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Wisp's Fused Reservoir



Help me understand please what is the benefit of using the Fused Reservoir augment? As far as I can tell from the article on Wiki:

1. There is either a bug which causes less energy consumed on cast or a wrong description on the mod itself.

2. Assuming #1 is a bug, the only benefit I see is that you do not have to click your button several times to place all 3 reservoirs. Which I find not really practical.

Either you use Wisp in stationary missions, so waiting to cast 3 separate reservoirs should not be a problem.

Or you use Wisp in fast-forward missions where you only need the Speed buff.


Other Augments provide some changes to abilities, cause them to function differently.

In this case it is just "click once not thrice to get the very same effect".

So why does this augment exist?


Edit: Are there any hidden mechanics or whatever? Looking through the comments on Wiki, there are people who give examples of cases where it is useful. Like combinations with external effects/abilities. But I don't think it is correct to consider this as a true augment's purpose. Augment should be self-sustained and an ability changer, not quickener.

Edited by bl1te
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Только что, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

Convenience. I have good news though, if you don't think it is useful, you are in no way required to use it! Personally, it's an exilus mod that saves some time, so I have it equipped.

Convenience for the price of a mod slot is.. odd. I see it is an exilus, but isn't Power Drift better?


Also, looking through the comments on Wiki, there are people who give examples of cases where it is useful. Like combinations with external effects/abilities. But I don't think it is correct to consider this as a true augment's purpose. Augment should be self-sustained and an ability changer, not quickener.

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Just now, bl1te said:

Convenience for the price of a mod slot is.. odd. I see it is an exilus, but isn't Power Drift better?


Also, looking through the comments on Wiki, there are people who give examples of cases where it is useful. Like combinations with external effects/abilities. But I don't think it is correct to consider this as a true augment's purpose. Augment should be self-sustained and an ability changer, not quickener.

Wut? This seems like a very arbitrary requirement for augments that has no basis in fact.

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6 минут назад, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

Wut? This seems like a very arbitrary requirement for augments that has no basis in fact.

My point comes from looking at all other augments which add something new to the abilities. Fused Reservoir is kinda not the case, not really.

Edited by bl1te
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1 minute ago, bl1te said:

My opinion goes from looking at all other augments which add something new to the abilities. Fused Reservoirs is kinda not the case, not really.

Find me the statement that defines them as such by DE.


Either way, it does change the ability, instead of three options for motes you rotate between, you actually get 4, one being all three motes together. Even if you don't like what it does, it does actually alter the ability, not that I'm agreeing that that is what augments are required to do.


There's also Titania's augment that removes vacuum from razorwing that's an exilus augment (they added in the percentage of DR when airborne that aviator has, as well, since that would be what this replaced most likely) there's also Saryn's exilus augment that lets you see how many NPCs on the map you have infected by turning the arrows green. I'm sure I could dig up a few more but since ALL of these do in fact alter the ability involved in some way, including the one we are talking about, I feel like it's just going to be a back and forth about semantics because you have some weird hatred of the augment.


Don't use it. Use power drift if that's what you prefer, or preparation, or any number of other mods. I use it, and personally, I find it very helpful for expeditiously laying down motes.

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@SpicyDinosaur, I'm not saying the effect is bad. Unlike wasting a slot for this. I like what the augment does. Though that effect could be put onto when the ability reaches max rank, for example.

Another option: at least make it cost less energy to cast. Yeah, as I said, the Wiki states that it in fact costs less energy. However the description contradicts it. Should I report to the Bugs section?

And I am not promoting denying the augment. Of course use it if you wish. I'm just trying to figure out the practical use, like, in figures, apart from the time to cast it and from using other things (focus school abilities, arcanes, etc.) in order for the augment to give more digits.

Edited by bl1te
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38 minutes ago, bl1te said:

@SpicyDinosaur, I'm not saying the effect is bad. Unlike wasting a slot for this. I like what the augment does. Though that effect could be put onto when the ability reaches max rank, for example.

Another option: at least make it cost less energy to cast. Yeah, as I said, the Wiki states that it in fact costs less energy. However the description contradicts it. Should I report to the Bugs section?

And I am not promoting denying the augment. Of course use it if you wish. I'm just trying to figure out the practical use, like, in figures, apart from the time to cast it and from using other things (focus school abilities, arcanes, etc.) in order for the augment to give more digits.

I mean sure, make it cost less. I wouldn't disagree with that.

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I think the energy usage is fine as is.

Note, that it costs 2x energy of a normal cast, but drops 3 reservoirs at once.

so it actually is saving energy vs 3 individual casts. (only costs 2/3 the total amount)



If anything, I think it needs more of a tradeoff. Maybe add a radius penalty to a fused reservoir vs individual ones.



Edited by (PSN)haphazardlynamed
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1 hour ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

I think the energy usage is fine as is.

Note, that it costs 2x energy of a normal cast, but drops 3 reservoirs at once.

so it actually is saving energy vs 3 individual casts. (only costs 2/3 the total amount)



If anything, I think it needs more of a tradeoff. Maybe add a radius penalty to a fused reservoir vs individual ones.



I disagree. The entire purpose is convenience, and if you have to sacrifice range for that convenience, I know I wouldn't use it anymore.

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It is an excellent mod if you stack ability strength. Proccing Growing power etc is time consuming and can be hard to pull off depending on the enemy situation. If you do not have the augment then you have to do the combo twice as many times.

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8 hours ago, bl1te said:

In this case it is just "click once not thrice to get the very same effect".

Not exactly. There are plenty of power strenght buffs that require you to do something before they are up ad they are usually timed or for "next cast".

With this aug you can affect all your motes with all the stacked buffs without thee need to worry about stacking them for other casts.

Most of these buffs offer more than 15% of power drift. Plus having the augument (from what i heard) does not make you unable to cast single motes. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Maximization#Maximized_Ability_Strength

Plus there are Circuit buffs.

Edited by Zakkhar
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15 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

I disagree.

Have you thought that maybe the augment is just not for you?

There is nothing to understand, it's practical to some & if you don't find it useful it'll still stay the same

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19 hours ago, bl1te said:

Either you use Wisp in stationary missions, so waiting to cast 3 separate reservoirs should not be a problem.

Or you use Wisp in fast-forward missions where you only need the Speed buff.

In my experience, "go fast" situations can very easily benefit from passive CC and increased weapon DPS,
possibly even more so than stationary situations where ability spam may make weapons less needed,
and where CC might either slow things down (Defense) or already be covered better (e.g. Nova in Interception).

The Augment speeds up your ability usage to a point where Wisp just feels tons better to use, and it reduces your total Energy cost.
Easily worth a slot IMO, for the right mission (and I didn't even put it in the Exilus slot, since that's where Vigilante Pursuit goes lol).

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On 2023-07-04 at 7:06 PM, bl1te said:

My point comes from looking at all other augments which add something new to the abilities. Fused Reservoir is kinda not the case, not really.

This isn't quite right. Some augments alter how abilities work, rather than just adding things to them. Other augments do add functions, without really altering how the base function works. I think this is simply a case of you not being familiar with augments.

Edited by VladYvhv
fixed typo
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