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I wish they skipped duviri update and made railjack awesome


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I wish they skipped duviri and made railjack awesome, like imagane being on the plains and you park you railjack above, take arcwhing to get back on and then go somewhere else etc.. Duviri i just boring. You enter ppl configure gear  for 5min or host migration couse random frames and weapons they dont like, once you out you enter new instanse and see about 0 of the world outside, same old missions. If you luckey you dont get bugged out and mission does not explode on you witch is 90% of the time you maby keep few items. 

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i dont mind they sharing assets betwin those 2 games but Duviri is somehow off even tho they intreduced meny new cool things in this update but gets overshodowed by the implamentation how you start the mission, i dont wanna be in the looby waiting for ppl to choice random frame let them do this before they enter. I quit warzone becouse of lobbys and waiting. Sometimes i just have 5-10min i wanna play thats what i loved about warframe i open the game Run exterminate i know it takes about 3-5min and im out even survivel 5min is great, but i try to awaid doing even that mission becouse i feel bad leaving ppl on 5min mark couse DE did not allow others to just join a match on 5min+ Why not give ppl a choice i wanna join 15min Survivel it should be my choice. 

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13 minutes ago, Felsagger said:
22 minutes ago, Digressive said:

I agree with Railjack needing more. I love Railjack.

Railjack is Warframe. We need more of it. I think it has a lot of potential and can benefit the game overall. 

Warframe is warframe. We need more warframe.

32 minutes ago, -Legendzzz said:

I wish they skipped duviri and made railjack awesome, like imagane being on the plains and you park you railjack above, take arcwhing to get back on and then go somewhere else etc.. Duviri i just boring. You enter ppl configure gear  for 5min or host migration couse random frames and weapons they dont like, once you out you enter new instanse and see about 0 of the world outside, same old missions. If you luckey you dont get bugged out and mission does not explode on you witch is 90% of the time you maby keep few items. 

How long it would take? Years? No, thank you.

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9 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I do hope for a RJ expansion. The community hated on that too though. For me it was some of the most fun I had in WF. Was really looking forward to it being part of my regular daily gameplay. 

I want a continuation of RJ. I think RJ deserves a second chance. I still enjoy it despite the minor flaws. 

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17 minutes ago, quxier said:

Warframe is warframe. We need more warframe.

Your mockery needs more work. :3

Railjack has the boarding action and the hijacking of enemy ships. That made the game mode compatible with what Warframe is. In all the process the Warframe is involved and used for certain instances in Railjack. 

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6 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

I want a continuation of RJ. I think RJ deserves a second chance. I still enjoy it despite the minor flaws. 

I preferred it when managing the ship was actually part of the game. It wasn't just a taxi, and invaders had to be dealt with swiftly. The journey to the destination was just as involved as the destination itself.  IMO it was an evolution of Warframe gameplay. I enjoyed the rhythm of controlling turrets/ship, dispatching enemies, repairing the ship, managing resources. All the while, zipping around in my Warframe to do it.

I personally didn't care for WF connecting to ground gameplay like in the trailer. It was a cool experiment, but destined to be troublesome. What they released was a good enough framework for me. 

I can't blame the haters completely though, I'm sure if DE really wanted to expand on it, they would've. 

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5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I preferred it when managing the ship was actually part of the game. It wasn't just a taxi, and invaders had to be dealt with swiftly. The journey to the destination was just as involved as the destination itself.  IMO it was an evolution of Warframe gameplay. I enjoyed the rhythm of controlling turrets/ship, dispatching enemies, repairing the ship, managing resources. All the while, zipping around in my Warframe to do it.

Role SWITCHING on the ship IS AWESOME. 

I deeply like that. Team coordination too. This is why I always look forward for Railjack. The Railjack is not a fighter. This ship is a bull or a galleon that requires some sort of micro management. When I get my loadouts for the Warframes I do my micromanagement too. 

Railjack feels like the pirate part of the game where we are the Hijackers doing heists all the time. This is something that feels part of the game. 

5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I personally didn't care for WF connecting to ground gameplay like in the trailer. It was a cool experiment, but destined to be troublesome. What they released was a good enough framework for me. 

Right now Railjack is playable AND enjoyable. 

5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I can't blame the haters completely though, I'm sure if DE really wanted to expand on it, they would've. 

But Railjack works. And has the potential to grow. I think Railjack is one of those things I enjoy in the game the most. 

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I just hope Duviri marks the end of big experiments. Lets just flesh out what we have now, no need for more systems.

Railjack, Mech, Operator, Archwing, Warframe and now Drifter. Those are enough, just add to them a bit here and there as new content is released.

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11 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Role SWITCHING on the ship IS AWESOME. 

I deeply like that. Team coordination too. This is why I always look forward for Railjack. The Railjack is not a fighter. This ship is a bull or a galleon that requires some sort of micro management. When I get my loadouts for the Warframes I do my micromanagement too. 

Railjack feels like the pirate part of the game where we are the Hijackers doing heists all the time. This is something that feels part of the game. 

Right now Railjack is playable AND enjoyable. 

But Railjack works. And has the potential to grow. I think Railjack is one of those things I enjoy in the game the most. 

It was also the closest thing to being a replacement to Raids. I really thought that's where it was heading. It could've been 2 crews completing simultaneous objectives, team play, increased difficulty, multistage, etc. If they don't return to RJ it will be a severe missed opportunity.

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2 minutes ago, BigHardYouKnowWhat123 said:

Next update will be an expansion where you just do more fishing. It will be called "Fishiri" and what you have to do is basically not play the actual game but just go around fishing and it will draw in new players. Oh, and there will be lots of people on the forums who defend it and say it's one of the best updates in a while because it's different to the actual game. 👍

Hey, fishing is fun! I got a 43kg Glappid once!

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9 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I just hope Duviri marks the end of big experiments. Lets just flesh out what we have now, no need for more systems.

Railjack, Mech, Operator, Archwing, Warframe and now Drifter. Those are enough, just add to them a bit here and there as new content is released.

I'm 50/50. So far I've enjoyed everything DE has tried to do, but I would love a year of revisiting and expanding on content we have, like RJ, AW, open worlds, bosses, Steel Path etc. 

I can't imagine what new project they plan on introducing at Tennocon. But I know I would be just as excited if they showed a bunch of expansions to what we have as I would for anything else.

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I haven't decided yet how I feel about Duviri, but I already know  RJ bores me.  Maybe they could have sunk all that Duviri time and resources into RJ and made it fun for me, but it's really easy to imagine it still being (afaic) a dead end.

It's very possible that's how I'll feel about Duviri too, once I've played with it more, but still making up my mind on that.

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13 minutes ago, Felsagger said:
32 minutes ago, quxier said:

Warframe is warframe. We need more warframe.

Your mockery needs more work. :3

Thank you for telling me that I was mocking you. I've not know that. Seriously

14 minutes ago, Felsagger said:
33 minutes ago, quxier said:

Warframe is warframe. We need more warframe.

Your mockery needs more work. :3

Railjack has the boarding action and the hijacking of enemy ships. That made the game mode compatible with what Warframe is. In all the process the Warframe is involved and used for certain instances in Railjack. 

And what Warframe is? Hacking? Shooting? Melee slashing? Abilities? Just because you can use frame doesn't make it good or bad.

3 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Right now Railjack is playable AND enjoyable. 

Except first solo mission, how enjoyable something is depends on each person. My experience with RJ is this:

try to shoot some ships using slow gun

destroy normal crewships is done via:

Forward artillery:

turning of forward gun (not sure how it's called)

going back to forward artillery

watch some animation

hold button and wait long seconds

release button

go back to forward gun

repeat (if there is more than 2 crewships I have to go make some stuffs to recharge it)

destroy it via boarding/slingshot:

Click L

Select Slingshot

Teleport near slingshot

turn 180 degree

click slingshot

click on ships

(if not available for reasons hold > click "x to enter")

destroy thing

click O (probably changed key) to return to ship

Do other activities that may be less boring


And with normal frames I can at least have some fun in some way. I can use some weird tactics to deal with enemies. Trying to melt them with interesting way. Challenge myself e.g. "don't touch floor". With RJ it's just another chore.

12 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I just hope Duviri marks the end of big experiments. Lets just flesh out what we have now, no need for more systems.

Railjack, Mech, Operator, Archwing, Warframe and now Drifter. Those are enough, just add to them a bit here and there as new content is released.

I agree more or less. RJ experiment took so long and we had almost no content during that period.

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the game just needs more railjack things....grinner crewships in our dojo to start missions with grinner ships will be awesome! Another types of engines grinner, grinner weapons, grinner shields....better sinergy with houses lavan, zekit, vidar, sigma....etc.


So much potential....and duviri? To me will stay getting dust....

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12 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I just hope Duviri marks the end of big experiments. Lets just flesh out what we have now, no need for more systems.

Railjack, Mech, Operator, Archwing, Warframe and now Drifter. Those are enough, just add to them a bit here and there as new content is released.

Little do you know, Tennocon 2023 will be the unveiling of the brand new Warframe settlement building gameplay! Create your own towns and manage resident needs! Defend your settlements against grineer assaults!

Coming in 2024... or 2025... in December... of the following year. 

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49 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I just hope Duviri marks the end of big experiments. Lets just flesh out what we have now, no need for more systems.

Railjack, Mech, Operator, Archwing, Warframe and now Drifter. Those are enough, just add to them a bit here and there as new content is released.

100% this. It's honestly getting just a tad too much now imo. Time to flesh out and marry together the content that's already in game. God knows it's needed it for years now.

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2 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It was also the closest thing to being a replacement to Raids. I really thought that's where it was heading. It could've been 2 crews completing simultaneous objectives, team play, increased difficulty, multistage, etc. If they don't return to RJ it will be a severe missed opportunity.

These are ideas that everybody thought about. I can't explain how much I want to see them realized. 

Railjack is an open canvas for raids, conquest mode, classical PvE treasure hunt, classical PvE rescue among many other game types. 

Railjack may work as pairs giving eight players a chance like a space horde mode. Look the example, Aliens Fireteam Elite has a horde mode for all the levels. It's just like "Warframe" but gunning the bugs as a military. Railjack suits perfectly for many types of horde modes. 

The two crew ideas is phenomenal but it's a technical nightmare with the connection issues. 


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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I just hope Duviri marks the end of big experiments. Lets just flesh out what we have now, no need for more systems.

Railjack, Mech, Operator, Archwing, Warframe and now Drifter. Those are enough, just add to them a bit here and there as new content is released.

I can't disagree with this. 

This is by far one of the best Ideas I've read in a long time. Improve each system we have now and make the best out of it. 

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3 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

I'm hoping that all of this was just Steve, and he can have fun making something new over with Soulframe. Because he seemed pretty done with Warframe and was always pushing for more experimentation.

It's hard to be a creative mind behind the same project for long.  Even in my own development of mods and hobby games there is a lifespan of about 2-3 years before I could no longer ever give a damn to go back and touch that project again.  A creator usually yearns for new experiences and new developments.  In an industry where new tools and breakthroughs happen daily its hard not to want to run away with constantly making another new idea.  Kudos to him doing it for as long as he did, I don't think its good for the creator's mind to be stuck on something so long, handing off was a good choice. 

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