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Nyx needs a buff.

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I'm not saying Nyx is in anyway bad, but there has been one glaring issue with her that I can never get over: Absorb. 

To this very day, Absorb remains one of the most annoying abilities: 

It freezes you in place. 

It can't bypass armor. 

You lose your ability to attack. 

You are stripped of all of your energy (which you need to cast your 2 and 3) which is bad because you're trying to build up damage, not avoid it. 


Now it's not all bad, there's an augment that gives you some mobility and your weapons, but you still have the issues of being heavily crippled in terms of movement and losing all of your energy. 


My suggestion is simple: cap the energy drain on Absorb so Nyx can consistently use it for 2 things: survivability and stacking up tons of damage. It doesn't make sense for the punishment of absorb to be so high when you literally have to use an augment to even attack while using absorb, meaning you are supposed to sit there and absorb tons of damage. 

Now I understand why the energy drain is there: it could be abused to make yourself unkillable. The problem with that is that we literally have frames like Valkyr, Revenant, Protea, Wisp, Octavia, and more that are literally capable of standing there oblivious to enemies while also absolutely destroying them (Octavia herself being a super juiced up version of absorb). 

However, that would only become an issue with Nyx's augment, as otherwise it's just a drawn out version of Wukong's defy but with energy drain (which would prevent her camping in absorb forever). Even with the augment, Arcane energize, Emergence dissipate, Yellow shards, or helminth would still be needed to comfortably sit in a corner and tank all the damage without running out of energy. 

If camping in invulnerability was somehow still an issue, the ability could be made similar to Valkyr's claws where the drain ramps up over time.

Because of this reasoning, I see no issues with giving Nyx a capped energy drain on Absorb.

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Personally I'd prefer if she was just given the existing upgrade that Circuit Stalker has for some reason. Punishment has a better damage type, multiplies incoming damage, and lets you be mobile even if you still can't attack. It's honestly offensive how much better it is.

Then buff/rework the augment to have her gain the weapon buff when you use the ability instead of on detonation. And if it inherits Punishments increased speed and needs balancing it could just remove the active entirely.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

I'm not saying Nyx is in anyway bad, but there has been one glaring issue with her that I can never get over: Absorb. 

To this very day, Absorb remains one of the most annoying abilities: 

It freezes you in place. 

It can't bypass armor. 

You lose your ability to attack. 

You are stripped of all of your energy (which you need to cast your 2 and 3) which is bad because you're trying to build up damage, not avoid it. 


Now it's not all bad, there's an augment that gives you some mobility and your weapons, but you still have the issues of being heavily crippled in terms of movement and losing all of your energy. 


My suggestion is simple: cap the energy drain on Absorb so Nyx can consistently use it for 2 things: survivability and stacking up tons of damage. It doesn't make sense for the punishment of absorb to be so high when you literally have to use an augment to even attack while using absorb, meaning you are supposed to sit there and absorb tons of damage. 

Now I understand why the energy drain is there: it could be abused to make yourself unkillable. The problem with that is that we literally have frames like Valkyr, Revenant, Protea, Wisp, Octavia, and more that are literally capable of standing there oblivious to enemies while also absolutely destroying them (Octavia herself being a super juiced up version of absorb). 

However, that would only become an issue with Nyx's augment, as otherwise it's just a drawn out version of Wukong's defy but with energy drain (which would prevent her camping in absorb forever). Even with the augment, Arcane energize, Emergence dissipate, Yellow shards, or helminth would still be needed to comfortably sit in a corner and tank all the damage without running out of energy. 

If camping in invulnerability was somehow still an issue, the ability could be made similar to Valkyr's claws where the drain ramps up over time.

Because of this reasoning, I see no issues with giving Nyx a capped energy drain on Absorb.

Yeah 4 needs to have a capped energy drain I agree
They should also allow you to cast Pacifying bolts while in the bubble to strip the armor to make the scaling better with releasing the damage

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1 hour ago, American said:

Nyx is fine. 
Inaros is the real contender for a buff. 

fr tho Inaros is just worse Nidus, Grendel, or Revenant.


And to anyone saying that Inaros is just Revenant but cheap, you literally could run a level 7 blind rage on Revenant, make a thrall, and you'll be fine.

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Nyx is awesome.

I use her 4th in the circuit to protect stuff and move around killing enemies while in her 4th, sounds like you're doing something wrong maybe.

I actually took the movement decree the other night and hells bells, you run while in her 4th and are invincible.

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1 hour ago, Vilmera said:

Her 4 demands for complete replace. This ability is totally obsolete and honestly hardly fit her remain kit.

Yeah but it's cool, and at this point there are people who actually like it so it would be better to make it more consistent than to replace it when Nyx mains don't even want a replacement for it.

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3 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

Yeah 4 needs to have a capped energy drain I agree
They should also allow you to cast Pacifying bolts while in the bubble to strip the armor to make the scaling better with releasing the damage

You can use all your skills while in the 4th, use the augment.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Helminth dispensary or Vorunas ability, equilibrium, dethcube with energy generator, high duration low range. 

You'll get bored of not dying.

"Valkyr is fine and doesn't need a rework; just give her one of the most broken abilities that helps most frames in most situations (Nourish) and give her a go".

This thread is about Nyx but it's the same sentiment. If you need another frame's abilities to just function there is a fundamental problem with the core frame's kit at a design level.


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Nyx is a strange frame for many. But the mindset behind Nyx is halting the enemy progression or stopping their path finding behavior. 


Nyx is way too powerful when the user is wise and a tactician. A lonely Nyx can't do much but the frame can survive a lot if the player knows what he/she is doing. An accompanied Nyx with another competent player makes Nyx be entirely OP. 

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Helminth dispensary or Vorunas ability, equilibrium, dethcube with energy generator, high duration low range. 

You'll get bored of not dying.

The lack of mobility in exchange for being invincible might seem like a fair trade on paper but when you consider other frames exist that can be either very very very very tanky, or straight up unkillable while retaining full frame mobility, it really is lacking in comparison.

Revenant's 2 exists, inaros can just face tank with grace passively until enemies are level "several hundred", frames like baruuk and mesa have massive EHP..

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18 minutes ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

The lack of mobility in exchange for being invincible might seem like a fair trade on paper but when you consider other frames exist that can be either very very very very tanky, or straight up unkillable while retaining full frame mobility, it really is lacking in comparison.

Revenant's 2 exists, inaros can just face tank with grace passively until enemies are level "several hundred", frames like baruuk and mesa have massive EHP..

Eccho sierra, NO lol. 

Nyx requires a different mentality. Nyx is a SUPPORT warframe not a tank. The frame needs a damage companion player to be effective. MAGGY is a monster when there is a well modded excalibur Umbra doing the hunt. 

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35 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

"Valkyr is fine and doesn't need a rework; just give her one of the most broken abilities that helps most frames in most situations (Nourish) and give her a go".

This thread is about Nyx but it's the same sentiment. If you need another frame's abilities to just function there is a fundamental problem with the core frame's kit at a design level.


No one is obligated to use your made up design bible.

28 minutes ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

The lack of mobility in exchange for being invincible might seem like a fair trade on paper but when you consider other frames exist that can be either very very very very tanky, or straight up unkillable while retaining full frame mobility, it really is lacking in comparison.

Revenant's 2 exists, inaros can just face tank with grace passively until enemies are level "several hundred", frames like baruuk and mesa have massive EHP..

Then use them.....no one's forcing you to use every frame, nor is anyone obligated to cater to the needs of a few meta players.

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15 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

No one is obligated to use your made up design bible.

Then use them.....no one's forcing you to use every frame, nor is anyone obligated to cater to the needs of a few meta players.


Let me eradicate the hostility of these words in sentences that people may understand. 

a. "No one is obligated to use your made up design bible"

Translation to a more user friendly and easy going words without the toxic tone. 

a. No one has to follow the builds you made for a desired frame. Let people find their ways playing the game. 

Second sentence with a more friendly tone. 

b. "Then use them.....no one's forcing you to use every frame, nor is anyone obligated to cater to the needs of a few meta players."

b. Every frame has specific uses. Use your repertoire and don't limit yourself to one frame. There are more ways to solve problems than just one frame. Diversify your usage. 


There are proper ways to say the same thing without being hostile, toxic and vitriolic towards other players. 

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22 minutes ago, Felsagger said:


Let me eradicate the hostility of these words in sentences that people may understand. 

a. "No one is obligated to use your made up design bible"

Translation to a more user friendly and easy going words without the toxic tone. 

a. No one has to follow the builds you made for a desired frame. Let people find their ways playing the game. 

Second sentence with a more friendly tone. 

b. "Then use them.....no one's forcing you to use every frame, nor is anyone obligated to cater to the needs of a few meta players."

b. Every frame has specific uses. Use your repertoire and don't limit yourself to one frame. There are more ways to solve problems than just one frame. Diversify your usage. 


There are proper ways to say the same thing without being hostile, toxic and vitriolic towards other players. 


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1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

Nyx is a strange frame for many. But the mindset behind Nyx is halting the enemy progression or stopping their path finding behavior. 


Nyx is way too powerful when the user is wise and a tactician. A lonely Nyx can't do much but the frame can survive a lot if the player knows what he/she is doing. An accompanied Nyx with another competent player makes Nyx be entirely OP. 

I agree with this. Nyx is mostly focused on cc and debuffs. That's why I simply suggested the 4th ability get a drain cap (so your energy won't get instantly consumed up), but still requiring you to actually work for said energy. 

The reasoning behind this is simple: Nyx is similar to other frames that excel in confusing enemies like Revenant and Loki, except those two frames have more survivability, while nyx has armor strip. If there is an energy cap, you can very much give nyx survivability, but you'll have to build around it, as opposed to Revenant hitting 2 and calling it a day. She'll still be relying on her 2 and 3.

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3 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Etiquette and manners are important if you want to make your point across. 

What is this nonsense you speak of and is this the REAL @Felsagger or a cheap imposter?  What have you done with the REAL Felsagger who would eat the words of Tenno and spew them back with bile more toxic than Grendel's slurry!  It must be the End of Days if @Felsagger is giving etiquette lessons to belligerent Tenno!  I shall make haste to the nearest temple and have my sins purged for the upcoming apocalypse! 


Just joking Felsy!  I haven't seen you around these parts and just thought I'd interject some humor into the humdrum world of Shadow and Bone aka the Forums.  I must say the new leaf of preaching proper manner and ettiquette is a bit hard to swallow but it's not a bad thing most definitely!  I shall miss the quick retort and biting wit of ye olde @Felsagger who had no filter nor qualms about saying whatever they desired to ensure their point was communicated effectively. 

Have a pleasant tomorrow!


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5 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

I agree with this. Nyx is mostly focused on cc and debuffs. That's why I simply suggested the 4th ability get a drain cap (so your energy won't get instantly consumed up), but still requiring you to actually work for said energy. 

The reasoning behind this is simple: Nyx is similar to other frames that excel in confusing enemies like Revenant and Loki, except those two frames have more survivability, while nyx has armor strip. If there is an energy cap, you can very much give nyx survivability, but you'll have to build around it, as opposed to Revenant hitting 2 and calling it a day. She'll still be relying on her 2 and 3.

You resumed perfectly Nyx. 

Besides working for such energy IS the fair trade that Nyx has. All frames, the best ones has windows of vulnerability. The smart player always compensates and make trades. 

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3 minutes ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

What is this nonsense you speak of and is this the REAL @Felsagger or a cheap imposter?  What have you done with the REAL Felsagger who would eat the words of Tenno and spew them back with bile more toxic than Grendel's slurry!  It must be the End of Days if @Felsagger is giving etiquette lessons to belligerent Tenno!  I shall make haste to the nearest temple and have my sins purged for the upcoming apocalypse! 

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Just joking Felsy!  I haven't seen you around these parts and just thought I'd interject some humor into the humdrum world of Shadow and Bone aka the Forums.  I must say the new leaf of preaching proper manner and ettiquette is a bit hard to swallow but it's not a bad thing most definitely!  I shall miss the quick retort and biting wit of ye olde @Felsagger who had no filter nor qualms about saying whatever they desired to ensure their point was communicated effectively. 

Have a pleasant tomorrow!


lmao. You got me there for sure. 

I'm into a more serious scope with my work, wife and life in general. Things changes for the better. If I want the world to change, the first person that needs to make the change is myself. It's common sense. However understanding this IS a game changer. 

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