puzzle as a side activity, and it was actually decent, I'd probably play it.  But if they put it in as part of the main questline, that would be ridiculous.  This isn't some side activity, this is a mainline update and what will hopefully expand on the story.  You don't just switch up the entire gamemode for the core questline.  That's like putting out a Mortal Kombat game and slapping a city builder in it that's mandatory to progress the story mode.

Also, huge shoutout to all the people that have been screaming at me that this isn't a rogue like, while Duviri is on the cover of PC Gamer being advertised as a rogue like.

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37 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

While I understand the Satire behind your posts and such like that, calling out one person isn't really the best ideal thing to do and folks may take it in the wrong Context, in some context it might make you look like a fanboy, knighting DE, on the other hand, it may make you look like you just want to make a few folks laugh at silly things, etc.

Yes, pointing out the joke no longer makes it a Joke, but eh?


I don't know, this topic kinda turned into a mushy pit, after the Sliverwear came out. 

It could be, but I was really effective on shutting down the "you called me idiot for not liking duviri paradox!" thing that this user was starting to repeat. It's not the first time that I've seen how that user starts to "argue" repeating the same thing trying to get a "gotcha" moment.

 I dislike when people starts to twist things I've said. When I'm in the wrong I always apologize and try to learn about it. Maybe I'll do better with pastas or jokes next time, but I genuinelly thought that widely known rick and morty pasta would be understood as a joke at first sight, even more with the whole Vor speech inside. 

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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

What would the point be for a rogue like in a game that isn't a rogue like?  Let's put a friggin dating sim in while we're at it.  And before I get harped at about mixing up content:  If DE put in some kind of Tetris style puzzle as a side activity, and it was actually decent, I'd probably play it.  But if they put it in as part of the main questline, that would be ridiculous.  This isn't some side activity, this is a mainline update and what will hopefully expand on the story.  You don't just switch up the entire gamemode for the core questline.  That's like putting out a Mortal Kombat game and slapping a city builder in it that's mandatory to progress the story mode.

Also, huge shoutout to all the people that have been screaming at me that this isn't a rogue like, while Duviri is on the cover of PC Gamer being advertised as a rogue like.

I'm sorry, what?..

Did you, not like read the rest of the comment I made or pick only one part of it? I am missing some huge Context here, I asked someone else what the point of having Durvri as a Roguelike game is if you could just play with your AFK Frame, NOT what the entire point of having a Roguelike Gamemode itself is. 

"DE" have made Duviri to be something completely new, Durvri is an Open World that has heavy Roguelike Gamemode added onto it, of course, it's going to have a new Quest, New Drifter Skills, Weapons, Rewards, etc. (Simlair to other open worlds). The only main difference here is that you won't be using your AFK Warframe, how hard is that to understand and grasp? 


What is your problem here?

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8 minutes ago, vanaukas said:

It could be, but I was really effective on shutting down the "you called me idiot for not liking duviri paradox!" thing that this user was starting to repeat.

I don't know about the show Rick and Morty. How should I? I haven't seen the program or have the slightest idea what is about. 

8 minutes ago, vanaukas said:

It's not the first time that I've seen how that user starts to "argue" repeating the same thing trying to get a "gotcha" moment.



YOU RESUMED the warframe community here. My sincere respect to you sir. I'm not being sarcastic. This is why I have a lot of issues with many members here. When I open my mouth they invade my posts like a horde of ORCS. Then It's pandemonium fighting all types of individuals. 



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1 hour ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

However, we have no clue, as Duviri is now a "New way to play" so that messes up the timeline even more and DE suck at keeping timelines or quest lines.

Considering we can see the Lotus' hand attached to drifter during gameplay, I assume the entirety of Duviri (not only the intro quest) is going to be set between the defeat of our Tenno and Drifter's appearance during the new war.

We probably won't be shown the moment the drifter escapes Duviri to help us.

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Excuse me if I'm wrong but Duviri seems to be in the past. In the very past. I'm confused because that is exactly the nexus between the Drifter and the Tenno. I don't honestly know where this world is at. Where is Duviri? Is it a singularity in a space time? Is it before the new war or EVEN THE OLD WAR? 

When the events of Duviri happens in the timestamps the game provides with the lore. 

I do have to give DE that. They DO know how to make ENIGMATIC worlds. 

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