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The New War … I don’t understand why



I’ll be honest, I’m not much of a video gamer. I’m what some might call middle aged, and the appeal of Warframe to me was that it was never hard. I enjoy unwinding after a long, crappy week at work with a couple mindless hours killing hordes of squishy enemies. I’m not looking for a challenge. I play every game on “story” mode and when that gets too hard, I quit. 

I never cared to venture into Steel Path or Arbitrations in Warframe. I knew they were there, but they’re optional and they’re simply not for me. 

So I finally got around to playing The New War and I didn’t find it overly difficult at first. Now I’m at the first Archon, Boreal, and I just don’t understand why DE did this. From everything I read on these forums, Boreal is the easy Archon. I can’t beat him. I’ll never beat him. It’s a skill issue, for sure. I admit, video game skill isn’t something I’ve ever had. 

So is this it? I can’t progress if I don’t suddenly develop gaming skills I never had in my previous four decades of existence, and I can’t get out of the quest, as has been well documented with other players who got stuck?

I realize I won’t get much sympathy here and I don’t expect any. I just don’t understand why it has to be this way.

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Archons are currently the hardest content outside of SP attrition runs. Really it boils down to the fact that they keep trying (and failing) to make content that scales appropriately with the fact you CAN makes frames or weapons so busted that you can oneshot even the hardest content, but ignoring the fact that... That is less than 5% of the total playerbase.

I'd consider myself actually pretty decent, I've made a few really good builds that can stand up to SP attrition but I still struggle against Archons and struggled with TNW.

Part of the problem also comes hand-in-hand with the fact that DE seems to be abandoning content as soon as it's no longer brand new, so core issues like major bugs or even just heavily needed balance changes just. Don't happen.

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As silly as it may sound, yes, I think the Boreal fight is the easiest of the three archon fights in the New War as a drifter. In these fights, you only have the gear the quest gives you, which means that you have no influence on it via gear, it's purely dependent player skill. I had been putting off the New War for ages, because I knew beforehand that this would be an issue (I'm not middle-aged, I'm just old). And I was right.

The first day, I tried this until I was too tired to concentrate anymore. I found the input lag really bad. I got stuck on those stupid roots. It was just painful. The next day, I ignored Warframe. Then I thought, okay, let's look at the other options. I got a weapon as a login reward, which at that point looked like mockery. That day, i tried Amar. No matter what I tried, I could never evade his jumps, although they were clearly advertised before (the drifter just wouldn't move until a while after I told him to, which was too late). So back to Boreal I went, until I had enough. Tried it again in the evening - nothing. The third day, I finally got this done on the umpteenth attempt. Went on to Nira next, and again, it took many attempts. After a break and a few more tries, I finally got this done. It was just painful. But anyway, it was over, and I finished both archons on the same day.

I was a bit worried when I noticed I had to do much of the third fight (Amar in my case) with my operator, but that fight was near comically different. At some point, I was that busy trying to shoot these anchor thingies with my, eh, not so good amp, that I didn't even notice that Amar was hanging on my operator's neck. I could more or less ignore him, unless he set the operator on fire. Or, in other words, everything after those two drifter archon fights was more or less smooth sailing and at times pretty fun.

So yes, I can see where you come from. I guess there's no other option than to try, even if it may take a while.

As to why it is that way? I assume that most people have better reflexes than I have. The lag may have been due to my computer or my internet, who knows. Why this quest has no exit other than a successful completion, no idea.

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95% of the journeys in this game are purely a walk in the park, it's refreshing to have some challenge, in the story mode, I think people don't even want to play what they want to play anymore, that amazes me, I've seen people who didn't even finish the yareli's journey, simply because they don't want to learn how to do k drive maneuvers. For God's sake, just get up on a high spot, and swing your skateboard back and forth.

Edited by RafMatador22
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You are going in with a defeatist attitude so it is not surprising that you are not successful. There is no time limit on these fights, if you can't do quick shots up close (i can't) just run away shoot once then run again, You won't win any speedrun awards but you will finish the fight. They really aren't that aggressive unless you are close which you don't want to be, don't worry about getting perfect shots just keep doing damage and heal every time you take any hits.

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3 hours ago, Flannoit said:

Archons are currently the hardest content outside of SP attrition runs. Really it boils down to the fact that they keep trying (and failing) to make content that scales appropriately with the fact you CAN makes frames or weapons so busted that you can oneshot even the hardest content, but ignoring the fact that... That is less than 5% of the total playerbase.

I'd consider myself actually pretty decent, I've made a few really good builds that can stand up to SP attrition but I still struggle against Archons and struggled with TNW.

Part of the problem also comes hand-in-hand with the fact that DE seems to be abandoning content as soon as it's no longer brand new, so core issues like major bugs or even just heavily needed balance changes just. Don't happen.

OP means new war archons NOT SP version.

4 hours ago, (NSW)BenHiraga said:

So is this it? I can’t progress if I don’t suddenly develop gaming skills I never had in my previous four decades of existence, and I can’t get out of the quest, as has been well documented with other players who got stuck?

I realize I won’t get much sympathy here and I don’t expect any. I just don’t understand why it has to be this way.

3 hours ago, TurjanMi.ir said:

As to why it is that way? I assume that most people have better reflexes than I have. The lag may have been due to my computer or my internet, who knows. Why this quest has no exit other than a successful completion, no idea.

I agree that in offline or non competitive (aka player vs player) there may exist cheat or some "pay 2 progress".

Even simply quiting would be an option:

But to answer your question: why? Games and other media always created things for:

- Certain demographic. For example young girls* won't contain sexual scenes or too much violence.

- Certain person's income. There many games that doesn't require good hardware. On other hands certain people create games with very realistic graphic that need good machine.

- Certain skills. For example game require you to have certain motor skills. WF is on low end. It helps folks with disability, even "allowing" (read more as what is allowed!) certain programs that makes gaming easier.

- other

I think New war in particular wanted player to have some "base skills".

1 hour ago, RafMatador22 said:

95% of the journeys in this game are purely a walk in the park, it's refreshing to have some challenge, in the story mode, I think people don't even want to play what they want to play anymore, that amazes me, I've seen people who didn't even finish the yareli's journey, simply because they don't want to learn how to do k drive maneuvers. For God's sake, just get up on a high spot, and swing your skateboard back and forth.

For whatever reasons, skateboarding is bad in this game. I don't mean even lack of tricks (5-10 tricks?). I've been trying certain tricks but game simply don't register some part of them. I get page or 2 and I simply get "angry". It's not challenging but it just makes me angry. I've just bought Yareli.

1 hour ago, (PSN)Nierou said:

You are going in with a defeatist attitude so it is not surprising that you are not successful. There is no time limit on these fights, if you can't do quick shots up close (i can't) just run away shoot once then run again, You won't win any speedrun awards but you will finish the fight. They really aren't that aggressive unless you are close which you don't want to be, don't worry about getting perfect shots just keep doing damage and heal every time you take any hits.

Don't they heal when not attacked?


Edited by quxier
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1 hour ago, (PSN)Nierou said:

You are going in with a defeatist attitude so it is not surprising that you are not successful. There is no time limit on these fights, if you can't do quick shots up close (i can't) just run away shoot once then run again, You won't win any speedrun awards but you will finish the fight. They really aren't that aggressive unless you are close which you don't want to be, don't worry about getting perfect shots just keep doing damage and heal every time you take any hits.

As another poster noted, the archons heal, so the shoot-and-run strategy doesn’t work. It’s not that I don’t know HOW to beat them; it’s that I can’t. 

And yes, I have a defeatist attitude. When it comes to video games, I’m an admitted quitter. To me, my job and daily life present enough challenges for me. I don’t desire to go to an artificial world to experience more frustration. Hence why I’ve never attempted a Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls game.

I really enjoy how 90% of the content in Warframe, you can make as challenging as you want by bringing non-optimal loadouts, but still have the option to just go blast everything if needed. For these Archons in TNW, there’s no modding strategy. It’s just pure skill and it’s disappointing that I don’t possess that level of skill and therefore I’m blocked in a game that’s never really demanded skill before.

I appreciate everyone’s advice. I’m coming to grips with the fact that I’m sadly done with a game I’ve loved for years and it’s just difficult to accept.  

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25 minutes ago, quxier said:

OP means new war archons NOT SP version.

Yes, I'm aware. Sorry if it was unclear, I was comparing TNW and non-SP archons to SP attrition runs, not talking specifically about SP archons. (I don't even know how people would actually go about completing that because Archons are annoying enough on regular star chart...)

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1 hour ago, (NSW)BenHiraga said:

As another poster noted, the archons heal, so the shoot-and-run strategy doesn’t work. It’s not that I don’t know HOW to beat them; it’s that I can’t. 

And yes, I have a defeatist attitude. When it comes to video games, I’m an admitted quitter. To me, my job and daily life present enough challenges for me. I don’t desire to go to an artificial world to experience more frustration. Hence why I’ve never attempted a Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls game.

I really enjoy how 90% of the content in Warframe, you can make as challenging as you want by bringing non-optimal loadouts, but still have the option to just go blast everything if needed. For these Archons in TNW, there’s no modding strategy. It’s just pure skill and it’s disappointing that I don’t possess that level of skill and therefore I’m blocked in a game that’s never really demanded skill before.

I appreciate everyone’s advice. I’m coming to grips with the fact that I’m sadly done with a game I’ve loved for years and it’s just difficult to accept.  

See you don't know how to beat them, they only heal when doing their special ability. Boreal will push you back and you need to use your smoke to knock him out of it. you won't need to run since he is not chasing you. Amar puts up clones and again stops attacking so you don't need to run just stop his ability then run. Admittedly i don't know about Nira so that 1 i can't comment on. They don't just heal all the time.

There is almost 0 skills required, you are basically just sprinting around until you can fire a shot. Amar being the most "skill" intensive in that he has a few attacks that seem to hit you no matter what so you will need to spam roll since it ignites you.

2 hours ago, quxier said:

Don't they heal when not attacked?

No, they heal when they use their special ability which makes them stop attacking so no need to run. I literally used the same tactic, im a terrible shot especially shooting moving targets. I missed a bunch did a lot of under charged shots and was able to beat it. If you are not good, use tactics to make up for it... I can't dodge and shoot i'd be just like the OP but if I am just running far away plinking im not in any real danger that can't be out healed by the ability.

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2 hours ago, (NSW)BenHiraga said:

As another poster noted, the archons heal, so the shoot-and-run strategy doesn’t work. It’s not that I don’t know HOW to beat them; it’s that I can’t. 

Funny, that's exactly what I did. Smoke bomb, shoot a few times, start running. They only heal at specific times and then you just need to interrupt the heals.

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Hello OP. The first thing I want to address, is I want to acknowledge and be clear that I know, you know yourself, skills, and what you can do, and can't do far better than I do, or other random internet people. Nothing in my post below is meant to imply otherwise, nor am I looking for an argument or to judge you negatively. Actually my main intent is just to help really. 

So my first question is, is it a skill issue? It might be, but for me, skill issue is such a broad and nebulous idea, peoples definition and criteria often diverge or differ. Also there can be a stigma around skill in video games, especially with some that play games a lot, but I always felt that was a bit silly. I know plenty of wonderful and great people who would really struggle with Warframe, and games in general. Mostly because they lack experience, never played games much, and just the mechanical use of controllers or PC keyboard and mouse to move etc is too tricky. Plus other factors, like reaction time, age, health reasons (mind you, as many I know with those, who are good/proficient at video games, including people missing limbs). So to my own definition OP, I think you are probably quite skilled, at Warframe. Like if you can bullet jump, thats a skill. You probably have some rough aiming skill too, no?

So when I ask if its a skill issue, I am not trying to tell you or insist anything, its more about asking what skills you think you may need in this fight, whether you are actually skilled enough, but some other issues may be present? For example knowledge, temperament, patience etc 

For example, if you don't know how Boreal's healing mechanic works, or ways to bypass his bubble, he might seem much more difficult. If you do know, then he is much easier. So thats just a knowledge check. There is some skill involved though yes, like ability management, since you can use your smoke ability to bypass his bubble, but I wouldn't consider that too difficult, you just need to not spam the ability beforehand. Having some aim also helps too, positioning too, like always trying to use environment and right side advantage (your character will usually shoot from the right side, so if you find somewhere to peak out, shoot, and then go back into cover, thats a skill that can developed and used well generally in shooters). 

Skill can also be developed and refined, but depending on other factors, like mood, expectations, etc how well and fast they develop will depend as well. Like I have helped a few different people beat the New War Archons, who didn't think they could, just with some tips and advice, because the bigger issue was lack of knowledge, and they were being a bit hard on themselves, putting too much pressure on themselves, which then made them doubt their ability, and failing made them feel frustrated, annoyed, and overall negatively, which usually for most people doesn't really help then learn, pick up on patterns, etc succeed. Usually, people are different. 

Does that sort of make sense? Do you also think you could fall into that group too? Feeling frustrated? I have felt similar in Warframe too, with Disruption when I first started it, it seemed way harder than other modes, and I really wanted Gauss. The more I started to chill, and enjoy the difficulty and challenge, the better I got at handling it, and now I can carry Archon Disruption (or solo, though that may be easier in Archon versions). 

I also imagine this answers the "why did DE do this?" question, because I don't think you need that much skill for Archons, arguably, its more about the skill of pattern finding, recognising new gimmicks/walls, and then overcoming them with knowledge and some skill. Its that middle bit that a lot of people can overlook, but I think they attribute the issue to mechanical skill instead. Pattern recognition, or realising the tricks, strengths/weaknesses an enemy has, is a skill mind you, but more of a thought/consideration issue, less say mechanical. Like there is another Archon that duplicates themselves, but they can also appear on the mini map, so for someone that realises that, the challenge is lessened. 

Oh and you have my sympathy, but also, if you do try to give it another go, try etc, or want to talk more about some tricks and tops that might help? Feel free to let me know. Again, it might be a skill issue, in which case you already have my sympathy, but could also be something like frustration, or its possible that you might be able to overcome the skill challenge with knowledge. Good luck either way, and all the best! 

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10 hours ago, (PSN)Nierou said:

See you don't know how to beat them, they only heal when doing their special ability. Boreal will push you back and you need to use your smoke to knock him out of it.

I’m aware of this. I can’t get react fast enough to use my smoke screen before he pushes me too far away to use it effectively. 

As I said, I know what I’m supposed to do. I’ve read the Wiki and watched the walkthroughs and read advice on these forums. I understand the instructions. I simply lack the capacity to perform them. 

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9 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

So my first question is, is it a skill issue? It might be, but for me, skill issue is such a broad and nebulous idea, peoples definition and criteria often diverge or differ. Also there can be a stigma around skill in video games, especially with some that play games a lot, but I always felt that was a bit silly. I know plenty of wonderful and great people who would really struggle with Warframe, and games in general. Mostly because they lack experience, never played games much, and just the mechanical use of controllers or PC keyboard and mouse to move etc is too tricky. P

Good question and important detail to clarify. I’m unable to simulate spatial awareness via a screen, e.g. I can’t tell up from down, left from right, depth, etc. Never have been able to. First person shooters are a no-go and third-person is only doable with auto-aim. I just end up spinning the camera and firing wildly. 

On top of that, my reaction time in pressing buttons and pressing multiple buttons at once has always been terrible. You know those Batman QuickTime games a few years that were laughably easy? I didn’t make it past the second level. 

The depressing part is, I didn’t cheese or leech my way to this point of the game. I don’t own Wukong, I don’t like Saryn and while I used Ember a lot early on, I got bored of nuking the map. I rely on my weapons to do damage, and mod my frames for survivability. Because that’s how I like to play, it’s how the game was modeled and it’s what I needed to succeed. Unfortunately, modding strategy isn’t an option for this portion of the game. 

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13 minutes ago, (NSW)BenHiraga said:

Good question and important detail to clarify. I’m unable to simulate spatial awareness via a screen, e.g. I can’t tell up from down, left from right, depth, etc. Never have been able to. First person shooters are a no-go and third-person is only doable with auto-aim. I just end up spinning the camera and firing wildly. 

On top of that, my reaction time in pressing buttons and pressing multiple buttons at once has always been terrible. You know those Batman QuickTime games a few years that were laughably easy? I didn’t make it past the second level. 

The depressing part is, I didn’t cheese or leech my way to this point of the game. I don’t own Wukong, I don’t like Saryn and while I used Ember a lot early on, I got bored of nuking the map. I rely on my weapons to do damage, and mod my frames for survivability. Because that’s how I like to play, it’s how the game was modeled and it’s what I needed to succeed. Unfortunately, modding strategy isn’t an option for this portion of the game. 


Thank you for adding detail and clarifying. That does sound like a lot more challenge to overcome, I understand a lot better why the Archons would be so much more difficult for you. They do require a bit more spatial awareness than the rest of the game, some of their phases require certain reactions, based on distance, you do need aiming, and positioning (and the skills we are talking about, are often overlooked or taken for granted by a lot of people who play video games). 

The reaction time could also be a significant hurdle as well. 

I don't necessarily think the modding aspect matters too much here, as the encounter was designed to be without modding, I think its the two paragraphs you touched on that are the significant hurdles. I can only empathise at that point, because whilst I may downplay my own reflexes time to time, I have played video games for decades, and am decent as far as picking up patterns, which can translate to skill or assist with more mechanical aspects. 

Are you aware of some of the knowledge aspects of the Archons though? Like how you can neutralise the healing phase of Boreal? Making it more of a battle of attrition (you save your smoke bomb to use when he creates the bubble to heal, prevent him from healing, but then you also need to avoid his damage, as you slowly whittle down his life - I say slowly if you aiming isn't necessarily the best and need more time etc). Or would you say because of above, implementing that would be too difficult? 

As an older gamer who thinks video games should be more accessible, as well as having friends with various issues/struggles they have to overcome, so can face greater challenges/hurdles in games than most, let me know if you would like me help, to overcome the Archons, if thats something that might interest you? We could always go to PM's instead, and we could try develop specific ways to approach the Archons. I could try recording some videos or talk strategy etc but totally up to you, and whether it sounds like you would like that. Of course you may not care or be interested, but I just don't want you to feel like you have to say goodbye to Warframe over this. Could also try sending a ticket to Support. I have heard some people say they won't do anything, but I haven't spoken to anyone who directly sent a message so I am not certain either way. 

Thank you for your reply, take care! 

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44 minutes ago, (NSW)BenHiraga said:

Good question and important detail to clarify. I’m unable to simulate spatial awareness via a screen, e.g. I can’t tell up from down, left from right, depth, etc. Never have been able to. First person shooters are a no-go and third-person is only doable with auto-aim. I just end up spinning the camera and firing wildly.

Sounds like me tying to use a console controller or mobile controls. You might have better luck with a mouse and keyboard although I don't think Nintendo allows movement with a keyboard. I also invert the X axis in options for all modes or I can't play. GL

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14 hours ago, (PSN)Nierou said:

There is almost 0 skills required, you are basically just sprinting around until you can fire a shot. Amar being the most "skill" intensive in that he has a few attacks that seem to hit you no matter what so you will need to spam roll since it ignites you.

I wouldn't call the New War Archons "almost 0 skill" fights, aside from your third and final Archon. The drastic differences are: the lack of burst damage that allows the players to skip entire phases or the fight entirely, and the normalized mobility of the Drifter. Some other highlights include:

  • Optimally charging and firing the perfect shot of the Nataruk while dodging and moving away from the Archons
  • Ability usage are more of utility, coupled with being on a cooldown. Lack of health regeneration leads to heavy usage of Restoration, which can result from carelessly taking too much damage.
  • Telegraphed attacks/abilities of the Archons.

These differences can lead to an unexpected difficulty spike for players as they're no longer a Warframe or some sort of demigod.

As for tips against the Archons:

  • General

All Archons have a DoT Status proc associated with them. Amar is Heat, Boreal is Electric, and Nira with Toxin. Restoration (2) removes any of those Status procs, but be mindful of its cooldown and your positioning.

Nataruk's perfect shots are the primary means of dealing meaningful damage. Get used to the timing and rhyme of firing perfect shots consecutively, as it can be complicated doing it while moving and dodging.

Smoke Pellet (1) provides free cover and some cheap shots against the Archon if needed. Best used if cornered or you need cover in the open.

Enemy Radar (3) or marking them with a waypoint allows you to keep track of the Archon. The waypoint will be lost temporarily upon certain Archon actions.

Stay sprinting and unlike Warframes, the Drifter can only slide while sprinting. Rolling still provides that 75% damage resistance, but won't cover much ground compared to Warframes.

  • Amar

Hunhow did advise you that when he clones himself, the real one Amar still uses his signature Nepheri daggers. When in doubt, Enemy Radar reveals the real Amar.

  • Boreal

Very reliant on ranged attacks with his Koruum. Cover is taken more often against Boreal than the other Archons. The Healing Scream as stated by others can be negated by stepping inside the barrier and shooting Boreal to stop the healing. To also negate the pushback if needed, Smoke Bomb can be used.

  • Nira

Can turn invisible and can use her Verdilac whip to grapple onto walls and pillars. Can fire energy beams at you with her whip. As Hunhow stated, you should remain at a good distance in case she emits a healing scream. Nira is a mixage of Amar's melee aggression and Boreal's ranged attacks.

The rest is up to the player and their skills to best the Archons.

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12 minutes ago, Duality52 said:

I wouldn't call the New War Archons "almost 0 skill" fights, aside from your third and final Archon. The drastic differences are: the lack of burst damage that allows the players to skip entire phases or the fight entirely, and the normalized mobility of the Drifter. Some other highlights include:

  • Optimally charging and firing the perfect shot of the Nataruk while dodging and moving away from the Archons
  • Ability usage are more of utility, coupled with being on a cooldown. Lack of health regeneration leads to heavy usage of Restoration, which can result from carelessly taking too much damage.
  • Telegraphed attacks/abilities of the Archons.

These differences can lead to an unexpected difficulty spike for players as they're no longer a Warframe or some sort of demigod.


You don't need to do perfect shots...as for mobility the archons aren't very fast. If the OP was able to do the railjack parts which require far better aiming they should have no issues shooting a large slow moving target that is coming towards them. The difficulty only rises if you are trying to rush the fight, Even if you are slow and let them heal it's not too bad since they can't spam it it just adds a little time. 

For Boreal the arena is littered with trees, you can just play ring-around-the-rosie, you will eventually kill him regardless of heals as long as you put in barest of efforts to land a sot every now and then. Which is something that I know for a fact because I didn't look up a guide my 1st time and had no idea how to stop it, I also never perfect shot, just full charge.

The OP im guessing never did the hacking for the narmer, that is really hard for people who really struggle with spatial awareness, it's why I only do junk run for the kahl missions. There is no easy way around those 

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I'm just going to throw some things out there (i havent read everyone else's replies so i dont know what has already been said)

For the spatial awareness issues I could recommend adjusting the FOV. I don't know for certain if the switch version of Warframe has this but try turning it up a little bit. I have issues with spatial awareness when playing at many games' default values and need to crank it up to between 100-110 horizontal FOV (which Warframe lists as vertical FOV, so 68-78)

Assuming you use your switch whilst docked (and only if you haven't done so already), set your tv to "game mode".
Many modern TVs have this feature, it sacrifices some visual prettyness for quicker response times. It doesn't sound like much but wiping off up to a tenth of a second of latency can definitely be felt. Might not fix you response times but it could certainly help.

If i manage to get off work at a decent time tomorrow, ill do another run of the new war to see what boreal-specific tips i can come up with

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Gosh, this sucks.  I'm really sorry to hear this, BenHiraga.  If you have to quit, I understand.  At the very least, I would recommend taking a break for no less than a week or two to get away from the frustration before trying again.  But if you never do, I understand.  I'm disappointed that DE hasn't found a way to throw a bone to people in your situation.

If you do return and try again, the only advice I can offer is this: for your second Archon, choose Amar.  I never fought Boreal in The New War (you only have to fight two of them), but I feel confident in saying that Nira is much more difficult than Amar.  So if you ever get unstuck from Boreal, I just want to make sure you don't end up with Nira.

Regardless of what happens, I hope the path you take leads to happiness.


EDIT: I don't know if this could help, but have you tried making a ticket with support?  It's possible they might be able to revert the state of your account and get you out of The New War.  It seems worth a shot!  https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=47330

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53 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

EDIT: I don't know if this could help, but have you tried making a ticket with support?  It's possible they might be able to revert the state of your account and get you out of The New War.  It seems worth a shot!  https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=47330

Support definitely won't do this. Many, many people have tried that route.

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On 2023-06-25 at 1:58 AM, (NSW)BenHiraga said:

As another poster noted, the archons heal, so the shoot-and-run strategy doesn’t work. It’s not that I don’t know HOW to beat them; it’s that I can’t. 

And yes, I have a defeatist attitude. When it comes to video games, I’m an admitted quitter. To me, my job and daily life present enough challenges for me. I don’t desire to go to an artificial world to experience more frustration. Hence why I’ve never attempted a Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls game.

I really enjoy how 90% of the content in Warframe, you can make as challenging as you want by bringing non-optimal loadouts, but still have the option to just go blast everything if needed. For these Archons in TNW, there’s no modding strategy. It’s just pure skill and it’s disappointing that I don’t possess that level of skill and therefore I’m blocked in a game that’s never really demanded skill before.

I appreciate everyone’s advice. I’m coming to grips with the fact that I’m sadly done with a game I’ve loved for years and it’s just difficult to accept.  

TNW was a mess. Most story quests are deliberately easy to allow you to focus on the story, but this one decided to cash-grab mechs and railjack and then give you really hard archons to fight. The Mars one is easiest, Boreal though was a flipping nightmare - I did beat it though, so you can too! His biggest problem is the screech bubble he uses to heal that you can bypass by going invisible. Yes, you can avoid sound by being inv... I don't want to know who came up with that nonsense, but they're the same ones who came up with the orowyrm fight where you have to fly into the big missile the wyrm shoots at you in order to go faster. They lost the plot on so much stuff since TNW.

I'd stick with it though, it is possible. But it definitely was a mistake to put the hard difficulty boss with a hard-to-use charge trigger weapon in a story quest. You want challenge, the game should provide it later, not the trailer.

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Youtube is your friend here watch  a couple of different people run it study the mechanics to the fight and make note of what works best for each then you will be able to come up with a strategy for them.  alot of work yes but you only Have to do each one once the hunts are purely optional side content

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As another of the "Old-timers" here (PONG on a 19" B&W TV was my first game), I'm really glad I stopped by these forums.  Of course, there is some anger, as I had when I realized that my decision to continue TNW 🤢 locked me out of everything without telling me Warframe was about to go Souls-Like 🤮.  I am one of those older players who can easily figure out most boss enemies (even if I need a YouTube hint guide) and will eventually "Git Gud", I found that these Archon fights are SOOOOO LOOOOOOOONG that I lack the stamina to keep up the stress level they cause.  I almost rage quit even though that would mean abandoning my one and only Tenno account (2800+ hours!) who foolishly chose Loki as a starting warframe, but still built the account into a powerhouse.  Not to mention that I would lose my 3K+ platinum I was looking forward to spending on new toys after coming back for Duvari.

After reading all the great advice and encouraging words from what could be the best player base any game devs could hope for, I've decided to stick it out however long it takes.

Thanks to All, and Wisp me Loki! 

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I'm an oldtimer too.  Atari 2600 and Colecovision here.

I'm stuck on TNW too and feeling bitter that I should finally just quit the game over this.

I realized that it's TNW today, it's just going to be something else tomorrow.  It's inevitable.  Bugs that were around when I played Warframe in 2019 are still around today, so that should have clued me in.

But, I got myself a new Nintendo and put Warframe on it.

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😬 Ooh, BAD start.  Almost an hour of getting cut to pieces by Amar and not really scratching him in return.  I got his health down to about 85% but even though I did the run/roll dodge and fire one charged shot, slow and steady method, he just kept teleporting out of the way the milli-second I loosed my arrows.  I can't damage him enough to get him to spawn Sentients, much less move to the next stage.  I did find a couple of new things out though, so I'm going to post them here to help others in my shoes (which are slippers, cuz I'm old and don't care anymore 😜).  

Caveats:  I am using Keyboard/Mouse.  I have a solid rig [ i7/16GB/RTX3060 - 2560x1024/60Hz]

* Not sure what the talk about hiding to heal is about.  I don't heal at all unless I use a [1].

* I don't have to clumsily click shift>cntl to roll 😃.  Double-clicking Shift rolls you too.  You NEED to practice that roll and know when to slide with shift-cntl by holding down cntl.  Both dodges are useful but if you use the wrong one at the wrong time you will likely regret it  (Archon:😈; Tenno:☠️).  Practice on the fodder enemies until you finally erase a decade of muscle memory that Warframe taught you to jump/slide/bullet-jump.  You will die if you use your old instincts.

* There is NO place to hide.  You can't catch your breath in a corner or on a rock.  Amar will simply appear on top of you and... Well, frog in a blender anyone???  You MUST keep moving and learn to spin and shoot.  

*  I don't see Amar's icon on my map during his cloning phase even if I use the radar [3].  I look for the one holding the cool daggers he wields, but it takes time with my eyesight.

EDIT: Almost forgot to mention the smokescreen.  It doesn't seem to really hide you from Amar that well but it helps to get a couple shots on target if you pick the right spot.  Unfortunately, while it may hide your presence, it also makes it REALLY hard to see where the enemies are, so I try to use it when Amar is pretty close.  Also forgot to mention his heat DoT (Damage over Time) effect.  If he lights you on fire, you can use a heal to put out the flames, but that means you have to save them.  It looks like DE designed this to ensure you always fight with low health to increase the excitement.  Awww, 😍 Thanks for looking out for us Devs!

Obviously, take my advice with many grains of salt since I'm getting my ass kicked, but hopefully my failings will help you avoid some unnecessary frustrations...

Edited by Kethesan
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